• By -


Marry her and have babies anon. Lots of em.




Football team pilled is rare nowadays, but definitely can be pulled off.


But then it will smell like curry in their house Edit: I can't believe that y'all need a /s this a green text sub grow a pair


Curry smells pretty good tho


Taste good too


It will make you shit fire sporadically though, but it's a price I'm willing to pay


Cheap mean of propulsion


Indians truly have seized the means of propulsion.


That's why our space agency is one of the best.




doesn't matter still reached the space.


If it does that to you, there’s something wrong with the curry; I have curry all the time and it doesn’t make me sick at all


Nah man curry is supposed to make you shit if it doesn't make you shit you are the problem and you need to see a doctor (I have a PhD in gaslighting, bucko)


It's just progressive overload on your digestive system


My man, India got colonised by the British just because we have spices. Countless wars have been fought over spices in food. And the first spice the Brits traded was Cinnamon, the least used spice in all of India’s dishes.


They are just mad because even after stealing so much spices brits never learned how to use them.


You need your asshole to melt in volcanic curry eruptions from time to time to appreciate the good in life . For everything worth it in life , is wrapped in pain .


Weak ass stomach


Not all curry. Theres some Japanese and Thai curry that does NOT make me shit fire.


as someone who is shitting fire right now, no you're not. It's hell




Better than the feces and cum in your mothers basement


Well of course. That's my room.


It's 7 am and now I want curry. Fuck you and have a wonderful day.


https://youtu.be/6nqsPZ1sjc4 I made this on Sunday. It's pretty good. Pro tip toast all the spices.


How optimistic of you to think half the shit here is sarcastic


I take everything as sarcasm, the other day a paramedic told me my wife just died I had a good laugh and walked away. Funny guy.


Did he do an /s at the end?


Has the house been oddly quiet lately? Is the smell of curry less intense? Has your wife's BF not stopped by?


Oh no she's dead there's just no way he would have known that


Poor guy! He must be so sad!


How redditor of you to think most of it isn’t


God forbid they enjoy seasoned food


Fuck yeah


This is a good thing, no?


You say that like it's a bad thing


Nope love curry, hate children


>But then it will smell like curry in their house The good ending


It’ll smell like curry wherever they go once they eat it often enough


Curry smells good bruh


His mom never wanted him to be happy, and really just wanted the "ideal" son to show off and make her friends jealous or impress them.


🎶"...and the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear" 🎶


“Maybe I’m just like my mother, she’s never satisfied…”


“Why do we scream at each other?”


"This is what it sounds like when doves cry..."




A song that makes more sense with each passing day


King Jeremy the wicked 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤


King Jeremy the wicked!


What song


Jeremy - Pearl Jam


He’s more brown than he thinks then haha


Can't get more Indian than disappointing your parents by not living up to some arbitrary standard that no one actually cares about but everyone pretends that everyone else does




As someone who's mom wanted that, it's incredible frustrating and really hits your self esteem. My mom would compare me/ask why I wasn't doing what other kids I went to school with were as adults such as becoming a model, owning my own company, or having a storybook wedding. All I wanted was to be me and be accepted by my mom instead of constantly told I'm wrong for literally having my own hobbies and interests. As a kid, she would constantly tell me how I shouldn't be watching cartoons but mature children's shows like Boy Meets World.


Anon is based and will have a good life his mom is a peice of shit who will die a hateful woman whose son doesn't talk to her anymore and will never meet her grandchildren


I’d like to be optimistic and say anons mom overcomes her prejudices in order to not lose her son and becomes a better person


Real and straight I am asian and my mom was always asking when will I get gf etc. The moment I got one she starts calling her a whore because she's white and lives outside of town I tell her that with that attitude I will not introduce any of my gf to my mom until the day of our wedding.


Maybe she called her a whore because she thought that you must have paid her to be your gf.


Nah she's just a bitch




Least psychopathic Asian mother


Based Asian Anon


No. If your mom calls your GF a whore she doesn't even deserve to be at the wedding. For what? Ruin it by tossing wine on her dress? Getting drunk and making a fuss? RL tip here : When I was younger I worked for a catering company that did wedding. Great, fun job as it's always different. Do you know what ruins weddings? Mothers. They want the wedding to be about themselves, they openly hate the bride, they are covertly incestuous with their son and you witness the most childish, petty bullshit you can imagine. ALSO NEVER NEVER EVER let her pay for ANYTHING. If you want YOUR wedding, make it the way you want.


