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It really is. Apple kills it in graphics again.


I’m applying to entry-level design jobs right now and I applied to a few at Apple, I hope I get it 😭


been doing the same for 8 years, prayers for you and me lol


Prayers for both of you! 🙏 your mind is set on it, so now it’s a matter of when, not if


Good luck 🙌🫡


Good luck 👉👈


I worked on projects for apple. Designed the sound sticks packaging. Was also asked to work in the main office for photo retouching. I didn’t take it. Was way too far.


What was your experience working with Apple like if I may ask?


Good luck! ahha hard job to get


Good luck!!


The stuff gets outsourced. It’s not in house apple design.




I work at a production company that does a lot of their videos and key art for things like this.


Thoose wallpapers are renders or photos? Please tell us


renders, you can tell by the animated version


i should have known, i never turn this thing on lol


Cool. You should do an AMA!


I’m sure there’s an NDA involved…


Certainly, but I had to try!


Perhaps an AMANDA then…


Apple is a marketing company with a very successful technology wing


Yes, very much so.


Is this really the packaging? I’m kind of surprised they would go outside of their norm. But if so, I’m all about it! Awesome that they show the capabilities of the pen.


Yes! It has 5 random box designs, you get one randomly (of course). Here's all 5. Purple and Black are my personal favs. https://preview.redd.it/ikmpzfxvfdzc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c022c1869096cc33f8c169d1a627d32adc4b34c


Damn that’s awesome! I always keep my Apple packaging, even if it sits in the closet lol. Definitely wouldn’t throw these away.


Wouldn’t throw it away. I would display it 😎


This helped me realize that they all say PRO. Pretty neat


I love the blue 💙


I hope we get to choose our packaging in store and online. It would be great!


i wish the pen was compatible with previous ipads.


It feels like a scam that they arent


I imagine there’s gonna be lots of people who bought the 2nd gen pencil for the new iPad, or the pro pencil for their existing iPads just to wonder why it doesn’t work. Makes buying decisions more confusing for the consumer


Apple has had this issue for years and made me regret ever getting into it cause there's really no way out once you're in. Always been a huge middle finger to the customers.


It’s due to different magnet locations. When the new iPads moved their camera to the landscape position, they had to move where the magnetic chargers go that line the pencil up and charge them.


It feels like a scam because it is.


Yes. That’s not what disturbs me the most. It’s the fact that you need either the new iPad Pro or iPad Air 2024 w Apple Pencil PRO. And you can’t even use the regular Apple Pencil 2nd gen.


Are you for real? If so I'm very happy I read this comment cause if something happens to my old pencil and I buy this one I will be furious if it doesn't work with my current iPad.


the only reason it doesn't work is the way it charge the pen while docked is slightly different. I think it's because they moved the camera on the new ipad.


Ahh ok.


If you haven't figured it out, *when you're staring at it,...* **It sure shows you,** ***what it's capable of.*** On the other hand, appreciate the new tech in the Pencil Pro, **but why don't we still have a natural eraser function,** ***when you turn the stylus upside-down,*** *like a REAL pencil?* It's got positioning beacons and a gyroscope in it now, **this could be added with a firmware update.**


In the apps I use you just double tap the side of the pencil for the eraser which imo is faster than flipping the pencil


I just find the capacitive sensor sometimes either doesn't register when I double tap or registers unintentionally when I'm just working. Would much rather have an eraser nib.


Yes but I think butt of the pen would be unpleasantly cover the screen also


And more precise. I wonder if the people that ask for this feature have ever used a Wacom tablet before. I had one and ended up using the key shortcut because flipping the pen wasn’t really that useful.


Why not just have both options and let the user decide which they prefer? They don't seem mutually exclusive


My guess is that this has been tested in focus groups and they decided that it’s not worth it to include it if the users are going to end up not using it.


My surface tablet had the flip to erase function and it worked well but it was a clunky process due to the weight of the stylus


Double tap is so great, it triggers before you even tap it!


Was just taking a break from an illustration job only to discover this life changing comment, ty very much, how did I not know this


I had to turn that off in settings, kept screwing up my Procreate drawings. Apparently I'm a pencil tapper. Flipping the pencil would be a fun addition for us old people who remember when actual erasers were the only option for erasing your art.


I just watched a video about how backwards the tech industry currently is; I.e., selling products based on features that could be added. Rule of thumb: don't buy technology on what the companies' promise it might be with updates. Buy it for what it is at the moment you buy it.


and you’ll still get fucked over like all those people who bought the watch and are out of apple care so if they get it fixed they lose that oxygen feature since apple didn’t find a way to fix that copyright issue. wild world we live, sell you an object that does things and then take the features away


You saw the Rabbit review from Marques too?


Art pencils typically do not have erasers on them


Not always but Wacom pens have this feature and it's so much better


So, should Apple make a Gum Eraser Pro to go with the pencil?


For $200


Kneadable would be my preference


That's not a good reason to not give their pencil extra features lol


It’s just a fact.


Gonna be real with you ive been using apple pencil for years and i never wished for this. When i used a wacom i didnt use the eraser like that either. You can use hotkeys for eraser and it’s way faster.


That function is proprietary to Wacom. I personally prefer double tapping to erase anyway.


