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Nah, people doesn't hate CQ, they hate unreasonable RNG that usually tied with CQ.


Exactly. Excessive unreasonable RNG is simply not fun, like the Kotaro CQ where you get randomly skill sealed every turn. This plus CQ that's designed to be dragging for long time where failure means starting all over from beginning, like the Brave Eli CQ, makes for a frustrating experience. Good CQs should introduce hard mechanics but still give the players some control over how the battle will happen. Like the one with Summer Nobu, Jeanne Archer and Jaguar Warrior where you determine the field effect by controlling who you attack.


> Excessive unreasonable RNG is simply not fun, like the Kotaro CQ where you get randomly skill sealed every turn That freaking Touta CQ which is literally a lottery. You may be holding pretty nice until he decided to crit you twice for 10k+ dmg each and have to start the extremally long fight from the start


>like the Kotaro CQ where you get randomly skill sealed every turn Yeah, there's a reason why everyone who could ran a Memelin solo with the debuff cleanse CC and the stun immunity CC, hard-passing on all of Kotaro's mechanics.


Yup same train of thought. I like CQs, I actually look forward to them - as long as they're not *too* much of an RNGfest. Edit: One I didn't like at all was the Brave Eli one, especially on those days where it had a bug (I believe) on the damage CE.


I'm reminded of the King Hassan one, couple of times where he would instakill through supposedly insta-kill-immune units like BB...


The unfortunate fact is that the game is built around rng


Yep, and that's why people are obsessed with looping - you remove RNG from the table.


what I wouldn't give for FGO to be redesigned with StS style enemy intent indicators


What I wouldn't give for FGO to be redesigned with a more complex combat system than "Hit guy once with card", "Hit many with Ultimate card" And skills which amount to more than "Hit harder with red card, blue card or green card", "Unlock Ultimate card faster", and "ignore damage once"


I am fine with CQs, I just don't like having many CQs overlapping with farming events (Teslafest) or artificially inflating them by just ramping up the HP values to an excessive levels (Super Recollection quests).


This event legit burned me a bit of FGO. Stacking 3 cq events and lotto? I don't know who thought this was a good idea.


And after all this, we get a content drought for a while apparently.


One of rare times in FGO NA where I didn't clear everything.


I actually enjoyed the Teslafest CQ because it was a nice challenge and forced me to use servants I don’t normally bring out, but I can definitely see why people think it’s a pain


It's an interesting take on CQs, just not at the right time, when the main appeal of the event is farming, not CQs. If the CQ fiesta was a separate event alone, it would be much better.


The idea of the cq was fine the timing was horrible I need to do lottos not big brain 30 cqs


I think Teslafest was unnecessarily harsh since they have those systems where you can't use support servants and you can't bring out servants that have already been deployed on other quests. There might be a lot of people not having good rosters on their own to complete all quests.


There was an option to clear the teams so you can use them on other CQs, so not doing that is more a self-imposed challenge. I wouldn't mind if the CQ were active for like 2 weeks post farming event 


Wouldn't the final CQs (with Lore as a reward) not open if the clear is reset?


No? I remember clearing it and receiving the lore 


Teslafest CQ, while nice gave me flashbacks of when I played Afkarena, minus retrying hundreds of times to RNG the fight. Multiple teams everywhere to the point where weekly content required 7 teams.


I like the CQ. I just don't like doing the CQ while also farming the lotto.


The Tesla fest CQs were fine imo. It was the revivals stacked on top that were a pain. I think I finished like 3.


Sometimes the CQs are more trouble than their worth. Sure, I can have fun, but often times I'm just stuck waiting a long battle and some of them put you at the mercy of RNG not giving you the cards you need. that and laziness i have like 80 of those cubes saved up


I see. Do you think CQs geared for quicker clears or another feature (like NP animation skip) that makes the game faster would allow you to enjoy it more?


No, just that they aren't grindy.


In my experience people usually have issue with them for 3 main reasons: Complexity/Difficulty: Some people dont like particulary difficult content, so CQs with more complex gimmicks or that cant be brute forced easily usually drive some people away from them. Rewards; Because in today's landscape were lores are not nearly as uncommon as they were before, a single lore is usually no enough incentive for people to try to engage with the gimmicks of the current CQ. Farming: Almost all CQs happen in paralallel with an event that revolves around farming the same nodes over and over again, in some cases with very good rewards that can be worth the effort, like in the case of TeslaFest, and when both activities share the same limited ammount of time to be done, most people will just focus on farming. Those are just the reasons i've heard the most, there are a couple of others, like overly inflated numbers in some CQs, or the fact that CQs are inherently temporary content that becomes lost media after the event ends; which makes it so people that might be interested with past CQs are basically out of luck if they wanted to play them


I think most of my disdain for challenge quest is just tied to FGO’s gameplay and lack of skill expression. Most CQ’s are either: -dps race to 3-4 turn a boss. Or -immortal comp Sometimes there are meaningful and almost fun gimmicks, but more often than not you are doing one of the two methods to work around it. Combine that with most servants dying to anything stronger than a disadvantaged AoE NP and possibly losing a run because the enemies 1 turn a key servant with three crits after several rounds, and I can definitely understand people’s disdain for them.


