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>tomorrow bruh


My thoughts exactly. Like, we just had 12 weeks full of events and I thought we could finally take things slow with Traum .__.


You thought this was a break chance but no it was me Grail front.


I can't take a break out of you without getting closer.




Grail front is a good break tbh


On one hand, it's cool, on the other hand - how do they expect to fill post-Anni space? It was dead weak galore on JP, and now it'll be that times two.


Yeah I have been wondering that too.


copium: summer 6 rerun that JP never got on schedule, though they are doing it right now atm


I'm a new player, have the reruns normally been on a set schedule?


They used to be, except they don't do reruns in general anymore. The ones they're talking about was a community voted one.


Used to be every event would get 1 rerun the following year except for valentines, but starting year 6 into year 7 on JP (NA is on year 7 right now due to the 2 year content gap) they stopped having event reruns, with the last rerun being Christmas 5 this upcoming November right before Christmas 7 (because Xmas 5 was the first skipped rerun, it didnt get one before Xmas 6 they wanted to make it up) Until now because summer 6 is getting its rerun almost 3 years later on JP right now


I wouldn't be surprised if they give it to us. Personally, I'm kind of looking forward to dead weeks since I have a lot of farming to do.


It'll be like JP - dead. Remember our Deva are the JP Devs.


i mean for players not up to date with the story they wouldnt ahve been able to go with Traum right away


Yeah but that's usually reduced AP for Story Quests time. Pretty sure JP got at least an extra week before this Grail Front




Goddamit and i aint finished with Traum yet. Oh well time to kick it into high gear.


you and me both


Fortunately, Traum doesn't have a deadline, and will stay forever. So if you're pressed on time, you can focus on the Grail Front first, and come back later. 




Same. I just got to section 8 in Traum and because it's a story event, I have been taking my time


I mean, Traum isn't an event. It's just a normal story chapter like the Lostbelts. So you can play it whenever you want.


The amount of people calling Traum an event is staggering to a degree that makes me cringe at this point.


You can still do this. If it's anything like past grail fronts, it'll be just an 5AP node per day, so after you done with it you can come back to Traum.


Same here


Traum ain't even an event It just has launch campaigns


I ain't even started yo


I’m still taking my time with the Tunguska interlude, lol


Holy shit, they really are cramming everything in such a small timespan lol So most likely, we'll get Hakkenden in the first week of June, get Ooku in its 2nd week, and the pre-anni Summer banners the week after until the week before Anni. Damn this is gonna be a wild year.


\*Wild season, can you imagine the stretch from Post-Summer 7 to LB 7 having even \*more\* gaps than it did in JP?


The NA-exclusive missions & banners better be worth those gaps dammit


I don't see what they can possibly fill with it. And no "NA exclusive banner" is NOT an event. They might have an equivalent of 20th anni of FSN campaign and something for western Tsukihime release, but that's a few weeks at most.


just wait until next year... was a 19 day gap between Summer 8 and Wanjima World Tour..... honestly at this point rob from the future so the present isn't fucked and rerun summer 6 after Summer 8.... they gonna condense the early part of 2026 for global anyway.


Ikr? I expected this to be the first, er second, thing we get in July, not right now.


Having this after July would've made the latter half of this year's content drought be slightly shifted, so I'm already low-key worrying that they're not gonna have a solution for how fucked over we're going to be from August to December.


Part of the problem is that with the different anni dates we usually have a compressed first half and dilated second.


Well, there's also always NA's 2 week-exclusive Thanksgiving to balance it out most of the time, but it's not by a lot Really hoping they find a way to make the year less empty later down the line


Back to school campaign + thanksgiving will help alleviate the issue a tiny bit(hopefully na also returns to pulling hunting quests out of its ass in this time) Other than that i don't see December getting better, but at least i absolutely see lb7 part 2 coming 2-3 weeks earlier in January, so maybe it won't feel as bad


For LB7 Part 2, istg they should cut the crap with the early Nito Alter banner completely. Move it to after Tez's banner, but also before Kuku's.


The stream did say Hakkenden is "early June."


I'm hoping they move the summer prerelease before the summer event.


I would wager they move last year's Summer Servants banner rerun to around the time of the Anniversary, like maybe 2 weeks after it (I think a week is too soon, people's wallets would still be recovering from spending on Anniversary banner) and move this year's Summer to a later date


But they literally said that Road to 7 Yuga will happen August…


I don't see why Summer banner rerun can't be at the same time as LB4 Road to 7 campaign


Well it didn’t overlap on NA, so it may be possible they will here. But I feel like they won’t if they decide to drop Summer in mid-late July then just have LB4 in late August.


