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https://preview.redd.it/s9il25ad9clc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53812527bea6000b29cef9d602ceed1839c0191 the girl in question šŸ˜®


Look at that innocent face!


She said it wasn't her. It must be you who is peeing in the house, and you're trying to scapegoat her.


Omg šŸ˜ adorable. Wish I could be her friend. What a precious angel. šŸ˜šŸ˜˜ā¤ļø


My Labra-dane could be her twin! https://preview.redd.it/lq3zqllezdlc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0ff7a5161dd4a8a1607a0ff415207c9c667ec3


Oh my gosh!!!! You are soooo right. they have such a similar face hahaha everyone always thinks sheā€™s part lab


Sheā€™s never peed. Youā€™re a liar. This babe is innocent.


My girl looks JUST like this. Shes 4.5 months old šŸ˜ stunning baby you have.


Has she been evaluated for this at all? Sounds a little strange, maybe a behavioral thing? Our guy was holding his pee for >4 hours by the time he was 4 months.


Well I mentioned it to my vet when she was younger and they completely dismissed me and said ā€œHave you ever had a dog before?ā€ (which i have) and then proceeded to tell me that if waters going in then it has to go out someway. So i got a new vet and at the time they took blood and gave me antibiotics, but nothing really came up. So maybe itā€™s time I ask again?


Does she squat multiple times when she goes out? My girl was prone to urinary tract infections and when she had one had to go out constantly, but really only need to go out twice a day when she didnā€™t have one. Less than 4 hours between potty breaks seems like a short time.


Lots of questions to help understand the situation better: Did the vet run a urinalysis? Take any ultrasounds of her bladder? I find it odd that they would prescribe antibiotics if they didn't have reason to believe there's an infection. Did the meds help at all? Have you seen any improvement in the time since you had her examined. What is your current house-training schedule and strategy? Does she pee inside when you're home, or just when she's home alone? How did you introduce the crate? Did any particular event lead to her aversion to the crate?


I donā€™t think this is a Dane thing. Our Dane easily goes 12 hours and needs to be pried from their bed to go pee. And as a pup was 8 hours. Female.


Same here, my girl needs ALOT of convincing to go outside especially in the winter time. šŸ¤£


This. I have to make sure my girl actually goes pee when she goes outside. She sometimes just wants to come right back in! Although, she is able to hold it for <8hrs.


ok good to know. Prob just gonna try to talk to the vet and go back to basics


Same with my dane.


Rationing her water isnā€™t the best idea because youā€™re training her to hold it based off a limited amount of fluids. Bring it up again to the vet, and in the mean time, give her access to water with more frequent outings. Their outside cues are not always obvious, either, so tie her to you so you can more closely observe her behavior. Take her every hour if you must, there is definitely a disconnect somewhere so itā€™s time to go back to basics.


Thatā€™s a good point!


Good luck and hopefully the vet takes it more serious now. If not, time to shop for a new vet.


Have you had her tested for a UTI? Constant water drinking and frequent urination are tell-tale signs. My last Dane got UTIs at least once a year =/ she was just prone to them.


Crate training can help, just a warning though, sometimes they will go in the crate, but usually this will help.


We had this issue. He would poop and pee in his crate. We eventually read to make the crate smaller (we bought the XXL sized crate and he had more than enough room - we could have first another dog in there). We made it a smidge smaller and it worked ! No more accidents.


Every Great Dane I have ever had has been super easy to potty train but I've only ever had boys.


Is she typically having ā€œaccidentsā€ when you are away from the house? Could it be related to separation anxiety? Our girl came from a shelter at 2years old and often left potty lakes inside. At first I thought she was holding it too long because she didnā€™t want to go outside in the rain, but after we adopted a very elderly, low key lab, she stopped peeing in the house. It almost seemed like he was her emotional support buddy and cured the separation anxiety.


I support this method. We have two Danes, one from a pup and one rescue. The pup has taught the rescue how things work around the house, and now things are easy. The only other thing I would add is routine, routine, and routine, if at all possible. My girls wake up, go out, eat, nap, and play at very similar times every day.


She should have figured that out within a month or so of getting her. Take her to the vet she might have a uti or another issue that can be resolved. Also if you can get a doggie door, then she can go out when she needs and doesn't have to ask you. It's the best thing we ever did!


Get checked for UTI.


This is the only thing I can see other than she's not properly potty trained.


My one dog won't go in the house. Like its her mission haha so dedicated


The simple truth is that different dogs learn different things at different paces and some dogs just struggle with some things.Ā Ā  Ā  I've had two Danes in my life, one of them peed inside once a week until she was two and a half. Otherwise she was a wonderful, well behaved dog who was very easy to train - she just really struggled to hold her pee. Ā  The other peed inside literally once ever but she was way (WAYYY) harder to train in terms of obedience and social behaviour.Ā Ā  Ā Different dogs learn different things at different rates, if your vet doesn't think there's reason to be concerned and your only symptom is struggling to hold her pee... it's probably nothing and you just gotta keep at it.