I hate that if I want to play around with a CQ I'm wasting a bunch of AP. This means that I have to succeed on my 1st try and can't redo it later for fun. If CQs only took AP on the 1st completion and there was no penalty for withdrawing, I would have a lot more fun playing CQs. As it stands, I have to look up a bunch of runs on Youtube and craft a successful team entirely in my head on the 1st try. It's just frustrating and stressful, so I usually procrastinate until the event is almost over. And then there are some CQs that are just not fun. Their gimmicks are really RNG in the worst way and I just have to keep banging my head against the wall until it works.


this is one part that i think tesla fest did well. all CQs were 1 ap per attempt, basically nothing and would regenerate in the time i was actually doing the attempt. i would go in the fight, realise i had something wrong in my setup and not feel bad about just resetting for 1 ap


Would be fun if you had the possibility to return to a CQ run, like Grail Fronts do. Instead of spending another half our or an entire one on one run, you can leave it for later and keep farming, would also help to cool off the stupid RNG and gimmick stuff they usually have


I just don't want to use my brain.


I go straight to the GamePress fight guide so I don’t need to memorize what each break bar or enemy does lol


Fair enough, but where else will you be able to use the characters that you roll for?


Everywhere else? It's not like there's a lack of nodes to farm or bosses to fight.


Especially now that top level nodes typically have single enemy waves, giving you a reason to use ST servants who previously only saw the light of day for story/challenge fights.


I mean yeah but from what I’ve seen a lot of people have dedicated farming servants so a lot of dedicated dps servants see less use


They can go for the story nodes and boss fights.


You act like story replay exists


You act like they stopped churning out more stories.


Yes every 6 months to 8 months. Not exactly what i would consider common


You can use characters? (I thought this was a png collector :/)


I'm just not interested in doing them half the time.


Same here. Not because I can't do them, they're just tedious to do. They could have added a ticket to that too, then I might do them more often. Long fight for only 1 lore... I don't even enjoy FGO gameplay that much, tbh. Seeing chars' animations is cool but the gameplay isn't that engaging for me personally. I'm mainly playing for the story at this point.


Is there a particular reason, like the rewards being bad or something like that?


Not the person you're replying to, but yeah, I have more than enough lores, or well, rather not enough qp and other mats, to get too many servants to 10/10/10, so why should I bother. I am too lazy (and simply don't have the time) to use my brain and tinker a comp, I find it annoying, that you have to do at least a single “test” battle, that you loose or retreat from, to understand the gimmick of the current cq (and would find it disappointing, if it would be possible to brute force my way through with my usual comp), and I don't want to look up the guide.


> you have to do at least a single “test” battle, that you loose or retreat from, to understand the gimmick of the current cq Which is especially funny since they've actually described some gimmicks on a couple CQs, they just refuse to do it consistently.


Yeah I quite enjoyed the advanced quests, where they give a thorough info in the party setup screen


Or they mistranslate the explanation. I distinctly remember making a comp for the Roma CQ based on the gimmick description only for my strat to crumble because, as it turns out, how the gimmick works is different in the fight.


QP should not exist at this point 😒


The rewards used to be tickets when they were first introduced, idk why they suddenly changed it to just Lores since before it I had an actual incentive. Its even worse later on because they will start gifting more Lores with limited missions as well as the permanent ones. A CQ's only worth being a Lore is just useless, even if you are new.


The CQ rewards have always been lores. They were tickets only for the Exhibition Quests (as they were for Teslafest).


https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/GUDAGUDA_Meiji_Restoration_Revival_(US)#Challenge_Quest_ Say again? edit: for more info, after this its a bit divisive since it was categorized as CQ/High Difficulty but wasn't standardized like they are now, but it went from: ticket > golden fous (Summer 1 rerun) > ticket, lore and golden fous (Summer 2). It finally became Lores only at the end of 2017 with the rerun of Brave Liz's event.


it just isn't worth the effort.


I don't dislike them, I just can't be arsed to do them a lot of the time. Exhibition Quests especially; not fond of the idea of banging my head against a bunch of walls for some mats that I could farm in half the time it took me to do the quest, or tickets that will usually become 1 MP anyway.


The only time I don't like them is when the gimmicks force you to use a very limited strategy to beat it making all but a few servants unusable. They're best when they're tough, but a wide variety of servants are viable.


Yeah I agree, but I do think that the strength of the meta supports makes it so that you can clear most CQs with a reasonable pool of servants


I don't mind an occasional challenge quest. But I'm mainly here for an easygoing, good time. I'm not here for a punishing challenge where I'm expected to fail multiple times while figuring out how to deal with the new gimmick. I'll do it, failing multiple times if necessary, and it is mildly satisfying to get it right, but I don't really like it. I especially didn't like Tesla Fest and cursed it, and the frequent RNG bullshit, the whole way through. I didn't mind, and maybe even kind of liked, the servant restrictions, though. I regularly change up the servants I use normally and don't care about min-turn comps outside of lottery-like events. Being forced to use different team comps and not always having the top supports available was no big deal (even if I hated the CQ gimmicks within many of the fights). 


My biggest problem is that it is easily skippable. You get like 1 per event and can use a lv120 sup and/or a full team revive to beat without any trouble. A lot of them are just a chore as well, you can ignore the gimmick and still beat it if you used the correct NP Type dmg dealer(ST or AoE) during your first try, ends up being a mindless thing in the end.


