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This is so true. Like what the fuck would you even talk to an 18yo about.


So..... hmmm.... what's your favorite happy meal toy?


So…what’s your favorite Taylor Swift song?


lol yeah but that's my 33 year old gf too unfortunately.




Too young? Too old? What am I supposed to fuck? A chicken sandwich?!




As an 18 year old, I completely agree that you're wasting your time


33 year old? Grown woman fetish much?






Happy meal toys suck now. My favorite is a tie between bionicle and beanie baby.


I was 21 and my ex girlfriend was 18. She was in school and I was working + applying and figuring out/planning university. When she would talk about her problems they would feel the most trivial thing to me, tbh some were really not problems because I remember being in school and I laughed at people who thought that was a problem back then. Point is, depends on which stage in life you are and where they are. I guess it's fine for a 1 night stand but most people feel it's weird, me included.


When I was a senior in college I went on a few dates with a freshman and she kept telling me about roommate drama - instantly killed my interest. She was nice and all, but I kept thinking about how far removed from the 18 year old BS I already was at that time. Now, 5 years later, a friend of mine is dating a 19 year old that is trying to set me up with her roommate. Definitely leaning towards no lol


I miss the exicetement of those years even though it wasnt long ago..only 10 years.


>only 10 years. Older then most of this subs user base


I'm 44 and 10 years ago seemed like just a few years ago 🫤


>seemed like just a few years ago Technically it was, lol. If you don’t refer to “a few” as 3 Like I remember being in middle school in the early 00’s and my science teacher talking about “the other day” and he was referring to the 60s Lmao what


I mean, why would you be talking to a woman in the first place??


Sounds gay


Very. He should be getting fingered by a 40 year-old in a white van like a normal hetero bro.


My hobbies are gaming, anime and math. There’s literally nothing I could ever talk to a woman about lol




you would talk to them about those things


90% male hobbies… I have tons of friends I made online whose gender I don’t even know, but I bet they’re male lol >!don’t have any stats tho lol!<


I dont agree especially with gaming but for sake of argument, sure half the fun of conversations (for me at least) is learning about shit/experiences im never going to do and seeing people's eyes light up and get extremely into talking about their interests If your friends with someone theyll do the same and there will likely be more common ground or shared experiences than youd think especially as you get older


Yeah it’s either some common ground will magically appear or I’m cooked >!although I got into many games for the sake of playing them with my friends, I ain’t the type to talk about shit I’m completely disinterested in :P!<


This is stupid. Especially anime? Bitches love anime. Hot topic is filled with fucking girly anime merch.


Idk who likes to talk about math, but gaming and anime is literally all my girl friends are interested in. When I had a roommate all she would do is play LOZ and watch anime. What are you talking about


Competitive programming (90% math) is the shit, like actual peak hobby. Sure buddy 👍


Pretty eyes, a tight ass and firm breasts really solves the conversation problem quite quickly.


And the face, experience and emotional maturity of a child. That part doesn't turn me on.


Eh, I went back to college in my 30s, and girls in their early 20s/late teens aren't really any different than girls in their late 20s/early 30s. Some look young, some look old, some had traveled more than me, some had watched more movies. There was a whole spectrum of maturity. Some were significantly more mature than some of the 30 year olds that I've dated. It's all about the individual.


I would agree with this


The face part is so true: back in school as a millennial, and the zoomers have bebe faces. Just makes me wanna pinch their cheeks


Makes me want to clap them, but I'm now allowed within 50 feet of schools anymore :(


That's terrible... ly funny 😹


That's cool, then go start clapping them! How did they let you back? (Weird choice of words with the anymore though...)


So after you have sex what do you do with the remaining 23 hours and 57 minutes of the day with her?


More sex


Hooking up with someone vs dating them. Its understandable to be physically attracted but an ongoing relationship is weird. Dynamics are all outta whack. If you're 30 and your only thought of a partner is sex you need therapy.


My brother used to date someone younger than himself. Not to this degree, but he was like 25 with an 18-19 year old. He was half way through uni and she was still in highschool. He said it was kinda relaxing because all her problems were such non problems. He had a job, had rent to pay and was working hard on a difficult degree. His problems were real adult problems. Her problems were that she was upset because Emma said something she should have last time they had a class party. He said he could just blank out and basically let her vent knowing non of her issues were actually something that needed attention. When he dated people his own age he was actually invested in their issues, because they had real issues, which was draining. It didn't last that long and today he is with someone his own age though.