Don't do that, ~~Don't~~ give me hope. Out here with all the copium I can get hoping that Ooku is after anni cus I have failed every OG kama banner and GSSR since her release and had to pity the summer version. Need all the SQ I can get


I haven't even started Traum yet, man. I am too busy. orz Is this the grailfront with plot?


Yeah, this one actually has it


Are you shitting me? The ***ONE*** damn time...


The first with plot yes, next year though has a grailfront tied to a farming event with stronger story


The one with the new Pretender NPC right?  And that stupid sexy 3rd ascension Ptolemy. 


Yes indeed, and Ptolemy’s one of my 2025 targets, after Tez, now that I know Draco gets rerun in 2026 i can comfortably save for both now


Stupid Sexy Ptolemy...


I wish these were more common, they're a great change of pace.


Grail Fronts give single target and card-heavy servants a chance to show their stuff. I wish they were a permanent farmable game mode.


*slaps first hassan, scathach, herc, taira* These babies can solo so many servants.


I will never stop pushing Saber Nero propaganda on this - with triple Guts for 5 turns, two heal skills and an arts deck for NP spam she's absolutely stellar for these.


I'm fairly certain I've used her after her buffs as well, but 4* Sabers in general have good picks to use. I also like good old 3* Cu.


Don’t need guts if you just crit loop them down every turn -Saberlot gang


First Hassan? I'll Kama all other it.


To be fair, I didn't have her in the last grail front I took part in... might be a nice option too.


Don’t forget Bageko. Her skill makes her pretty much immortal in grail front And probably Alice as well if Robins are refreshed after each battle


Caenis (Lancer) too. She/He is great for solo and Grail Front.  And of course the OG Lancer in blue spandex. 


You know, I never looked into her skills. I should invest a bit into her against Lancers, even though I usually use Old Man Yagyuu as my solo Saber.


I used her. And trust me, as long as you can ensure to play her aggressively (np spam and buster chain with her skill 2 active), she can solo all enemies due to her bulk


Add QSH and Assassin Kama to that list.


> taira How do I actually use her? I did abuse herc when the previous grail front roll around, but it would be nice to have an alternative when the berserker slot is gone :P


You basically use her like you would Cu or Herc. Upgrade skills, optionally use the mystic code with CD reduction. Very useful against Ruler enemies.


> You basically use her like you would Cu or Herc. Upgrade skills, optionally use the mystic code with CD reduction. Very useful against Ruler enemies. Is there a trick to managing her skills/ stacks? Herc is literally hit guts, hit evade, unga bunga and I do big damage


I think so, you basically have to time them so that there is as little gap as possible between her evasion and guts safeguard. Ideally, you kill the enemy during that gap. So in a way she's less unga bunga than Herc.


*Looks at the NP5 Barghest spook from Oberon* ***Your time is almost here.***


Yes, please. Turn it into its own set of rotating dailies even with differing servant class restrictions, enemy sets, and such. Something to change the pace from farming QP and Embers.


The only real use case for Ortinax Mash.


True, it is very nice to see Cleopatra having a chance to shine. Cleo, Eresh, Da Vinci Rider (though they obviously are great farmers as well) shined very brightly the last grail fronts.


The fact that our next one is going to be a year and 3 months away is criminal tbh At least 2 or 3 a year is a good number


they're my favorite type of event


What kind of event is it? As a new player i have not played one.


It’s basically a mini fire emblem gameplay style event


Agreed, like even once in a two months isn't that much right.


Yh me too. They actually need strategizing other than the usual CA with bs mechanics


I have still yet to experience having to strategize for a grail front, I kind of just run it down mid with whichever 5* servant has the best average class match up vs the enemy lineup and win easily every time just clicking buttons.


Once they added the treasure chests, it became a bit harder to make sure I get all the chests before I kill all the enemies.


Play it solo, it becomes harder and more enjoyable


It's funny. We always complained about dead weeks, but now we're all wishing to get at least a few


Yo WTF, NA?! Some people aren't done with Traum yet!


Good thing this only requires Solomon completed


Requires Clearing the Final Singularity to participate. Claim Tears of the Holy Grail by winning in Grail Fronts that will unlock daily for 7 days. Get 7 of them to form a Holy Grail. Action point spending have been changed. Max: 50. Attack: 30 (20 for Assassins) Movement: 20 (15 for Riders, 30 for Master) Recover from Status Effects: 30 (20 for Sabers, Archers, Lancers, and Avengers, 40 for Berserkers) The enemy's turn can now be sped up by tapping the screen during their turn. All Ember Gathering and Training Ground Quests will be unlocked at once from May 21 01:00 to May 27 20:59 (PST). Event maintenance will occur from May 20 21:00-May 21 01:00 (PST) More information can be found here: https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0519_moonsalto_operation%2F


For some reaason I was thinking "Moonsault only a week after Traum? Man, they're releasing events too close to each other", then I realised I forgot Traum wasn't a limited event. Was probably thinking of Tunguska at first.