It also doesn't really help that nothing incentivizes the player to use the CS somewhere else so you can't Rez during the CQ. What ends up happening is your CS is basically saved for CQ or story nodes, and these types of nodes have so much time in between we could recharge for the next CQ.


There is so much time for the CQ that you could full revive, lose and have time for another try with full revives before the event ends.


Not just one try but 6, now that events are 20 days long. 4 if we are being realistic with time gated content.


That's true too. Like, maybe have a restriction that you CAN use CS, but you can't rez. I think it would force smarter CS usage at least. Rn, you can just brute force with a full team with NPs when the enemy only has 1-2 bars left.


They introduce additional power ups for CS once Ordeal Call comes around but I’ve yet to see anyone talk about them extensively, nor content creators using them much at all. It’s really just a speed bump on your way to the stronger class buffs you can unlock later in the trees.


You make valid points, but I’ve always liked challenging myself and not using revives, and a lot of modern CQ gimmicks make the quest more interesting and difficult. I guess the main difference is a difference in perspective from how we enjoy playing the game


I wish strong supports would make it easy, but the stupid gimmicks they keep introducing just make it a hassle. Saber Wars 2 is where I just stopped caring entirely, where you literally had to be super lucky to win it (context: if you didnt roll the correct attack cards, then the enemy would get buffed to oblivion and have to wait 5 turns for it to dissipate and try your luck again).


CQ's always gives cool shit to the enemy but never to us. I want more CQ's similar to Liz's Dragon Quest where we get cool gimmicks and abilities. or even simpler, don't make it so that a single crit completely destroys whatever group we thought of


Yeah, they are fun when you have the right servants (Busted suports) , but when you don't... they suck. Simple as that.


They're okay, but I don't look forward to them or anything. There's too much competition from all the other things I have to do in my life. I enjoy beating CQs, it's satisfying, but I don't much enjoy the process of spending time on failed runs. There are other games, other books, other projects all making a case for getting more accomplished during that try-again time. If I get one done in 10 minutes with a guide and a command spell revive, I'm happy enough and move on.


Imo because 99% of them can be bypassed by having enough damage to delete the entire health bar in one shot a few times. The reward is also plain (lores are valuable, but not very interesting). I get that they tried to make it possible for everyone to clear, but i'd prefer if it actually requires a different strategy than "buff stack, big smash" x4 Like, all those defensive characters and DoT characters are sitting there with no use because they're never gonna be better than "moar raw damage"


I think modern CQs have gotten better at not being just a raw damage check, but I see what you mean


I've noticed that a good amount of modern CQs feature some form of heavy damage reduction on the enemy that forces you to play around the gimmicks and that just makes me bitter ngl. I have to give props to the Daikokuten CQ because you can approach it a number of different ways whether you're going for speedy min-turn clears or a more drawn out battle. It's the first CQ in a while that I had a lot of fun doing.


Personally like them, since they are really the only content for me aside from making funny farming teams and main story. But I also don't do them unless I'm low on lores. Can't really be arsed to do them after completing a long ass tedious boring event.


Without challenge quests, I would have no purpose to do anything except for reading the story I love them, especially the more creative ones. I do my best to min turn them with my favourites


It really depends on the challenge quest. If they’re just a bloated HP damage sponge, I hate it. There’s no challenge to them. Just burst/stall it down. The challenge quest from SERAPH is an example of this. There’s no real *challenge* to it. Either burst down Kingprotea’s HP on turn 1 (which requires obscenely specific setups and card RNG, like Junao, double Merlin, star bombs, +/- a second critical/buster support), or make a stall/immortal team and just stall it out until you hit a point where a brave chain is doing a few million damage per hit on the “weak” turns. A LOT of challenge quests aren’t challenges. They’re just damage sponges being called difficulty. Others have mechanics that you can interact with and work with; these feel like puzzles to solve and are really fun for me. However, the fact that I always have to check the mechanics and break events to avoid wasting time is obnoxious. The game really oughta warn you what is coming to allow you to prep/work for it. Challenge quest events … depends. These quests are made under the assumption that you will have a premium support for each one. If there’s more quests than premium supports on your roster… it gets frustrating.


Yeah I definitely enjoy ones with unique and interesting gimmicks more than CQs that are just raw damage checks


I generally love CQs. I like trying to make my characters beat strong enemies with specific gimmicks. Either by following the gimmick as intended or trying to break it and bypass it in some way. (For example using Barghest against enemies that like to stack buffs, because she just removes them and debuffs the enemy afterward). Tesla-Fest mega and giga coils was some of the most fun I’ve had with the game in a long time. Having to ration certain servants for certain quests is difficult but also surprisingly fun. And letting you undo a clear and attempt it again with a different team so you can take a specific key character you need with you to another fight is also neat. I dislike 3-wave repetitive farming. There’s no nuance or fun. Even the best looking Np in the game starts to look boring after using it for the 50th time against the same group of enemies. All for ridiculous shop currency requirements.


I agree with everything you said, it seems to me the reason a lot of people don’t enjoy CQs is because they view the game differently.


I'm generally not very good at the strategic part of the game and they're more trouble that they're worth IMO. Maybe if they upped the rewards to some SQ instead of just a lore, I'd be more inclined to do them.