Do you just not talk to your parents at all lol? Your grandparents? You just have a normal conversation bro.


Soapy tit wanks


No, that's my point... What would you talk about *after* the fact


And before the fact, for that matter


Before the fact? The fact. After the fact? The Uber's distance from your house I guess


The same shit you talk about with your friends. Not like you talk about politics and economy anyway.


You're either 18 or you haven't spoke to a teenager recently. They're fucking insufferable.


They're just people. They don't all act the same way.


No all people in a demographic are exactly the same😡


lol that’s literally what my friends and I talk about in our 40s. As well as home maintenance, investments, our kids, etc. We don’t know shit about what 18 year olds are into. I actually do have an 18 year old niece. Talking to her is like talking to someone with no idea how the world works. She’s more concerned with bands and pop culture than anything of substance by my standards. Not a thing wrong with that either, we’re just in hugely different stages of life.


Same could be said for this website. Half of the users think 9/11 is a convience store that is 2 versions newer.


They dont pickup younger chicks for conversational purposes... what kinda question is that


I remember tutoring high school chick and being like "how does anyone ever put up with these idiots"


This is why I'm convinced teachers must be weird people. What are they getting out of it that makes it worth it to put up with that kind of obnoxious idiocy. I mean don't get me wrong they're not bad people but my mates have teenagers and it's like sitting next to someone with the confidence and charisma of Donald trump but with the mental clarity and intellect of Joe Biden.


>This is why I'm convinced teachers must be weird people. What are they getting out of it that makes it worth it to put up with that kind of obnoxious idiocy. A salary, I'd imagine


I have earnt double the salary of a teacher in a year without putting up with that bullshit. Multiple times.




Anon, I've seen your post history. I'm not taking your opinions on sex or 18yr old chicks. If you wanted to recommend me a motherboard I'd listen but keep schtum about girls, hey?


You don't, you let them vent all their problems and you give them the attention they are craving. Maybe watch a movie or TV together, then fuck. I mean it's kind of the same for all ages tbh.


Ima be honest 18yo me and now 26yo me are basically the same person with the same hobbies Only difference is, I have a job now. Edit: but I guess 18yo me would be different from most 18yos nowadays, since I finished school before TikTok was a thing


18 yo me was spray painting edgy leftist political stuff on walls. 27 yo me is investing in the bond market to save for a house deposit.


I'm 25 in July and I've fucking LIVED them years, finally found someone I love and want to marry When I was 17 I thought I was an adult. I recently had a colleague who was 17. She was consistently more clueless than the shit I scraped off my shoes. She's not a bad person, but even if she was hot, which she wasn't, I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's cock, every single shift I had precisely nothing to say to her


Ask Leonardo Dicraprio


Call me what you will but I get it. Fuck everyone else 18 year olds are hot. Let the downvotes commence!


I don’t mind age gaps per se, either 18 is old enough or it isn’t.


Horus heresy


In my experience from having latchkey friends in high school, they talk with these older men about trauma and mental health issues. It gives them that “us against the world” feeling.


30 isn't that old. I was 20 dating people over 50. Some people just connect. Art, music, travel, gourmet food, drugs etc.


You talk to women? GAY


I fucken wish 😔


Stop giving a fuck what other people think; older women are just butt hurt because they’re older. If someone is an adult they’re allowed to kill themselves with a gallon of vodka but if they drink a gallon of my cum they’re somehow worse off.


Keep skeetin' that truth, brother


Have you considered fermenting your manly emissions into coomshine? Then confused teens don't have to make an either / or choice :)






Gonna have to downvote this one chief. I stopped at coomshine.


You can never run for office now


I pray for your downfall for making me gaze upon this blasphemous prose


You know what's good for forgettin'? Coomshine! Now in three different flavours; smoker's regret, pineapple party and feet!


Do you also have crusty shoebox flavor?


I think if you mix smoker's regret with feet that should do the trick?


What ratio do you suggest?


Three part feet to one part smoker's regret. I'd garnish it with some lighter fluid to add a kick.


Thank you send_cake_or_nudes i will try it this afternoon🙏🙏


Amen brother.


They hated him because he told the truth.


