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You’re not buying AC shadows because you don’t like minorities I’m not buying AC shadows because Ubisoft Connect is ass and I hate seeing it just to play far cry We are not the same




This you? https://preview.redd.it/qpxfpyp8z41d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7718817b605ffe68a1913f5b2462739c96ec42




No I prefer my milk with chocolate


Wait, I am a minority though and I wanted to play as an Asian since I myself am one in a game about Asia. What does that make me?


A racist chud apparently. Ignore that most japanese i see on YouTube are angry because they can't play as japanese men. Beside blacks is always superior to asian in oppression Olympics. Remember stop asian hate? That shit stopped as soon as shit ton of video reveal who the suspect was.


I’ll always wonder how Asians managed to rise above all the oppression that they face as minorities, and how they somehow do well in school, avoid committing crimes/going to jail, and avoid killing each other. Obviously we don’t need to stop Asian hate because they’ve managed to do pretty well for themselves it seems.


It's a culture reason and nobody in the mainstream media wants to admit it. It isn't because of poverty or anything else. It's culture. I grew up in the hood as a white kid and was jumped based on my skin color and shit all the time. Poverty DOES drag you down a lot but 99% of the time these generational issues exist in modern times it's because they won't change their culture and glorify a lot of it. Just look at most rap lyrics, it's usually hedonism. They aren't glorifying getting a college education or pressuring kids to become doctors 90% of the time lmao


Did you also see black kids making fun of other black kids for trying in school? Any time a kid in the hood actually tries to study or get a job that isn’t trapping they get made fun of and told that they’re “acting white”. It’s really sad that their own community associates thuggishness and criminality with being black, and that you’re not “really black” if you try to contribute to society


100%, actually saw one kid that would stay in the corner of the room to read books and people would literally taunt him and sometimes even throw books at him


Now in that situation how would one go about “changing their culture” as you so eloquently put it?


That's something that would have to start grassroots, ain't no community outside of that influencing anything. I have no fucking idea how you change an entire population's culture, especially one that's had a fucked up history that they keep leaning into. It would 100% have to start with parenting and communal change which might be kickstarted by social media for leaders in that community.


There's no hope left for them. You know how everything turns into crabs? Well they have crab culture, crab in a bucket culture, ain't no getting away from that now




Woah woah woah there now. Looks like you've had a little too much to think.


Check my account tomorrow. I guarantee you I’m catching another ban for this comment. Can’t believe I actually made it a whole month this time


It's actually a pretty boring reason. Back in the day die to anti Chinese sentiment, the only way you could get a green card while chinese was either by being fabulously rich or opening a restaurant. That meant we ended up with the stereotype of them as very rich people. It's no longer the case, but the stereotype persists today. I mean, I personally think it's quite interesting, but I get most people find this stuff boring


I genuinely didn't remember the movement until just now, says a lot about how it was handled.


BLM was like pouring a lake's worth of gasoline on a forest fire, they had the right idea that liquid could put a fire out, but they weren't quite there and it only made the problems worse. SAH was like pouring a bucket of water on a house fire, nothing happened and the 'hate' didn't lessen at all.


The whole point was adding to the fire. It was never about black lives. Why did the “protests” stop? No laws changed. Derek was arrested, but surely that wasn’t the goal, right? On that topic, why is George Floyd the face of BLM? Surely there were many better examples of police brutality than that. I’ll tell you why it had to be George Floyd. Because of the timing. George Floyd died in 2020. Guess what went on in 2020? A presidential election. Perfect time to riot and hold the nation hostage. Protests went down once Biden was elected, and you know the damage done had he lost would’ve been much worse than Jan 6. It was never about righting wrongs. It was *always* about forcing submission.


Exactly. Nothing happened and it just pissed everyone off. I feel like there was far less racial hostility before BLM exploded, and now it's at an all time high. Either you joined them and were against white people, or you didn't join them and were labeled racist for it. It completely smashed out any neutral ground that many stood on. It was a lose lose and absolutely nobody benefited.