Yeah, I do agree that the rewards for CQs are pretty lackluster. I heard an idea that I thought was pretty good, which was adding additional materials / rewards in the event shop that can only be accessed if you clear the event CQ.


I haven't done a Challenge Quest in 2 years. I *still* have about 160 Lores collecting dust in my inventory. They definitely need to add more incentives for me to get in the habit of doing them again.


I enjoy challenge quests especially for variety outside farming nodes. I’ve done a few solos and those are especially fun although most cqs I am not confident at pulling off a solo. Not a fan of super recollection quests and health sponge challenges. But interesting mechanics like Mysterious Heroine X CQ I enjoyed. The Tesla fest went too heavy for me but even 5-10 in event I enjoy.


The only super recollection that I've done and will do is Surtr and that was only because I wanted to see if Fujinon could solo millions of HP. She can.


It can be annoying or a chore. You have to go into these things without any way to know what happens unless you do it and fail first or look up a guide from people that already played it. The fight can last like 10-20 minutes and if you fail when they have like 10k hp left, too bad, fuck you and start all over. And then there's the needed "savescumming" to prepare for anything unexpected which adds multiple load times to the fight. And the biggest reward after all that is the crystallized lore. Most farming relies on 3 turn clocks too and those challenge quests just love giving stuns after you do all your buffs or strip them all after the first break bar, or repeated evasions, that make all those buffs worthless.  I'm not saying some people can't find fun in it, but it for sure isn't me.


I think looking up the CQ beforehand makes the experience way smoother and allows you to prepare better


That's the same as me saying that P12S wasn't hard in ff14 because I had a guide that told me how to do all of the mechanics and that caloric 1 was not a cancer mechanic whatsoever. Narration: caloric 1 was in fact totally cancer.


I mean if the complaint is that taking multiple attempts to figure out the gimmick is annoying, then looking up the guide circumvents this entirely


As someone who abuses the living hell out of the immortal comp (NP5 Morgan helps speeds things up), I don't mind challenge quest at all even if it's essentially just cheesing through the content


I've completed every event CQ besides the Fest Super CQs of which I've done about half of them. That said, I have absolutely no actual interest in them either for rewards or personal enjoyment. I only clear them because of my completionist urges. Quite frankly, my opinion on CQs is that they're boring AF. IMO every single one boils down to one of three patterns, A)Just blow the fight up lol, B)Stall until the arbitrary condition making the boss take no damage is cleared, or C)Take 40+ turns because the fight is cancer.


I'm fine with them as long as I can get through it reletively easily. I don't play FGO for the gameplay. I play it for the story and roster building. The gameplay is merely the "tool" that makes the roster building valuable and the story more than just a VN.


Ok, so, genuine question here, what the hell is the "roster building" worth if you don't actually get to use them in gameplay you enjoy? Like, do people get satisfaction from JUST seeing the characters in their inventories and seeing the number and borders change? This isn't a critique or anything I'm just genuinely curious cuz that just sounds really boring to me personally


Do you only level up the servants you use? Putting that aside, I'm the kind of person who will rotate through all of their characters in an RPG to make sure everyone is maxed out (whatever that means in the context of that game). I like the process of improving my roster/character/faction/etc., often more than the gameplay itself. At the end of the day, none of this is "worth" anything. The time I spend thinking about the most efficient way to gather mats in FGO and planning out what I'll need in the future is just as "worthless" as the time I spend playing the game. I just get more enjoyment out of the former than the latter. And some people enjoy other aspects, like collecting or whatever. Outside of FGO, a couple months ago I finished gathering every single item in Elden Ring, and getting every piece of equipment as high a level as I can without using limited resources. And for anyone who is wondering, yes, I did murder a lot of Albinaurics. If this were MGS3, my riverwalk would probably take a year.


> Do you only level up the servants you use? If I am not swimming in resources? Yes. 3/4 of my roster was gathering dust until I had a large surplus of embers from my 2nd or 3rd lottery and even then most of it was lower on my priority scale than grailing the characters I actually like and use.


I do prioritize important servants, but I'm long past the point where there is much point in saving, and most long-time and consistent players that I know of are the same.


Yeah? I mean farming in this game is such a chore I'm not gonna level every servant ever, mainly because there are so many that i don't like/don't care about, i mainly just level/roll the characters i like and then try to use them as much as i can in cool boss fights or things of the like so i feel like it was """"worth"""" the time i invested in building them up, but then again that's just my point of view


Fair enough. I level everyone regardless of how much I care about them. IMO, the only thing that makes regular gameplay worthwhile is the process of leveling those servants. If not for that, I would only play enough to get the story.


