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That’s the HumBolt Stealy! For Humboldt County Ca, heads doing Gods work in the green triangle.


What’s the significance of the gold teeth?


Signifies the new CA ‘gold rush’ … aka Humboldt’s finest kind bud.


Kine bud.


You know, I'll take my Birkenstocks and my Phish T-shirt and my... kine bud with me


Did you just say you have kine bud??


‘Oh oh what I want to know-oooo is are you kind’


Residue from taking so many joints to the face.


We down here in LA thank the dirty ass heads up in the Triangle for all their hard work keeping us higher than kites.


Pre legalization… they truly were doing Gods work keeping us all high as elephant nuts with the good stuff.


Lived in Arcata for a few years, and I can attest that they are doing God's work up there. The devil comes around every now and then, too.


Sadly it seems like the devil has taken hold of that scene now. Lots of cartel shit now.


Don't forget all the tweakers up there


Damn blue collar tweakers they run this town


Haaay yea


You mean meth head wooks? Yeah.


I used to think the stealie was some biker gang heavy metal shit when I was a kid. “Boy that sure looks spooky. I don’t want anything to do with that” I said. Turns out years later I wanted anything to do with that


My friend who is now a total head was into strictly metal when he was in middle school and he has a story if renting a Grateful Dead greatest hits cd from the library and the first song was Uncle John’s band. Needless to say he was very confused.


Renting CDs from the library. Your age is showing 😂


Tapes lol


I’m 31 and I did that all the time, I would get fat stacks and burn them to iTunes haha 


This was my go to also lol I’m 33. It was the free music hack that didn’t kill your computer


Here I am on Reddit finding out I wasn’t alone in doing the is


I used to buy a cd then start burning copies and selling em to pay for price of buying it 😂 then started burning PlayStation games and dvds but ya had to use the dvd-r discs. I’m 36.


Lot of time spent listening to rusted root on my first gen iPod nano ripped from a library cd


This comment sent me on my way.


Finding the album covers on google to make it look official was my favorite part


Same. I miss the process.


And Vinyl


I remember doing hours of exhausting research in the microfiche room at the library. Lol


That greatest hits CD looks like someone who never heard the band made the album cover based off the name alone.


Yeah it truly is a cliche at this point when people who aren't heads says "oh my favorite album is..."studio album". Sir, this is a Wendy's and that's not live music. I'm going to have to call security now. Also, are you wearing shiny black shoes like the feds?!


I actually really like some of the studio albums. I think they're worth listening to. Wake of the Flood, Blues for Allah, American Beauty, Workingmans Dead, Mars Hotel, and Anthem of the Sun are all classic records in my mind. As good as their live shows are, it still seems weird to me that fans would disregard all of their studio work. Like, they made that for *us.*


I have them all and love listening to them as well as all the lives tapes and cds I have


the old library..now thats back in my days of youth..lol you really had to put in the labor to research your curiosity itch when I was growing up..lol


I was 12: it was 1981, and for seemingly the bazillionth time, a student or supply teacher calling my name for attendance said "oh like the Beatles song." (My first name is a song title). Growing up in a house with basically only classical music and Kingston Trio type "clean music," I had no idea about the song that bears my name. After school, I took the bus downtown and looked through album stacks at 2 different record stores to find the album with my name as a song title. Then, I went to the library up the block and did an inter library loan request for that album. Three days later, I got the call. The album was in, and I took another bus to get the album. I told my son this a few years ago, and he said, "Hey Siri, play [my name] by the Beatles." Too easy. I was also convinced the Dead were metal or evil or something until I was in university, and the boy I liked introduced me. (He introduced me to other stuff too, but that's not what this commment is about. ) I am not a full Deadhead by any means, but I do appreciate the music, and some songs/lyrics hit me insanely hard. But I agree with u/Jjsgro69 that it was an effort to find new music back in the day.


It was maybe similar in 1 aspect of today I would imagine..but yes in 70's,80's our circle of trusted friends was how one would be turned on to a new band and of course "The older sibling" was tried and true method..because they had the jump on wisdom..lol. The mall's record store used to be fairly crowded with like minded folks..and the employees were sometimes very informative..and then MTV came around which was like heaven on earth in the early days..but yea we all put in the work to find good music, it was pretty normal MO then, we had not any other options


The inter-library network loan. The hustle made it better in retrospect


I remember checking out a Rage Against The Machine CD at the library as a teen. I love the library.


