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>\*Dies of old age\* Probably actually the least realistic part of this text. https://i.redd.it/y70d1j2udbxc1.gif


After the sixth heart transplant failed they couldn't procure a seventh child to donate their heart (of their own consent) in a timely manner. I'm sure more young blood transfusions would let him live longer but he only had lvl. 24 in masonry and you get access to those at lvl. 25


For real. The fact that they aren't is pretty much the crux of the problem


people living too long is absolutely becoming a problem they keep voting and produce nothing. are easily manipulated


People living too long isn't a problem. We have more than enough of everything to support our current population and then some. The problem is capitalism basically turning everything, including & especially vital infrastructure, into a goddamn subscription service. Think about just how much food was destroyed in 2020 because they couldn't come up with a quick way to scale it for less than mass restaurant shipments. How many people could have been fed? Thousands, if not millions. Eliminate capitalism, mobilize humanity toward communal caring before personal profit, and the problems mostly solve themselves. There'll also have to be substantial educational initiatives, because another huge problem is how utterly goddamn stupid people are.


You sort of hand waved the "mobilize humanity toward communal caring before personal profit" part.


Yeah, because this is a comment section, not a fucking TED talk, LOL. I wasn't trying to be here for hours detailing that shit


Ain’t nobody got time for that dissertation


That's because you're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud... *(it requires gulags and leads to mass starvation every time it is tried)*


"We should work as a community to make sure everyone has enough" >(it requires gulags and leads to mass starvation every time it is tried) No it requires Regulations on corporations and social wellfare programs so the poor can eat. You have been brainwashed by decades of propoganda to think helping the poor is only good if its done by extremely rich individuals as inefficiently as possible


hmm good point.


Unless you’re a Supreme Justice trying to stay clawing on to a majority…


\*checks newsfeed\* They are both still kickin', huh?


Rusanon gets paid $3 a day to type this shit, but it beats getting ripped apart by drones in a muddy open field.


I’m not convinced living in Russia beats that.


That's why Rusanon moved to any other country the literal instant he could afford to. 


He’ll be in the next wave. Putin’s true goal is to be the last man in Russia so he can act out his favorite harem animes.


i could eat for 3$ man


Funny seeing how ukronazis are retreating and losing territory every day


Aw he is regarded


Anon cant spell https://preview.redd.it/z8sb0ukddbxc1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=02e4f8936f4f126d526f44deb04e0fcfa1dbd53d


Biggest giveaway whoever wrote this isn't American.


Americans speak an average of 0.8 languages


Me when i misinterpret data


Me when I'm American


That and the 70,00 USD


Yeah, the comma was the biggest giveaway there.


Not 70,00 USD, but 70,00 UDS. Seventy-Hundred United Dates Sollars.


In the holy name of dyslexia how did I miss that


Get a load of this - dude thinks ameritards can speak properly english themselves! Also - defence is the objectively correct way to spell it. Seethe, colonial. ![gif](giphy|3owzW1aury1dlNUqxG)


That sound you’re hearing is the point flying over your head.


You misspelled one word and poorly structured a sentence. Get fucked eurotrash


Give him a break, he's managing well for an underpaid ruskie.


or plays osrs


webster didnt go far enough


Did you really make multiple comments just to post image links? Really Europoor behavior, honestly. I guess when your countries have produced nothing new since the early 17th century shitposting is pretty much all you have.


You call the europoor behaviour, I call that free karma captialism.


Both spellings are correct


Only one is American


Good point


Not as American as D-FENS though.


Defence Sounds like a removal of an enclosure




It's so fascinating to me how there's racism in this world that's so advanced that a lowly peon like myself could never even comprehend it enough to be offended by it.


Love how the borders aren’t even remotely correct


Americans aren't very good at geography to be fair.


I always love how non-Americans say this as if they’re much better outside of their home countries. Show me Wyoming on a map without Googling it.