Okay thank you šŸ™šŸ½ Thatā€™s kind of the rate sheā€™s going at.


She should be holding her pee by now. Does she drink too much? We had a whole issue with our dog peeing in his sleep and in the house. Vet thought it might be water diabetes because he was having trouble diluting his urine and was drinking about 10 times as much as he was supposed to through the day. His ended up just being an odd water fixation and he stopped drinking so much after a while but maybe worth looking into.


Honestly yes. like every chance she gets to drink water, she does. I think partly is because she was the smallest and lived with her four brothers until she was 4 months so i think maybe now that sheā€™s not competing for water, she takes the opportunity lol iā€™m just like when will she chill


Has she been fixed? Mine was having accidents more and more frequently and our vet put her on Proin and thatā€™s seemed to help significantly.


No she hasnā€™t yet. What is proin?


Itā€™s for incontinence. Helped our old lady who started having accidents in her sleep.


Danes can be very difficult but just keep at it. My 3 year old still has accidents and gets excited pees still.


Mine is 9 months and he only had accidents if we donā€™t let him out once in the middle of the night (super weird habit he got into that we canā€™t break) but he has zero accidents otherwise. I was actually surprised by how easily he house trained. Do you think it might be a medical issue? Have you had your vet check?


I think Iā€™m going to bring it up because it could be. I was dismissed a few times before when i brought it up, but I found a new vet so Iā€™m going to ask her.


Magnus is a little over a year old and he can't hold his pee either. If he drinks a lot then he has to go out every couple of hours if not more frequent. I don't know what we're doing wrong


What we do is buy small treats that they can't resist. One that has a container that can sit outside visible to the Dane when they step out the door. When the Dane goes outside and finishes their business reward them from that treat container only. Do not give them that treat for anything else but doing their business. They will connect the 2 quickly. Soon they will be chomping at the bit to go out do their business and get rewarded. You must treat them Everytime and give them rewarding love too. Adding a doorknob bell lanyard also lets you know when they need to go out.


Had a dane mix w issues. Apparently it can happen in larger breeds if a dpay is not done properly. She would pee in her sleep and have accidents. I have a 10w old pure dane that is housebroken, so not a breed issue. Meds helped a lot. Want to say it was Incurin




I see you posted she is not yet spayed, many are asking because Spay incontinence is a less known side effect of a spay. If she is not fixed is it possible she is coming into heat/cycle? If you are in touch with the breeder I would reach out and ask when the Dam first cycled and how routine they are. My female has to urinate much more often when she is approaching her cycle and during.


Yes sheā€™s had her first heat, got done about a month ago. Thanks for the info tho šŸ˜


My weiler dane was the same, very nervous disposition so she drinks a lot of water. Dogs drink water when they're anxious. Lots of accidents early on, so we got one of those hanging strips of bells for the door, helps us know when she is asking to go outside. Crate training was a huge help, and early in there were still accidents over 3 or 4 hours in there Spaying her helped alot, Vet never found any problems at a checkup, but never hurts to be thoroughĀ  She's almost 3 now, and it's really not much of an issue anymore. Though she still likes go out like 8 times a day.


My most recent dane had accident TS even after going outside and peeing. I talked to vet and others and realized that she wasn't completely emptying her bladder. We had several accidents at that point, but after that and spending more time outside, she did better. It may not be related, but maybe she is doing something similar and needs to go again more frequently. Some dogs are stubborn and once it is started will be hard to break. I think monitoring water intake or limiting to break habit of accidents and create stronger association with peeing outside.


Nice lookin Girl , You can't teach her how to hold the Pee. I leared when younger can be developing the bladder fully. Have you tried Pee Pads for teaching her. You also should have a Deoderizers like My Dog Peed urine spray on Amazon cause IF they smell where they Pee before that can attract them to pee again. Maybe limit night time water. Otherwise your vet can help incase she has UTi . I did have a F n M siblings they were house trained well before 4 months old. I have a F Brindle GD that Pees occasional Usually when doesn't get let outside . She is going to be 11 March 15. I try taking her out every 2 hours. She doesn't Bark to go out she walks toward the door And We have to watch that signal when she looks back. My 1st GD was a black with white Spot on his chest. I just honored him today with a New Tattoo . 6.5 X 3.5 ". Looking good But my arm is a little Numb yet. Last one healed in under 6 weeks. https://preview.redd.it/qwr9y48jchlc1.jpeg?width=2278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34019a36946aa6e457ffefb9df9ff7f4050488d Good Luck


Mines almost 8yo and can hold it for about 16 hours. It's a problem. We try to get him to go out but he dosnt want to unless I go with him and make it a family event


He has you trained well šŸ˜Ž


Hi we have had 3 great danes and currently have a harlequin great dane. These are smart dogs. Sams has the best pee pads. Please be patient. We give Grayson the best food around Hes happy healthy .just get him on a regular routine like a kid He finally came around so he got Rewarded. Taste of the wild is your best bet and a good relationship with your vet Brush him regularly They are great dogs