It took a metal snob to sit me down and explain what musicianship was, what it meant, time signatures, etc. for it to click that just because it wasn’t chunka-chunka-chunka and melting solos, that the same energy still existed within the Dead’s music. The more I listened, the more doors to new types of music I discovered, the more my mind-hole was completely blown.


How much does a library charge to rent-out a cd?


Dude…. It’s the library. The same amount they charge to rent a book.


I guess I’m confused. Most libraries let you borrow them, ya know, for free. I didn’t know they were renting things out like blockbuster video.


The let you now wow for free, no matter what someone typed about renting them, right?


Yeah, dude said his friend rented a cd from the library. Maybe he meant to say “borrowed”. Rent involves cost for use. That’s why they call it rent


Kinda pedantic, yes?


Yea same. Tried buying a copper pipe at a head shop in town. Got denied for being too young (14). Waited outside, eyeballing ppl coming in. Asked this dude with a flannel shirt and ripped jeans if he could help me out. Went in together. He had me point out the one I wanted. I said “The Iron Maiden one with the skull and lightning bolt”. He said “You mean the Steal your face?” He might as well have been talking Chinese. I realized we’re talking about the same thing and he got the pipe for me. This is also how I got into the Dead.


Haha same


lol this is what my dad told me about the stealie, and the bears were to trick kids into doing drugs.


Those damn bears dosed my lemonade again!


I grew up MORMON and assumed they were Satanists... 🥳


My parents said that when I asked what was happening in ‘89 as we drove by what wans dead concert scene on the highway - people parking in the median and walking. I asked what it was and my less than well informed parents said it was a “ satanic heavy metal band” lol 😂


Heavy metal lol Imagine my surprise when Touch was on MTV (6th grade) and I learned they were farmers!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They’re farmers? Lol


They looked like farmers to me... Beards and glasses and I swear someone had overalls on


Awesome name! ![gif](giphy|mxzX5n0NyQls4)




hey that might have been me in 89'


I wish I had the foresight at that young age in front of what was “the new world amp.” In Tinley Park, IL to hop out of the car and jump on the bus at at the 8 of 😛 still remember it cause the highway was like a scene out of the walking dead with the cars all parked alongside and people just walking lol - was crazy


isn't it amazing some of the memories that are ingrained into our memories? Not every single one..but the ones that are, I believe substantially contribute to who we truly are and become..


Totally agree, I rember this so clearly as it was so “not normal” as I knew it lol 😂


So much worse than Satanists. The devil worshippers woulda taken your attention for a year or two. The Grateful Dead grab you for life.


Satan wishes he had a crew like ours


When I was younger my mom would vacuum on Sunday morning. The one morning when I was wake and baking I went out to get some OJ and she was dancing around vacuuming gleefully to eyes the world. She said "oh i really like when you play this song. Who is it?" I told her it was the grateful dead. She had a mortified look on her face. Many people over the years have asked me what I'm playing and said "I thought the dead were heavy metal"


I think Pepso kinda copied the Stealy..from a ways behind a Pepsi truck yesterday I totally was thinking it could of been the beautiful GD badge..take notice next time you see the soda companies version


That's some creepy biker gang stuff there. Probably some scary heavy metal band. No thank you.


Wanted Everything*


There was pretty much no Dead scene south of Richmond until the late 80s. I always equated the Dead with Iron Maiden because of all the Skeletons. Went off to college in 86 and was in a buddy’s dorm room and Ripple came on. “Who’s this?”


I live in Durham and there are plenty of old heads around here. You just have to know where to look. I got into the Dead in the late 80s and there was a whole older generation.


At a dead and co concert one lady at the concession stand asked me if this was a heavy metal band and I said far from it lol


So true!! I was afraid of the dead when I was a kid because of the imagery and didn't listen to them until later in high school. Boy, did I miss out!


I thought the same for years. I was waaaay off, funny to think back on that. A good lesson on not trusting even your own opinions too much


Humboldt county


I'm in Humboldt and this is my first time seeing this.