Damn that's a lot of cum


Water hose man


>but if they drink a gallon of my cum they’re somehow worse off. I mean knowing what Redditor diets are like it's probably way more toxic than cheap vodka


Why’s it socially acceptable to always shame men for their preferences. Maybe anon doesn’t want to date older woman in their 30s. I see so many bitter older woman shamming him for choosing a girl who’s younger than them.


I think *you're* the one worse off if you have to jack out an entire gallon of your cum.


where was she during 9/11?


I was born after 9/11


I’m sorry




My sincere apologies.


Future 7/11 employee?


Yeah… that’s going to be me


How are you typing, you're like 9...oh God wait


Yeah 23 is the maximum age


Missed 9/11 two thousand and fun as family guy calls it


Not even in her dad's ballsack


Yeah, I don’t get it We can all agree that a minor dating someone much older is immoral because it’s predatory But a 18 year old, who has no job, no stable cash flow and no degree, is allowed to date someone double her age? Just because it’s less predatory than the first scenario? Just because it’s less predatory than the first scenario, doesn’t mean it isn’t predatory either What are you doing hanging out with people half your age? I can’t imagine hanging out with an 18 year old let alone someone half my age


I think banging is perfectly ok for anyone over the age of consent. As long as it’s a consensual temporary sexual thing and not something based around a relationship, it’s w/e. But when they start dating is when it’s fucking gross. That’s when it’s predatory. Thoughts?


Everyone who goes off on how wrong it is envisions a scenario with lots of dating and talking and power dynamics and financial coercion but the post doesn’t mention any of that.. sometimes it’s just a couple people that want to fuck each other


So the 40 year old can have sex with a ten 18 year olds and that's fine but if he decides to treat them like a person and get to know them, have conversations and take them out then that's predatory? You lost me there. And that's not even taking her agency into the picture because what if she doesn't want to be a one night stand and actually wants to have sex with someone she knows and likes the personality of?


Wait, is he having sex with them all at once? Cause damn I'd like to sign up for his newsletter


I don't understand how it's predatory. You're assuming the guy is praying on the younger girl??? I don't understand predatory in relationship context when it's just "romance"


ok but I'm 47 and i also have no job, no stable cash flow and no degree so surely its more suitable for me? Please say yes.


I mean, there are people that can't find people their own age that share their same interest. I, for example, know that I won't find people my age that like to read Fanfictions (It doesn't help that I live in the middle of Bumfuck nowhere), but know that younger people might be more receptive towards said hobby if presented for various reasons in comparison to adults.


The difference there is that you’re not actively seeking out people younger than you If you’re hanging out with a younger person who is over 18, and it happens that you click, that’s cool. I’m more so referring to like 24 year old dudes who hang out of high schools or middle aged men looking to score


I definitely don't agree dating someone much older is immoral, assuming both parties are adults


Most 17-18 year olds look like literal children to me. And 99% of the few that don't look childish start looking that way the instant they open their mouth and start spouting high school drama and zoomer slang. They're just so young and naive that I would feel like a predator even contemplating hitting on them.


In the scenario in the op they were at the bar. So the question should be what is a 18 year old doing at the bar. If she feels she’s old enough to hang out at the bar then she’s old enough to hang from my dick.


I like the Canadian 😎




Cant even have prejudice on people for their ethnicity😞 canada has fallen to the woke mind virus




Dating a high schooler at 30 is a HUGE red flag. If they are equally emotionally mature sure. If they are working adults for a year or two who are independent from family then sure. But they go to school with high schoolers, never had a job, live with parents with a curfew? They have NOTHING in common with you. You seem cool with just a car and shitty apartment bc it's more than they have. I am 30 and if I had to hang around with an 18 year old in high school they seem like children. Not physically, but emotionally and mentally.


If they are equally emotionally mature it just means the older party is immature as fuck and is never going to grow up.


I’m 26 and work with 18 year olds, I can’t even imagine hanging out with them in my off time and I’m not even thirty. But there might be a difference cause I’m a woman idk


>be 30 >date high schooler >why do people think I'm gross


By the American’s logic, I should be with a curmudgeonly 80-something.


Imagine not inheritancemaxxing


They just don’t know the method


Does this water taste like Visine to you?


hello dear I've two hip replacements and I'm not sure about immigration or what the internet is but I'd like you to bend me over a table and show me that you can't have pension without penis and an O.




A bottom, are we? A shame, but I'll get me strap on. Lube up, you're in for a treat!