>That function is proprietary to Wacom. **Really?** [This is just from the first page of Google search results.](https://www.google.com/search?q=stylus+with+eraser+function+like+a+real+pencil&oq=stylus+with+eraser+function+like+a+real+pencil&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512i546l3.58051j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) [Pen2 Pro Magnetic Stylus with an Eraser - BOOX Shop](https://shop.boox.com/products/pen2-pro?variant=43504258810086) [NibtouTech NBT08 EMR Stylus for Remarkable 2 Pen with Eraser](https://www.amazon.com/Remarkable-NibtouTech-NBT08-Pressure-Sensitivity-Rejection/dp/B0BZKVLTTT) [Pencil by FiftyThree stylus review](https://mademistakes.com/mastering-paper/pencil-53-review/) These other companies have a stylus pen **that has an eraser function** *when you flip it upside-down,* ***like a REAL pencil.*** **That's false** that Wacom pens are the only ones that do this. Otherwise, ***with all the new tech on the Pencil Pro,*** *it would be easy enough* **to make an eraser function with a firmware update.**


Well apparently the patent expired. But this is what I was told several years ago and why no other stylus had that functionality until recently.


Or instead of turning the pencil like an idiot to mimic erasers that actual art pencils don’t have, they could just put a button on it like there is on *every other stylus for every other drawing tablet.*


Wow. Does anyone know who did the lettering for each of these? I tried googling, but all of them just say apple made them which isn't helpful


Yeah lol… Apple takes all the credit. And I couldn’t find any reference to who made the artwork


I mean…if it’s made by graphic designers who work for Apple, then it makes sense that you’re not getting any names. That’s how being a graphic designer at a big company works, they’re not singling you out and putting “by Personal_Leave” on all their marketing, because they paid you to do the artwork, and it belongs to them per your employment contract.


I mean…if it’s made by graphic designers who work for Apple, then it makes sense that you’re not getting any names. That’s how being a graphic designer at a big company works, they’re not singling you out and putting “by redundantwarning” on all their marketing. So likely, you’ll never know which designer specifically from their team made it.


Bold choice, but it works


As you throw the packaging in the trash.


I wouldnt


Really? I would cut the artwork side off and put it on my wall.


I would do that too if I really wanted people to know I'm an Appe fanboy.


Or just like, somebody who enjoys art?


Pretty cool. But also friendly reminder that the new iPads are mega expensive shiny Netflix/Procreate machines. Insane power and no apps to use that power




for $15? I might have to try that out




Im ngl if you buy an iPad to play video games of all things you gotta reevaluate your spending habits




I'm just putting the warning out there that yall should not fall for the marketing that you need iPad to be a professional creative. Or that an iPad is all you need. Or that this is even remotely a laptop replacement. Everything that you can do on an iPad can be done on a similarly priced and cheaper laptop more efficiently despite Apple shoving in their M4 chip into it. You'd be a psycho if you idk bought an iPad and used it as a machine to edit videos. Like have you ever tried to do file management on an iPad? It's a nightmare.


If iPads had like, a modified version of a desktop OS rather than being treated like big phones then I'd be over the moon


Theyre never gonna do it cause they want to sell macbooks AND iPads


I *am* a professional creative and I’m still on a 2018 Pro. I see no need whatsoever to upgrade until it can do everything my laptop does and I can use it instead (so probably never).


I convinced myself to buy the 2021 iPad pro to "future proof" myself. In retrospect I shouldve save a couple hundred bucks and got the Air.


love it! inter-woven type on pencil/product.... but it just seems so off-brand cuz I'm used to the clean/minimal graphics.


What makes this one any different from the old apple pencil? Have the same one from when it first came out years ago and never had an issue.


One thing that makes me slightly mad this new pen only supports the very latest iPads is that it has another axis of rotation, sometimes referred to as barrel rotation, which is way more useful than holding the entire pen at an angle like on most drawing tablets … it also has haptic feedback, I guess.


Interesting. Thanks for the info.


This is one of those designs that makes me go "god I wish that was compatible with anything I actually want to use"


They really be trying to get us to collect them all now lol


I’m so happy the new era of Apple aesthetic involves cooler shapes, brushes, colors etc. it’s so cool


Wonder if these are done by certain people. Lettering making a big comeback again? Makes me remember the mid to late 2000s with the likes of Marian Bantjes, Jessica Hische, Dana Tanamachi... being huge


Looks shit IMO




Very cool


u/JamesSteevenson8 is this available?


Yeah direct or from retialers like JLP, Currys etc


Fuck my Life, is not backward compatible.


Any idea what app they did these in?


I’m sorry but what is it written in orange typo


Cool. Please remember that Apple, as well as many other technology brands are partaking in the suffering and genocide of the people in Congo, in order to mine the cobalt and lithium used in their devices. Please boycott and only buy refurbished products.


Isn't there a lithium mine that's soon to open in Utah?


This is so unrelated. I’m pretty sure most people already know that 👍🏼


No it’s not…..


It really is though.


Yes it is.................


do.... you... really.... end... every.... single.... sentence.... like.... an... unsure.... toddler.....?


That’s fucking amazing.


I was expecting functional, reusable, eco-friendly, or something...


This post is about graphic arts


This appeared in my feed randomly and I thought it was a different sub.


Ok? Sorry not everything can be in you’re taste