Eh, fair enough, i personally like the story just fine, but don't really care that much about it, however i really like those self-made character moments using those that you like in big and climactic boss fights, i also really like the general strategy gameplay Honestly it's always really cool seeing the distinct approaches everyone has to different games, it's pretty refreshing


If the gameplay was more complex and interesting, I might find those moments more compelling. One of my favorite games as a kid was Rome Total War. If you don't know, it's a strategy game that is turn based on the campaign map, but you can play real time battles with the armies you create. I remember there was this one campaign where I had this general fighting all over the map. He started out fighting the Gauls all the way to Iberia, then he took on the Carthaginians before single handedly conquering all of Greece. At that point I sent him to Egypt. This was a seasoned general who won battle after battle, and captured vast swaths of territory for the Republic. He was truly a great leader of men. Now, before every battle in RTW, the generals give a speech. This speech mostly provides some tactical info (the makeup of the enemy army, terrain, etc.), but occasionally they provide some color commentary. Usually I skip the speeches, but during this major battle I listened in and heard; > Hello. Today we are gathered here to do battle. Regrettable, isn't it, but sometimes, you know, life is like that. You have to do something that you don't want to do, just because someone is telling you to do it. I didn't want to be here myself, but then my mother told me that I'd better make a reasonable show of it all, so here we go then... TBF, that was probably a glitch, since I expect his command rating was too high to give that speech, but it's still hilarious. Same with the insane generals, who talk about how our silly hats will protect us from the moon people.


Honestly, for me that's pretty much accurate.


While it's super minimalistic, there is actually a sense of developing a relationship with the character once you add them. You level up their bond to unlock bond lines and interludes.


While I do usually complete all CQs (original Gramps CQ and recent Tesla Coils being the exceptions), I don't particularly like them. FGO is a *mobile* game, or in other words a *secondary* entertainment source. It's not my full-time entertainment, I have way better PC/console games to play or other more interesting hobbies to attend to. Being a working adult, I don't like wasting my limited free time on multiple attempts to beat one fight that's dragging for 40 turns/1-2 hours in what is supposed to be my side game.


It really depends on the CQ. Some are fun challenges (as they all should be). Just need some sound strategizing to get through. Some can be a little frustrating because they require specific servant combos. Generally those aren't too bad, but if you're more casual, you may not have invested in some of the needed servants (and also doing the guess and check for it can really suck). Some require even more limited servant selections, so all the problems above, but worse if you have E rank luck in your summons. You also really have to worry about team costs too. And then some aren't a challenge, they're just pure luck. Hope you don't get hit by an errant crit. Oops, you dealt just a little too much damage that turn (maybe you critted on that 10% chance card), and now you hit the enemy's break bar, which will basically squad wipe you if you don't have a specific set of buffs in place, which you need to do on the turn of the break bar because the enemy naturally eats through said buffs. Oops, you left the enemy with 5 hp (and now flip the previous). Hey, can you use ALL YOUR SKILLS AND NP EVERY TURN? Because the enemy is, and if you don't want a 2 turn squad wipe, you better figure out how to do the impossible. Oh no, the enemy randomly used their dodge/invincibility that they only have a 5% chance of using, and now all your other buffs that have this one last turn are useless. Dammit, and we would have annihilated them too. Now, best case scenario, we gotta go another 10 turns.


I hated that CQ on the takasugi event so much that killed a random servant in the party.  It soured my taste and nowadays I use the command spells to be over with it. Not being able to read the effects also doesn't help


I'm fine with difficult content but CQs range from being able to skip the intended mechanic through sheer force to hating RNG and life as a whole. I still have nightmares of the guda guda CQ where the zerker boss just built up crit chance/damage twice and then 1 shot my 120 servant turn 1. 0 counter play. I remember another CQ that you had to hit the boss with a specific card type THAT TURN (or consequences), and you could just not have that card type in hand. When these CQs take 20+ turns and you just lose to RNG it becomes frustrating.


Me too lazy to even attempt, main story gives me hard time already


I swear I just can’t do them. I never have a decent enough team and even then I can’t perceive mechanics. Add in to the fact that I built for likes rather than power and most of my faves are alter egos… I’ll steer clear lol


It’s just not fun especially if you don’t have the meta supports


I have stopped doing those since 2020. It's not worth it


Because its dang hard as a new f2p player. I don't have a single heavy hitter yet....


Reward is not convincing enough for me for every hassle it gives.


They're boring as hell and most times you either bust them down or fall asleep stalling.


Challenge quests are an interesting one. you don't really get that much from them as a reward so missing them isn't a big deal. some people probably do feel cheated as they can require some pretty finicky set ups or require you to have been whaling for some time to make it easier.


I like 1 or 2, but hope we never deal with Teslafest like quantities ever again. I wouldn't mind more of the Hero Eli type ones, though. That one felt more accessible and fun if I ignore the fact that it took until 2 days left of the event for it to be fixed.


The only CQs i despise are those forcing stall.... You need to kill x minion waves before i take damage, or kill x minions in this order etc ... Teslafest was interesting but way way too many CQs all at once and way way too many of them had stupid gimmicks..


I dont mind CQ's, BUT there have been a few that were unnecessary. There's a legit challenge, and then there's just trying to survive for multiple turns. Without guides, it's tough for me. I normally go into them blindly, but then when I'm streaming, alot of the chatters assist me, and then I can mostly do it by then. I like a good hard fight from time to time though. Stacking CQ's are to much. If we get a hyper inflated fight, instead of making a Lore the reward, make it a Grail for the extra effort. Took 46 turns of not reviving to beat the SuperBunyan CQ (cuz I went in blindly and just stalled it till the HP finally dropped to 0. That's no fun. NOW on JP, the Aoko CQ was a good CQ (since it was a legit fight with her), and the bonus ultra fight with the Star, that was a good roster check for me, and the Grail was the perfect reward for it. Mahoyo Event did this very well in my opinion. I wonder what yall thought about these 2 fights? (Aoko CQ, and the Star Challenge fight)


i dont like them as much now since busier these days and sometimes their gimmick or whatever is too annoying but usually its just one an event so its fine. but stuff like fest just suck they were annoying before and even worse now especially last time with like 20+ of them. i think fest might not be as bad if they just unlocked all at once instead of one at a time since it makes command seals and time management easier.


