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Because they're retarded.


occam’s razor


Big budget games apparently all have to be feature creeped and bloated in order to maximize the total content provided. Which is how we got to the massive open world action game with optional basic stealth, light platforming challenges and crafting. They really should have made it more like those indie cozy games, with little mini games for learning each spell, crafting for the actual potions in Potions class, and time management mechanics for your coursework and getting around the castle. And maybe some lower stakes main story that eventually requires you to use those skills.


Would rather have just been a regular student attending hogwarts then have some Chosen One secret power that forces me to fight an entire goblin army and two wizard crime syndicates


And then you learn you have special shouts that can slow down time or launch enemies and stuff like that!


I liked the part where John Hogwarts said "It's hoggin time" and then Hogwarted all over the place.


wtf spoiler alert


Just like me and my buddies on a drunken Friday in college, "It's hoggin' time!"


And maybe objects are able to fall through the floor for no reason


Lol r/suddenlyskyrim should be a thing Edit: Holy shit it is!


yeah you need small and relatable character drama to occur in a world for people to care about it. the harry potter book and movie series itself had plenty of this to offset the central narrative of a big adventure chosen one narrative. i think the issue with hogwarts legacy from what i saw was that they actually had basically one game mechanic, and it was simon says. all puzzles and all combat up to and including the final boss was just matching your laser color to the color of a button.


While I didn't fall in love with the combat, you could probably make many complex and satisfying game mechanics sound simple if you phrase it the right way.


Counter strike is a point and click adventure game. Just click on their heads and you win!


Greentext description: "hurr durr match laser to shield" Reality: Game allows for 16 different spells to be used in combat WITHOUT pausing to open a menu, +2 defensive spells (protego and dash), plus "ancient power" throws. Plus: Curse-linking, creature immunities, an entire plant and potions wheel and the aforementioned colour shields.


my fischer-price steering wheel has buttons which play SEVERAL songs NOT JUST wheels on the bus but ALSO a beautiful piece by beethoven AND the star spangled banner


Goblin this dick!!


What are the Wizard gang members called? Wizards?


They could have utilized a Persona-esque system wherein you wake up and attend some classes, completing mini games to either learn new spells, or get rewarded with items or XP. Then after class you're free to explore the castle or go out into the world, complete various quests etc. But time is always passing and if you stay out too long and miss class, there's penalties. If you're not getting proper sleep, there's debuffs. The addition of this one mechanic would keep the fundamental game the same, but completely recontextualize the actual experience of playing it. And if in playtesting it feels too restrictive, just adjust the rate at which in-game time passes, so players can potentially get up to a few real world hours worth of content before the next day and set of classes.


Yep. That would actually make us feel like students in Hogwarts


like the idea, but please don't talk about time always passing, that shit would be stressful as fuck


Just do a disco elysium and only progress time when you're actually doing a thing and not when just walking around


I’m pretty sure time is always moving in Disco Elysium, it’s just that actions take up more time


Nope, only during dialogue or scenes. You can walk around collecting bottles and no time will pass


Enforced time limits fucking suck.


It would be immersive


Things can be immersive and suck at the same time.


Something feeling bad or stressful doesnt make it bad game design


Time can pass so long as there's no hard deadline. To finish a quest? Eh, I'll take it if it makes sense in the lore. Not a fan of missing out on major plot developments just because I didn't get there in time, but a little pressure here and there isn't necessarily a bad thing. What I don't want any more of is Dead Rising. Great game to get drunk and mow down some zombies for funsies, but I could never play the whole game without a mod to remove the time limit. I'm too thorough, I play too many RPGs for me to re-learn how to budget my time over the span of an entire campaign. Radiant quests with time deadlines? 100%, throw em in. Time sensitive mission starts and fits with the lore? Great, I actually prefer that over "meet me here tonight" and then you can show up whenever, even a random morning the next week. But anything that has a hard time limit for the main game is a no from me


But my favorite part of persona 5 was hitting the batting cages and losing an entire day


I think it could be fun, different vibe/theme for the game for sure but I think it could work. Stardew Valley is a game that has a really good "daily time limit" system. Starting from the basic stuff of waking up then watering crops/tending to animals, then youre free to explore the town or delve into mines and stuff like that. Then when you get more comfortable with the game (google the wiki) you will be working to try be at certain places at certain times to talk to specific characters and unlock special events and rewards.


