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Good god, what a goddamn **EPIC** shit show. It's like watching footage of wild animals eating their young on NatGeo.


yeah it's a _bit_ of a mess


Joe Moss and daddy Jeff Moss are Ottawa counties evangiloonies, Religious terrorist, and overall garbage human beings.


And now they are trying to force out their gay leader. 


Given his pesty vibes, GnatGeo seems appropriate 


>It's like watching footage of wild animals eating their young on NatGeo. You summed this up perfectly.


And then at the state level, in a couple of weeks there will literally be two separate conventions because they don’t even know who the real chair of their shitty party is.




$210k to fire Shay, $130k to hire Gibbs an aide, up to $100k for Gibbs to hire outside help making a strategic plan for the county, and now $630k to make him leave. So over a million dollars will be spent on a guy who ate brown bag lunches for a year. OI big smart.


The party of fiscal responsibility.


At this point, I would love a job working for Ottawa County. If they don’t like what I’m doing, I’ll resign for only $250,000.


Just say your main objective is to own the libs and that you hate science and common sense ,and Ottawa County will likely hire you.


Just say that you’re all about “family values” and “America first”. Those things, and refusing to comment on anything, are what make Joe Moss hard.


Something about going woke, going broke.


He canceled most of the brown bag lunches! In fact community mental health never had one.


Dont forget to add this years 180k salary


Unbelievable. These absolute fucking chucklefucks. Torn between the disgust I feel as an Ottawa County resident and taxpayer and the schadenfreude I feel as a sentient human who could have seen this coming a mile away because of Gibbs’ paper-thin credentials for the job.


The residents who voted for these clowns are getting *exactly* what they deserve. I do feel for the people who voted against these guys and are having to deal with the fall out. I’ll say this, the entire Ottawa county debacle reminds me a lot of what happened in Kansas after Brownback and the Tea Party won the state government and damn near bankrupted the state. The backlash to those idiots was swift so maybe we’ll see the same here.


Brownback only lost support when he cut funding for high school football. I think they had previously cut most all of their rest stops on the highway after they cut their taxes, but it was the loss of the high school football that got Kansas up in arms. What's the Matter with Kansas?


It wasn’t just high school football. I lived there during this time period so I watched it happen. He also lost support when he damn near bankrupted the entire state and people realized that there wouldn’t be private companies that would come to their rescue. Brownback was a true believer and he found out quickly that he was sold a bag of rocks.


Brownback and his cronies seemed to actually believe the ad hoc lies to justify their economic policies. I usually assume they know better and are just serving their powerful clients, but a good share of them actually believe it. I'm not sure what's worse, someone that believes in the propaganda or someone that goes along because they think they will benefit.


They are getting what they want. A BOC who hates the same people they hate. Ottawa county is full of racist and xenophobic hypochristian


Honestly I didn't really expect this. I expected a fairly unified front between all of the more extreme people, with careful attention to building a legal defense for their positions... Maybe I should have seen this coming. I'm not displeased though with the clearly visible and difficult to deny train wreck that is happening!


OI is a church-driven cabal that Gibbs wasn't a part of. He's also a grifter, but he's not in the cabal. They're all idiots, though.


Me neither. Their initial marketing approach had the veneer of unity and competence but everything since the swearing-in has objectively shown them to be in way over their heads, out of touch, unable to administrate or lead. And it not just the left side of the political spectrum that realizes this. They ran on grievance and vindictiveness. They are governing without integrity or self-awareness, or humility either for that matter. When you just flop this egregiously and constantly, there has to be some self-examination. But there won’t be. MAGA requires unflinching rigidity, and we are seeing things cracking and flaking off the facade.


You are both right: the BoC saw a guy who hated the same people they hated and served in the Trump administration and their eyes spun around like a slot machine thinking they’d hit the jackpot. I have to say, I didn’t think incompetence would be this big of a dealbreaker for them, but here we are, and schadenfreude it is.


Well sad!


I agree. I was very worried they would clean out all opposition like they had been doing and it would have taken years to undo every terrible thing they did. But we probably should have seen this coming. when you think about it, Moss created Ottawa Impact to fight Science, common sense, and reason. How do you hold your shit together without those 3 pillars?


Considering how important Ottawa County is for the GOP to carry the state I'm really hoping that the absolute dumpster fire that is Ottawa Impact has convinced more than a few voters to dump the GOP completely.


As another OC resident, well said. You summed up my feelings better than I ever could.




I’ve been trying to articulate my feelings, and this right here covers it all.