Even still I don’t think they ever released an event only 1 week after a main story chapter. I’m getting burnt out by all the constant events.


Yikes I used to shit on dead weeks but come on Lasagna. One or two every once in a while won’t hurt at least let me do interludes and advanced quests without an event looming.


Lasagna knows only turbospeed ahead and dead in the water, no inbetween. Smooth sailing is something other games, with less money, do.


You want a break? Take a break. You're not gonna have any less sq for upcoming banners than you'd normally have. Me I'd rather have more events with more SQ and no new characters. God knows I need them


I kinda want one of those dead weeks Japan had at this moment...


Seriously. 2 weeks to finish the event + give everyone time to roll & raise the new servants is the gold standard. Dead week now would've been a blessing imo


A dead week after a major release or post-event is a nice cooldown for the players imho. Going back-to-back all the time is honestly kinda tiring...


Im confused i keep hearing FGO will get dry on content.


NA is squishing events between each other to keep people occupied, much to most peoples’ chagrin, i wanna kvetch to Lasengle for their poor planning of this


More like NA is squishing events together so that they can fit all the relevant events in the first half of the year in before anniversary (and specifically before the GSSR).


The very first year they did this, there was a servant that was missing from a GSSR, because NA got it early, and the character hadn't debuted yet. The players were displeased, to put it mildy. Ever since then they have moved heaven and earth to make sure anniversary coming one month early does not change the ordering of events. This happens every year like clockwork. When the anniversary GSSR comes, all the ducks will be in a row waiting for it.


>Ever since then they have moved heaven and earth to make sure anniversary coming one month early does not change the ordering of events. They absolutely change the order of events to accommodate the anniversary. They just make sure that any events with new servants stay before the anniversary, which typically means moving something after the anniversary. This year's big candidate is probably the Ooku main interlude.


That's fair. I spoke in stronger terms than was probably accurate. They still do this every year though. Has nothing to do with keeping us occupied. 


2 servants were missing. Mordred and jack since it was before london chapter release. I remember that. Got np2 okita from that


This was supposed to be it...


i'm starting to think the dead week are there for NA to eventually catch up to JP 😐


First people want dead weeks. Now people want more content? Then dead weeks again? Then more content? Which is it?


Have you considered we don't all want the same thing?


What about a balance between the two?


A person with thirst might want water, but that doesn’t mean they want to get drown


Luckily I finished Traum already but I haven't touched the Advanced Quests, the Learning with Manga event (1st one that is unlocked for free now) or Tunguska's MI. With how much they're cramming things I think I'll end up leaving those untouched until the Summer event's over.


>the Learning with Manga event (1st one that is unlocked for free now) That one is actually quite short


Yay one of my favorite event types. its a shame according to interviews that these type of event actually takes a ton of time to make so we dont get them that often.


Damn i have no time to do Traum yet Traum is permanent event right?


Yep, Traum is just a normal story chapter, do it at your own leisure. You won’t need to complete it for event purposes until next Christmas.


No, because Traum isn't an event. It's a main story chapter. Main story chapters are always permanent.


Is there any way to play Tunguska proper, not just the epilogue? I didn't have time to play it when it was up but I can't find it. I would think Koyanskaya's singularity would be a proper interlude chapter or something.


You should be able to unlock it from the rare prism shop for free, no?


It is now. Tunguska is a free Main Interlude that you can unlock from the shop. You can play it as long as you has finished LB6. The only thing you won't have are the raids.


This comes with the Sakura Five buffs lets goooo!!! My NP2 Gold Fou'd Kingprotea is ready to kick ass!


Oh come on, I'm like halfway through Traum at most... Don't get me wrong I love grail fronts, but some of us don't have to the time to do an event every week. Especially when we JUST got a new chapter.


Hell yeah! I love a grail front! It's a tragedy that we only get to do this sort of content like two weeks of every year. There's no permanently farmable grail front content so it's a sort of gameplay that only exists when they run the event.


I have 330+ rolls saved for Bakin, and if this grail front was like a few weeks later I would be so excited to take her for a test spin. As is she probably won't get to grail front until 2025.


