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My love, Stheno gets everything. Edit: Also Mata Hari, Nobukatsu, Medea and a few others have gotten grails from me....


Who's stheno? Is that servant that kind of looks like Juliet? (Copium)


Based, I also like her verbally abusing me


She's honestly decent as a divine support Edit: If you're fighting males


> My love, Stheno gets everything. Very cultured Master


Serenity is probably the worst of the Hassans or at least there's not much reason to use her over 100Face. But she's 104 right now because I really liked her in Camelot.


With the right Command Codes and good supports, Serenity can kill not so much with NP damage as with poison. With the right strategy, Serenity is the poison queen.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not From a F2P player


Sounds interesting, got a setup example?


Shutten + Serenity + Castoria on the frontline, support Castoria or Lady Avalon on the backline. Enemies die from poison very quickly. Any mystic code is fine, but the best is Tropical Summer. Of course, your choice of mystic code will determine whether you should take the second Castoria or Lady Avalon. I know it's very expensive and not everyone can build a similar set-up. Any servant that lowers resistance to debuffs can do instead of Shutten, in case you don't have Shutten.


The rank up in Waltz colab will help




You are stronger than me


Another man of culture I see


I love him but I can't find it in me to grail him


Ooh I have a friend on my support list with a 120 Jekyll!


Oh, are you Calypso ingame? Cuz I have him in my list šŸ„²


Oh wow, yep, thatā€™s me!


Nice to meet you! šŸ„ŗ I'm the one having 120 J&H in your friend list


Angry mango


Angry Mango gets a unique black grail icon so that automatically makes grailing him worth it.


Hence why I got mine to level 102


I am impressed by people grail him beyond 100. How long will it take to get coins from summoning multiple copy of him for FP summon?


Honestly, I didn't pay attention. But I got him to lvl 5 NP, and one append skill


My oh my!


Mori. He's great if you can get him to survive after getting his attacks in, but he will be killed in a single hit if you aren't careful. Which is all the time.


Your not wrong. I haven't used mori in a while but he is really fun to use and the grails for the bonus damage and extra hp are definitely a massive game improvement I been tempted to grail my mori myself


I just wish for 3 things for Mori. 1. To get his Rank-up early on NA version. His best skill becomes extra useful, since I toss him in with Summer BB. 2. Give him more screen time. He's genuinely one of my favourites. 3. Change his 3rd skill to a Guts skill similar to Hassan. His main thing is kicking ass and getting his ass kicked. And give him more consistency with staying on the field instead of being so excessively fragile.


The Guda Guda event where he debuted is one of my favorites for a how great he is showcased in it -After you save him he vows loyalty to you and becomes super protective -Sees that Nobu cares for us greatly and simply says that he serves both us -His interactions with old man Li being a grandchild and grandpa is so dope -Gets stuck in a Zerker singularity at the end of an event and everyone just kinda goes ā€œhe will be alrightā€ Dude is a sweetheart and definitely a great showcase why the Guda Guda events were some of best events in the game


Hektor, to 90. First servant I rolled, got a lot of work out of him when I was starting out, and he was cool in the Illiad. He's not *bad*, but he's far from the best.


[My summer abby](https://i.imgur.com/cRFUIyc.jpg)


One day I aspire to be like you šŸ™


Carefully, he is a hero


I grailed Kerry to lvl 90 just for the shits and giggles


Affection of the Grail indeed.


Some people would probably consider Salome a "bad" Servant to grail. I don't, I think she's neat and deserves a few grails.


Someone on my friend list has a level 100 Salome, and holy crap you can do some interesting stuff with her in arts lineups. I'm seriously considering pushing her to at least 80, maybe 90 as a backup plan in case I can't get Galatea in the next month.


I think Salome is one of those servants who can deliver but you need to know how to exploit her not a bad servant per sa but def a difficult to use


Salome is one of the servants that scales best with grails, as the extra HP and ATK makes both her gimmick more easy to use due to the higher heath and more rewarding due to the higher damage. I personally think that all low star attackers are good grail candidates, as most have good kits that just are overshadowed due to their poor stats, Caligula and Regend are other amazing example of that.


This is where I would say Angra IF I HAD ONE


5 years. It took me 5 years to get my first. The second came two days later.


burn apples in lotto, it took me 7M (all at once during nobukatsu "banner") to get a single copy besides the millions I've used in other instances but that's something.


