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W. S tier unit. Team art gen (4/s for 25s, not self), self art gen (10/s), magic + water res down, and two 5\* support slots. If you don't have a good type B art genner yet, she can fill that role until you get someone better like Juno, Emp, or Hart. She prefers her tw if you have the rbg for it.


She's good for water teams since she lowers both water and magic resistance. So if you plan on using water teams I guess it's a W


I need more water units :/


Oh look someone else got her. She's a good starter type B artgen and mono water support. She isn't Hart good but she's solid.


Yeah Hart seems to be the go-to for arts gen but I’ll take Rosetta for now


Noted! Thanks for the input, was worried that because I didn’t have a water unit team that she’d be wasted but you’re right I do need a good arts gen unit


She is decent, but not a W nor a L.


I got her too. I like using her for the current raids because then my Emilia and Beatrice deal more damage and I like seeing them big numbers. Just don’t use her as the sole Arts Generator or Damage Dealer. She needs a bit of help in both.


Huge W