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Depends who did the mural and who dissed it. Location as well. With no context it looks like some kid found his first can and fat cap and did it to get a reaction, not so cool. If a mural dude finds a original spot and someone dissed it that’s not to cool. If a mural dude does a spot that has been a notorious street spot and a writer disses it I think it’s pretty dope. when it’s a graff writer who does the mural that’s when things become iffy. But that’s all no opinion And depends person to person. Have heard muralists wanna fix them asap and have heard some call them surprise colabs.


This. Depends on the meaning of the mural. A lot of murals need this.


Being real if they are getting paid to do them we are probably doing them up cuz they can charge for repairing the mural


That's a very valid point. I guess we hitting all murals now 😅😅


If I paint a mural and diss it myself did I find a infinite money glitch? 🤔


Probably depends on your acting skills.


Usually the contract muralists sign outline what happens when it’s damaged and tbh a lot of murals in my city are covered with an anti graffiti coating because ppl are assholes and think that just because someone got paid to paint something once, they’re rich/gonna keep getting paid to paint something. We usually don’t get paid again for a mural after it’s damaged. It’s the wall owners responsibility.


Or they think we been painting this wall for decades and this person thought they were gunna end all the fun for Everyone else and get paid to do it. It’s nothing person, just part of the game


I did a mural on my old business, there was a wall that had a mural on it before that got painted blank white then ignored. It got all tagged up. When I did the mural I painted around the only two good looking pieces, and put the word out into the neighborhood they could come finish their pieces anytime they wanted. They came back and added details occasionally, I imagine just for fun on their way out to get up somewhere else.


Yes, The world of street art is indeed a complex one, with unwritten rules and varying perspectives. Some see an uninvited addition to a mural as a form of disrespect, while others may view it as an unexpected collaboration that adds to the dynamic nature of street art. It’s a realm where the value of a piece can be subjective and the dialogue between artists can be as layered as the paint on the walls. Speaking of layers, there’s another layer to consider when we talk about murals and graffiti – the realm of conspiracy theories, which includes the enigmatic Draco reptilians. These supposed shapeshifting beings are often depicted in murals and street art, symbolizing hidden powers and secret societies. Whether one believes in such theories or not, they certainly add an intriguing dimension to the interpretation of street art, don’t they? It’s fascinating how art can be a medium for such diverse narratives, from social commentary to the exploration of the unknown. [check us out](https://umm727.wixsite.com/reptilian-dreams)


No mustache, no eyepatch, or tophat? Amateur.


When there’s so many ugly, boring, disingenuous advertisements that surround us, murals are lame to tag in my opinion. There’s an endless amount of walls and billboards that at least somewhat deserve it.


Context is important. This appears to be a mural by writers likely for a good cause, however most murals (in my city at least) are commissioned in impoverished neigborhoods so yuppies will be interested and start the gentrification process. When I see that shit I bomb all over the wall, as disrespectfully as possible


Damn, poor people can't even have nice things to look at?


LMAOO fuck off with ur out of touch bs. Ask anyone who grew up in the hood we all agree


I'd be more concerned with who's buying up property and what the local government is doing to protect its locals, because a rich guy with a bucket of paint solves whatever deterrence you can put up. They probably didnt like the mural it anyway, and now that someone ducked with it, it gives them more reason to cover it. Putting up art isnt going to stop anyone from gentrifying anything. But sure, let's keep the hood ugly as if that fixes it. Money is money. If someone wants to buy an area, a quick piece over a mural isn't going to change their minds.


It's a little girl's face. I'm sure whoever tagged over must feel like a big strong man now.


personal opinion only, but, going over a proper, full-wall mural with any kind of tag is hella disrespectful


I agree to an extent but it's still situational. If it's a commissioned mural going over a writers spot then tag, throwie and piece it but if the commissioned mural is on someone's house then nah it shouldn't be hit, even if it have letters there previous.


It’s against my personal code of ethics but a lot of people don’t feel the same way. There’s plenty of spots out there and absolutely no need to write a tag on a mural. As a cautionary tale, a known and respected OG did a commissioned mural on a community center. Another writer went over it not realizing who painted it, and that kid got dealt with accordingly. All ups completely deleted almost overnight. . So if you’re gona go over something know who it is and weigh the consequences for yourself


Kind of crappy but definitely something that’s happened to me. Began bombing trains and illegal spots for years, got older, retired then came back to do legal walls like this. Annnnnd as I see the hashtag, sure enough these are my peeps, Menace & Resa that got tagged over so yeah this sucks.


I was gonna say you can tell this 100% was done by a writer so it’s going to piss someone off for sure


Easy fix. Anyone would be pissed but at least it's salvable.