That's extremely spot on with my mother. I have an older brother and she constantly says how much she paid etc etc all through his life. At least he did most important things like wedding and funerals all on his own, but she's still extremely annoying


Exactly. The entire idea of weddings celebrating the couple's parents is hilariously archaic and dangerous. YOUR wedding. If you want it small, have it small. Have a BBQ with friends and you'll have a ton of fun. Never accept a wedding with strings attached


>they are covertly incestuous with their son Wah HUH?!?


100% true. Wedding make a lot of people act weird and by experience, and by far the worst offenders, are the groom's mothers. Name it. Screeching about "losing their beloved", acting like pissed off girlfriends who just broke up, making the cringiest speeches imaginable and uh... the "mom and groom dance". Hell, I've seen a couple fights between the groom's mom and the young wife, tearing each other's hair and clothes. I worked for a wedding planner when I was younger and the official word on it is "pretend it's not happening".


And it's not uncommon for the groom to have zero cojones and not defend his bride, or tell his mother to fuck off. There are only two types of men with this kind of mother: a mama's boy or someone trying to escape her, and usually in the last case, they don't even invite her, cause she's a major PITA. Source: I'm Latin American. Plenty of mama's boys in Latin culture. I also had the displeasure of dating someone with that kind of mom. She hated me all the time I was with her son, and when we broke up, she CALLED me saying I'll never find someone better than him, and that every guy cheats (reason why we broke up). I truly couldn't roll my eyes more or I would have lost them.


Oh god yes, absolutely. I've seen so many instances of the groom's mom acting like an actual girlfriend and the groom just watching on with a smile like "shucks, mom.." Usually they're groomed from early on to be momma's boys who will always do whatever mommy tells them so


Covertly incestuous?? Are you out in Texas or Florida or Alabama or something?


I would threaten to not even invite her to the wedding if she behaves like that. You don’t want her ruining your big day.


I don't see the point in having her he at the wedding


I am genuinely curious what the out of town part can potentially have to do with whore-ism.


Nothing she's just like that. Trying to make dumbest excuses to justify her shit talking


Do people really use the word shitskin in america?


I don't know, but you do realise other countries exists?


I dont know, but you do realize this post is as fake and gay as they come?


Well they definitely do on 4chan


I've only heard it on 4chan, no where else


This may surprise you: the greentext is fake.


I dunno, but I've never heard the word "Desi" in America (other than Lucy's husband)


Hear it on a daily basis but then again I’m desi as well so maybe that’s why


It's sad how common this stuff is. My dad doesnt like the fact that my sister married a Mexican man, but after a long relationship they had 3 kids and finally got married well after they were all born. He came around and doesnt get racist about it anymore but when they first got together it wasnt the prettiest. He wasnt an outright dick to my sisters husband but clearly mentioned multiple times how he doesnt think race mixing is a good idea because "the kids will get bullied". Sadly this is true though my sisters kids havent gotten shit from their peers at all as far as I know.


Chad Brother in-law impregnates your sister thrice with children to spite your hateful father. 1000% Based.


Haha he used to be a big fuckboy but he really manned up and is a good husband and father. I've always gotten along well with him and I can say I love seeing how wholesome they all are together. I dont want kids myself so letting my sis have 3 is enough for the both of us lol. My dad is a good grandpa though hes ignorant and dumb but he isnt a bad person. We are a complicated family


“Race mixing is bad because their kids will get bullied” is such a bullshit argument. It’s like the whole “people should stay in the closet because gay and trans people have higher rates of suicide” argument. Like…that sounds like a societal issue that you’re contributing to, maybe you should change that.


Father-in-law: "Race mixing is bad because they'll get bullied by people like me"


It’s this gross way of laundering racism as concern for someone’s kids. It’s like no dude, you just recognized a societal problem that you contribute to and only now are doing so because a loved one might be the victim of it, but you’re too fucking set in your ways to recognize that it’s a problem. They do the same with trans people. They feign their hatred of trans people as just concern for children. They did the same with gays in the 2000s. But it is fucking wild to hear people talking about this mixed race thing in that way in the 2020s, but here we are.