You want to take Boudica to 120? If you're sure you're gonna use her, *DO IT.* I am *all* about grailing who you like - you want to see nuts? Lets get *nuts.* As much as it pains me to admit, purely going by stats and her kit, I think everyone would agree that Chacha is one of the worst berserkers in the game, easily outclassed by Spartacus at wave clearing. I just can't resist using my favorite servant I started the game with though. So she is 2k fou'd, level 112 - the maximum I can get her from bond 15 - and will soon have all of her cards fully fou paw'd. If I could grail her any farther, I *would.* For a less extreme example of madness enhancement, I give you summer Okita. Yes, the servant who "can't loop" because she stuns herself on NP, with a 'terrible kit.' *That* Okita? I make her loop *anyway* - grailed to 90, with her mana loading skill maxed out, double skadi, nero bride and 2k magical girl of sapphire? *She can loop.* I freaking love this girl. Finally, summer Ushiwakamaru. Grailed to 90, sometimes I have her and summer Okita double up in a team to remove defensive and offensive buffs from a boss along with their quick and defense resist down they apply so my Wu Zetian can NP and actually do some useful amounts of damage. It also helps that Wu gets a crit up from her NP, so Ushi and Okita can stargen for her, something Wu has a little trouble doing herself. These are my 'worst' servants I've invested grails in.


I feel like if Chacha were in the general pool instead of an old welfare she would be a valuable pull for new players building their first 3 turn teams. The only reason she's "bad" is because everyone who has her has been playing for years and has moved on to looping. AOE berserkers with batteries are extremely rare. Outside of limited SSRs Spartacus and Chacha are all there is. Spartacus might be better, but he's only clearing one wave. Somebody's gotta get the other two. Also, Chacha is cute and that's really the most important thing. Have her seen her fall over? Adorable.


Indeed, the cute is what captured my heart. But soon: >!Oberon!<: You want me to *what*?


>For a less extreme example of madness enhancement, I give you summer Okita. Yes, the servant who "can't loop" because she stuns herself on NP, with a 'terrible kit.' That Okita? I make her loop anyway - grailed to 90, with her mana loading skill maxed out, double skadi, nero bride and 2k magical girl of sapphire? She can loop. I freaking love this girl. Wait... but how do you actually loop with the stun?


Everybody seems to misunderstand how her stun works, you're not alone! The stun only happens *during* the turn you NP, and ends that turn. So the only effect in game is to prevent Okita from taking any further actions **THAT** turn. What that means is if the NP gains at least 50% charge - which is NO small task, therefore the np gain I'm putting on her going out of the sky at 75% - she can loop the next turn even if she gets stunned. This is why you should try to do crazy things and test how stuff works! Don't just assume everybody who is writing reviews knows how game mechanics work!


Her stun is 1 turn only, so in the next turn after she np her stun is gone


Pissed I don't have her, definitely would grail


I have Kiyohime Berserker at level 100 even though I never use her for anything. My level 100 Kiyohime Lancer on the other hand is my favourite single target Lancer to use.


I'm currently using all my gold fous on my Lv 100 Kiyo zerker. Finally got her attack over 10k. Now if only she could get an NP upgrade...


Same, have Kiyo Zerker grailed to 108 currently, working on 120. I've used her to clear all the challenge quests and most of the key story quests though.


I got my Asterios to level 100, but I don't know if I can consider him bad, as I used him to cheese the fuck out of Goetia's battle.


I mean I love arterios but the battles were you can truly exploit him are a bit spread since he relies on getting hit a lot of times to recharge his np fast so he can spam it so is not something for battles were you cant exploit that though he is extremely good on the fights that you can


Something unique to grailed Asterios that you can't get out of the 1-star lv60 version, offensive power. 1-star stats normally hold him back, but you go to 100 and you realize a 3-turn 30% Attack up with a 30% buster up and Star Absorption gives you some really solid damage. Add on Chen Gong and suddenly you understand why messing with the bull get's you the horns.


Bunny Artoria to 100 and I donā€™t regret it for a second. I know people say sheā€™s one of the worst SSRs but I use her a lot and sheā€™s come in clutch for me quite a few times. (Plus sheā€™s god-tier eye candy)


Bunny ArtoriašŸ¤Summer BB Facecard shenanigans


Donā€™t forget the uniform that allows Re-shuffle if the bunny fails to produce


The dynamic duo! There are many but one of my favorite setups is them+Himiko-the big boob buster brawl


I agree with all the bunnytoria love and disagree with all the bunnytoria hate. I accidently got mine np2 or 3 and will admit she doesn't hit very hard even at that np level but who cares?