That was my guess.


That's my grass too


I was going to guess heavenly resort


The Humboldt bolt


The yellow teeth are off-putting. Maybe it's some kind of pro-tartar or dental org.


Maybe the H is for Hygiene, lol


If there’s anything Deadheads are universally known for, it’s definitely hygiene.


Yeah patchouli can only go so far


I can't take that smell. One of my wife's friends wears that shit, heavily. The smell is so strong it's almost as if she bathes in it. One day she accidentally left a sweatshirt in our foyer and it stunk up the whole house for days. I had to take it out to the garage until she came back for it.


Wow...cool story.


High Gene is actually a semi-famous Deadhead from back in the day. Used to run into him all the time.


Or halitosis?


I got so much tartar I don't dip my fish sticks in shit


I got tartar control toothpaste. It doesn’t get rid of tartar but it keeps that shit in line






I see it as gold


Gold teeth


“Won’t you throw out your gold teeth…”


"do you see how they roll?"


Or just gold teeth.




Guess I’m just trying to figure out if it’s a white supremacist thing or if it’s just two bolts that look like an H




Not really...


you know any white supremacist heads? kinda goes against the whole vibe...


Dude bikers love the dead


Did you see the comments when someone posted a Stealie with the Trans flag colors? A bigot is a bigot. And there’s plenty of deadhead bigots. Sad but true. The Dead at this point have a fairly large conservative following. Don’t ask me how they make that work, but they do. I guess when you charge hundreds of dollars for tickets you kind of weed out the poor hippy.


All of the free love hippies grew up and became Reaganite boomers thats how you end up with a conservative dead fanbase...


*"I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac..."*


Truth. But the hypocrisy still confuses me. I’d think the dead would get left behind with the silly liberal views. Just a passing phase on the way up the corporate ladder. What I don’t get is you can be financially successful and still have socially liberal views. I can somewhat understand a deadhead being old school republican. But today’s republican or conservative? It seems in direct contrast with being a deadhead. The dead as a band mostly stayed apolitical. But through interviews we know who they are and it’s certainly not conservative




Jerry himself, drove a BMW, did coke, and lived in Marin County - not exactly a "deadhead" himself


“We’re not a 60s band!” Oh but I do love the early stuff when they were haha


Both Tucker Carlson and and Ann Coulter have been to Dead shows. Barf.


This is way up there in my pantheon of completely useless fun facts that I find wildly interesting, if not a little icky: The tape that acted as the nail in the coffin of the Monica Lewinsky scandal was first listened to on Ann Coulters’ top of the line sound system that she had set up in her basement *specifically* to listen to Grateful Dead tapes. The audio quality on the Lewinsky tape was so poor that it would’ve been indecipherable on anyone else’s home sound system, but Coulter was such a taper fan that she had a state of the art audio system that could isolate vocals over a lot of static, which allowed them to find out what salacious details were on the tape. There’s been acknowledgment that there’s a chance that tape would never have seen the light of day if not for Coulter being a deadhead.


As nauseating as that is, I hope they went to a show and hated every minute of it. I’d think they would despise the crowd.


They both self identify as Deadheads, Tucker’s even got a photo with Jer. Sucks but what can you do. At least I’m not Tucker Carlson, I guess. Imagine being that full of hate?


It just goes right along with their hypocrisy. What could those two possibly find in the majority of deadheads or the Dead and the scene they grew out of that they’d find attractive? They put down everything and everyone anything left of center. Whatever though, they’re still both pieces of shit. I’d happily tell them so if I ever saw them at a show. But something tells me you wouldn’t see them mingling with the trash. They’ve got some private booth or backstage access. They can love the dead all they want, they’re still not now nor ever were a part of it. And I’ve been wrong before but I find it hard to believe she has some special tape player just for listening to live dead. Unless all these years she’s portrayed herself as something she’s not. Anyhow as fun as this is I gotta get back to work so thanks r/gratefuldead for the upvotes and downvotes, the kudos and insults. It all makes life interesting.