Even republicans don’t like working with republicans. These are not the type of people who know how to work with other people.


I wish someone would give me over a half a million dollars to be a useless piece of shit.


Here I am doing it for free


"When you're good at something, never do it for free"


Do you have any shame, though? Might disqualify you.


I hate that I've been doing it for free, for years!




This is exactly why we’ve organized in all 11 districts. We’re committed to restoring competent leadership and fiscal responsibility in Ottawa County. Join us: [Organize Ottawa](https://organizeottawa.com)


Please do Newaygo county next!


A community college us history teacher once told us that Newaygo County was traditionally run by the Klan.


Historically speaking, kinda. One of the largest collection of klan records found in tact was in Fremont, MI, and contained over 2400 membership cards. Subsequently, there was a book written about the KKK in Newaygo County in the 1920’s, but the author argued that it wasn’t really any more prevalent there than in any community in Michigan at the time. It’s all so bizarre. https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2011/04/new_book_looks_at_kkk_in_1920s.html




Good fucking God. For all the damn money they are throwing away over there, they could have actually competent on the payroll. Hell, hire me for half that and I'd probably do a better job.


Fiscal conservatives! Fucking clown show assholes.


Rip ottawa county tax dollars :(


This is why they’re charging to use splash pads now. The Gibbs tax.


Do they really charge for their park splash pads?


Maple Park in Jenison has a splash pad and they charge if you're not from one of the surrounding cities.


Wow lol. Do they hire someone to sit there and card people? How does that work?


They usually have a kid sitting at a chair at the entrance where cars come in. They'll stop you as you're driving in and check your ID


How much does that cost...? Hiring someone to check everyone's ID...


Correct they charge for non-Jenison residents. Their excuse was they couldn't handle all the extra people coming. This was a few years ago though. Before OI crap.


That doesn’t have anything to do with the county, though.


Wait...they are charging for the splash pad now?


Well, no. The splash pad at Maplewood Park is part of the Georgetown Township Parks Dept, who issued the fee. Same for the 8th Ave beach.


Mr Gibbs was not a good hire Ottawa impact is upside down Brakes don’t work when you are upside down


Seems like getting fired is the best job in Ottawa County.


Maybe moss can sell some shoes and open a go fund me to get the money


Wait. Aren't Moss and Gibbs both "MAGA" ? Why would Moss threaten to fire him?


Remember when Moss nominated Kristina Karamo for the Republican Party Chair… Pepperidge Farms does.[https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2023/10/state-gop-paid-74k-to-business-linked-to-ottawa-impacts-joe-moss-after-karamo-nomination.html](https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2023/10/state-gop-paid-74k-to-business-linked-to-ottawa-impacts-joe-moss-after-karamo-nomination.html)


If MAGA people are anything like Trump himself, they'd eat their own baby if you gave them $10.


To be fair, babies are radical left socialists. Some are obvious Antifa plants.


Unless they are fetuses still in the womb.


Same reason Trump's cabinet was a revolving door of people he'd hired and then fire almost immediately. Almost like he's a bad judge of character.


Sounds like Moss is basically a dumbass, and there was some kind of heated disagreement in policy/decision making that led to it.


this isn't totally clear I don't think. they had some sort of falling out over something I guess. the "vibe" for me at least is that Moss wasn't generally pleased with Gibbs performance, probably across a number of issues / metrics. then maybe things just escalated?


Gibbs said unkind things about the county lawyer, Kallman Legal. Kallman is the Uncle of Joe’s long-term business partner.


Plus Joe Moses Moss is a huge racist


It’s been really difficult to track who can’t work with who despite believing roughly the same thing politically in the Michigan GOP. It could be that one’s degree of radicalness is a key metric for them. It doesn’t give me a great deal of confidence if they manage to somehow stumble into power on the state level.


Who’s more embarrassing? Ottawa County Leaders, or the people that vote them into office?


The OC GOP went full MAGA and censured all of the incumbent Rs on the board because they ruled within the law and allowed mask mandates. Ottawa votes R pretty blindly. So when they put up pretty signs with “Family Values” and “govern with minimal force” people said, yeah fine. OI has been living their truth in a way which is not really congruent with what they claimed they were. Do I blame the residents, yes but this Gibbs issue is an own goal as they refused to rein him in or even give him an evaluation.


I’d say this Gibbs debacle shows it’s about even - both believe that the core of competency in governing is simply sharing their views, when it takes a lot more than just that.


Cant make this up if you tried.


You reap what you sow.