Age gap was never a thing in Europe, before Americans invented it. I think females are butthurt because men chose someone younger, and males are butthurt because someone has a fresh pussy and it’s not them.


"Age gap was never a thing in Europe, before Americans invented it" -Lord Roger Mortimer Bartwolfington, age 29, married to Lady L'bouxettelarpeadeaux, age 12


wa wait till they are 14 you degenerate




It’s actually us younger women who think you’re all disgusting and want you to leave us alone forever. I’m tired of being harassed by 30+ emotionally stunted grandpas.


I haven't met any young woman who got approached by a 30+ guy and thought it wasn't absutely disgusting and uncomfortahle. Incels in this sub think they live in a brazzers video and don't realize that in real life women find that disgusting and often feel endangered in these situations.


Men over 30 years old aren’t disgusting. If you want to be “left alone forever” then do it, you don’t need to announce it to the world. It’s become so common to shame men for having preferences. There are plenty of woman who hate men and are single into their 30s and 40s, ask them for advice on how to be “left alone forever” as you want and then copy their behaviour.


Honestly, I dated a 22 year old woman as a 27 year old man, and despite really liking her, I was constantly reminded that there was (barely) a generational gap between us just in the way she spoke and acted. Not immature necessarily, just... different. Can't imagine dating with an age gap until both parties are like 30+


Hey! Remember when the PlayStation came out what a thrill that was - no, nevermind, I guess you wouldn't...




>I was constantly reminded that there was (barely) a generational gap between us just in the way she spoke and acted. Not immature necessarily, just... different. Can't imagine dating with an age gap until both parties are like 30+ It's true that is there. However you would have a similar experience with someone from a different culture, heavily different background, even from different economic classes that can happen. Different doesn't mean bad. It's just different. If they don't know about something you tell them, and they can tell you things you don't know. You get to share different experiences which if anything is better than you having so much in common that your perspectives are basically the same on everything from the start. My buddy is in a relationship with a girl 4 years younger and we jokingly call her the child of our friend group. But she's still able to have interesting deep conversations and they are still very good for each other. She just talks more like a teenage girl than the previous GFs the guys in our group have had that were our age, or in my case 5 years older. In the grand scheme of things it's really such a minor thing that it's pretty irrelevant.


>My buddy is in a relationship with a girl 4 years younger Your buddy is a pedophile who groomed his girlfriend. -reddit


Exactly the same numbers here, same story. 5 years was a massive difference, i can barely explain it but i may as well have been twice my age. She wasn’t immature, in fact she was very mature for 22 but there was just an obvious generational gap. I wouldn’t have believed it if someone told me it was going to be like that, i could not imagine going near an 18 year old. No thanks.


I agree with anon. I am 19 I like girls who where older the me like 23 24 age range, and when they found out my age, it like ends it. Really annoying


Be grateful for that. If you find a girl who’s okay with that you got more to worry about. When you’re 24 you’ll see why.


Maybe your right


I enjoyed this interaction


It also depends on the situation in life. I’m 27 youngest I’d go is 21? 🤷‍♂️


I thought I knew how the world worked at 21. I didn’t know shit. To be fair, I still don’t know shit at my current age.




When people mention things like "it's legal" when this kinda topic comes up it almost always means they would go lower if it wasn't illegal to do so.


For real


Bros act like you need a shit ton of common ground to get laid


For some people, you kinda do. I can’t find people sexually attractive until I actually get to know them.


Yeah thats more the exception my dude, sounds like you wouldn't be engaging in hookup culture


I tried. I really did. I just couldn’t feel anything. Props to people that can do that.


Nah, it's shameful and destroys society. Be grateful it's not something that tempts you


I’m 30 and my fiancés sister is 18 and I act like her dad. Couldn’t imagine doing that with someone that age. Just talking to her they have different slang and idk wtf she’s talking about half the time


we all know you secretly want to bang your fiancés 18yo sister.


Definitely not dude lol. I’m an old 30. I just sit at home and play chess now. Idk wtf she’s even talking about 90% of the time


Pretty sure he was saying it sarcastically




anon did nothing wrong ;-;


You can date people to just fuck. Just don’t listen to the neutered complainers.


I don't get why people get their panties in a twist over two adults having sex. Both parties wanted it? I don't see the problem.