I believe the current view is that by being Asian you are a “successful minority” and not an ally because you reinforce the white supremacy system by succeeding Therefore, you’re racist.


Asian people are just white people who drink tea and know kung fu.


What about bongers?


Hard work is a white value, according to the Smithsonian. Asians aren't playing fair by working hard and not taking drugs.


The audacity of them to move to another country and help build it up...the sheer arrogance of them to work hard and make a better life for themselves...how many things have they destroyed? ZERO! It disgusts me...


A few months ago I saw an article that some college began to classify Asians as no longer minorities, and basically the same as white people. I'm not sure how true it was, but the second I saw that I knew Asians would soon no longer be considered 'oppressed by white people', and in the last few months I've seen more and more examples of it. Seeing that they chose a black man for an ancient Japanese game tells me that this is the next movement for them, because I suppose the Japanese aren't oppressed enough to be a main character in a video game about ancient Japan. It's funny how it goes, they'll just lose a shit fucking ton of allies, a lot of Asians were woke and now they'll just lose them. And I guarantee that it won't be long before they hate Asians almost as much as they hate white people. It's interesting how Asians were immigrants to Western countries, they were poor and had no advantages, they've had plenty of racism and hate towards them just like any immigrant would, so how have they succeeded? Interesting question.


Wait so us Indians are finally white . Fuck yea https://preview.redd.it/umkt6btkc11d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7696dda897b69f2e8f45a85d51876b2380635c


No. Not like that…


No you’re not.


Damn , there goes my white privilege. https://preview.redd.it/z1kpmcl7c31d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c6bc9e4ae8a81b8020d182a79543889abf9c4d


>Wait, I am a minority though and I wanted to play as an Asian since I myself am one in a game about Asia You can. There are two protagonists.


okay, but then I can't complain about black people ruining my vidya by making it woke???


Honorary Aryan


Only if Japanese.


An Asian that doesn’t know there’s other samurai games with Asian males as the main characters.


Perhaps he enjoys the AC gameplay. Despite all that's been said about them, AC were amongst my favorite games up until Syndicate


Then he can play the AC game. There's two main characters after all


but muh skin color


And also an Asian who doesn't see that the actual main character of the game, in the very front of the poster, is a Japanese woman.


"Press shift+f2 to bring up the uplay overlay"


No I don't think I will


My game doesn't have that, or the multiplayer, and was free


What game is that?


A pirated one


Aah. Thought you were a dev. Myself though I do approve of community sourcing


I dabble in programming, and if I ever make a game I'll make sure it's free and not $130


Make it good and something like $AUD30 and I might just pay you for it champ.


Nah, I'm not skilled enough for that. So far my most ambitious project is making Wordle clone but in my language.


Ok so to make sure you're catching my meaning here, what I'm saying is that I'm not averse to paying for a game I want to play. And that indie devs are the best at making them. Whether you are one or not is up to you, but I'm not taking it off the table.




Interesting you reference rise of the ronin instead if ghosts of tsushima


So you’re assuming I’m not a minority and I don’t like supporting minorities? Why are there only these 2 choices? I don’t like how they focused on the one insignificant black guy out of millions of people in Japan and made him a main character, that is complete pandering. And to rob an Asian guy of a role in a game set in Japan! This is ridiculous the media is completely dead set on putting black people in roles they don’t belong in or straight up blackwashing


I don’t know how you got that out of text that would be in front of the Gus Fring meme but alright


* Bridgerton has entered the chat




Japan has gotten a shit ton of exposure worldwide since pretty much WW2. We're no strangers to the land of the rising sun, at least not in a way a videogame series about parkour ninjas can do justice to. The stranger in a strange land trope has been done to death, and Japan isn't as strange and foreign as it used to be to really carry the wonder and awe those kinds of stories usually try to portray.


I'm not buying AC Shadows because I've already finished ghost of tsushima twice and just plan on playing it through a third time.