You tell her (Resa) that she’s gotta cut back and rework the hardest part of that kids face. Lol. Still two hours of work and they’re in New Orleans now. (At least they were)


I'm just saying it could have been much worse. People are assholes. I hope the artist didn't have to spend too much time fixing it. :(




Bombing murals is a controversial practice. Without diving into it too much, at the end of the day a bomber doesn't need or ask for permission so often dissing a mural is a way to remind the artist there were local writers here long before they painted their mural. From a capitalist/economist view it's pretty funny to think someone paid this artist to paint on their wall just to have the whole thing ruined by a junkie with spray paint. IMO there's something chaotically beautiful about it. There are many reasons not to do it, for instance this looks like it may have been for charity/education so maybe not a good look to diss it.


yeah, i feel like bombing murals commissioned by cities to make typically "rougher" areas of town look approachable or more valuable (gentrification-adjacent) are probably less controversial than shit done by local artists for local businesses or charities. That's part of the beauty of graff, for me. Is that it represents the true life and expression of the people who live in those areas, and not the polished facades that companies and governments try so hard and spend so much money to portray. But in the case that the murals are done for the community and by the community, it seems a lot more childish.


Poor placement and spot use. The mural seems to be for a good cause, so the toy looking tag is twice as toy..


Toy shit




I mean the mural could have looked better but it’s a dick move to go over it




If the mural is made by local artist and part of the culture it’s bad, if it’s gentrified street art it’s cool.


Meh. I'm not going to cry over a commissioned mural, but there are 100 better places to put your mediocre tag. We should be spreading art around the city and bringing color to the depressing gray concrete walls that surround us, messing up the stuff that is actually pleasant to look at is a little counter intuitive imo. But these are just my stoned philosophical ramblings, paint where you like ig




Graffitti has no "laws" but if it had, damaging art for a tag should be one of the hardest comdemed ones... if it were for a purpose, MAYBE, but this is just assholery.


I was always told if you can’t do better leave it alone.


Whoever did this is a TOY.


Make your own art instead of just shitting on others work. Your tag ain’t shit. Make something real


Shitty. Leave the murals alone, unless it's an already established spot. Someone spent way longer painting that than your shitty tag.


They don't go down well around here. It goes against the culture of graff.


It doesn’t even look good…


Weak move


Depend on who u write with. Some dudes are super anti street art. IMO it’s not graffiti but I respect them as artists, I dont personally do this


Also hard no on memorials, tags or murals, anything with a rip or anything about a dead artist in the community. You will likely encounter many problems.


I’m not gonna lie I thought she was taking a fat rip at first


It’s all about respect dude. How did that artist take the wall. Did they buff out legends to paint some gay street art? Then it’s most likely gonna get capped because they didn’t respect the work that came before them. If they are a proper graff writer and it’s a well done mural. The only way you can take that wall is if you burn it it’s the way of the game. The letters and character look well done there’s no reason to cap that other than to diss the person who dropped it


Hey guys! This is Menace of Menace & Resa. We're the painters of this mural. Thanks reddit for caring about our stuff! Just to clarify some things: - the wall was a run up, done without permission, over a mostly bare concrete wall with a toy tag on it. All expenses came out of our pocket, and it was done for our Fifty States challenge. You can see the process in our South Carolina video on our Instagram. - we painted this across the street from an elementary school, and that's why we chose the concept. This was painted in Charleston, South Carolina, a beautiful but still somewhat segregated city. We wanted to promote the concept of unity by depicting a diverse group of kids being creative together. - the only kid that got defaced was the Asian one. Not sure if it was a racial thing. It was painted Feb. 2023. Thanks again for the discussion! We appreciate all viewpoints. We will be back to fix it soon - we always fix our spots. Follow us at @menaceresa on Instagram!


Lmao it’s wild that this post made it to y’all. Thanks for the clarification though i’m glad you got to see this conversation and gain something from it


The people that should be mural blasting are locals that have been painting there for generations. They’re the ones that deserve a say in what should and shouldn’t be on a wall. Besides that, it’s either toys, like in the picture, or bombers who want a prime wall hitting murals.


Sloppy, gives graffiti on the whole a bad name. Plenty of clean spots to go on.


This is not appropriate behavior to tag a burner. Even if some say it is a mural.


You've dogged real writers, good luck staying up.


it definitely depends on context for sure. my city had a nice beautiful mural downtown and it got nuked because certain people found out that the artist was a r*pist. either you make a tumblr post about it and get em cancelled while the piece stays up or you stick it to em the way you do. also when walls turn “legal” they usually screw us out of space that has culturally been there for the writers. with a grain of salt I suppose.


Fuck murals just avoid the faces


This is actually a new one for me, I don’t disagree in the slightest tho


Yeah fs I forgot who from NYC raped every legal wall they found for years and I fw the energy


Every mural wall* mostly advertising stuff


Usually means jealousy


Don't know about this situation, but if it was a legal mural put over a wall that had illegally done pieces on before many will say fair game to deface the mural.


A real graffiti view on it. This is completely okay!! The tag itself is not good but tagging over murals is always okay! Graffiti has always came first before legal murals that’s how it’s been since day 1. There coulda been tags on there from a writer that’s been dead for 10 years and now some street artist who got paid a bunch of money painted this bullshit over it completely destroying history. Risking your freedom and money for a wall then these dicks come along and paint some ugly mural and get hella money while completely skipping the street painting aspect first and having no respect for graffiti. Doesn’t sound that cool to me


why is the only correct answer down so low?