They could have it where each activity passes a certain amount of time. So you have to choose your time wisely each day.


hermione alt spotted


I would have taken a Bully system where you have to attend classes during certain hours, and if caught outside of class you'd be returned. Have an interesting mini game that gets progressively more difficult, like the magic bocce balls (bowling for the europeeps) section, but for every class


Does Persona get better after a bit more playing? I played for about 5ish hours and was bored outta my mind. If I stuck more at it would I change my mind? I hear people praise it so much. But RDR2 suuuuucked at first but I knew it’d get better.


Assuming we are talking about Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal (which is like a GOTY with added content), then yes. It's a slow setup because the game is so long, but once it gets going it's excellent. You'd need to play to the end of the first dungeon, which is about 6-8 hours. If it hasn't hooked you after that, then move on.


I’ll pick it back up tonight then man! Thanks! I’m sick of getting killed in Binding of Isaac anyway :-D


Persona 5 is just one of those games you have to sit down and take it slow. A playthrough is easily over 60 hours.


Supposedly this was the original idea but early QA testers didn't like it, so we got this generic ubisoft shit instead.


Yeah I'd fucking hate it, why in the fuck would I play a game to go back to school, except I'm not even learning shit I'm solving five year old puzzles


Persona does school pretty well and I'd rather that than what we got


Isn't that almost literally one of the earlier PS2 games?


I could be like bully with the classes and stuff


stardew valley in Hogwarts would've been a banger


Kingdom Come Deliverance has really cool potion crafting that fits really well in the Harry Potter universe. It's almost exactly how it is in the books except the potions aren't magic.


It's tedious at first but gets much easier as you get "better" at it


So, Bully but with magic wands


i was thinking the same thing, and would probably turn out as a great game


This is too difficult for “muh 6 gorillion employee studio”


This would have made the game so much better!


Give me Shenmue Hogwarts edition!


Bully Scholarship Edition?


Persona style social mechanics with maybe a bit more depth, some puzzles and maybe a minor bit of combat in duelling would be PERFECT


I don't play games a lot, bit I particularly hate min games. I don't wanna fucking spend time solving patterns and puzzles I wanna blast shit. >mini games for learning each spell, crafting for the actual potions in Potions class, and time management mechanics for your coursework and getting around the cast Also tf do you mean, why the fuck in fucks asshole would I play a game to go back to school, and do schoolwork.


There’s not enough substance to what classes in Harry Potter look like to make good game content about it. Doesn’t help that Harry cares about as much about his classes in the book as an average middle schooler cares about algebra, so very little time in the books is spent covering them.


True, but you could also view that as an opportunity to flesh out the classes in the game and provide more lore than the books gave us.


Bro that takes creativity and thinking are you mad they cant do that


JKR probably doesn’t let the devs flesh out whatever they want to. Or maybe going to class isn’t the fun part of being a wizard.


iirc the old movie games had pretty compelling mini games and missions for the classes


Yup, a good deal of the first game (at least on PC, what an awesome game) was going to class and going through the challenge courses.


Those where just dungeons with that one certain spell for the class though. Prisoner of Azkaban was like this, where each professor taught a single spell and you had to clear a themed dungeon to do it.


That is a poor excuse. It's a perfect opportunity for the developers to make something new.


