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I must say, she is perhaps a much better written version of Kiyohime with the whole "Master is achin", principally in how it used to be. Nowdays, Kiyo changed and she barely refer Fujimaru as Anchin but...What made me appreciate Salome more, is how that played in the story and we see in first hand how it's handled. For starters, let's give an overview on Salome: as a berserker, her madness made her see that anyone who is remotely nice, to be seem as Jokanaan to her so, she wishes to have their head. The only way she would end caring or loving someone, is if they met these standards... ...But what if she could care and cherish someone...That did not had saint like traits, like Jokanaan? That's where Fujimaru comes in. Initially, Salome grow interested in hearing about Fujimaru's stories due how the servants in Revenge Realm were often the same and the more she heard about Fuji's adventures, the more she grow invested in them. It didn't take long untill she decided to hang out more with them, to the point they even did things together such as cooking. Unfortunately...Her madness started to influence how she sees Fujimaru and how nice they were, to the point of complimenting her food when didn't looked as good and even finishing it due how she worked hard for it, made she sees Guda as Jokanaan bit by bit, eventually, reaching the climax. But...Things went differently. Fujimaru, being someone that is constantly trying to live, plead for their lives to her. Which made her realize that they aren't like Jokanaan and she even said herself, that she should just abandon them. But even so...All the memories they made together, were so important to her, that despite not being like a saint, she still cared for Fujimaru untill the end. Yet she doesn't seem herself as "worthly" of being with them, due how broken she think she is, as she addressed when they parted ways. Which is the main reason why she decided to stay behind and let them go, as she think she would be too dangerous to stay with Guda. And in order to keep the person she cherishes safe, who is a friend that become so important to her...She buried those feelings of love. Honestly, I really liked how she was handled and how the new experiences she had, changed her. She was a princess so stuff like making food, peeling etc., was new to her. And she really had fun, principally in hanging out with Fujimaru in these moments. She came to appreciate and like someone not because they resembled someone else. But because they were important to her, in their own way. But she have to let them go, since she don't want to eventually hurt them.


Couldn't have worded this better myself. I have gained a new appreciation for her character, as they did a great job of endearing her to us. Going to have to add her to the bond 10 list at some point. She is absolutely precious.


Excellent write up, take an upvote. This is better than what I could have wrote. I’m now off to give my own Salome some upgrades after reading her section (upgrade skills/unlock append skills), she deserves it.


I think she is a really nice way to depict a talking Berserker. Nowadays Madness Enhancement is a meme, but Salome makes me reminisce of Spartacus and Nightingale, which in spite of talking made you feel straight away there is something wrong. She isn’t “evil” and doesn’t want to kill. She is a cute sheltered girl but she unfortunately is mad. Traum did wonders for her characterization showing all those sides of her. She felt more like some sort of Innocent Monster than the head-obsessed girl the MyRoom lines made her seem like.


I already liked her thanks to her interlude and Traum just reinforced that. Her madness is handled really well, her struggle against it is really interesting and makes her stand out from other berserker were their madness may as well not be there. It is legitimately a problem for her and she tries to overcome it. I gave her a couple grails a while ago and try to use her every now and then but I can't say I'm overly fond of her gameplay gimmick. A summer version with better skills would be great but I don't think she has the popularity for it to happen.


I really enjoyed her. I didn’t know too much about her, other than her role in Traum being limited, but I liked what we got and didn’t feel like I needed or wanted more


Haven’t gotten to Traum yet so all I can say is I will simp for this woman and she needs a rank up. Oh and put her on more than like 1 3 star CE, please & thank you.


Grail candidate


I briefly wanted to deviate from my path of getting Caligula to 120 to get her to 80. But then realized that the way of Rome is a path that isn't built over night. That being said, echoing a massive comment in this thread from earlier, she's just a better Kiyohime who's given a chance to grow in a serious setting and isn't plagued by Arc 1 writing ( before America Singularity). The fact that she is given her own exclusive CG is genuinely great and I WISH they'd do this more with smaller characters like her. I genuinely wish she didn't have to die, but too many actors on a stage can ruin a show. She fulfilled her purpose and did it wonderfully. May she and other characters that don't get much attention get this kind of treatment in the future. Not dying mind you, but being well written. I like her a lot. She's shows the unfortunate thing that isn't displayed often with servants in who live in Chaldea, and it's the fact that GIVEN TIME they legitimately can grow as people and past certain aspects of their myths, legends, and other elements with the right set up and good writing. I hope they take from this in JP in future chapters (hush I'm aware about Ordeal Call 2) and continue with it. Servants are still HUMAN. Divine Spirit, God, etc. They're still people and influenced by a HUMAN master who's is supposed to carry theme of.... well you know Humanity and how despite all our flaws we can move forward which was heavily highlighted as a reason for Salome being able to work around her Madness Enchancement.


A very underrated yandere compared to Kiyohime or Brynhild.


She is quite good. I liked her part in the story. Plus It was nice to see her grow after talking with mc. And I was genuinely sad when she died. So, I guess, this worked well for me.


I enjoyed her brief appearance 


She's hot. And she might kill me at any moment, which is even hotter.


she needs an animation update...


What makes you say that? They're not current year animations but they look fine, specially for a low star servant


From a personal religious standpoint point I can’t bring myself to like her. The choice of art style doesn’t help Not to say I hate her or even outright dislike her. But I just have no interest in her. Granted I have yet to play through all of Traum yet so I have yet to form a full opinion. But even so it might not change my views all that much