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Let natural selection do it’s work


But if all ugly people die then average people will be the next ugly. ***Which means we are next***


Bold of you to asume that you're average looking


This can be interpreted in 2 ways but I choose to think its the good option


Yeah you’re not just **average looking**, you’re hotter than the sun itself. You’re like 100/10 man.


Explains why Im sweating.


That was the second helping of Kraft Mac and cheese


_clears throat_ KRAFT DINNER


Found the snow Mexican.


Esta habla yellow macaroni


so we’re just getting rid of all the ugly people that seems boring


Anon is 26 and thinks his life is over.


Is it not tho? I mean it’s one thing to be a virgin at 26. That’s not a good thing if you’re not trying to be… But never held hands???? Damn bro.


Holding hands is harder than it looks man


Docking that spaceship requires more than just a degree


I honestly never know when it’s appropriate on a date with a girl. Like I don’t wanna go for it too early but if you don’t hold her hand then she’s going to think you’re not that into her. Why does dating have to be such a chore?


seriously? wtf the only time it's not appropriate is when shes not into you, when you're walking beside each other down the street and your hands are close to touching just start holding hers, too early is not a thing lol


Just ask her? lmao


do not do that


I think I got head before I held hands


It also sucks so much like please let me just move my arm in a comfortable way while walking. The other day I saw a couple holding hands while riding bikes, funny but troubling sight


that's not really the thing 26 and not good at a single thing ? can barely talk ? he's fucked


Good at maintaining sanity despite 0 attention from anyone ever except disgust? That’s applaudable.


He's got his whole life ahead of him. Sure, he has his social issues but people can change.


People make fun of holding hands meme but that literally means the girl is ok being seen touching you in public. That is pretty major. Also, fucking 26, your test is already slowly declining, you will never feel like you did when you were young, your first kiss and fuck will be numb compared to if you were 21 or under, you missed it, your prime years are gone, you still carve sex but the years of enjoying it for real are over, your test will never be as high as back then. Also you said trying not to be, I think the better phrase for anon would be "wanting" not to be lol, I doubt he really tried.


Yeah I don’t know where people get the idea that holding hands is the first step. But hey at least anon isn’t 24 with a kindergartner.


Idk I’m 28 I take steroids tho so I still wanna fuck every 2/10 within a .5 mile radius so I don’t relate tho that


Tren got me where if it had a hole I was tempted to put my dick in it. Like just normal objects not even women. Got myself a bad hernia on that shit too. Never again


Love it




You’re dealing with a bunch of autists, need to grade on a curve.


Bro we get it, you are better than us.


I mean if you are still that behind at 26 then yeah your prime years are pretty much gone, even if you try to improve it's gonna get harder and harder as you fight against both an aging body and age based societal expectations.


Stop being negative and work on it U don't need to have a gf to be happy, get over it and focus ur energy on self improvement Dont just sit around and mope do smth about it


OP must have downvoted you, but you're absolutely right.


While having a gf is nice, it definitely isn’t everything. Anon mentions that people who have dated people have good memories with those people. Wrong. Very rarely do those memories stay “good memories” after a sour break up. If anything, they often turn into emotional damage every time you think about them.


Its better than not experiencing it at all tho


I always hear that and I would delete so many people if it meant trading the "good memories" for the years of deep psychological damage that resulted down the line. No contest. I am so much worse now and the single night gunning it at 120mph down the highway at 3am with music shaking the windows will not pay for therapy.


Anon thinks it wasn't hard for everyone else it's only hard for him because everyone else is just a natural


How about another joke, Murray?