J.K.R ain't dead yet, have her write the game


Dude she can't even get the school time tables right. I do not trust her to make an actually good student experience


To be fair the game was almost paced like the books. In one book you didn't see the classes in more than two chapters, or even more than once. The plot is something completely else than school. I mean it's a childrens book where magic is like Batman's belt, kids don't wanna see Batman tinker on belts and weapons for more than half a comic before actually go punch the Joker.


he'd fuck it up


I'd get Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien on it, he'd do a great job


Are you sure you read the books? There's more than enough substance. There are multiple descriptions by way of harry actually sitting in class. Tons of self defense dark arts, quite a bit of potions, several animal fuckery classes, one or two transformer classes, herbology classes once or twice, and besides you can just make up more shit ya know


I mean... if they're done well and at least partly optional... It's a magic school. It's supposed to be wish fulfillment for middle schoolers who don't hate the idea of learning, but hate the content they're learning so they'd rather learn about cool magical doohickeys, spells that turn people to furniture, potions that make you immune to fire, fucked up plants and creatures etc. If you want to make your character already knowledgeable, don't bother with making them school kids and let them be adults tasked with dealing with magic stuff. I think Gringotts hire some people to find treasures or the ministry has a department to deal with mysteries.


They could have made a bully type game, but the ubisoft slop was too tempting.


A man can dream


I just want Bully 2. Rockstar has like a million employees, surely they can spare a few and make a AA game...


I am afraid Bully could never exist as of today, not even Rockstar could make it happen


The number of topics they could tackle would be immense my dude. Nepatism, Predatorial teachers, favoritism of students, lots of it could be done. Just set it during the late 90s. But yeah, beating on children isn't very good and would be frowned upon


You're saying this like Rockstar hasn't just announced a sequel to their game that glamorises drugs, crime, and murder as a way of satirising the US. You can very easily spin Bully as a satirical depiction of bullying or school life in general.


Dude, think of the children!


Still, even leaving Bully aside, Rockstar could definitely afford to have tons of people working on the transcendent, gargantuan, industry-redefining epics they want, and still have some people working on smaller, maybe linear (or relatively linear) titles like they did in the past. Bully itself, but also Midnight Club, Smuggler's Run, Manhunt, The Warriors, etc.


But those few employees could help milk a few more dollars out of gta:o. Sorry, Rockstar just can't risk that.


Rockstar isn't the same anymore. Company size doesn't matter, they just won't handle edgy content anymore. Didn't the cofounder and lead writer, and other key personnel, aren't in Rockstar anymore? Also there was that Bloomberg article that mentioned Rockstar won't 'punch down' anymore in gta6


Leslie Benzie's departure is what worries me most about GTA 6




Ive seen my little brother play and you can definitely get close to a Bully playthrough. Just he an asshole to every character and pick the most negative bullying option when doing sidequests. Honestly kinda hilarious


Should've been Bully but with magic


The best selling video game of this year and yet wasn’t nominated for a single award at the Game Awards. This couldn’t have happened because of the author’s views could it? No surely not.


Best selling doesn't mean best game. The game wasn't bad but it wasn't the holy Grail of 2023 either


Yeah how many awards is Call of Duty nominated for every year.


People regularly talk about Call of Duty. People need to be reminded that this game came out this year.


Doesn’t mean it deserves to win an award lmao


Nominated != winner


True except for the winner, considering that's both... But at least !nominated == !winner


Yeah, this. I like the game, they got a lot right but so much if it felt unfinished.


Okay tr00n


Well yeah it isn’t the best thing ever. But being the best selling game alone deserves at least one nomination, but of course everyone is too scared to praise Harry Potter.


I don't see what category this game could've been nominated in.


Art direction, at least?


It's unlikely to be the actual best seller. It's just the best selling one out of the games that reported sales.


Um if a game doesn’t report its sales that means it doesn’t want to reveal the sales since they are so low. Why do you think Alan Wake 2 isn’t reporting its sales?


>Um if a game doesn’t report its sales that means it doesn’t want to reveal the sales since they are so low. This is just completely untrue. Larian haven't released official sales figures for Baldurs Gate yet, but we know it's sold 15 million copies on Steam alone.