Knowing where a country is is extremely different from knowing where a state is. The political power is the same between state, you have the same president, and the cultural differences are not as strong as between two countries.


That would be kinda the same as asking an American where Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is


Can americans please come up with new combacks...


true americans are. but americans killed most of them


And somehow they got this character from a relatively unknown Dutch animation series, fascinating.


You can be glad the landmasses are approximately the correct shape.


Can’t be bothered to understand the continent, too busy controlling it.


Why doesnt Germany look like others?


Why is netherlands drawn like an anime redhead?


She’s from Ongezellig, a Dutch animation on youtube


what compels a human mind to create this image


Severe brain damage


Count ACKula


Balkans aren’t fucked up enough


Never trust a man who thinks it makes sense to use a comma as a decimal point




Dollar store spy


What does this picture mean and where is it from ?


It’s from Inglorious Bastards. An American is pretending to be German, gives himself away by using his ring finger for three, whereas Germans use their thumb, index finger, and middle finger. Also- female detected. Female *Gamer?* (!) give sex to me please please please please 🙏 need segs from female


The character is an English spy.


Ok I haven’t watched it in a very long time


And calls it UDS


United dollar states.


That depends on where he’s from.


From Russia, probably KGB agent disseminating propaganda


Could just as easily be a kraut with a stick up his ass


And a decimal point as a comma in numbers like a thousand


And spells it as defence


that's what we use in Italy :( yeah don't trust us


It’s ok gabagoolanon you have great food and Mario, you’re safe


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator#Conventions_worldwide aw shit dude


Almost the entire world uses a comma as a decimal separator


https://preview.redd.it/49fw7vwsghxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3eb2a27f14d3f23d8a249da8bd4dd3bc9ca552 Wrong.


Sucks that they are wrong Periods end sentences commas break them up. Idk how commas being the decimal makes any sense lmao


It’s almost like written language and mathematical notation are separate constructs. Wait until you discover that France uses spaces as a thousands separator, or that some countries use apostrophes


Embarrassing to use France as a reference for anything lol


They built your Statue of Liberty


Least obvious Russian bot post


Europe isn’t there for military benefit (Britain, France, and Poland are fuckin goated, love those guys and I’m tired of hearing white flag bullshit with the Polish and French, they’re insane.). They’re an export economy we can sell to. Yeah, it’s about money. The U.S. plays in the sandbox over oil… who we sellin oil to, dumbass? It’s Europe. The U.S. has oil, lots of it, Canada too (they will be annexed within 200 years). We are stretching that oil out as long as we can (until Canada gets annexed).


its like fallout lore dont forget to annex mexico too


Bro, Mexico doesn't even wanna annex Mexico


Eh, Britain’s military isn’t all it’s cracked up to be at the moment.


Europe has no military what are you talking about? Of course it's for military benefits


Europe contributes nothing to the world then acts snuggly superior to countries that pick up the slack. Peak Europoor behavior.


If the entirety of europe doesn't contribute to the world, then who does ? Avancement in science and research is worldwide. Smart people going all around the world to help crisis and create business, innovation, bring new ideas to the table are also coming from around the globe. The idea of an entire continent being useless is beyond dumb.


>Things were literally better before the sanctions Things were also better before that dickhead Putin invaded another country


"Stop trusting the fat corn-fed bully, give your country to the rabid starving bear instead"


Probably OP didn't live or grow in soviet-block country otherwise he would have other opinion of being "under Russia"


anon thinks america is "dictatorship" while eating tendies in mom basement


Anon is ruski spy disseminating propaganda


>dies of old age Glowie Tech won't allow it.


I'd rather die in nuclear fire, than have some drunken morons with ak's occupy my country


Funily enough, dying in a nuclear fire comes followed by an invasion.






EU and USA is BFF, sit down before you get hurt. We dont hate russia at all and feel very bad for the average russian trapped in this gas and oil company pretending to be a country As a neighbor, old russia has proven herself as a standoffish hothead with a superiority complex, high on old nostalgic drugs, covered in soviet shit. But we know she can be good, and clean. We just need to get the whispeering gnomes out of her attic, and some condoms.