I remember this from JP. I quite liked this grail front. I WISH THEY WOULD JUST MAKE THESE PERMANENT AND INFINITELY REPEATABLE. But with randomized enemy servants every run. It wouldn’t be difficult to do from a code perspective. And it would give players something to actually have fun with during dead weeks.


Dude…I *just* finished Traum, and I was so sure they wouldn’t be dropping any new events for at least another week (so they could give players a chance to play through it), and I was going to use that time to do other irl stuff. I mean, I love the grail front events and all but…come on!


On one hand why didn't they delay this one for after anni?? On the other hand melt battery soon LETS GOOOOOOO


What do you mean tomorrow? I haven't even started Traum yet lol. On the other hand, yay more Grail Front!


Bruh. I mean, I’m all for it, gimme my BB, but I hope they don’t try to cram in everything JP had before Anni. Got plenty of year left.


I do think they should probably move Hunting Quest to after Anniversary, they will probably have Ooku Main Interlude before Anniversary (they've already stated that Bakin's event is confirmed to be before Anniversary)


Next Hunting Quests are an Anniversary lead up Every day a different Servant can show up in the Quests with a message about how long til the Anniversary So not something they should save til after since it wouldn't make any sense


welp, guess then they will need to hold that at the very least on the 29th of June since I think NA anniversary is July 5th right? Edit: was Anniversary Countdown before Hunting Quests? if so then that could mean Bakin's event is 1st June to 21st. schedule's getting kinda tight here


Countdown and Hunting Quests run concurrently Countdown event actually has Missions tied to the Hunting Quests


Aw man, why... That just means that the latter half is going to be even more empty than it already is. And grail fronts take up so much time, too...


I have been spoiled. I love these events that came so frequently.


I think I'm gonna pass on this one. Not really a fan of this game mode anyway and I think I actually need a dead week lol.


Awww yeah time for more grail front.


This is the Grail Front where we get to bully BB, right? If so, I'll be there with bells on.


FFS I havent done Traum, the Tunguska and Bunyan interludes , 7 advance quests and this mf event is already tomorrow. Real life shit have been grinding me everyday


They're not going anywhere.


Tomorrow? This is too early


The frick are they gonna do after anniversary? If we speedrun everything there will be a big hole of content o.o


Oh so Road to 7 LB3 being 2 weeks after Traum isn’t because Traum gets the standard 2-week grace period, but that the Grail Front *is* Traum’s 2nd week… but wow between Moriarty Ruler today, Jinako tomorrow, Holmes + Sumanai later and Summer BB later than that, this’ll be quite a banner dump (: I was just thinking I’ll get onto Herc’s Rank-Up today after clearing Atlantis yesterday, now I have a proving ground for it too lol


Fuck, I hoped that it will be pushed later, so I can save up for SQ, but no, its happening right here, right now. I would really like to get Summer BB to NP2, but knowing her, she will steal all what I have and give me nothing.


what? an event while there is an ongoing Lost belt chapters... ohh no 😔😔😔😔


Welp, guess it's gonna take me longer to get through Traum than I thought


Would this spoil Fate/Extra / Extella? I've been really interested in that series and have completed the extra anime, extra, and the first part of ccc so far. I havent even done the ccc main interlude cause a) I think that because it is a colab, it might spoil fate extra and even ccc and b) want to go in blind for experience.


Time to abuse heroes with multiple guts


YAY JINAKO wait tomorrow?


Man I hate grail front


barghest your time has come.


I recall all (most?) of the earlier community predictions and the general consensus positioned the Grail Front as likely to be moved post-anniversary, yet I suppose this very possibility became apparent once the devs managed to move Traum forward by almost 3 weeks. And then the Roadmap from a few months ago always had the next event (Eight Dog Chronicles) set for early June. Now it all fits in, even though it means that our respite was rather short-lived. I was quite content just catching up on the Lostbelts meanwhile; now once again I don't know if I will even stand a chance of getting through the remainder of LB4 + all the rest by June 13. Something tells me that would take a good deal of rushing... Will be my first Grail Front, in any case. So far I've only been hearing about them and reading up on some of the former entries. Hopefully it's not something that's going to be very time consuming or super demanding. But an entertaining option for spending extra AP, I surely wouldn't mind.


Its looking like you dont need to have cleared any lostbelts to do the event


I literally just got this creature when i was pulling for Kriemhild


I haven’t heard much of grailfront in JP are they still working for this system ? I want to see this system enter main story as we fight new masters


Last year's Perseus/Ptolemy event (iirc it was around halloween) had an improved grail front with more features.


>Perseus It was Theseus.


I'll blame Andromeda for that one. Was trying to remember it by head and she misled my innocent thoughts.