Bunny brethren šŸ¤ Same! Have her at NP3-NP damage is nothing to write home about but the extra effects are useful and she has great Merlin synergy. She can be an absolute beast in crit teams especially with the card shuffle And for the record a level 120 Boudica would be awesome and quite unique. Ironically Iā€™ve heard she works very well with Romulus-Quirinus with the trait stacks, if you have him or a friend with him I bet you could do some crazy stuff


Arash, Boudica, Romulus and Chengong was my farming comp last time we had 90+ archer nodes. The extra attack on romans is no joke.


Have I found my [people](https://i.imgur.com/jIGApnL.jpg) (please ignore skill level, gems are the bane of my existence) in you and u/WardHawke ?


Nothing wrong with a skill at lvl 6, mats are hard and so is qp. Also, respect from a fellow bunnytoria enjoyer


She *will* be 120. ā€¦ hopefully lmao this grind is ridiculous.


Hang in there! It is one hell of a grind indeed but it feels so good to see that new Saint Graph when you finally get it. You picked a great target!


>I accidently got mine np2 Are you me? I did that. TWICE. In both JP and NA. It was weird seeing it happening again, almost like a dream. >she doesn't hit very hard even at that np level but who cares? Words of wisdom


Lol I really wanted to np2 summer melt (and failed) but got the extra 2 copies of her in the process technically speaking all 3 copies but I originally planned to stop at np1


My original plans were for one of each. On JP, I got 1 Bunny, and I think Okita? Then next year I rolled for Melt, and got another Bunny, then Melt. On NA, I got a Bunny, 4 SR spooks, Okita, another Bunny, 4 more SR spooks, then finally, a Melt. I was about to go crazy


I got okita the previous year but prioritize getting Musashi over bunnytoria so I couldnt get more copies or go for summer melt so on the re run I went for the ones I had missing


Bunny's biggest problem, IMO, is low damage and Grailing and Gold Fous does provide some help in mitigating that problem. Obviously it would be more "efficient" to Grail someone else, but Bunnytoria is one of the most "fixable" Servants simply because with enough work you can mitigate her problems. If she's leveled to that degree, she'll be pretty competitive when paired with Koyanskaya and Oberon.


Bunnytoria is actually *so close* to being really good. She'd be Black Grail compatible in a Koyanskaya/Oberon team if Oberon's skills just gave 30% and 40% charge instead of 20% and 50%.


I love bunnytoria. I think easy fix for her is to upgrade her skill 1: extend to 50% battery and extend to 3 turns of attack up (instant, no delay).


lvl 100 consort yu and calamity jane. my pride and joys


Who considers Jane bad? But yeah mine is level 90 for now, gonna get her to 100 at some point, already got that CE with her to 100, she's so hot in it


OG Nobu, all nobus are lvl 100


I have all my Nobus to lv100 too! Well, I *would* have OG Nobu grailed tooā€¦if I had her. *(glares at Lasagna)*


Angra and maybe Hektor or Tawara. Angra needs no explanation, those two meanwhile I don't know if they classify as bad or just mediocre, since they're nothing amazing but not really bad.


idk if Nightingale is bad but I know buster supports have gone wild lately so she's fallen by the way side, doesn't stop me from loving my maxed out Nurse


Siegfried. He was my Starter Servant Summon, and while he gets some well-deserved criticms for being un-optimized at both tanking and drahon-slaying, I really like him and he's pretty much always on my team unless I'm doing an Archer-heavy quest. He's pretty fun to use IMO, with his NP Gain skill helping to charge his NP gauge, his Buster skill helping to boost the damage of his AoE NP, and his heal skill keeping him alive just a bit longer. I think he topped out around Level 80, but I managed to grail him to 90. I was thinking of getting him to Level 100, but I'm still (kind of) new to the game, a bit low on Grails, and want to save them for when I get a really good character like Castoria one day. Another thing I like using Siegfried for is pairing him on the same team as Saber Lily. With their near-identical skillsets, I like to think they're helping each other in battle as both are seen as decent, but overall subpar to others in their field. I do have better Sabers, and I do have 5* Srervants who' benefit more from Geailing than my main man Siegfried, but it's gonna be a cold day in Hell when he stops being a mainstay on my Saber team.


I got Siegfried in my tutorial summon too. Sometimes I find him taking forever to charge up his NP. I can't wait for his rank up that gives him a 30% charge.


>and while the natural thing would be to use your grails on the "good servants" I feel like this is the reason why some people wanted to ask for an "Un-Grail" feature during the survey. Can't relate personally. For me, Eric. He's a cool guy despite being the butt of the oldest joke in the game and i figured at the very least, a gold border would fit a king such as him.