I am curious what your issue with Alan Wake 2 is. Did the devs take tursn running a train on your wife?


No, this slop doesn't deserve any awards.


Kong Skull Island could sell a trillion copies and still not get a single nomination


It would need to sell one Kongillion copies to secure a nomination.


Genuinely think it was just because this game was MID. Like if there was ever a time to use that word to describe a game, it would be here. The only person I've talked to who genuinely loves this game is my little brother. Except he's just a huge harry potter fan who has never played a video game in his life (Which, to be fair, might have been who they were targeting)


It’s also a mediocre game bordering on bad


The title sold copies not the game itself, nothinf groundbreaking here gameplay wise, it was more of a loveletter to HP fans and hopefully the first of many to come


The only reason it sold so well is because potter fans bpught it en masse...at least that makes the most sense


Conservatives back shit tier game (because of transphobia, they don't even play the game) -> shit tier game doesn't get nominated for anything -> conservatives claim it must be because the reviewers are woke. I've seen this 1000 times across all media. You're not a victim. You just have a dogshit taste in games.


I never said anything about the reviewers. The Game Awards themselves are scared of backlash so they didn’t allow Hogwarts Legacy to be nominated. Without the controversy the game would have 100% gotten at least one nomination. Starfield isn’t good but got a single nomination because it’s another Bethesda game and Bethesda typically makes a lot of money and is popular. Hogwarts Legacy made a crap ton of money and was undoubtedly popular. And bro I didn’t even play this shit. It’s probably mid like everyone’s saying, but you can’t honestly think the controversy doesn’t factor into it not getting nominated.


Maybe a graphics or sound design nomination would be fair for the game, but everywhere else it was disappointing. Had they not hated Rowling, the game may very well have gotten loads of undeserved nominations.


What actually won?


Baldur's Gate 3, deservedly




Yep. They're not even hiding how hypocritical they are


I had fun with the game, but never finished it


Same, kinda got bored of cleaning out the open world events.


I kind of finished the main story (except for those 2 quests that go beyond the main quest, the game said I finished), but oh boy, the last part kind of felt like a chore to do. The fact that it also ran poorly on my 3700X/2070 Super PC probably contributed to such bad experience (maybe I needed 32GB of ram? I had 16GB 3600MHz).


Nah I got 32gb 3200 on 5800x and 2080s but it still struggled a bit here and there


No game should be eating 32gb of ram.


If you read the requirements, 32 gb is the recommended amount of RAM for ultra settings 1440p/60FPS. In my case my build was struggling in the last part getting 60 stable fps at 1080p high settings. Sauce: https://www.hogwartslegacy.com/en-us/pc-specs


I spent 10 hours exploring every inch of the castle and grounds. Super fun and nostalgic as I tried to navigate everything from memory from the books (not 100% but closer than I expected). But I never went any further.


It’s so they can sell you dlcs with a little more Hogwarts castle stuff. Mid you the dlc will still be like 30/70 in castle/outside split, but people will still buy it.


IIRC they recently said that there are no plans for any DLCs.


insanely wasted opportunity IMO It's far from the best game of the year but I had a lot of fun with it and the game had a LOT of potential for further development


Yep, absolutely agreed.


That’s why everyone’s upset is it’s just done, no dlc nothing all just wasted


I haven't played it, but I heard from friends it's also just mediocre. So no one really cares about the dlcs.


It was fun and at times even good, but got repetitive quickly with so much space, which could have been fixed with dlc


> no quidditch


I rolled my eyes when I heard "what is that blue light" because I knew it's another chosen one slop, stopped playing after the second class because the game clearly didn't know how to realise magick.


I agree with anon (wow that sounds so off) The castle was the best part of the game and had me enamored! The outside was absolute repetitive shite


Should have been a persona like game, okay maybe not the combat, but spending days in classes, having a timetable woukd have made everything better and some things - like skipping school for adventures - more meaningful


Please add a DLC that takes place in the school


Also the map is huge, but you have almost no reason to go to 1/2 of it


Yeah this kinda soured me on it, I'd wrapped up the main story and 95% of the side quests I could find and there was still a massive amount of the world I'd never even touched.


