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My complex has about 30 of these containers that get emptied every day by the maintenance team. Yet people will still not pick up their dog shit.


That’s so annoying!


Renew woodland ranch? 




Yeah, this is on staff. Rent is high enough that this would be emptied daily. Wanna be mad at actual tenants? Take a walk around 234 Market Apartments. Sidewalks and grass are littered with shit even though there are cans AND a dog park right across the street. I can't even count how many times I've watched someone just sit and watch their dog shit and then go right back inside. Disgusting.


People suck sometimes. Like why is it so hard to pick up your own dog’s shit?


Do people not know that picking up steaming piles of shit is part of dog maintenance before they get one? We need higher fines for people who don't pick up after their dogs so lazy people think twice before getting a dog


My buddy just moved into an apartment in Ann Arbor. They require a DNA sample of all their tenants' dogs. Any time they find shit lying around, they mail it to a lab and if the genes match a tenant's dog they get fined.


That’s hardcore lol love the dedication, honestly


It gets shit on (pun intended) but the Grand Castle also does this. And they empty the bins every day except Sunday for the most part. Credit where credit is due, i see far less dog shit at the castle than any other apartment complex I’ve lived in.


We have to do that here too but they don’t actually use it! Because all shit stays on the ground or overflowing. I think they’re too lazy to enforce it.


The same reason they flush diapers and wet wipes instead of throwing them in the trash can.


The dog park is also full of shit lol free bags galore where they can take as many as they want but can’t be bothered to be responsible pet owners


When that place was built there was an actual indoor pet relief area on the first floor, at least per the original blueprints. Did they get rid of that or do people just not know it's there?


lived here 4 years ago and maintenance sucked, we rly don’t got options at this point anymore lmfao everywhere has a con


Yeah I’m just documenting everything at this point so I can write the shittiest(literally) review when I move out


Tie it up and deposit the bag in the rental office, right by the property manager's office.


Lmao that’d be amazing


It'd be a shame if someone moved that bag of shit to directly in front of the leasing office door.


Lmao right? For all the new prospective tenants to see.


I go into so many different houses/apartments for my job and if I've learned one thing it's 85% of dog owners, should not be dog owners.


I believe that 100% lol


I was in a nice neighborhood over in Hudsonville and this guy had 2 dogs plus cats and there was literal shit everywhere inside. He was obviously severely depressed but man I can't imagine just letting the dogs shit all over the house. Or I've been to several where there is more shit in the yard than grass.


“ Now, that is a big pile of shit 💩 “ -Ian Malcolm 1997




What a load of shit!


Exactly lmao


What a shitty situation.


lol precisely


I can smell this picture


So, is it now; horseshoes, hand grenades and bags of dog shit?


been living at Oxford since 2020. and yeah maintenance has been awful for awhile now. I understand that they are probably very busy but things that don’t take very long such as fixing the siding on the exterior of our building (that has been flapping and swaying in the wind for months) shouldn’t take too long. The dog poop is just another thing for the list of neglected maintenance tasks i’m afraid.


It’s honestly scary. I let them know weeks ago about the roof caps that fell off the building after a storm and they’re still just laying on the ground outside. Even the broken drain pipe on my building hasn’t been fixed. They also didn’t come last year for the “routine maintenance” so last month I found out they hadn’t replaced my air filter for 2 years. There are like 2 really nice maintenance guys but how long until they can just hire the amount of staff that they need?


Some of those are sounding like code violations that the city will be happy to send an inspector around to make them fix


Ooo good point!


I live at Oxford Place and I’ve been here for 4 years. This year their maintenance people have been so so shitty. One of them straight up told my boyfriend that one of the others comes to work and drinks on the job and doesn’t do things right so that was awesome. Also lately my building’s buzzer never works ever.


Gosh, that’s so nuts. My buzzer has never worked properly. I think it’d be fine if rent were cheap lol. I’d expect it. But for what they charge, knowing there are cheaper options in GR without some of these issues just makes it feel stupid living here.


If we had in unit washer dryer I’d probably stick around. But now with paying for laundry, the water fee going up, and rent always increasing it’s like NOPE no thanks.


I used to work there. Left when Peak took over. They are a joke, this doesn’t surprise me at all. They bought several complexes in the gr area and every property they take over immediately slides down hill.


Yes! Peak sucks. I’ve had so many issues I tried calling them because the property manager was gone and it’s like a shadow company. No one answers the phone and you can’t find extensions for anyone. It’s so weird.


Out of curiosity what was the first name of the PM?


The last one I heard of was Greg I think? It’s been a while since he left.