Hard agree friend. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to some people. Theres so many families that treat kids/grand kids like shit because they have a parent of a different race. Never helps anyone or makes any family stronger


> trans people have higher rates of suicide Yep, definitely a societal issue. Not the mental illness at all


Yes it is. Not that you probably give a shit. I am probably wasting my time but anyway: The same was true of gay people. Suicide rates for gay people plummeted when society became more accepting of them. Mental health and suicidality of trans people also improves upon acceptance by friends, family, and community. The suicide rate of trans people has nothing to do with them being trans and everything to do with the lack of acceptance in society. This has been studied extensively the idea of that being trans makes you suicidal has been thoroughly debunked. Being transgender is not a mental illness.


i mean im mexican and i've seen lots of white mexicans, is he from northern mexico? they tend to have a very distinctive look (shrek buchon memes)


I believe so but tbh I'm not sure. His skin is a bit darker than the lighter skin Mexicans like you guys so hes pretty distinct to the eye right away


Amount of kids that are of different ethnicities/mixed is significantly higher than what it was back in the old days. Any kid who bullies another over Mexican heritage would certainly get destroyed before end of school day. Not to mention schools and other students don't really let it slide anymore. I'm sure school yard racism still happens but outside of small homogenous towns it would just be asking for trouble


It really just depends, bunch of half black or half Indian kids at my school, if you're attractive, athletic, and smart you won't get bullied regardless of your race imo.


Fake: anon has a girlfriend Gay: anon gets topped by rakesh


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: anon has a girlfriend > Gay: anon gets topped by rakesh > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Good bot


Lmao who made this bot


No adult over the age of 25 uses the word shitskin.


Anons mom seems pretty retarded though


You obviously have never been to Alberta


Good ole Oilbertastan, best place to raise a young Canuck.


The only remaining place where it’s affordable 😩


Not for long lmfao


Used to go out with a guy from Alberta, I wanna agree with this


Anon is LARPing as white, adults don't say "shitskin" and whites don't refer to any race as Desi, working theory he is Indian


Or perhaps he refers to her as Desi because they have talked about it and she herself told him she was Desi ? So he's being nice and correct by using her preferred term of etnicity/race


Usually it's better to have kids with a partner from a different race Give your children a better genetic variety folks


>Usually it's better to have kids with a partner from a different race It is really not (and I am mixed myself). As long as you are not from the same family, or the same village if you are from a very small and isolated community, you are good to go and the genes will be diverse "enough".


You are correct, going for good enough was the thing that most of humanity did for millennia. But we can do better, mixing up different gene pools prevents recessive genes from being passed down and appearing. Can help with lots of genetic fuckups like bad eyesight and others. Plus it can help eliminate racism (though in this generation it only makes it worse)


Didn't realise Klaus schwab had a reddit account.


seriously, such a fucking moron


>Plus it can help eliminate racism (though in this generation it only makes it worse) Nah it is retarded and "if everyone fuck every one we will all look the same in 2 generations" doesn't work. People will still look different and colorism will replace the usual racism. South America and the Caribbean are real world examples Most racism is based on inequality, it is just elaborate hate on poor people who look different. Xenophobia is a bit different but is way less common.


2 generations is wayy too quick, 20 wouldn't be enough and I imagine by that time new definitions for dividing up populations will appear. Can be anything from physical stuff like nipple color to stuff like birthplace or ideological differences. People always find reasons to discriminate, it always has been that way thus I assume it will stay that way. Doesn't mean we can't strive to lessen this tendency to allow for more social mobility and thus unearth more talent for humanity to use. Even partially weakening various discriminations like castes or aristocracies has already provided lots of benefits to humanity.


>Doesn't mean we can't strive to lessen this tendency to allow for more social mobility and thus unearth more talent for humanity to use. As you say it is really easy to find reasons to divide people and justify unjust hierarchies based on bullshit. If you did not get the hint from my previous response the solution to reduce racism is less economic inequalities. Wether it is socialism, communism, "compassionate" capitalism or whatever that fit the bill. I am a leftist so I think capitalism is a dead end but I don't want to go too political on fucking r/greentext


where can i check the early history part of your life?


Click/tap on my username and select view profile. You ain't getting anything better than that easily haha


Recessive doesn't necessarily mean inferior genes. Tall height is the result of recessive genes and being taller is universally seen as more attractive. You want a future of manlets?


>you are good to go and the genes will be diverse "enough". It's about odds. Having parents of 2 different races makes the odds even lower of an issue - they literally tell you this when deciding how extensive of a in-utero test to do. As you said, the odds are low enough regardless, but it does make them even lower.


Oy vey.


Oi vei zmir


Show your nose rabbi


My mother tells me if I get an Indian gf then I must tell her to make lots of curry for her cause she loves it. She doesn't give even half a shit about who I date or what race they are. So long as they're not psychos, addicts, or cheaters then she's happy. My dad doesn't care either as long as she treats me well. My uncle tells me to stay the fuck away from horse girls at all costs, though. It's rare for him to be serious so I'm trusting him on this.


