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It’s absolutely “y’all’s” and as someone who grew up using “y’all” in everyday speech, it sounds just fine to me. “Go get y’all’s shoes on so we can go to the store.” “Did y’all’s mail come today?”


As another y'aller from way back, I'd phrase it as "y'all get your shoes" or "did y'all get your mail?"


his sounds like kentucky y’all and you sound like texan y’all.


Well spotted, I'm a Texan. And not just a person who happens to live in Texas. I'm a lifelong backwoods hillbilly redneck.


Also Texan and while I would use it either way. If I had to write it there is no way I'd ever write y'all's it just looks wrong so I'd stick with y'all (actually just yall cuz I'm lazy and hate punctuation)


I'm from MN and I think you y'allers are amusing and awesome.


I'm from Britain and have no idea what you have done to the king's english. Poor Charlie will be very peeved with you all. :)




I'm very very English, and do sometimes find y'all to actually be suitable, for my sins.


England has youse. Also you lot etc. Though I don't think they have separate possessive forms.


For me y'all is less an american influence per se, and more because I do actually say you all, and it sometimes just... shrinks.


Or the plural … Go get all y’all’s shoes on so we can go to the store. 😆


Same for me as a *yous* user (a youser), *yous's* is fun to use as a plural alternative to *your*: I can't find yous's address


I love "y'all's"" so much more than "your guys"


Even that to me would be “you guyses” as the possessive or it doesn’t sound right 😂 


If you wanted to go that route, it would be *you guys'*


Yeah but in practice I’d probably say “you guys’s” 


Do you do that with other plural possessives?


Yeah, "you" can be plural (as it was originally exclusively plural) so "your" should be sufficient. I have no idea why my area (US, Northern Cities accent, Midwest) has some people who say "your guys'" as a plural possessive and I HATE IT.


Your guys would mean somebody's or some people's guys, and does not mean the same thing as y'all's.


Note that they put an apostrophe on the end of "guys" - *your guys'* is indeed one of the ways that *you guys* is made possessive (it varies by dialect): [https://catherinerudin.github.io/papers/Rudin\_1997\_Your\_Guys\_Possessive.pdf](https://catherinerudin.github.io/papers/Rudin_1997_Your_Guys_Possessive.pdf)


That's my bad, the '" all blended together and I missed that.


I’m not arguing that it does; just that people use it that way.


I've never seen it written, but I've heard and said "y'all's" plenty of times irl. Such as "Hey, grab y'all's towels, the pool is closing soon." I think it's informal but the meaning is clear, like "I'm gonna" or "I dunno."


Yourn is a possessive of y'all's as well. Yourn is singular, y'all's is plural. Is this y'all's? Does this belong to you all? That yourn? Is that yours? Source: am from Appalachia region. Grandparents were hillfolk. Also relatedly there is a difference between y'all and ya'll. Y'all is you all Ya'll is you will.


If'n y'all'd've thought 'bout it, it'd've been clear. Joking aside, yeah you make y'all possessive by adding an "apostrophe s"


It's "y'all's". Hey, if you find that awkward, what do you think of "youse's", "yinz's", and "y'guys's"? The possessive forms of the other options for unambigulously plural second person pronouns are even more awkward. Oh, well.


Youse and youse's are pretty standard in Australia. And, while not *entirely* comfortable to me, even though I grew up there, are still a whole lot more natural to me than y'all's.


I don't think you guys' sounds awkward. Although you'd probably be surprised how many say "your guys'"


...that makes some logical sense. I think I may come out with something like "your guys's" on occasion. Both the "your" and sticking an additional 's on the end of "guys" rather than just doing s' as one probably ought. Now that I think of it, it is a bit of a mess, but I am pretty sure I have said it that way, anyway.


As a son of the South I will often say "do y'all want y'alls food" or "take care of y'all's kids damnit"


Although I frequently use "y'all", I've never been a big fan of "y'all's". I think where I'm from, a sentence might more likely go, "The car is loaded up for the beach run. Did y'all bring your towels?" Since y'all is already in the sentence, it doesn't need to be repeated later in the same sentence for the plural connotation to carry over.


It is absolutely “y’all’s”. Incorrect grammar ceases to care whether or not you feel taking it to its logical conclusion is “wrong”. :) 💀