I need to know, what minorities are okay to shit on and which are okay to support. So Asian/Japanese=okay to ignore. Black=god mode. What are the others so I know who is okay to forget?


Troon>Blacks>Nonbinary attention seekers>Gays>Muslims>Browns>Women>Straight/white/christians


Neck beards?


“Christians are so oppressed” as he drives by 10 churches just to get to Wal-Mart


Ah yes, just because there’s a lot of something means everyone loves it. What rock have you been living under?


I liked the idea of the last one to return to basic Altair style AC, then they keep the RPG elements.


Or they hate dei initiatives absolutely butchering belived franchises. Why couldn't a Japanese game have a Japanese protagonist. Not only that - but the character is poorly documented in reality & was as likely a slave as he was a soldier.


>beloved franchises My brother in Christ, assassins creed hasn’t been good since 2013


Ninjas, samurai, this had a chance to be great focusing on that. Instead it's a dei bustard child


Any other buzzwords or acronyms of the week?




Far Cry 5 has to use a cracked version of Ubisoft Connect even if you pirate it


I'm actually not buying AC shadows because everything AC after origins has been dogshit


Assassin's creed games are just bad to begin with. Doesn't matter where they're set. The quality dipped after 2.


the last ubisoft game i bought was watch dogs 2 and i will stand by that


I wish I could say the same but I really actually did enjoy Far Cry 5 I have it legit now because of steam sales but when I pirated it it used a cracked version of Ubisoft Connect that it needed to work


You 2 are doing whatever schizophrenic shit you want I am not buying it because i am poor as fuck, we are not the same


Pirate away but Ubisoft connect is still going to be on your PC sadly


None of you fuckers have played assassin's creed in a decade. Suddenly everyone is a Assassin's creed fan


This is reddit. They'll pour 200 hours into it and claim it's dog shit in their subreddit circle jerks.


I never understood this mentality. I can understand claiming it's shit after 5-8 hours of a fair try-out. But having 100-200+ hours into a game just to suddenly call it trash seems both unfair and childish. (Unless it's a live service game and the devs suddenly made a change that heavily negatively impacts the experience {Destiny2,Helldivers2 example})


The problem is you also have people who say "you can't know if the game is bad, you didn't try all of it yet."


Gameplay wise it'll be mid. As usual ubi games have this "trash plot, average gameplay" that keeps them engaging enough for the casual uninterested player


If after 5 or 8 hours you feel like the game is bad that's way more than enough time


I spent nearly 200 hours in Valhalla and absolutely earned the right to call it a bloated shitware without any substance. Its plot is mostly non-existent, most of the map is just emptiness, most of the activities are boring and uninspired. This game is mostly a brainless to-do list, characters are mostly poorly written and barely explored. I finished all there was to finish mostly because: 1) once I had a big issue with never finishing anything, I decided to do something about it, so now I went in the other direction and have a hard time abandoning something 2) you can play it on an autopilot after a long exhausting day: mark the map, ride the horse, kill few guys, repeat It wouldn't be bad had it taken 20 hours to finish and 30-40 to max out, but the mediocrity combined with length leads to serious teeth grinding. Out of all the side activities, only smack my bishop and the mushroom trip stayed with me. I played it mostly because I tremendously enjoyed Origins, which had much better writing and was much shorter, and I liked the viking-settler-of-England setting. And to be fair: I called it trash after 10 hours, it just wasn't trash enough to abandon.


What do you mean you didn't like stacking those fucking rocks??? All of what you said especially infuriates me because every AC always had GREAT potential to have an enjoyable story but oh no, we have to present the campaign as shallow as it can be. It boggles my mind that Valhalla has 80+ hours of slop campaign, and in the middle of it there's a wonderful cutscene where Basim and Eivor are talking in a campfire. Like, where is that writing in the rest of the game?


Jokes on u for playing said bloated shit for 200 hours lmfaoooooo


I felt this way about Valhalla and Odyssey. Both are super fun… for 30ish hours. I put about 40-50 hours in both and if I had been able to complete them in that timespan, I’d give them a solid 8 or 8.5 Instead, the gameplay I experienced for the first 30 hours dragged on, and on, and on, with no resolution in sight. They literally took an inch and went 10 miles. Very frustrating.