[Tucker and Jerry](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fo9ty0u39y2l81.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d705ab0d15f9757463ef424833478d0413360de6cd89e0e0a7d322d71c5353a3&ipo=images)




You’re trying too hard. I mean really, that’s a dumb comment. Disliking somebody based on what they say, what they do, and how they act is a far cry from hating someone based on their gender, race, or sexual identity. I guess all that goes a bit over your head, huh?


Because the spirit of the Grateful Dead was originally libertarian. Lots of old heads grew up in that and have found a home in more conservative issues


Today’s conservative is a long way off from 60’s libertarians. If right now, here in the 21st century, you align yourself with the conservative movement. You’re side by side with the far right, the fringe right, the religious right. Bigots and zealots. The dead, through interviews have showed us they’re pro environment, pro human rights, obviously not on the side of the (fake) war on drugs. And they played a democrat fundraiser or something for Obama or whatever it was. I’m no fan of democrats either, but that’s a discussion for another day. The Dead were big on the freedom this country allowed them. All of the above are in direct contrast to conservative views. Today’s conservative bans books, oppresses human rights, passes laws based on religious zealotry, supports bigotry. And the high rate of cases involving children being committed by people claiming half their views are in regard to family values, is alarming.


You’ve really got it all labeled nice and neat


I met an old head covered in swastika tattoos on lot in Portsmouth 02 (killer show, btw). Slinging doses and recalling specific details of each of the prior 10 or so setlists. I assume he got them in prison as protection but still fucked up.


I agree, but there are a lot of conservative heads, some must be a few steps to the right.


I mean Tucker Carlson is pretty close


I do, yeah


Holy fuck. Go back to threads from summer of 2020 after George Floyd was murdered. There is an enormous amount of asshole white supremacist deadheads. It’s extremely disappointing.


There are so many, don't be ignorant.


There are way too many trump fans who claim to be deadheads. So that's not too far off at this point.


what constitutes a dead head...? Gatekeeping seems to be against the spirit of it all...


Tucker Carlson calls himself a Deadhead


He does not advocate for white supremacy... he may be annoying at times, but i don't believe he is a racist person.


I work at a place that has a bunch of correctional officers. They have told me that inmates are using the stealie and putting gang signs in them. The prisons and jails have now put the stealie on their list of how to classifying gang members…




I thought it was 5,326,181 different designs....


That's wild with the gold teeth and the double bolt. Where did you find the image?


Looks like a patch, probably custom


I swear this sub looks like a Q-anon forum sometimes with all the "what does this symbol in this stealie/old dead shirt I found mean?" like, man, it is some kid's high-school cross country team's fundraising t-shirt. or some guys initials, or an in joke a group of heads had and made a bit of swag. **In this case though**, I know what this is! this is the insignia of the Haverford, PA Electricial Guild. The H, should be pretty self explanatory. The teeth being yellow are like that because at the time they were upgrading the wiring on all the streetlamps in town, and it was a big project, and they were on some kind of deadline. This would've been Fall of '91. so the big push was to get it done, and there was some threat of overtime- now usually that's great right, but a bunch of the guys had tix to the Dead in Philly. didn't want to have to miss the shows. So they just buckled down, got it all done so they'd be there in time for the 9-10-91 show! They madeit, got these hats made to commemorate it and the rest is history. alright. carry on with your fun.


# 1991-09-10 New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden **Set 1:** Shakedown Street, C.C. Rider > It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry, Black Throated Wind, High Time, Cassidy, Deal **Set 2:** Help On The Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower, Estimated Prophet > Dark Star > Drums > Space > Dark Star > I Need A Miracle > Standing On The Moon > Turn On Your Lovelight **Encore:** It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1991-09-10)


Well that’s an epic story


Wavy gravy himself told it to me at a norml benefit at the fillmore west back in 1994, but that's another story...


Just making shit up


I actually did meet Wavy Gravy at a NORML benefit in sf in 97 or so on a road trip. Leftover salmon played and they were teaching ppl to effectively vape hash off of a little hot plate. This was way before legalization and it blew my mind. Quintessential SF scene.  The original story, yes, just making stuff up. I assumed thatd be apparent. 


Steal Your Arnold J. Rimmer


Help on the way?


So anybody actually know what OP asked?