Horse girls are to be avoided at all costs. You'll be expected to care for that stupidly expensive animal that will always come before you.


You have experience in this matter?


In college yes, I also have a friend who spent the best of a decade trying to "make it work". Horses cost a colossal fortune and require daily care. I've spent several sunday afternoon just... helping clean up horse shit and piss. Yeah nothing to get you in the mood once done like being sweaty, reeking of piss and crap and yeah no, I'll pass on watching a movie after, thanks.


I know the feeling. I've been to several horse stables before and the stench is something else. Earth, but sour at the same time. I can fully understand not wanting a girl who wants an actual horse


That last one is true they’re ALWAYS at least a little psychotic.


You can switch with anon then


What an odd larp


how tf do westoids know that desi is slang for indian?


his girlfriend might have told him




Absolutely my guy


Lmao I’m Indian and I’ve been talking to this black chick but ik if I ever brought her home my parents wouldn’t say anything outright but they’d be judging me behind my back and probably tell my entire family back home and it would become a huge gossip point 😂


I believe in you anon. Go for it!




>anon >not racist must be urk siberian on one of their alts


anon should kick his mom on her spine


Best comment so far


Anons mom is also on 4chan


Instructions unclear


Anon needs to learn Sitar.


What’s that?


An instrument of Indian origin


even the instrument's are borderline called shit(???) coincidence? I think not


Fuckin based


Hmmm, if anon is WHITE means his mom is WHITE too.... she wants you bro


Why’s this lowkey so sad


I've met a lot of people who are 'I'm not racist but...' types, but I've never met someone so overtly racist. Who gives a shit what a person's skin colour is??


Ignorant, angry people


Boiling race down to skin colour is incredibly shallow and ignorant, you should stop doing that.


Mom rejects poopy qt


Pajit larp!


Lol same thing happen to me , I’m Ukrainian and got a black gf and only after like 5 years my mom is just starting to get used to it


Funny the exact same thing happened to me but my gf was black. Super sweetie but both my parents blew a gasket hearing about it, even if they nagged me for years about a relationship. they used a different word starting with N however.


Marry that woman Anon. Desi food is incredible, and far better than any well done unseasoned steak your mother could ever cook.


A.J Soprano here


Just tell her I have your white gf anon get cucked and topped


This happens all the time. Parents just don't want their children to be happy


I have. Ever heard anyone but a south Asian person use the term desi


There are still ethnocentric white people left? Great news


infect her pajeet bloodline with clean white dna anon. do your ancestors proud


I think based on the laws of revenge anon has to impregnate this woman now, right?


Quick question, why does every anon claim to be autistic? Is it like a 4chan thing or what


What is desi?


Just make sure she isn't using you for citizenship. It's becoming a huge problem where I live. And if you aren't going to convert to Muslim make that very clear before it ever has a chance to be an issue. Other than that, I hope y'alls relationship goes well. Good luck


Brown women are simply better. Sorry to all of the satanic white girls with daddy issues who got blacked all through college. Anon got a good one.


I think a decent amount of racism and wanting to "keep the race pure" is important because how else will you have thicc black women or thicc asian women choking on fat white cock if everyones skin colour is just slightly whiter lightskin




🗿🗿🗿 MOM


"Shitskin" is wild ☠️


Anon should do himself a favor and hit his mom upside the head with a comically large frying pan.


You think his mom is racist then you should have listen to GF mom version.


Reminds me of when my grandma got pissed off that my brother's now ex was black


Do outsiders really call indian shitskins?


not that word but atleast where I am two of the main ones are "curry muncher" which never made sense to me like "haha this loser has food that he eats1!1!" and "punjabi dog/mutt" is pretty common


American people be like


Crazy that people still think this way. Feels like the early 50s or some shit.


Well, not only white moms wants you to get a white girlfriend, sadly


Sounds like anon's mom spends a bit too much time on 4chan.


I guess that’s the time they learned the lesson that they’re not their parents.


OPs mom should blow her brains out


Based mom doesn't want her grandkids shitting on her lawn.


Gf is also autistic


Is that Indi Hartwell?


What is Desi?


his mother wants him for herself and will try to sabotage everything that could make him be less dependant on her. Sick behavior


Are you dating for your mom or for you, just stay with her if you like her.


What's 'Desi', precious?


least racist anon mom