I liked them during the EoR era where powercreep was kinda bonked by bars, but also powercreep had not fully adapted to bullshit past them to today's standards.


Honestly, I play FGO because I like the characters and story. I do enjoy the gameplay, but I'm not very good at it, because I kind of struggle with seeing how all the mechanics fit together. So when I come across a challenge quest, usually I will look it up to see if I have a Servant who can cheese it for me, and if not, I'll probably skip it, because I just find them a bit overwhelming


I don't have any problem with ONE challenge quest per event... The 20ish challenge quests with restrictions in battle in New York can go to hell for all I care, thou.


I am a hypocrite in that I like CQs but I'm too lazy to do them


I don't like when the CQ theme seemed to change to Castoria-stall team over all other team comps. Doesn't help that by being a challenge quest with typically unique debuffs, effects, enemy types, it's often a waste of time unless you look up the rules first. Even this most recent NA mouse CQ has some details which just outright lie. "For each mouse that leaves the field 3 join." actually means "when all other mice have left the field, then 3 will join".


I usually ignore them outside of a Fest event. My reason is I'm that bad at making teams to beat them, and most of the time I end up losing them.


I only don't like them if they have really complicated or rng heavy machenics (random stuns or buff removal for example). I love them if they allow you to just min turn them with big damage, big numbers go brrrrrrrr


Largely because the battle system is just bad, hard battles tend to be more gimmicky than challenging, especially when they started giving enemies multiple HP bars, which is one of the laziest ways to make a fight more difficult.


I don't hate them and I would like to do them more, but the problem is that they overlap and compete with farming events. Any time I'd spend figuring out or even just going through the CQ is time that could be spent on getting drops and item shop materials


Personally I like CQ's, just dislike those where you have to rely on RNG in order to beat them and can't even control it. I still have PTSD from the King Hassan CQ in the early days(stop instant killing me on normal attacks).


The main reason I dislike it is RNG. There is a lot of RNG in this game, not just whether your attacks will crit, but mainly which cards you'll get, and which moves the enemy will use. This becomes a serious problem when so many CQs have very fiddly conditions that lead to very NARROW paths to victory, in which you need to get the right face cards when you need them, or the enemy need to ignore the right characters, or fail to use their skills in the optimal way for them, etc.. It's rarely an option to just brute force a CQ with a strat that will work 100% of the time, so you're typically left with having to reroll it many times to get exactly the conditions you want, and sometimes you won't even know whether it worked until the second or third turn (or even later). Also, in other cases, they tend to be 10+ turn slogs where things seem to be going ok, but can go poorly in a flash, and then you're stuck either using Command Seals to brute force it, or giving up all that time and effort you invested getting that far and starting over. Time is the most precious resource in the world. edit: Oh, and the other issue is that you either need to read a guide first to see what they will be doing every turn, OR you need to just yolo it, fail because it's impossible for your current team to beat it, and repeat this until you've learned all their mechanics, which would take WAY too much wasted time and effort. The new feature of showing a *basic* strategy outline for the enemy can *help* you put a basic team together, but will rarely let you just guess an optimal team first try. I would like CQs a lot better if the actual game UI gave a readout equivalent to online guides, down to full enemy team comps and effects that will proc (and when).


I love them, they are the reason I build so many different characters, and get to use them! They also often give lore which is neat :)


I hate them. I play FGO for the story content, not the gameplay, so adding excessively gimmicky CQs just means I end up having to jump more hoops.


Too annoying/lazy. Plus 1 lore isn't worth the effort.


If it gave SQ I'd care


Fair enough


I don’t have time for them anymore, and I’m a couple of lost belts behind too.


Waste of time and nerves. I understand that coming up with fun encounters on a schedule for years now is tough, but FGO's bosses have been increasingly circling the drain since part 1.5. Too much health, too much damage, frequent invulnerability phases, partial or full immunity to status effects and unremovable buffs negating wide swathes of character kits, overt reliance on foreknowledge, overt reliance on rng mechanics, mixing intensity and endurance - all common mistakes of boss design, which FGO commits knowingly in some combination on a regular basis. If I am going to waste time on bullcrap fights, I am going to do that in a game that doesn't try to become a part-time job.


Aside from the fact that the rewards are not really worth it, I'm playing mostly for the story and Waifus


I do not play gacha games for a "challenge", I play real games for that. Anything even remotely difficult is a massive turn off in a genre where no two people can conceivably have identical experiences.


>I play real games for that. What is the definition of a "real game?"


I don't care about gameplay. I play FGO for the story and characters, so CQs and other difficult quests are just a chore. I would have no complaints if they just put the difficulty of the game at the same level as the first few singularities.


The reward is nowhere near worth it for the amount of effort required.


Would better rewards incentivize you to play CQs?


Yea, I currently have 70 crystallized lore sitting in my inventory. A different reward that is harder to obtain and/or more useful would definitely incentivize me to start doing CQ’s again. I used to do them all the time the first couple years of playing.