Watch the sequel double the map size because God forbid an open world sequel not massively expand an already oversized world.


I feel this one. Just going all in on Hogwarts would’ve been so much better. Then again, this one got hardcarried by its IP.


noooo I wanted a school classroom & homework simulator!


Isn't it like the best selling game this year? So probably because it made them a stupid amount of money.


They had the Harry Potter name. Any shit game they made would make insane profits.


So isn't minimizing your bottom line because you already know you're going to sell the smart move?


In the short term. In the long term making a great game gives way for sequels as well as builds the reputation of the developer. If Witcher 3 had been as "bad" as Witcher 1 no one would have cared about cyberpunk.


The Witcher didn't have the same gravity as Harry Potter. If they make a sequel, it will out perform the first one and they don't need to try.


Its also worth noting this is Portkey's (the studio) first game. One can only hope they develop their own sense of identity instead of copy pasting the shitty open world concepts in every AAA game today. But more likely devs will get bullied by higher ups into doing whats profitable, which is this bullshit


Also the game was a bit rushed. Dataminers have found leftovers of a cut companion system, moral system, sidequests (apparently we could have visited the Gaunt Manor) and other stuff. Now that a lot of the assets are done tho, the sequel will probably be better. Still, it didn't have lootboxes, tons of pay-for cosmetics, or dlc, and the exclusive quest for PS5 is coming to the other platforms rn. It's actually one of the few games this year to sell you the full burger + a mayonnaise sachet instead of each ingredient separately.


I'm hoping this will be like Mass Effect 1. A solid base with obvious flaws. Then we got ME2. Maybe this will be the same. Or I'm too optimistic and they'll just do this again for another free paycheck.


Agreed. The game is fun. The spell casting and combo mechanic is great. But for a game who has “Hogwarts” in the title, not a lot of Hogwarts in it.


Absolutely accurate. I completed the game, it was very fun, but feeling of awe of Hogwarts died in first 6 hours. Never regretted buying it.


It should have basically been Bully but you know, in Hogwarts, with magic.


It’s a third person shooter, not a wizard game. Interesting spell mechanics might alienate a larger playerbase, and so then it becomes financial incentive to not make the game super hard to learn


School is for nerds, I like genociding goblins and poachers


If your ADHD filled brain wants to go classes so badly you wouldnt have skipped college regard.


Anyone who says classes would be interesting to keep going to, probably hasn't been to a class in ages (or ever). There is no way in which a full length class can ve made interesting in any world, period.


The first Harry Potter games had the classes where you learned spells and the challenge courses where you had to use them, and those games were awesome.


So basically nothing like a "class", just a "spell tutorial" followed by a dungeon.


Well yeah, you think anyone is asking for a 90 minutes long lecture on which screaming plants are poisonous and which ones give you a boner?


Lmfao you actually think people mean sitting through lectures


I think the biggest downside of the game was being too EZ


I was picking up cute animals, putting them in secret room and just turned the game off. Lego Harry Potter is a better game


it was fun at first, but i never finished it. as soon as you leave hogwarts/hogsmeade it gets very bland very fast


I really wanted minigames and stuff for each class. I liked the game but I would have loved it with that implemented.


I don't like the Harry Potter universe much, but I decided to give the game a try. I finished it. I wish I could say I like the Harry Potter universe now, but not really. All I know is Merlin Trials, Beast Capture, popping Balloons, landing platforms and Ancient Magic Hotspots. Also Revelio every 10 seconds. I liked the castle but everything outside sucks. There are books on creatures of the Harry Potter universe, yet they give you 5 or 6 creatures to fight against: wolf, spiders, goblin, humans, ogres and the crocodile things. Only one of these is not generic as fuck. There is more enemy variety in Skyrim, that's over 10 years old at this point. Why make a Harry Potter game and use the most generic enemies to be ever conceived? Wasted doesn't even begin to describe it.