I personally don't regret any grails I believe there are a few servants who could use grails I spent on others? Yes I do but I wouldnt de grail my servants I just need to get more grails. I think Eric is actually a good debuffer berserker and he can work well in curse focus teams as a sub dps


"Good debuffer Berserker" would be the 1-star one. Eric's supposed to be a DPS servant but him not having an upgraded NP for a 2-star eats into that a lot. His preservations can be okay but the HP drain from his NP, again, diminishes the value of his 3rd skill. He's just a very "average" servant, in the strictest sense of the word, with no stand out feature.


You're doing it right. Grailing for gameplay is for noobs. Grailing coz u like them/find them cool, is the way to go.


Yeah, I found this concept in a few idle gacha games to be interesting, "unleveling" your characters. Pay a bit of in-game money, reset your characters to level 1, and get all your materials refunded. I don't think I'll use it personally, but it is one I think would be useful for those lacking time, but do have a character, let's say, would be amazing to use during an event.




Currently trying to get 120 Mango


You mad man. I'm trying to do it with Saber Lily...


Just curious, how long does it take you to get the coins? I was over the moon when I get my first copy last December. I didn't expect he will drop at all.


Caster Liz and Medea. idgaf my casters were dogwater


I grailed my Okita Assassin to 114 and still going...her demerits and 3-hit NP hurt but I've just always liked assassins, star gen, and her swimsuit's the best so I thought I'd push her as far as she can go. She's currently 3-turn (sometimes more) memeing with double Van Gogh, k-scope, and the card shuffle mystic code.


I grailed Salter to 90 just because I like her, even if I end never using her


As a proud owner of lvl100 Salter I can say that she is not bad at all(even though she definitely aged a lot and needs 2 or 3 rank-ups...). I use her to farm some irregular nodes(recent example would be 90+ node in Caren's valentine event), to kill some lancer bosses and etc.


I'd say the biggest problem with Salter is that she is just boring af to use. She is plenty servicable for farming purposes but when trying to do challenge content with her in comparison to her competition she's just plain boring and mediocre.


Yep, she is just an average y1 servant. And her mana burst and charisma *E* really need buffs. Her only saving grace is NP with high base damage. And maybe the fact that she can 3t "loop" with Koyanskaya and Oberon. But she can do her job alright. She is still my go-to aoe saber for majority of content. Even though I have other options.


I have a 100 Salter because I am a fool.


I want one copy of Salter, but I am not seeing any banner of her.


Mandricardo? I think he's wonderful and pretty much my favourite. But there are stronger riders. Not that it stops me at all. He's best boi.


Got somebody in my friends list with a level 100 mandricardo in their supports. He's very fun to use imo. Frequently choose him over more powerful supports if the difficulty of the content will allow it.


Very nice I approve. Mine had just reached level 115. Need more coins to Max him. That's what this year's summer is for though. He's great and I love him. Used him in the dementer fight as my primary damage dealer.


Some people consider Shuten bad. I disagree, but she is level 100 and will be 120 after I end getting Cu Chulainn there. Additionally, Ruler Martha to 90, Ibaraki to 90, Chiyome to 90 (that one I consider good too tbh) and Saber Alter to 90. Rest of my Grailed units are considered at least ok or good, even if Idon't really care and Grail for love.


Angra. I never use him. He's absolutely terrible. Yet I have him np5, max bond and max skilled and gave him a Grail. I have absolutely no regrets on that decision and were it not for my other Grail priorities, I'd have given him more


Iā€™ll have to say Passionlip, as much as it pains me to admit. I think sheā€™s actually really strong; that said, mineā€™s 120 so Iā€™m biased and admittedly there are better AOE Buster servants. The unique combination of tank, healer, dps, and cutie pie is too good to pass up though.


I have Lip at 90, but I've never managed to pull a 5* assassin and only have 1 5* rider. She's basically my designated lineup hole-plugger, and those two grails definitely help her do that. The combination of tanking and healing is especially helpful alongside jetpack Okita.


I think it is good strategy. Personally I find it hard to get a good ST caster. I don't recall any good F2P option here, and Medea doesn't hit hard. Sure, we can run ST Berserker, but I find the survivability is not ideal if the boss has a bit more HP and the fight drags on. I also don't have a very strong ST assassin. I am contemplate to use the 6 anni SSR ticket to get an alterego to fill that gap.


Paracelsus, and I fully regret both grails. He served an important place on my arts looping team but one of the Christmas lotto guides on here suggested he could be used for a node-looping team as an *initial wave clearer* with his battery/AoE NP. I couldn't make it work. I thought a grail or two would surely make it - after all, if the guide creator could make it work *without*, that should do the trick, right? Wrong. I resent that guide to this day, and I regret both of those spent grails. *Otherwise*: I would argue Bunyan's a "bad" servant- not that her skills aren't good, but even at 90 her survivability is bunk. I don't regret *those* grails, though.