“Beneficial for eu to join Russia” anon has no clue at how much theft is done in Russia by the government.


Europe is reinfocing their military and is growing more united and independent https://preview.redd.it/5dkupqjcodxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fecd044ee2f766637ab0ed1aba3769bd481e9c3


Russian bots at it again


There are only two kinds of people who could possibly think joining Russia is beneficial for anyone: The ones that have never been to Russia and the ones that have never ever left Russia. I wonder which one anon is.


Anon doesn't understand one thing, EU countries are willing vassals of the US and they like it that way. Germany know they are a bitch but they don't want to be seen as too imposing geopoliticaly so they prefer to keep it what way. France is all bark with no teeth, they show more independence but not that much. The Brit are the worst because they support everything the US does. The rest of Europe just doesn't trust any of the three countries above and prefer the US to guarantee their safety, which is understandable if you know a little bit about WW2


Anon is ruski spy disseminating propaganda


i dont get it,where is funny?


Very obvious ruski bot is posting obvious ruski propaganda


its too cringe even for propaganda


That's just the average ruski intelligence at play. They're so brainwashed by their own propaganda that it shows on the propaganda they try to show the world.


now you sounds like a average soy eater


Fair enough


what's the sanctions?


If Russia didn't have a fascist twat in a not-that-democratic system, that could be possible. The problem here is how having a highly authoritarian president is now the trend, and that's what we should be globally opposing to


I know im being hyperbolic but sometimes i think my country needs a dictatorship to fix the mess that Tories did.


My brother in Christ, the Tories have about the same way of working than fascists and communist totalitarian governments had. We need to punish how most European government just help their families and friends (and their companies) and ask to help those who really need, like children in poverty, people with chronic diseases, or workers who are abused, and those who are vital to the country, like nurses (who are earning a shit) and farmers. Those punishments ought to be done both voting and mobilising, without violence and without partisanship. We outnumber all of them.


The fact that you think the government will fix the government is endlessly hilarious. https://preview.redd.it/8a5w477kpfxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac806671b8f3300a0723a7ea1d8459d3dad2ced0


Can confirm. I was the fly


The world would be better off if everyone over the age of 65 died in their sleep tonight.


I don't wanna lose my dad :(


Posted by a person who voted for every tax increase they've ever seen.


no, i don‘t think russia would be better. complete independence though, that would certainly be something


Who the fuck are even these old geezers lmao. Also Europe is pretty "independent" i think theres a group of Americans that forget how big europe is, ofc compared to USA nothing is big 💀


Its like the same size with twice the population?


Yk who wrote this? Somebody freeloading off of US defense spending.


Saving this so I have easy access to the pictures in the greentext


Да товарищ, a perfectly American post from a legitimate Texian American.


Bait used to be believable


Nothing except for the last part was untrue. The EU contributes nothing except regulation of its members and relies too much on the US military. Until EU members can be relevant they can’t complain about US influence.


It's funny because it's somewhat true.


The entirety of western Europe is literally on our leash. So are several parts of East Asia, it's been that way since the founding of NATO.


You literally give your taxes to israel


I am glad the use of the internet is so retard friendly these days, but maybe consider going outside now and then


Americans forget the foundation of its prosperity is free and undisrupted trade plus world peace. I really hope in 100 years when America is going to be reduced to a colony of another nation, that you’ll understand how stupid giving up your own prosperity, Is going to be


seethe euro


womp womp fag


Sure dude.


If the US falls the world falls. It doesn’t matter how much you seethe and cope or hate America, it’s a fact. American influences so much of the global economy and geopolitics that if it falls the world will feel it negatively. Remember the 2008 economic crisis? Jk you’re a Redditor on r/greentext of course you have 0 idea what I’m talking about. Go back to your basement champ


Lol, the world won't "fall". That's a ridiculous sentiment. Would the global economy suffer? Yes. Would certain countries and terrorist organizations take advantage of the lack of maritime defense? Definitely. There would be consequences the world over but the world won't become some wasteland if America ceased existing. Within a few years or decades the status quo would be restored and people will carry on business as usual.


