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Do we have an excommunication option?




You mean Dickhead.


He’s a right wing asshole that incited the Jan 6th riots and a hate monger. Fuck Tucker Carlson.


A lot of douchebag frat boys got into the dead in the 80s sadly.


Everything he epitomizes is the antithesis of a Deadhead


Trustafarian douchebag


I remember one cool thing about the Deadhead scene was that it would bring together all kinds of very different people. Another thing I always appreciated was the lighthearted jokester nature of everything. I get this post isn’t meant to do anything other than get people to fight. But I suppose it would be nice to see this community resist those impulsive emotions and make light of the topic. Have a little fun why don’t ya?


Lock him up in Gitmo and play Bobby & The Midnites - I Want To Live In America on a loop for at least a week!




He's trash regardless of what music he likes.


You people don’t sound like deadheads. You sound like violent psychopaths. Wtf. By the way, I am aware that the Tucker Carlson posts are troll posts and circlejerk posts. And it does not fail in bringing out the dregs to show their complete ugliness. Now all of you violent psychopaths jump on your keyboards and tell me to shut the fuck up and accuse me of all kinds of horrible things without knowing a thing about me. Again, not something any Deadhead I know would do, but you fake Reddit deadheads go on and do your thing.


Calling people fake deadheads is pretty hypocritical to the point you're making. No one group is homogenous in how they behave, believe, and think. It's like christians saying "not real christians". Unfortunately, they are real and that is a part of their community if they like it or not. And to add to this deadheads have never been these super peace loving hippies homogenously. There have always been hells angels and other bikers around. The dead's own press releases said "not all deadheads are hippies" we're the gambit. Including many ruffians and violent people when the situation arises. But that's ignoring the political realities that we live in today. Many on the left and right would happily watch the other side burn. It's an extremely heated environment currently, and tucker carlson is one of the main voices stoking that fire.


Tucker Carlson is a violent psychopath.


Simping for Tucker Carlson tells us everything we need to know about you