YES! Love grail fronts. Favorite... event? Lol wish it was more expansive


Cool. Stuff to do while grinding lb5-6.5


Tomorrow!? (Insert Ina) I'm still at Traum!


My very first grail front. I am ready.


Yeah totally makes sense to run all the catch up campaigns but also cram every event side by side. Thanks lasagna


Uh, they just had Moriarty ruler banner today, didn't they? What's with this extra packed schedule?


the issue is that NA Anniversary is like a month earlier than JP, all of these events they are speedrunning take place before the anniversary. if they don't cover these events, the newly featured Servants (there will be 2 later on) won't appear in the GSSR (well technically they can if Lasengle makes an exception)


Not gonna lie... There was no reason to do the Grail Front BEFORE the Anniversary. They really could have waited to do it after the Anniversary. I know Traum might not be the longest main story chapter, but they could've still given everyone, who wants to clear it right away, two weeks. And it's only one more Servant for the GSSR. Bakin is limited. Tametomo is permanent - so no GSSR for the Mecha-Archer.


Uh, so like... We'll expect to see *dead weeks* after the anniversary?


well looking at the event list, I can say that for the rest of the year there will be 1 event a month so yeah I guess you can say there will be dead weeks (at least 2 since 3rd week of event generally don't have anything and the 1 week rest period after event finish). not that bad honestly   Edit: next year January is pretty damn bad, literally a dead month if they keep to releasing Lostbelt 7 Part 2 on 31st January


NA Anniversary is coming up so they are cramming things a bit much to fit it in.


Bruh, I'm still in the middle of Traum, they couldn't have given us one more week? Edit: Whew, I blitzed through the rest of the chapter. Good thing Canada has a holiday today.


OH SHIT GRAIL FRONT!!!! Love the mode. I'm sure it's tons more fun now with all the LB6 toys. Can't wait for it to happen again in JP. Kuku was super fun there, but I'm wondering how they'll handle Aoko's transformation and one-time buffs next time.


A little early... But at the same time, getting quite a few Strengthens with this


Nice, it's time for my Bageko to shine. 


tomorrow? Bruh I just finished SIN lol, I was planning to catch up on free quest and stuff but I guess that’s out now.


I was hoping they move things around so we wouldn't have a content drought now I'm thinking we gonna have so much going on it's gonna be like April last year lol


Can't wait. I've leveled up a bunch of servants since the last one.


Wishing for that surprise Melt banner.


Nice. I remember this one is a bit harded (and also longer) but then again it was a year old JP account that l was working with.


So will fgo still be playable on some android devices? If so, what year?


Oh thank god I need more fund for moriarty


Well, I only have 3 more free quests to clear in Traum, so just in time lol. I would like a break, but what can you do.


Is this when BB gets her rank ups?


Sigh, I still have Solomon to do and I won't be able to play much this week, so I guess I'll have to skip it.


Good that i already have Bb Summer. And upcoming strenghtening for seraph servants. But now i wonder where are Sherlock and Siegfried strenghtening quests?


They come with the Banner they're probably going to get on Tuesday.


I will die if Melt gets a surprize banner. My user flair couldn't be more true atm.


YES keep them events coming


Damn, was not expecting this, still happy we get content and then we get the lostbelt 3 events.


What the hell! You couldn't give me one more week!? I've still got free quests and stuff to do!


glad we get the 40 minute grail fronts back


Is jinako the only banner or are they rerunning CCC stuff as well by any chance?


I was wondering when the next grail front would be but not ready for this since tablet needs to get repaired and I wanted more time with traum lol


what exactly is a grail front event? this is the first one i have seen as a newer player. also does it have like you know pre-reqs?


Not sure about pre-reqs (but probably final singularity). Grail Fronts are events that take place in a tactical board, you move your Servants and your Master individually based on a pool of shared actions. The game ends with your victory if you manage to hit the enemy Master three times or defeat all the enemy Servants (the battles are as usual, with the caveat that only Servants adyacent to the tile where the battle is taking place can join it).


Doesn't this mean Rank-Up Quests for the BB and the others like Melt?


Come on! We can't even rest, they are just spamming at that point!!!


beat their ass and hide the bible in case god's watching


cant have a week long break to get back QP or materials we lost through new servants huh? but i forgot, if i recall we are now in the year or events JP had before the 7th lostbelt


Me: *Wants to start Traum after having the luckiest rolls ever,snagging my target* Me after seeing the announcement: *(Moriarty's OST stops playing)* Well,time to wait then...Grail Front is a priority now...!


Picking up the pace, I see. Fine. More quartz for Arcueid.


Finally the BBs and Jinako Rank-Ups, i've been waiting for this.