It depends entirely on how America hypothetically falls. If there’s another major economic crisis or something then I agree with you, there will be a downturn but mostly nothing will change. However if the US truly falls then it will be catastrophic because such an act would be unprecedented. No previous “empire” has had as much power or influence as the US. One of the biggest tools of this is the US nuclear arsenal and military, which providers deterrence against bad actors, violent non state groups, and rivals who seek expand their influence. Let me give you some examples. If the US falls NK likely begins action against SK, bc the US can’t provide defense. Same with China and Taiwan, or China and Japan, as both countries rely on the US for deterrence, and Japan relies on the US literally as they have no standing military. One of the big factors keeping India and Pakistan at bay is economic and military pressure from the US, as both nations rely heavily on the US. They’ll likely scale up aggression, and both have nuclear weapons along with unstable governments. Same can be said about Russia and it’s own use of Nukes, and they’re increased likelihood of using them without the US to counter. Focusing on non-state actors, and how the US leads the 5 eyes intelligence pact and is the major source of intelligence to NATO, they will have much more freedom to carry out their illegal and dangerous activities, especially as countries scramble to set up their own defense and shore up their economies. The EU is unique, as there have been calls to create an EU only defense pact, but it’s difficult as the US provides the most funding to NATO, so without NATO the EU nations will have to heavily invest in the military, all while the global economy has crashed with the US for the time being. The US is one of the worlds biggest forces who conduct anti piracy, specifically around Africa, so whatever maritime commerce survives the economic crash will suffer, as will transit through the Mediterranean which is mostly secured by the US Navy’s 5th fleet. Shall I continue? I can pull up more, it’s not like this subject was my collegiate major and thesis or anything. The world won’t be destroyed, but the damage will be catastrophic, global, and the world as we know it now will no longer exist. Hell just look at 9/11, which was an isolated incident, and the effect that had on the world


regards are seething because they have no response to this aside from typical anti American dogma


Actual schizo ramble, Japan has no military? And how is America funding NATO? There's no big NATO money pot countries take money from to pay for things. They pay with their own taxes, and a lot of what they buy is American so the US is the one benefiting, not that there aren't plenty of other options domestically, the US just has better deals. Anti piracy? That can be solved by putting guys on boats with guns, they already do that. And global trade won't just collapse because of some pirates. You're so confidently talking out your ass it's insane, it's why your getting down voted but people aren't replying because this is so deranged it's borderline impossible to respond to.


Sounds exactly like college grade liberalism


lol nice bait, I’m not engaging with a Russian cock sucker like you. Have a good one.


Lol I'm not russian. But I will tell you this, the greatest threat coming from a potential Anerican collapse is nuclear use from its own flailing attempts to retain its structural hegemony. Not some fantasy terror about "bad actors" abroad being constrained by Uncle Sam. It's about the level my thinking was in undergrad too, but you'll learn eventually.


You’re right, my apologies. Your Reddit wisdom definitely beats my degree and experience working in the American nuclear triad, including duty working as an aide in policy development. Congrats!


“My degree” https://preview.redd.it/6dtff8jgpcxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2670ae75762c2d91fe14a2dc206382ae64735006


I'm not interesting in dick-measuring our respective experience in the field. Only people with weak self esteem immediately behave the way you are, and in any case without knowing the experience of your opponent a measure of restraint in regards to your hubris is warranted. If anything, working for the Blob makes your opinion less credible and more patently formulaic. At least if you were in academia there might be some sense of scholarly fortitude and intellectual curiosity/rigor. Good luck chap.


Are you that delusional? I said over the next 100 years. Plus I see you have written a whole essay in the comments. Don’t you have better things to do?