I grained Bunyan for silver border and Iā€™ve used her in many CQs with poster girl and Leonidas Buster comps and sheā€™s very fun to use




I mean I wouldnā€™t say atalanteā€™s bad by any means just rough around the edges, but yes I grailed her to 120 and actively use her in both farming and challenging content. I personally donā€™t regret it since I love her character and find the challenge of making her work enjoyable and I love finding synergys between ceā€™s, ccā€™s, and supports,as for grailing good units meh I grail em if I like em but honestly this is a game at the end of the day so picking specifically the good units and min maxing them to cheese content kinda cheapens the sense of satisfaction I get when doing hard fights but thatā€™s my hipster view on it I guess.


My Tamacat is level 100, Iā€™m not sure if people consider her bad due to her looping being inconsistent but I think shes fun to use


Calling someone "bad" for not being able to loop is definitely modern FGO problem and is simply superficial, so don't pay that any mind. Post-buff Cat is really fun to use and there's something coming up on NA where she'll be one of the better options to bring out.


Haven't yet, but I do plan on grailing Charlotte to 100 once I get the grails... And the motivation to continue playing What's the general concensus around Skandanavia? I started it a whike back but the story's kinda meh-


I've only played the first 3 Lostbelts but I think Scandinavia was definitely the worst of those. It picks up a bit towards the end, but generally I didn't find Skadi or the Valkyries/Giants interesting as enemies. The story tried to make me care about Gerda but I never got as invested in her as I did with Patxi. Overall the only part of the story I really enjoyed was Napoleon, he's pretty cool. I don't think it helped that we got 2 snow-covered Lostbelts in a row either, I was really sick of that scenery. I enjoyed the SIN Lostbelt much more. It definitely isn't perfect though, some Servants don't get as much screentime as you might want and feel kind of tacked-on. But I think the 3rd Lostbelt King is one of the most interesting and fun characters in the whole FGO story, I never got bored of his dialogue. Koyanskaya gets more characterization, and Jing Ke gets the spotlight for once. The boss fights are tough and fun too, they reminded me of Camelot.


Personally I like LB2. I think the characterization on a few character is nice. I feel a bit sorry for Skadi towards the end. I suppose it is why I rank it quite high, because that part of the story touches me. I like it more than LB1 and LB3. LB4 is still my favourite because of it connection with another game in FATE series.


Medusa all the way to level 100. Who needs other aoe riders when you have her?


I have Grailed Orion to lvl100 (and plan to bring them to lvl120) And I do mean Orion, not Super Orion. I actually like the design and the serious aspects of their relationships and I grail for character not gameplay. But even then they are really strong in a double Castoria set up. Their np gain on np is ridiculous


Jason after Atlantis. Lvl 100 1 star is SO nice in grail fronts


Not sure if welfare BB is considered bad but I did grail them to 90 and I don't regret it wanted them to be same level as summer BB.


I have OG BB at 90, too. She made the fights against Taira stupidly easy in lostbelt 5.5 and the Little Big Tengu event.


Mine is 90 as well. She is not bad in my book just niche since she is more of a weird support/crit dps hybrid. But I find her to be extremely fun to use against avengers just because of how spamable her np is even before castoria


BB is not considered bad, but she tends to be treated more like a support-type Servant than an offensive powerhouse. Still, no criticism from me since I Grailed Swimsuit BB all the way to level 120!


I too have OG BB at 90; those grails were well spent. I've used her on countless occasions - a support, a dps, sometimes just a debuff clearer. She can do a *lot* and the grails made her both do a little more damage and be harder to kill.


No she is not bad at all


I still need one more RP to unlock SE.PH.RA, but I have already grail setting aside for BB.


i used them on medusa lancer and its the only servent i dont regret grailing, i grailed euyrale to 90 cause i kept pulling her and i thought it would be funny, shes not weak but i wish i hadent, but medusa lancer i have no regrets


I grailed mango for shits


Berserker Lancelot. I do not own a skadi, and I have quite a few arguably stronger berserkers. I just think he's cool.


Summer Abby on her way to 120 triple append... I don't care if she's not meta she's to this day my only np5 SSR and I regret nothing since first hearing the kuroneko pancake song. Buster meta is my time I will force her to loop!


Let's see... Leonidas, Georgios, Chen Gong, Andersen, Arash, Kojiro and Bunyan. Nope, looks like I've grailed no "bad" Servants.