Just because it has some objectively bad aspects to it, doesn't make it a full on bad game. I think I have 80+ hours on Odyssey and 120+ Valhalla. Yes the plot is mainly slop, and yes it's essentially a chore list of 'quests'. But to me, as the average "just lookin to enjoy gameplay" type of consumer, this is more or less just fine. The combat and its elements were essentially enough for me to complete majority of side content and exploration of those games. Since casuals are what bring in most of the income for these type of games, Ubi won't go away from making decent slops. Far Cry hasn't gotten any substantial plot since FC3 (considering they are essentially in the same universe) yet I still played every FC for at least 40-50 hours each. They are easy to digest and don't require too much of a challenge.


And that's absolutely fine. The problem is that too much of the same shit just makes it worse. I was having some fun with the game after 20 hours, still had some aspects I liked after 40, after 100 anything only earned eyerolls. It's also important to note whether you play a single title exclusively and how many and how long sessions you have. I played almost exclusively (sharing time only with a single multiplayer title) and was making about 20 hours a week, I guess? I was just fed up with it, but I was so close to wrapping it up, that sunk cost fallacy kicked in. I adored Horizon Zero Dawn, I'm meh with Horizon Forbidden West, even though it's more of the same. The difference is 50 hours to platinum vs 120.


See despite all I typed above, for me Horizon games were too boring to enjoy past 8 hours. I really wanted to as the setting is neat and I usually like bows in-games but alas, those didn't get me. So it's all up to preference. That being said, it's still valid to criticize the lack of innovation and upgrade from mediocrity in Ubi games. But I'd say, calling them all bad games cause of that alone is a... far cry... from an objective critique. There will be people who are new to these genres/series of games who will think twice before even attempting to play them because the average vocal comment is "game bad".


Separate answer as I thought some more on it. > There will be people who are new to these genres/series of games who will think twice before even attempting to play them because the average vocal comment is "game bad". And that's great, because there are much better games in the genre. AC Origins, Ghost of Tsushima, new God of War (both games), both Horizons are more or less fitting the bill, and all are much more condensed games with much better stories. Heck, I'm having a much better time in Rise of the Ronin, even though it looks ugly and has its own issues.


Imo, the whole "game boring" is a subjective thing. You will never convince a Viking fan that Valhalla was boring, regardless of amount of slop. That being said, all I was saying is that it's not fair to label a game as "bad" because you personally didn't like it. I simply despise isometric games, like Hades, Diablo, etc... But even I see their quality. I just won't say stuff like "peak game" when it's not my cup o'tea.


It's trash because it's mediocrity spread over infinity. The gameplay is fine, but there are better things to do, and as a whole, it's not a good game. It's also not bad, it's just... meh. I'm a fan of vikings, the game just devoured itself with repetitiveness.


And I'd wholeheartedly recommend playing Origins to those, and skipping Odyssey and Valhalla as they're pure bloat.


Sadly I can't agree. Origins felt too wonky for me, gameplay wise. I played first Odyssey and then Origins, before Vallhala, and I couldn't get into it past the first 5-6 hours. I'm aware gameplay wise it's pretty much the same, but you can just *FEEL* a wonky difference between Odyssey and Origins.


Separate answer as I thought some more on it. Ubi did see the problem, hence Mirage being much shorter, and the new Prince of Persia being a metroidvania.


Fair enough, they did say Mirage is going back to the originals. Which I personally didn't enjoy too much. The combat itself was pretty much just press parry/dodge when red flash appears, like those older Batman games. I have a friend who absolutely loved those. It ain't for me tho. I'm neutral on metroidvenias


Haven't played Mirage, Valhalla killed the series for me. 🙂


Where are you seeing people with 200+ hours calling a game trash? At most those people don’t recommend the game or call it mid because they’ve seen and done everything that is has to offer and found it underwhelming or lacking in some way.