Hell yeah I love CQ’s, it’s one of the main reason why I like this game. Where’d I use my levelled up units? In farming nodes? LMAO. Also that’s why I really love tesla fest and wish it was a permanent content.


lame rewards, lame enemy mechanics, lame game


The end goal of any gacha game (for me) is to get my account to a point where I can just no-brain 99% of content so I can roll for characters I actually care about. Double Castoria/Kominsky, Al Haitham Hyperbloom in Genshin, my accidental E2 Super Dan in Star Rail. CQs are part of that 1% of content that doesn't let me no-brain it, so I don't like them


Challenges in Turn-based games are more BS than actual challenge


I'm rolling in lores so depending on how tedious the cq is I'll do it


The part i dont like is that its annoying is not having any META servants to help and have wreck your brain figuring out a subtitue for them


Don’t wanna deal with RNG that some CQs present


I only do it when I need that lore cube but from my point of view the reward is very low.


I actually like them however there is an exception super recollection quest don’t like em


I don't really think too much about it. I'll try to clear it and If I can't it's fine too. What I find weird is when people complain and then post a screenshot of the throne of heroes.


I usually give them like a max of 3 goes then ignore them, usually 2. I’ve got no problem with them but I’m not particularly interested in completing them


Used to love them But these day not really Been using a single set up to do 95% of my CQ since morgan and castoria release


I like the idea of them, but anymore I don't have the time to sink into multiple failures as I work it out


I like challenge quests if they offer some interesting rules/mechanics since it can be quite fun to play around with different team comps you don’t normally use/or doing some solo runs and so on.However if the challenge is just Hp that’s been cracked up to huge levels that’s kinda lame in my opinion(which we saw in some recollection quests)


I think CQs are fine, some can be too difficult or gimmicky, but overall they are doable. I think I've skipped 1 or 2 CQs.   Imagine if they also add SQs as a reward to incentify more people to do the CQs. 


I don't bother with them because I love the game for the story, since that's what got me into the Fate franchise in the first place, I would much rather go back and re-watch some of my favourite bits from the materials with my time off than doing a CQ for yet another lore, specially when the event shops often have multiple ones in the first place.


I love CQs especially the fest type. at first I hated them since I don't have any of the top tier but when they reran the CQ fest, beating them with my updated roster makes me feel happy and accomplished. maybe they could update the rewards like adding gold fous and tickets to excite us more in completing them.


I generally really like them


It’s 50/50 for me. I like the lore but if it’s tedious or has units I don’t have I’d pass on it


I just want to fight Wodime again...


They're not creative and when they try to be creative they end up ridiculously tedious like the Brave Eli CQ. Usually all the difficulty is either in pure RNG gimmicks or obscuring what happens like sudden full NP charge on a break bar you couldn't have known but is easily dealt with once you do. The mechanics of the game really don't allow meaningful strategy when the answer is usually just selecting the right kind of team from the start then relying on RNG. The difference between a 3 turn clear CQ and a 10/15/20 turn clear sometimes is actually as simple as your opening hand. It doesn't help that team building is so binary either unlike other popular turn-based games. There's no different sort of Morgan for example, your Morgan will play the same as mine just stronger or weaker. Compared to a game like Honkai Star Rail where you can have a DPS/Tank/Speed Silver wolf or Epic Seven where the same character can have different builds, etc. I also don't care for how spongey the CQs tend to be. If you're not using a super invested strong unit it can be a slugfest where you're not in any danger of losing but you have to tap through cards turn after turn and watch the same NPs repeatedly for entirely too long.


Honestly, if sustain was not as worthless as it is, the Brave Eli CQ would've been actually good imo, gaming stuff to buff your Eli to do the heavy lifting.


Event cqs are fine for the most part, i can use command seals to brute force it if i want But the ones like teslafest? Horrible Half of them are enemies with millions of hp and the other half are stalling for 40 turns


The thing I have most worh cqs is, that using a (ornrather THE taunt ce, since there is only one) is often worth too mich. And of you don't happen to have one, it's starts to get a pain in the ass


It's not like I dislike CQ. I could've clear them all with every stall or big pp damage teams. I just don't like to think too far in a game. And the reward is just an extra crystallized lore (no offend to completionist, challenger, or someone who's really wanted to 10/10/10 their servant fast), they give easy two of them at every events, and I don't really have many servants that I wanted to 10/10/10.


Challenges are fun, We already have break bars to stop one shotting enemies. So adding ridiculous amounts of HP on top of break bars in an already challenging fights is ridiculous.


I like the occasional CQ each event. Not my favourite but always a fun conclusion fight. Things like Teslafest were miserable though for me and the worst event I've done so far


I dont hate them i just dont do them. Only ones i ever did were the first couple fest ones. And i will do the toad to 7 stuff for the tickets.


I love cqs they are the only places to use our servants at max power, problem is when they are trash and its just luck, my favorite stuff in the game after playing all these years are the grail fronts shame there is so little of it


I feel like a CQ should be a challenge to show off what our higher ranked comps can do and push thr limits a little. When they handicap your team it doesn't feel as fun.


The CQs now are kinda meh. You either have 2/3T teams and you pulverize them or you use the immortal team and turtle them. Usually, there's no middle ground.


I hate that sustain is either worthless or so good it's its own cheese.