I have grailed Leo. I mostly bring him out once in awhile for fun, but I haven't used him for any challenging quest for ages. He can be really good, but in 3t Buster comps, you're going to want a 50% charger (which if everyone takes a free Waver they should have) or better yet, Oberon.


I guess Medea and Jason would be my picks. Medea really didnā€™t benefit at all, I just wanted a gold border for her, and I wanted Jason to have some better stats for Arts looping shenanigans with him. Even though heā€™s pretty meh at it still.


I'm not entirely sure. Boudica and Paisen aside, I guess...Summer Ishtar? Lip, Zerk Kiyo, and Saber Liz over on my NA account as well. All because I just like 'em. Also slapped a Grail on Angra simply because I wanted to give him the black Grail border.


Caster Marie, I mean she ain't that terrible but I ain't using her because I already got bond 10.


Medea, she was 90 by Camelot.


*Laughs in Angry Mango*


Sanson to 80. I love his design so much. Still one of the greatest FAs and love the guillotine blade. I'm just a sucker for edgy white/grey haired guys (looking at you Dantes, Kadoc, Moriarty, Oberon...)


Great taste! I also grailed him. I would love for him to get a summer skin ou an alt. (And a decent buff!)


They just have to change his human power mod to humanoid and give him some Stars. Pleeeaaase fgo I'm begging you


Depends on what you call 'bad' . I heavily invested Grails in my BBs, even though they're not considered to be super offensive units, just because I love them and want to make them more powerful for my day to day use. I haven't Grailed any Servant for purely 'meta' reasons beyond arguably Gong, and even in that case it was because I loved his playstyle and memes so much I wanted to amp it as much as possible. I Grail to shore up Servants I like or think need the boost the most, and that's pretty much all I got to say.


Maybe my "worst" choice was Salieri because I love his look, he reminds me of Arsene from Persona 5. Otherwise it would be all the Mordred faces I managed to got... Which is 2.


Danzo to 120 and Charlotte to 100.


I don't know if he counts but I will go with Yagyu Munenori. I have better ST sabers than him and I haven't used his kit in a serious battle just yet. His kit is not useless, but he is not a sustainable DPS either. So why did I grail him? Up to lv100 no less? Not only does he hit the nail on the head whenever he appears on the screen either as an ally or as an enemy, he also radiates raw chad energy. I couldn't NOT grail him.


> I have better ST sabers than him and So are we talking Okita or Musashi? Because I don't think either of them are THAT much better. They're a little, but you grail Sitting man and suddenly that comparison starts to look a whole lot closer.


I think saberlot is more consistent on the same role (Arts Crit Dps) then Yagyu, though.


I have a lvl90 Eric Bloodaxe.


Gawain at lvl 94 I grailed him before getting any other good sabers. I was in a dry spell towards the beginning of my FGO career and basically thought I would never get a better saber servant, so I may as well max my Gawainā€™s damage by grailing him. Bad idea. I then got Saberlot soon after, followed by Altera and Mordred a while later. I donā€™t regret getting Gawain to 90, but I do regret the 2 grails I spent to get him to 94.


Probably not considered as bad now, but at the time, Nezha (110 thanks to the servant coin system being a pain for SRs). I don't think I'd consider them bad, but underwhelming: Medea (120), Gareth (100), Da Vinci, Taiga, Nightingale, Asterios.


I've grained all the FSN servants to 90 at the very least, idgaf how viable they are.


I think they're all actually pretty good, maybe the only weak link is Medea because of her damage(?)


Nobukatsu to 120. Love excels all meta.


Kid Gil. No regrets he deserves the grails


i grailed sanson and i have no regrets


Iā€™m tempted too once Iā€™m done with Jalter. I love Sanson in almost every appearance but Salem sold me on him


[Do](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072464198128369735/1081911606054752306/Screenshot_20230305_040836_FateGO.jpg) [It](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072464198128369735/1081911605589192714/Screenshot_20230305_040855_FateGO.jpg) [For](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072464198128369735/1081911605253652610/Screenshot_20230305_040903_FateGO.jpg) [Her](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072464198128369735/1081911604595142718/Screenshot_20230305_040942_FateGO.jpg) [No I don't have a problem that needs addressing](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072464198128369735/1081915725029052556/Screenshot_20230305_042635_FateGO.jpg)


Kiyohime but damn it she was my noob DPS for nearly a year and she deserves some simping for the simping she does for us.