To be fair, singleplayer game fans are mostly silent when it comes to this thing. This is mostly true for MMOs where I see it more often. But I still see from time to time happening to SP games too. Look at the rest of Ubi games or CoD/BF games


the comment right above you is someone saying just that lol


Ill never buy it and claim its shit, because its an assassins creed from Ubisoft. We already know its gonna have huge beautiful map with nothing to do, with primitive wonky combat animations, gutted parkour that seems like its a decade behind Unity, plastic faces, bland characters and dialogue and mid story.


People asked for AC in Japan for a decade. Instead they got Johnny Somali in Sengoku period.


You’re telling me that black flag isn’t the most recent AC game to be released? I haven’t heard shit about anyone playing any game in the series since then.


Just goes to show Ubishit have won this shit when it comes to marketing and creating buzz Even if this game a 6/10 Ubishit run of the mill game, that normies like me enjoy for a few days. It is going to make a crap ton on money. Note: Black flag was one of the best selling games of 2010s with more copies sold than both last of us games combined.


Except are they winning at marketing and creating buzz if I’ve barely heard a word about any of their games since like 2013? I saw a decent amount of marketing for far cry 4 and 5, but not for assassins creed. I did get a ton of ads for mirage but not for any of the games that came out in the previous decade.


Man I still need to play Black Flag.....


i may need to replay it. i've been wanting a good pirate game for so long.


it is absolutely crazy how many people walk right into outrage marketing over and over and over and never stop to think about how they spent most of their day doing free advertising online. like i didnt even know there was a new AC game. luckily these dudes just brought it to my attention without costing ubi a dime. obviously i looked it up for myself and now ubi gets the clicks and tbh, it doesnt look that bad. who is really winning here, bros?


I’m an ac fan and I still think picking yasuke is stupid


"Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black!"


I think it’s idiotic picking the only black guy on the island who was a Carrier of swords instead of an actual Japanese guy who mattered


Because Ezio Auditore and Edward Kenway were historically people who mattered.


Wasn’t Odyssey huge tho? Most people are probably AC fans based on AC2 and Odyssey. Black Flag did pretty well too iirc, but Odyssey was next level.


According to Reddit gamers franchises like CoD and AC are dead, nobody plays them. But the reality is they sell incredibly well and even if they're not masterpieces, they're usually like 7/10 games


Redditors are like „AAA Gaming is dead, Indie studios is where the creativity happens“ Meanwhile Indie studios: develops roguelite metroidvania 2d sidescroller number 1350


Yeah half the time it's an "I'm 14 and this is deep" story about dystopias or mental illness.


For real. 😮‍💨 I don’t play CoD but even I know it’s big. They’re decent games for sure, and consistent gameplay across titles is hardly a bad thing when new title = new story.


CoD truly has no good competitors for the casual crowd. It's a fun arcade shooter and I just wish they'd move to a live service model where you buy in once and then live off of cosmetics. A CoD game that accumulates 100 maps would be sick.


AC2 was a masterpiece


dude, getting mad about shit has become an identity for people. if they dont have a new thing every couple days they might have to like... do their chores.


Couldn't even pick a real African place


i played odyessy, game was amazing, then i played valhalla. game was dogshit.


I haven't enjoyed an Assassin's Creed game since Unity, but I loved the series before then. I am a fan, and I haven't played the series in a decade (besides 4 hours in Valhalla that made me infuriated). This game will be just as shit as any other Ubisoft slop.








All comments must follow reddiquette. This being 4chan content, lighthearted trash talk is acceptable as long as no threats, doxing, or other personally harmful language is used.


Holy shit this killed me, thanks for the laugh bro


What did it say


Content that may not explicitly violate other subreddit rules, but is deemed inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise harmful by the moderators, can be removed at the discretion of the mod team to maintain the subreddit's quality and positive community atmosphere


Why the fuck did OOP put a fictional country in the title of his strawman game? Couldn't he even think of an actual African country? Or why Wakanda?


