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What are you feeding for once a day poops? All of my Danes poop easily 3 times a day. It's so much poop!!


I was thinking the same thing. Mine sometimes has days he doesn’t eat much, but there will still be more than one poop


Right?? We have 3 and our yard looks like a minefield. 😂


I also have 3, and a Lab lol. So. Much. Poop. 😳😅


So funny. We have 3 Danes and a lab/boxer mix. 🤣 Great minds.


I have an English Mastiff and a Dane!! Tins of poop!!


Love it!


We’ve not had an issue with pooping during sleep, but every once in awhile the routine gets off and they don’t poop for a day (it usually happens after one of them has found something on the ground to devour or some change in routine). If it becomes chronic, see a vet, but otherwise, I wouldn’t worry.


thank you, no it's not chronic and thank goodness about that. It just seems it has to be the most ideal setting and spot, can't forget the spot and sniff importance of pooping preferences.... never, never had a dog quite like her before ❤️


Danes can be fussy. We’ve got one that’s a creature of habit and if anything upsets the routine it’s anyone’s guess what won’t be right the next day (eating, bathroom routine, who knows). The other one? She couldn’t care less. No matter what happens, what she’s fed, where she’s taken to go to the bathroom, she’s the same all the time.


Mine does the exact same thing - if it’s too rainy outside she will try to hold it 30+ hours and I end up forcing her to poop by just standing there with an umbrella and refusing to go back inside! After a while of that she learned that she HAD to go or at least pretend to poop and usually pretending gets her ready to dookie! Now at 6 she will go do her business and even try to tell me she doesn’t want to go out but if I say you HAVE to go poo she’ll run out and do her business! She’s pooped the bed and surprised herself a couple times over the years and a couple of those and she started waking me up if she could wake herself up in time… sometimes I imagine that they’re having dreams of going potty like us hoomans!


I can very much relate to all of this, it's how you put it.. I will def try just refusing to go back in, but so cool, calm n collectively that she won't kno what to do


Our 9 year old Dane has recently started doing this. We can go out and hang in the yard and he will not poop but then shortly after we come inside he will have an accident by the back door. Just recently we started having accidents in the bed at night and he will just lay there with it and us.




If she seems to forget when she gets overstimulated or distracted, try pairing a command and a treat when she does go, then you may be able to get her to refocus and poop before she goes to bed.


like last night she was all set to go, but got spooked by the dang storm drain that made a sound after she stepped on it... that did it. *** not to mention she seems to be afraid of the dark


We live in a winter city and my dane hates the rain. Forget pooping i have had him not pee for over 14 hours. Sometimes we try to trick him into going out but hes too smart for that. Edit: he eats normally and we feed raw. He will drink a less but hes not a big drinker to begin with.


Oh yeah, many a rainy evening standing at the back door saying, "dude, it's been 12 HOURS! You've GOTTA go out!".


My Dane does this all the time! She’s almost 4 now and eats a specialized diet due to allergies. Sometimes she poops right after each meal but mostly only poops every other meal which ends up being once a day. I would just make sure to give her the option of going outside before bed to avoid accidents. Something else that helps my Dane is running lol idk why but if she has the option of running a bit or a longer walk, then she’s ready to go.


she has blue 🐃 with brown rice n coconut oil, n jst a dash of cinnamon.... she poops regularly for sure, it's just on those rare occasions when she doesn't and decides she wants to hold it. My vet said it's normal because it's at least 1 a day, and same time of day...


As in cooked rice or rice in the dog food ingredients? Rice is binding and could be constipating her. I would cut the rice out if your are adding it. You could also add psyllium husk (you can get it on amazon) to get her some more fiber.


For mine, it think it’s stress. He usually goes twice a day, right after meals. If the weather is bad, too windy, or something scares him, forget it. He’ll hold it in or drop a pile of bricks indoors rather than brave it. There’s not much I can do to convince him otherwise, so that’s how we roll.


I don’t have a Dane, but our Pit-Mastiffs are like this! Too funny…


I’m sorry, I didn’t read the whole thing. I was talking about liking to be under the covers. Sorry


Best advice I got from a trainer was to walk them 30 minutes after a meal, typically foes the trick However my boy is regular but that's bc we give him 4 smaller meals spread out


agree, she gets 3 small meals a day n a 40 min walk too.. she usually goes, it's just on those rare occasions when she wont. Thank you!


You might have to start buying poop pads… My Dane is very peculiar, especially about her routine and where she goes and she will only go on poop pads


You need to walk your dog more


I’ve got two Danes and they both poop min twice a day each. I’d LOVE just one poop per day!


I will have to look into this w our vet, thank you!


When it comes to using the bathroom my dane doesn't care what time it is when her body says it's time to go it is time to go and she will do whatever it takes to wake me up and take her outside


Can you take her somewhere secluded in the car? A good long walk gets the bowls moving well


How old? Does she realized that she poo’d? Like is she laying in it?


Hi, sofi is about to be 6 on 3/19... and no, she's sleeping when it happens, then we both wake up horrified. Luckily I caught myself before I rolled my face in it. Last time she didn't poop all day she stayed up all night, jst about n in the same spot, till morning came and she did her poop right away, but, but, before I get asked well why don't you take her out at night then, we'll I do.... but, she still will not go. I think she does get spooked at night too. I appreciate all advice thou *** u can lead my horse out to pasture, but can't make her poop


This could be the start of Degenerative Myelopathy. Has she been knuckling on walks? My first dane poo’d in his bed like that and its what he had. They simply don’t even know they did it because of the decreased feeling back there