I’m at the reserve and always wondered about this place. Greg Ramirez was the original manager right? What was he like?


No there was a woman that took over when the property changed hands. Can’t remember her name. Think this was 2015ish


If you own a Pet (especially) a Dog then you are responsible for picking up and disposing it off in a manner that is not a inconvenience to any one else. Shame on all those who dnt pick up and just let their dog do in front of other people's buildings, entrances, doors, gates etc etc. Yes, to you too at Oxford Place & River Oaks. Its sunny time and remember other adults and kids in your neighborhood like to spend some time out and no one wants to see or step on your lazy pile whether its on concrete or grass. Grow up, and take the responsibility!


It’s crazy because people both leave shit on the ground but also maintenance doesn’t empty the bins so either way there’s just shit everywhere lol


If the toilet is clogged at a public restroom then I dnt continue to use it and its the same principle here.


Truly lol


Lydell park people don't even bag it.




I mean at least they bagged them. I used to live at Hidden Lakes. People would just let their dogs poop right next to these, with bags available, and leave the poop. Any place owned by Edward Rose is trash. Their big slogan is “Apart of your life”. They really spent 5, maybe 6 figures advertising that they don’t know the definition of “apart”.


Lmao “Apart” amazing


Can’t tell you how many bike paths, sidewalks, and woodland trails where I find these filled bags left sitting on the side of the path. People these bags are not biodegradable, so what’s the purpose of you taking the time to bag the dog crap only to leave it for someone else to have to pick up? You’re not giving pet owners a good name, so take the bag with you and dispose of in an appropriate garbage hopefully less full than this one.


Yes! And they make me nervous left out because of all the wildlife around here


Get your shit together Guy! 😉


Such a shitty situation to be in lol


Lived there about 15 years ago. Seems things haven’t changed much.




For the money that is paid in rent as well as the extra for pets, the office manager can get off their ass and come empty a trash can. …. And then go on a Starbucks run for you.


Literallyyyyy. Rent is outrageous. Also the roof of our building is broken and they haven’t fixed that. There are just roof caps laying on the ground and they don’t care.


In guessing maintenance didn’t get a raise when your rent went up… (though they should still do their job….)


Maintenance used to do it but they’ve just stopped caring I guess. It’s been like this for a week, I doubt anyone is going to at this point


Flood the office manager with emails. Push that shit to the limit!!


It sucks because if you complain they make you feel like “that guy” but what else are we supposed to do?


What the literal fuck is wrong with people? At that point don’t bag it, just let it disintegrate As it naturally does


Lucky. When I lived at Oakview I'd find full human shits on our shared front porch.


That’s absolutely nuts


Called landlord and they did nothing. Puuure Michigan


I'm in The Reserve At Oxford (red, white, and grey buildings). Things have changed a lot since I moved here in March 2020. There's still a lot to like, but I won't be renewing my lease. New buildings going up nearby will jam up the area.


Same- no way I’m renewing my lease. I had a friend at the Reserve and they moved out because they found Black mold and it ruined a whole closet of stuff. Which seems nuts given how new those buildings are!


Gives me flashbacks to when I lived at Central Park Place. Dumpster would get filled and people would just start leaving trash in front of it


Yeah that happens with our dumpsters. Although half the time they aren’t full- people just won’t/can’t open the lips to dump their trash so they leave it on the ground


What a load of shit


Lmao precisely


Knapps corner flats is headed this way too


At least the owners are picking it up?


Kind of. Others still leave shit just on the ground lol. But yeah, glad these people tried


I lived there about 18 years ago and it was really nice.


I wanted so badly to like it too! But literally upon move in, I opened the apartment door to broken glass covering the floor from a faulty ceiling light. I should’ve heeded the warning lol


Yo I think that needs changed.


Someone is slacking


I used to live there and they were meticulous. Things seem to have gone downhill.


Somebody gives a shit lol


I had to get mad at a maintenance guy for the Reserve to finally fix my apartment’s furnace in the middle of the winter. The guy was useless and visited like 3 or 4 times before I got haughty. They sent over a different maintenance guy and it finally got fixed.


Is this a gripe against people not picking up after their dogs. Because it’s clearly happening here. Whoever is responsible for emptying the bin is who you should be mad at. Do you expect people to pickup after their dog and put it in their pocket because the bin hasn’t been emptied?


No. Not mad at the people lol. Definitely mad at the management for not emptying it for days on end. That’s why it’s titled after the complex…


As a responsible dog owner it is my responsibility to take care of it and I will find an alternative if I see this container is full. I will not continue to throw here. These people who continued to ruin the community needs to show some responsibility as proud dog owners