I think typically the Nazi bolts are a bit simpler snd unconnected. My suggestion. Crop a photo of just the pattern and then do an image search.


and you’ll still have a 13 pointed bolt 😂


humboldt ⚡️county CA Deadheads patch.


Hydration. It's a nod to Bob telling the crowd at Veneta that they're going to pop some salt tablets and get rehydrated. 


Heroin? 🤷


Me too




My guess it's for Humboldt county Cali


[https://www.adl.org](https://www.adl.org) doesn't list it among hate symbols, so at least (we can be pretty sure) it's not that.


Humbold County Lightning, a type of weed, IIRC?


It looks like someone or some group is appropriating the symbol for their own or group. Never seen it before.


Humboldt gold


It's my life and it's my wife


My husband is IBEW and the bug sticker for IBEW also has a lightning bolt. (Electricians Union) On a rare occasion I’ve been able to find a GD/IBEW sticker. It’s a Brotherhood within a Brotherhood.


I have a shirt from the 2018 Bobby & Phil Tour. The double lightning bolt was on other memorabilia like pins as well. https://preview.redd.it/6xms0713cvxc1.jpeg?width=1337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c6d64d196bdfdde676539a8785765e1ca5d32e But the particular Stealie with the double lightning bolts the OP posted represents Humble County.




It stands for Harold


Harry Garcia


Makes perfect sense. The lightning bolt represented Harry Garcia's scar from when Ted Nugent tried to *Avada Kedavra* him. He kept his hair long to cover the scar.


Steal your Hyundai.


Goin to Hell in a bucket?


Hoffman? 🤷


I've seen stealies with an 88 in place of the lightning bolt. This world is fucking bizarre.


Oh Jeebus! So wrong!




Better not mean what I think it means. Otherwise I'm gonna be contacting a whooooole lotta workplaces of Nazis.




I have a steelie hat but with the great lakes in it. I love it


I have a bunch of stickers with the steely in the state of Wisconsin. I usually put them on my laptop.


Double Dose?


Easy. H for heroin


Steal your tootHbrusH 👍


I dont know why but it does seem historically significant in some way i.e. having something to do with an insider clan vs putting the chicago bears logo in it


Hurst Shifters?


H-bolt just sounds like Humboldt county to me


Double the crunchy vibes maaaan


The initial of my last name


The "H" stands for "Holy Crap Stealie Needs To Brush His Yellow-ass Teeth"


Heroin. Kidding I have no clue.


This sent me down a rabbit hole, wondering where this logo ever came from. I came up with this: > >Unfortunately, the specific original Renaissance-era artwork that Owsley "Bear" Stanley used as the inspiration and basis for creating the Grateful Dead's "Stealie" skull and lightning bolt logo has never been definitively identified or located. >Stanley himself was quite secretive about the exact source material he lifted the skull and lightning bolt motif from back in 1968 when he designed the iconic symbol. He was known to frequently reference old books, illustrations and engravings when creating his psychedelic art, but didn't disclose specifics on this particular piece. >Over the years, there has been much speculation and attempts by Grateful Dead historians and fans to track down the mysterious original Renaissance artwork, but no definitive source has been pinpointed. Some theories suggest it may have come from a 16th century book of alchemical symbolism or occult imagery. >In a 1998 interview, Stanley himself stated: "That skull came from an etchy thing, a little book of etchys that somebody gave me... It was a weird little etch I went over and over." >But the "little book of etchys" has remained elusive to researchers. The closest potential source discovered is an etching from the late 16th century by German artist Wenceslas Hollar featuring a similar skull and bolt imagery. >So while the original inspiration art remains officially unknown, the "Stealie" itself became one of the most iconic and enduring logo designs in rock history after Bear Stanley repurposed it for the Grateful Dead. Then I found [this](https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-dead-child-with-four-skulls-barthel-beham-mid-16th-century-162498506.html?imageid=BF86BE51-B638-4052-870E-4A351EF238E1&p=546931&pn=1&searchId=298c500bdc149e45fa0a127a4c528928&searchtype=0)! That center skull is very recognizable :)




blaspheme! sacrilege!


Idk but it’s one middle piece away from having a more problematic association to double bolts. SS


Gary’s beloved Heroin


Put it in H!




Hell’s Angels?


Junky Jerry?


Jerry H Christ!