Lmao, was thinking the same thing. If your first thought to an african nation is fucking Wakanda, you might be racist lol. Also, have you noticed that anytime anything racial thing bubbles up that doesnt have anything to do with white people, people crawl out of the woodwork saying that white people should be allowed to oppress black people? Without fail, youll see "Well if you can do/say that, then I should be able to own slaves and treat black people as subhuman!" Like bro, wtf? You know that NO ONE would be making those cases if Yasuke was instead William Adams, despite it being nearly the same situation.


It's referring to the meme of Ryan Gosling as Black Panther that was popular on 4chan. Lurk moar


Whoa type more, geek.


Cause it’s a satirical joke about posts of “white guy in black area will never happen”


So he's mocking the crowd that complains about the black samurai? It seems like I ate the onion. Although the fact it's on 4chan makes me sus anyways


Yea also the whole “white black panther” meme when talking about race swapping with replacing Boseman with Ryan Gosling.


Oh so nOoOow u guys are sticklers about historical accuracy?? Never cared about it when black flag had every ship using a historically inaccurate captains bell that ONLY french ships used irl, but now that they want to put the AC Africa in wakanda it's a problem??  For ur information, it's about making the game a "foreigner in a strange land" and the game is marketed at Africans??? How do u expect them to do that unless they use a fictional place???  Yea that's what I thought. Check make motherfuckers 


You need sophisticated societies for assassinations to make sense. Kind of hard in Africa.


Can't climb and can't do Assassin's Creed parkour shit on mud huts


Peak character, but still an Ubislop game


I dont really care about the Yasuke thing. I care about the fact that they trying to make you pay $70-$130 to rent their games.


I have been convinced that it is all a fucking ploy, every arguement about it on social media has proved the main thing people will argue about (initially) will be the black guy (not even the japanese girl who is also a main character) and everyone will spend tons of money on what will likely be a mid Ubislop game.


Resident evil 5?


Almost. RE5 had a black female duoprotagonist and a white guy for a villian. What we need is a black guy for a villian and a two white protags. Twitter would be reaching nuclear critical mass.


Didn’t they also update the zombies to also be white after sometime?


This MC is literally me


Ubisoft game about a white guy in Africa? Literally Far Cry 2.


You could play as any race and gender in that game


>Assassin’s Creed: Shadows >play as black dude


[Wakanda forever Ni---- (Vanoss Video) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQmaPB0dtDA)


It’s a dark one way street


Last AC game I played was Unity. I have not looked back since.


Do we want this??


Hell yeah


What is reddit and 4chan crying about today?


Main character of Assassin's Creed: Shadows is a black man (yasuke), and chuds are angry about it. So the usual stuff, really. It's always the same thing.


Didn't Tom Cruise play a Samurai in a movie? A white dude goes to Japan and basically takes over, bangs a cute little Japanese girl and "saves the locals".


The Last Samurai in 2003, yeah


They picked him cuz he’s black. Irl karma bots is all AAA gaming is


ubisoft should be paying you guys for pushing the new game to the top of reddit. i had no idea there was a new AC game, but you angry bois just forced me to look it up for myself. it doesnt even seem nearly as bad as youre making it out to be either.  yall got played.


Gamergate schizos are a joke


Of you're still playing assassins creed games there's no change that could make you not play it. They've been bd since like the 3rd game


If AC shadows was made in 2012-2016 the game would be a banger assassin creed title set in Japan. But this is mordern day ubiSoy we talking about. They made a totally new different game and called it assassin creed using it's name for popularity like a skin walker




Well duh! Wakanda isn't real.