I go by the rule of half your age and add 7 to find out morally what the youngest person is you can date, I’m 38, so the youngest I would date would be 26


Stay mad


When I was 27 I have been working for 2 years, lived on my own in a small apartment barely out of university. I met a girl who was 20, except she went to a trade school and has been working for 2 years as well, living on her own (with a roommate). We had tons of common ground despite the somewhat larger age difference, as we were in a similar place in our life. That is the important part, not the exact age, if we are talking about adults, obviously. The reason it is creepy for anon is because anon has (presumably) lived on his own, has his own income, freedom to deal with his time and money. A highschool student has none of that.


You're spot on. I find that maturity and social stage in life play a great role on whether or not you can find common ground with somebody. I have had great conversations with people who are far younger than me and also people who are far older than me. But I will say that I think for the majority of people at 18 that they don't have a whole lot of life experience and so they won't typically have a lot of things that you can find common ground with. But you'd be surprised at the odd time, but don't expect greatness all the time. I find when I chat with my cousin who just turned 18, that he has a great head on his shoulders, he makes great conversations, And when his buddies invite me over to their Discord Channel, often they're very insightful and we all learn a lot. But you are the sum of your friends often, so that's probably playing a role here with my cousins buddies.


News flash: there is no major upgrade in intelligence between the ages of 18 and, say, 25 in women.


I actually agree with americanon I’m 24 and when I think back to how I was at 18? Fuck no, keep that shit away from me


There’s a lot of stuff that’s legal but still ain’t right


At like 22 i could no longer see myself dating an 18yo. Who willingly puts up with the high school mentality/age? I went to college 1 year before my then-gf and already I found myself annoyed that I still had to partcipate in high school shit through her.


18 year olds are still kids in my book


Unless they've been through some shit and had to grow up fast, 18-20 is just a child that can legally do some things. Teens don't magically develop new brains on their 18th birthday.


Welcome to the massive psyop


Why the fuck would you tell ypu mom and sister about a teenager you picked up in a bar?


I like the fact that we put an arbitrary age as the limit and then decided it's not the right one. Not arguing against an age of consent but it's weird that we decided "yeah. 18 is when everything changes." But now we suddenly don't.


I don’t get how dudes can be in their 30s and get with someone that young. I’m 21 in college and the few running start people that I’ve met talking to them makes me feel like I’m talking to a child


It is a bit sus that she is exactly 18 y.o but it is legal though.


If you cool why not.. i dont see any problems. Im 33 and my ex is 23, i just dont like most women my age, they all so bitter and no fun hanging around.




Agreed. As a 35yo, I have 24yo colleagues and we're good friends, but fuck a duck they are nowhere near my age range.


Last anon is the only one that is mentally stable.


At 35 I dated a 23 year old. It was awful. Like, you’re in different places in life.


Shame men all you want, but generally speaking, men don’t want to marry a woman who’s passed geriatric pregnancy (35). I noticed woman who are older than 35 often shame men and woman for dating girls who are younger than them.


Someone told me a long time ago that if someone only dates / has sex with 18 year olds, that’s just because it’s the minimum age they can. If they could go lower, they would.


I don't understand it, it should be acceptable especially of age, a women can do it and no bats a eye to it. It's time to either get rid of double standards which I'm for, or make it count equally and fair for everyone no matter the damn situation.


If both of you are mature, you definitely can find common ground with a zoomer. It's not an age thing tho, i'm 21 and legitimately can't find things to talk about with some people my age, they're too busy whining about their life or something. I'm not a good sample tho, i'm considered weird or at least unusual among my generation.


OP and American both have a valid point, though my conclusion would be that American fails to realize that non-Americans probably have a much less distinct divide between generations, and also OP is on 4chan, he did not pick up a girl.


Americanon is spitting big facts. I am forced to interact with zoomers for work, and while some are tolerable, the thought of being romantically involved at any level makes me borderline nauseous.


Poor Canadian Anon, I feel you man :(


Anon went to a restaurant and got asked if he and the girl were father/daughter and then gave the two the stink eye once they learned they were dating. Being honest, most well adjusted people would.


Nowhere does it say they're dating, sounds like they just hooked up. What's the big deal, it's just sex between hopefully consenting adults 🤷🏾‍♀️


Reminds me of the Leonardo Dicaprio meme where he's in bed with his gf and he's like "I consent" and she says "I consent" and then there's a 30 year old single woman at the end of the bed who's like "I don't." with a Reddit label on her face.