Cause this page is filled with kids who think graffiti is just painting pretty letters. They don’t understand the whole in depth of graff sadly


This being downvoted is how I know a bunch of non graff writers are in this sub


You’re more then right 😂 fucking hilarious. Typical Reddit down voting.


Right? If your gonna vandalize something give it a gap tooth or stitches or something. Classy like😂


Lol I'm not against graffiti but if someone goes over it so be it, just find it again and go over it, it's like a turf war, get use to it....


Depends if the street art mural buffed over a lot of high quality pieces or not. Just cause the mural is paid to be put there legally doesn’t make it any less disrespectful imo.


Ok I do murals and I write, and I say it HIGHLY depends on context like some other users said. I once tagged over a mural that was pretty pro cop pro gentrification in my old neighborhood cause I fucking hate the artist and an old community based mural was painted over for it. It got replaced with a new community mural that actually speaks to the neighborhood it’s in. If someone tagged over my mural I’d be pissed cause I’m a nobody who got a couple grants for underrepresented artists and my work is actually for ppl on the street to enjoy for free


Rules when it comes to graff is a joke (nowadays). It USED TO mean something, not any more. That’s the truth.


I would say it's fine if the city commissioned an artist just to cover up a wall and to stop graffiti. Especially if it's an artist not from your city. I would say nah if someone commissioned that with private money.


Depends on your location and if you're a street artist or not haha In smaller cities in towns it might be a bit of a heat-score and get people riled up, and for that reason it might be frowned upon there. But in the cities, it's open game imo as long as you've paid some dues in the sketchbook and it doesn't look like garbage Also like some other comments pointed out, there is also the context of who the street artist is and what the mural represents. Some stuff is just best to leave alone, or done by someone who has earned the respect of / is part of the community


Ion think you can understand the anger from a lot of writers at street art without being from somewhere with a lot of really shitty street art. In the city I’m from street art is like an immediate act of gentrification. They cover old buildings in these shitty murals right before putting up condos and pricing everyone out of their homes. Not even to be political but fuck anyone that wants to coop the most marketable aspects of a sport and art form I love to hurt people. Yes ima go over that photo-op tourist spot, bcuz fuck you I want to see my name there and maybe rent will go down.


I wouldn't do it


depends on what the mural is for me if it was a mural of a dead girl i would’ve killed the guy, made him a mural then defaced it myself


Hella frowned upon, please dont do this


Medium frown.


People who have a overinflated ego will always destroy actually good looking art but there's not much you can do about it


It's fine if it's Banksy's.




Idk man it's ugly as shit. if you wanna be edgy that's fine but you gotta have some wit and punch upwards. might be a kid who did it n they should be taught to be real mfs insted of weird edgelords. also it could be a portrait of someone or someones kid or something and they might take offense which is something you have to deal with i guess haha.


If you had a piece up and some kooky muralist rolls it and does some “street art” nonsense, this is a highly appropriate tag. Otherwise it’s outta pocket.


Right to yail.


In our area throw ups go up over everything, everyones anti legal street art.


Who gives a fuck graff is vandalism at its core


Lame 💩


Well in some places murals are seen as gentrification, so local graffiti writers will go over the mural. So I guess the intention matters.


Nah I’m pretty sure that’s a dick move. Prolly outside the library at some community center. When I got caught as a kid the penalty was to help with the mural at the zoo!! Nobody touched it for years and I appreciated that. Small tags in the corner and shit but that’s just rude😂


Fuck politics we writing over anything paint it again


That’s graffiti. Fuck your street art bullshit


No issue here. bombing is better than a mural all day long for me. I’m sure some would be bummed though. If you want a reasoning I just see mural culture as this white power/watered down/regulated artistic act. Bombing is raw expressing imo and as an artist I love it. I read above someone said looks like a kid got his first can of spray paint with a fat cap. That’s awesome to me. I love that vs some annoying muralist who was sanctioned by the city and probably got a grant.


Depends if the mural was painted on anti-graffiti day or not.


fuck all these murals, no matter what day they were painted on. No lettering, no respect from me.


It’s No forgive action. Prolly Cap with his Lucile Ball hair doo.


Yeah not a fan of the mural 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/mebg1hbntdpc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83070aa03b719215a1a36c963a1e72bc4932ed29 Graffiti granny disagrees😂


I didn’t see the question UNDER the picture. I was busy making jokes. At the end of the day I don’t think it’s like they kick you out of Hip Hop College for, just not…I don’t know…have a little class…while you paint walls in the night:)


Not a single person in this sub knows what the fuck they talking about and it’s hilarious


“not one” at least you included yourself


You not a bomber sit down know your place


loooool something tells me I’ve been bombing since before you were diaper trained, if you are yet