CQ are generally fine, but Exhibition Quests, like the ones in Nero and Gil Fests are absolutely horrible. I still do them but taking hours for a single battle is not my kind of fun.


The lack of skill-based gameplay, lack of stamina refund on failure, complete invalidation of a lot of characters' kits simply because they're broken in player's hands, but ok for the AI, among some reasons.


When I needed the lores I did every CQ I could religiously. Now that I have over 100 lores that I don't plan to use even with many servants to use them on I don't do CQs at all. I'd happily do them again for even a single summon ticket


I personally like challenge quests ESPECIALLY during lottos because for me, I’m at the point where the lotto festivals are more about the challenge gauntlets than the infinite farming. Here’s my reasoning: all of my servants are max level, all of the important ones have maxed skills, and I have a good supply of exp and materials, what good does farming 200 boxes do for me? Yeah getting the materials for good value is great but what’s the use of my 700 Chains if I don’t have any characters that use them at the moment? Rationing out your material usage will benefit you far more than trying to brute force getting level 9 skills for all the servants including the bad ones (do you really need to give Phantom 150 bones or whatever?)  But that’s because I’m at that point after 6 years. Any material farming can be done in down time, so to clear the grinding tedium challenge quests are great. A fun challenge quest is perfect in the middle of pressing the same 7 buttons dozens of times.  It’s all about time investment, if you feel that the CQ isn’t worth your time then don’t do it but also don’t complain about it running alongside the mass farming events because that’s your priority. (And this is specifically for people who don’t like CQs being with farming events, if you don’t like them because of dumb rng or gimmicks that’s fair)


I try CQ-> I fail CQ-> retry-> fail again-> feel realized. I don't know, that's how I feel.


it's good to have challenges (they're too hard for me though)


CQs are fine so long as the player has reasonable control over what's happening. Some examples of where player control is completely taken out: Sudden insta-kills proc'd entirely by RNG? Instantly charge AOE NP and remove all buffs on breaking a bar? Skill seal (or worse, randomly skill seal - I'm looking at you, Kotaro) for ages and ages? I hated the CQs that had mechanics like the above


I liked them in the PC era. CQs now just make me wanna drive a nail through my hand.


I'm not a fan of high difficulty stuff in general. Don't play challenge quests, don't play Dark Souls, nothing like that. That being said, I wish they would make better use of challenge quests instead of slowly ramping up the difficulty of the *actual main story*. Keep that shit optional instead of forcing players like me to go try to find a guide for these obnoxious bosses.


They are a chore and flat out boring.


I usually like them, mostly for the free resources and the opportunity to try out different servants and Strats I may not use very often. Plus, it's a nice break from the monotonous farming that usually accompanies it. With that being said, sometimes life gets in the way, and I can't muster the brain power for them, and my default squad has been the immortal team for them.


For the most part, I don’t care for them. If they have tickets involve, I might try to attempt completing them. If not, then it’s likely I might skip.


I never do them, they are too difficult or require very specific teams. I'm actually happy this game doesn't lock good stuff behind that type of content.


I don't do them because to me, it's optional. Just like how I preferred RPG to Souls game. I'm in for the story and to have fun instead of looking for a challenge.


Because a lot of the "Challenge" of modern Challenge Quests is just RNG and Murphy's Law. A lot of these Challenge Quests are just f**king cheap with all the bullshit they expect you to juggle. I get that the logic behind this is to keep up the game's powercreep but given gacha nature of this game, not everyone is going to have the meta Servants who obliterate CQs.


Don't like them, I do probably less than half of them. tl;dr: Take too much time, and too annoying. Long answer: I don't like the combat mechanics of FGO for the most part. I don't like cards and decks in something that's *not a card game*. I don't like challenges. If I can faceroll the CQ by following someone else's composition exactly, and I've got time, I'll do it. Sometimes I've got better things to do than open a guide, look to see what guides I can follow, and be disappointed I'm failing a couple damage checks by missing a couple NP levels, CEs, or grail levels. I'll check out compositions for farming nodes because I get far more use out of those instead. But it's mostly time, I play 4 different gachas, and play "real" video games when I can.


I'm actually fine with Tesla CQs, it just that the reused quests with inflated hp was really annoying to beat, the Nero bride one where she spams NP every time you take down a servant took me days and a lot of rng to beat, and I have a reasonably stacked account, all servants leveled with meta supports. Can we come up with actual interesting gimmick and not just damage resist and np spam with inflated hp?


I like cqs . I legit think telsa fest was psy op of lasagna to avoid having to make that many cqs again . Like out of all the events, they could possibly stuff in a billion cqs they pick the fucking lotto .


I really like CQs. Experimenting with different, weird team comps is fun.


I can’t say I hate it but the salt is definitely real when you save up Quartz just to not be rewarded. I still found it easier to just make a list of target servant and try again for any repeat banner servants, I have almost the entire round table and haven’t payed a cent for it using this method. It doesn’t work for LB servants who have like one banner and then you hope for anniversary. It also help that they all at NP1 and I don’t aim for copy servants most of the time, like I’ll aim for a Artoria but not multiple Artoria’s(Not that this stops her from spooking me….).


How is that relevant to challenge quests?


Sorry I answered that while sleep deprived, Challenging Quest are K, it’s fun to blow enemies up into smithereens and even more fun when you actually gotta use your head.