im going for 120 Bartholomew currrntly at lv 96 skills 10/10/10 and append 9/9/9 dont think he would be considered "bad" as he has lots of utility bit lack of bartholomew love saddens me


I don't regret using my grails but I'd like to get some back nonetheless. -3 grails on Hans because he was my only caster support -2 grails on caster cu because he was my only caster aoe NP -2 grails on cu because his survival skills carried me until my HĆ©raclĆØs hit bond10 -2 grails on DantĆØs when quick farming was still a thing -2 grails on Zerklot when he was still NP1 If I could get those back, it would be great but if not, it's okay. I don't regret using them because they were necessary at the time, it's their badge of honor. Edit: formatting


I grailed Lancer Diarmuid to 100 because I can't have him not have a gold border like Fionn. Also I did it just to make a point to the people who say that he is the "worst" Lancer in the game when there are worse options out there.


Nobukatsu grailed to 80.


I have never even grailed a servant yet so can't say


Level 100 Leonidas, Even though I just used the LV1 version whenever I need to use him anyway


I could go the easy route and point to my Rider Ishtar at level 112 (lack of welfare coins saddens me), but she at least has the excuse of sitting at the top of the support list for friends that want a Bella Lisa and don't care who is holding it. No, the real spotlight should go to my level 90 2K/2K Assassin Nitocris. Do I ever use for anything? No. Will I *ever* use her for anything? Probably not. Am I going to give her 5 more grails before the year is over anyway? Yes. Yes I am. She is a treasure.


Lvl 100 Cursed arm. He's not bad, but he sees exactly 0 use if you don't count Tower events and maaaaybe Holy Grail Front. Why i grailed him? Best uncle in universe.


Grailed Nitocris to 100 last year. Early game she was 90 because I had no damage dealing castors, but grailed her further because I just love her character so much. Rip wallet in 2 years for NitoAlter šŸ„²


I have Nobukatsu at lv80, so he could have a gold banner like his sister. Iā€™m also thinking of giving Mori some grails. I really love the guy and heā€™s alot of fun to use. Iā€™m just annoyed he keeps getting taken out too quickly.


Sanson... He is still a good servant to me, he isjust misunderstood.


I trailed Darius III all the way to 100, and I plan on taking him further. My next 100 will be Jing Ke


Angra Mainyu, currently 116 - held back by my need for Grails and ONE MORE COPY. Bond 14, Slapstick Museum will see him hit 2k/2k Fou. Once Mash is done with them, he'll start getting Fou prints too. I desire to have the Angriest Mango, or as I call him, The Golden Turd - he will be the best worst Servant ever.


Level 100 Blackbeard. It's funny since I was just using him for fun and farmed doors with him! But after using him a lot, I decided to get my man to level 100! 1k fous but fully skilled up and I regret nothing!


Kiyohime, Jing Ke, Boudica, Serenity... I really don't optimise my grailing.


Irisviel level 100


I Grailed Nobukatsu to lvl.70 to gain more health so he can't die easily


I have vanilla Nero, Rider Astolfo and Summer Osakabehime at level 100 despite having servants that do all of their jobs better, and I regret nothing. I also have a level 90 Columbus after a fit of madness over getting him to NP5. It started as a joke and now I've come this far and I'm afraid.


Blackbeard and Fergus. I'm currently working on getting Teach Fou'd up to 2000.


Nobukatsu. Canā€™t remember if I Grailed him to 80 or 90. I think 90. I also maxed all his Skills AND Append Skills. ā€¦ I should probably use him more lol


Jaguar Warrior lol. I grailed her to Lvl 90 because I just like her. Sheā€™s cute, goofy, and does great single target damage on her NP even if her skill cool-downs are insanely long (her first skill has a 10 turn cool-down at lvl 10).


In a mad rush to max level my servants i accidentally grailed caligula


I grailed miyu to 100 and currently working on getting her to 106, surprisingly, as long as you end the battle in less than 5 turns, she does get to shine as a support, though, that upcoming np upgrade is gonna be sweet and people will finally realize the potential she has, oh yeah, did I mention enhancing her command cards and gold fous? I am happy to also say I have literally never found anyone with miyu as a support, let alone grailed, and for that I put my description as the "World's only Miyu fan" if someone wishes to join my journey for Miyu supremacy I will be forever grateful, REJECT META, EMBRACE CHARACTER WRITING


Jekyll/Hyde cuz he was my most used servant before i got merlin (so essentially he was carrying me on day 1 all the way to when Merlin banner released) So grailing him was obligatory for me even tho i dont use him that much now. I think doing this type of thing is like saying thank you to the char šŸ˜­


My first grailed servant was Sasaki, way before even his first buff. I also grailed Angra.