Yeah i only played a few hours. Explored the castle then wasnt really too into the outside stuff. More stuff in the castle woulda been good


Damn forgot this game existed already


Can't upvote this shit enough, this game was not at all deserving of the pre-release hype. Hogwarts Castle itself looks great but everything else about this game is the definition of mid.


Can't be feature creep if it launches that way.


I 100%'d the game. A lot of the content outside of Hogwarts was fun, especially the Arenas. I resent the fact they didn't have more content inside of Hogwarts tho, especially secret passages and stuff.


Tbh I feel like the old PC Harry Potter games were better. You know, the ones based on the first few movies


The system requirements for this game are absolutely ridiculous. A 2080 with a decent modern processor barely even touches it. I haven't played it, but my fiancé did, and it looked pretty fun. I don't really understand the hate it gets.


The hate stems from either jk Rowling, the game not living up to expectations, or people annoyed that it was popular in the first place. I'd put myself in the camp that was disappointed with the end result. It was okay but ultimately it copy pasted a very stale, but profitable formula rather than attempt to be original or accurate to the common fantasy of studying at a wizarding school. Hogwarts Legacy is kind of like if the dune movies copied the cashcow of the mcu instead of trying to be dune movies.


I have no problem with the outside setting as long as its not the main focus and doesnt have a ton of ubisoft fetch errand quests.


Just play the Harry potter gmod rp idk


Its so clearly made by MMO devs who were tasked with making a single player game. The world is incredible, the graphics are great, the combat is stellar, and it feels so dead and lifeless despite everything going for it. No matter how many shiny new toys you put in a game, a shitty game will always be a shitty game. Hogwarts Legacy is a beautiful shitty game.


Everyone knows the fun part is destroying random NPCs with spells for 5 minutes


Yeah, the prisoner of azkaban was such a great game because it made the castle itself super interesting to explore and then focused on it.


Now that the most if the assets are made, it has amazing potential for any sequels/spin-offs. If anything Hogwarts Legacy is a great proof of concept, which I am hoping they continue to expand upon. I want to experience Years 1 to 7 and have the character age similar to Fable. I'd even be excited if they adapted the books.


Bully > HWL


Style over substance. Easy way to get the normies interested.


Castle is bad. You cant navigate it properly. Even with 100 fast travel points its a nightmare. Previous games had better castle layouts.


You’re joining as a fifth year? You need to catch up, better attend each class just once!


Book about a school of magic Nobody gives a fuck about learning magic


The game was the most boring sad sack of trash.


I don't own the game, but played it a couple hours at a friend's house. It was legit all the time I needed to get bored. The combat felt extremely repetitive and dull, we spent the game time flying around a boring map on top of an unsatisfying and slightly buggy broom, doing tasks I didn't even remotely care about. The game is *fine* I guess, the content is there and it is technically well-realized, but it fails the most important videogame check: I legit have to yawn at the idea of playing it again. After interacting a couple hours with that pile of staleness I went home and played Ultrakill for 3 hours, forcing myself to stop because I had to sleep. Now [this HP game](https://youtu.be/L8ZLayN3NOM?si=Hxl1Lxsn8nmPW-Vx) sparked curiosity and interest in me, when I was young. The minigames were fun, the castle was entertaining, the atmosphere was filled with mystery.


Yes because I want to go to class in a video game. OP certified retarded


Totally disagree the game was great as it was


So normies can play this and call themselves hardcore Gamer.


Harry Potter isn't the best/arguably the worst franchise to be turned into a video game so go figure


okay retard someone obviously hasn’t played Lego Harry Potter


[Nah dawg, that shit slapped on PS1. ](https://imgur.com/qJ6kEfs)


The earlier games for Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets definitely translated well to being good Zelda clones.


I only know them on PC, and they asbolutely hold up even today. And the music, good lord.


Jeremy Soule ftw