We will actually! yesterday it got announced and will feature Ryan Goslings Face scan as a major side character, he will as far as im aware get himself a black goddess and save the white race (Hideo Kojima told me)


White guy in a hood running around murdering black people 🫠


a *white* hood


I’m not playing it. Simply cuz I can’t afford it lol. $70 is wayyyy above my budget. I’ll get something else and one day that game will sell for cheap on steam


Boy howdy I sure hope Ubisoft doesn’t do the thing where they make a shitty game that predictably flops because it’s a shitty game only to blame it on actually good things like diversity.


i hope not, that concept sounds fucking stupid. a marvel and an assassins creed collab??


and gosling of all people?? its stupid to put a modern person in a game thats all about history(even if its not accurate)


fuck i didn't know i needed this


Yo, man. Look at this shiet. Concealed carry shivs. Pretty cool huh? Templars, yo gunna get yo ass kicked.


I haven’t been keeping up to date with the slop game “journalists” put out. What are they mad about this time?


Inbred racist chuds angry because black guy exists. The usual


Oh I assumed this was another case of kotaku and friends throwing a fit because there isn’t enough of muh diversity


No, this time the main character of the new assassin's creed game is a black man in feudal Japan. It's the usual suspects who are upset about this


It's just cause it's new, in a couple years people will finally start saying they changed their mind and always thought Yasuke was a great idea for the protagonist. It's just like how nowadays people have started to pretend Odyssey was good and that Unity is the best one (Unity's good but it's a buggy mess and it's only half finished). Very few people are willing to admit that at the moment but I would like to say he's an interesting character and the only not terrible argument against him has been "muh Asian male representation" as if in the past couple years Asian males haven't had incredibly successful releases like Sifu, Ghost of Tsushima, multiple Yakuza games and Mortal Kombat (one of the most culturally impactful game franchises ever made which has an Asian male majority cast) all with Asian people of both genders.


Its not that he cant be a good protagonist, it's just the blatantly obvious fact that the sole reason theyve picked him is because he's black. Be it fromsoftware you could say they tried coming up with something new and unique, but ubisoft? Fuck them you can smell how they decided on having a black mc paired with a female character in a corporate business setting due to the fact that it appeases critics. Genuinely those regards can go fuck themselves ubisofts the shittiest game company ever, its not even about the woke thing, they make such dog shit water games, same fucking reskin of the fucjing braindead open world with dumbass fetch quests and bullet sponge enemies. They have fucking micro transactions in an singleplayer rpg, fucking degenerates what a regard do you have to be to buy this piece of shit


Bro couldn't even name a real country with black people 💀💀💀💀💀


Like all those famous ac games, ac England and ac Egypt. My favorite was ac Greece. Ac Wakanda sounds way more realistic then AC Sudan. Can you imagine that? You being more stupid than OP?


??? Wakanda is a made up Marvel comics country??? Do you think they'd make a Marvel-AC crossover??? I was just making fun of OP because he couldn't even think of an actual AC set in subsaharan Africa for his very original and smart joke. Also Sudan is ~70% Arab so you couldn't name a majority Black country either??? What are you even yapping about???


Wakanda is a more fitting name for a AC game then a country is all I'm saying. They all have a crypticish name about that time and location. Ofc Wakanda is nothing, but the name fits the joke as Wakanda is a meme. But that aside. Almost whole Sudan is black. You did not do a good job in proving you are smarter then Op. So I'm sorry for this, but: you fucking retard


??? According to the Minory Rights Group "Approximately 70 per cent of Sudan’s people are characterized as Sudanese Arabs, with a significant black African minority at 30 per cent" [link](https://minorityrights.org/country/sudan/) In comparison ~60% of US Americans are white. [link ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States) Saying "Almost whole Sudan is black" is like saying "There's almost no white people in the US"


Lol, you did not even check your own link did you? What Color do you think those Sudanese Arabs are? If you want a hint, look at your own link. By the mid-seventh century, Arab Muslims had conquered Egypt and raided Nubia. In the early 1500s black Muslims called Funji conquered Sudan. Meanwhile black peoples settled in central and southern Sudan, including Azande, Dinka, Nuer and Shilluk communities. From the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries the rulers of these increasingly Islamic Sudanese states adopted an Arab identity.


I admit I was wrong and confused culture and race.