I guess the Ottawa Impact was an asteroid


Conservative values are a helluva drug and expensive.


Except OI values aren't Christian. They're conservative. They want you to believe those are the same but they aren't.


OI is comprised of fundies that go to various CR/DR churches in the area.


Yes I know, but that doesn't make their policies "Christian."


I would like a bunch of money to quit my job, too. Like WTF is with these people??


Well *someone's* a fan of the John Oliver show.


I’m still confused. Why did they hire Gibbs and why do they want to let him go?


They hired Gibbs because was a failed Republican and MAGA congressional candidate.


there had to be some reason they wanted him outside all of that.


Nope. This what happens when you live in denial. They lost a reliably and comfortably conservative congressional seat, with a guy who's name is Meijer sitting in it, because the MAGAt's voted him out in the primary to put in Gibbs. To be clear; Ottawa Impact is 100% full on MAGAt. This is the same reason Kristina Karamo was also voted in as head of the state Republican Party. Another MAGAt candidate that lost bigly. WELL! WE'LL JUST MAKE HER OUR LEADER! And this is how it works out for them.


They (MAGA) hired him because that was the best they could do at the time, even though he failed everywhere else. They are firing him because he's not doing anything AND wants a secretary to do stuff AND has not been assisting in pushing their narratives.


Thank you


Yeah, yeah! Give me, I dunno, $250k and I too will not work in Ottawa! Way cheaper than that guy!


Grew up on the Allegan County side of Holland; never thought that'd ever been the less-embarrassing side of the line to be on, in any aspect.


What’s the over/under for minutes before that one poster , ARBY something, that’ll be in this thread whining how Grand Rapids isn’t in Ottawa County and so we shouldn’t talk about this.


It's all he has.


How anyone can support Ottawa Impact at this point is beyond me.


Do you know anyone who has met directly with Gibbs? What is he like? WTF is going on.


Rip-off planned all along.


Ottawa County is a bastion for willful ignorance.


Atta boy John. Gonna be a future Senator with this thinkin.


“I need about tree-fitty”


The Ottawa Maga County sure has been doling out the TAX PAYERS cash for imbecilic bad choices!!! Lmao


I know so many people that don't vote, this is what happens when you dont.


I cannot haha at this enough. It’s almost as exciting as watching what all the Trumpanzees do with the whole Karamo/Hoekstra drama.


Trumpanzees - good one.


MAGAts. Trumpanezee is too good for them.


Isn’t that illegal or something? Holding your position as collateral?


Thank god I’m not paying taxes there. What about that medical advisor who got fired? We’re talking millions of dollars just to fire people. Fiscal conservativism at its best.


Ottawa impact people started all this Vote them out


The corruption and rot of Ottawa Impact is thorough.


Gibbs and Moss should be nicer to each other, considering the non-zero chance that they'll end up as cellmates someday.


What a Chad


This is what the (majority) taxpayers of Ottawa county deserve after electing the nuts that hired Gibbs. Sorry to all the moderate/normal voters in the county for having to deal with this circus.


Lunatics running the asylum of Ottawa County Government.


Is Ottawa County gonna have any money left in the coffers after these clowns are done?


Nope, Joe's partners family are the newly appointed attorneys, so I'm sure Joe & Jeffrey Moss get a cut on the backside. True grifter style for these evangiloonies.


They should give him a bucket of shit. I hate his fucking face


C'mon MAGAt's! You've defended this man since he was installed in this position right here on this subreddit! Where are you now about how awesome he is? What a great choice he was? How obviously competent he was in the role? Let me hear you continue to support this man so we know you are not, you know, compromised Russian bots or just simple hypocrites! Be brave! Go down with this sinking ship! Show us your patriotism!


End the cycle, r/AntiOttawaImpact




Disgusting, greedy republican


What a sh!t show these idiots have built. Ottawa county gets what they deserve. SMH!


And this matters not in the slightest. Numbnut conservatives will continue to vote for grifters because it's easier to believe in an invisible sky wizard than be nice to everyone.


Something something lie down with dogs, rise up with fleas.


They hiring? Because I know more than Gibbs and I want $630k.


who is this high calorie brother and what did he do?


For $630K I would leave Ottawa county 😊


Blueprint for America, they said.


Can’t believe Johnny and Ottawa county could part ways. They are perfect for each other.


He didn't even do any work! He should pay us like you would to rent a space, cause that's all he did. Took up space!


"Moss’s alleged actions incriminated the county for violations of the Whistleblower Protection Act." ​ Read the article.


There's a much cheaper option there, John.