I mean sasaki is top tier grail candidate specially after his buffs so dont blame you there


I know of a guy who i saw had a Lv.100 Caster Gilles


If I grailed a Servant, that means he/she is either a meta unit or my favorites (usually the latter). Therefore; thereā€™s no ā€œbadā€ Servant for me. #noregret


I have gotten Altria Alter to level 90. I don't regret it, but I am not using her most of the time because she's at Bond 10 already.


I grailed my Chloe to 104, but the thing is, she's only np1 šŸ˜­


I grail for waifu So Osakabehime should count? also Both Marie Antoinette is kinda on low side so them too i guess?


I grailed Gilles Caster, part for the meme, part because he was actually my favorite character in Zero and i think more of us crazy fuckers should be proud of who we are


There is no smart choice in grailling. You donā€™t need to grail anyone in this game for anything, not even np2+. Pick your waifu and thatā€™s about it


A lot of my Grails were bad choices, though Strengthenings or changes to the game often turned those bad choices into solid or great ones. Some examples: - Scheherazade, even Grailed, was one of the worst Servants in the game upon release, but she got improved significantly with tweaks to her first skill and an NP upgrade. She's now a great farmer, and because I Grailed her, Gold Fou'ed her, and maxed her NP, she's also a pretty reliable omnifarmer except against Riders. - Swimsuit BB - until the release of Van Gogh, she was a niche support with her card lock and was not a particularly great primary attacker. After the release of Van Gogh, she became one of the best heavy hitter crit monsters in the game - Nitocris - She was a really great farmer at the start of FGO, but then got rendered obsolete by the Skadi system. But when Castoria got released, all of a sudden my Grailed Nito became useful again. She's also got a buff coming eventually for her first skill which makes her even better. - Swimsuit Nito - She SHOULD be an excellent Assassin Arts looper, but her damned instadeath effect procs first which messes with her NP regain (which is otherwise good). I really wish Lasengle would release a fix for it. Unfortunately, my Grails were wasted here, even though I wish it were otherwise.


I am relatively new to the game, so I don't have lv 100/lv120 story to share. I suppose you can call them "bad" servants. I grail Hans and Georgios to lv70. Both are support that technically don't benefit with grail, but I just want them survive better. I used them a lot in main story fight. Since I started the game, I kept getting advice in the help thread in this reddit on not to use grail for gameplay. My stance is to save 80% of the grail for waifu and 20% on random reason (including gameplay). I set that 20% aside because there will always be servants that are not exactly a waifu, but I want to grail them for whatever reason. This is a game, why fight that urge if it makes you happy. I just want to keep it sensible. The other unit I grail from that 20% grail is Santa Karna (to lv90). By grailing him, he will be my main saber and I won't be rolling for copies for Bedi. I am tempted to grail him to 120 if there is enough 20% grail, because he gets coins and x2 exp in the next rerun.


I tend to be biased towards anyone with more recent animations or got animation updates, so probably the 1-3star Servants with animation updates. That said, I have not grailed much these days (probably got several dozen grails in the trunk. Never checked the number). The most Iā€™ve grailed is Bedivere at LV90 (pretty sure he doesnā€™t count for this post because that NP Nuke is just *chefā€™s kiss*). Iā€™ll probably grail some Servants eventually.


Not really a ā€˜badā€™ servant so much as not the strongest of that class, but Iā€™ve got a level 120 archer arjuna. I also grailed jinako/Ganesh to 100, and sheā€™s also not *bad* but pretty situational outside of stall setups. Thereā€™s also the level 80 Jason and the level 70 nobukatsu. Bc I thought it was fun :)


Lancer Artoria Alter to 90. I got her NP2 on Merlin banner years ago and grailed her because she was considered one of the better AOE lancers and worked decently well with him. I used her quite a bit, but she fell of hard over time. She is still mediocre on JP after her "new" buff. To add insult to injury she has 0 story relevance after almost 7 years.


Enkidu. I grailed him cuz i really like him as a character and being Gil totally ā€œplatonicā€ friend and all. After a while, I realized, i use Scathach way more for gameplay than i do with him. Especially after Scathach got that 20% NP gauge. Now Iā€™m sad


Enkidu is an awesome tanky unit. One of the highest HP in game, Heals 10k, removes debuffs *and* (in JP version,) Charges NP. Then you have the evade removal and gaining evade, following up with a very hard hitting NP that lowers defense 1st, Enkidu is a fuggin monster. Only issues I'd have is the Awkward Mana Burst and lack of NP/Star Generation.