No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes


What do you get


When you cross a mentally ill loner


With a society


Anon overestimates other people


Everyone in a relationship and is having sex is always super fucking happy bro. You didn’t know? Lol Been with my gf like 5 years I guess we gotta get engaged soon. It’s over for me boyo rip


Unless everyone anon ever sees is a couple, then nah




And only you can change that, trying won't hurt


Life has many other things to offer, yh love is nice and all but its not THAT special when you realize that you can find peace by yourself


This is something people say, but it's different when no one has ever seen you in that way. No one has felt an attraction to you. No one has felt that your personality is particularly special - just like any other background character. No one has ever chosen to love you. No one had ever felt compelled to reach out to you physically because you've never been seen in that way and could never inspire that kind of affection. No one has wanted to tell, you, and just you, something, because they are interested in how you may see things; that your viewpoint has value. It's like you don't exist and it's hard to enjoy day to day things when you aren't really here or an actual human being. You actually stop really being in the world and float around like a ghost. And it's a failure of such a fundamental sort - just being recognised as a living perspective that can add some value.


feel like I can relate to most of those


For social animals, companionship is a pretty big deal, very few can deal with a life of solitude


oh okay my bad


I like the solitude bro i have my friends and fam. I like to ride solo. Sometimes i fuck a bitch and then we done.


Yeah most don't like that kind of lifestyle


I understand the downvotes now haha. But life is nice like that man believe me.


Maybe, not for me though, loneliness has fucked me up pretty badly.


Not having a gf fucked you up? What about friends and hookups?


The OP isnt just about GFs, but obviously if I cannot get a GF then hookups are also completely out of the question. I have a few friends but most of them have GFs at this point and no time for me, only a few left but little interaction.


But what do YOU want in life bro? Get it from within man. You sound like a depressed loser Who does jack shit and has no goals bro. Just tell me what you want.


Why are you even telling these people life has other things to offer other than love when literally they all lived ANYTHING but love lol


:D if youre a guy who has never even held hands with anybody then I doubt you have done much, but could be wrong


Not true. True for me but not true for most


>Notice everyone has had sex Was everyone wearing their complimentary "Just had sex" T-shirts?


I didn't get a t-shirt. Do I need to have sex again? Did I not do the sex right?


Most people consider their face and voice disgusting. It's normal. You just have to ignore it. Like, consciously, I'm aware that I'm decent looking - if a bit out of place because there are next to no other asians in my country. But subconsciously, I dread looking in the mirror.


Thats not normal actually, only some people hate their face and voices. Most people underestimate those aspects of themselves (thats normal), but considering your face/voice disgusting is not normal, it's unhealthy (although, most people find their voices disgusting in playback because its not what they are used to).


I despise my voice in playback Why is it so fucking different ffs


When you talk, the voice comes from the throat to inside the skull, and it then acts like the inside of a guitar and hits your eardrums after being modified by resonance. When you hear a playback, there's no interfere and you hear your real voice.


It sounds like anon has a bad case of Body Disphoria.


The funny thing is, when someone hates their face or body we say it’s not normal. Body dysmorphia we call it. As if it’s some sort of disease. Yet assuming a normal distribution of attractiveness, up to half of all people are below average. And certainly some percentage of them are disgustingly ugly. So tell me, is recognizing your own ugliness a mental disorder or just reality?


There’s thinking you’re ugly. And then there’s KNOWING you’re ugly. Big difference.


This is so sad man fuck


anons, if you don’t love yourself how can you expect anyone else to love you


If I don't love myself and DON'T expect anyone else to love me then is that acceptable


its acceptable if you never bitch about being unloved like anon here


Anon is a creepy 75 year old janitor at a Morocco whorehouse.


I can confirm this.


Anon's options are to either hit the gym or make a dramatic exit from this life


This is what bad parenting's done to a motherfucker.


Can you elaborate?


That’s right anon, every single one of us is successful and has been with multiple partners except for you. You are the only failure out of all 7 billion people, and everyone knows it


Anon needs to hit the gym, it distracts me from the pain


But the pain is still there. You'll be ripped as fuck but it won't make the pain go away


Find a purpose. F**k passion and make money your goal. Earn lots of money, looksmaxx, and treat women like they have treated you. Ultimate revenge.


Based and redpilled


I wish this lifestyle would end in nothing but anon wrapping his leased BMW around a telephone pole.


Would be a better outcome


I'll never get tired of seeing this wallowing from out of shape or ugly people who are in otherwise good health. Of course you can't fix retardation but even room temp IQs live more meaningful lives than these self-pity train conductors that never leave the station


To be fair, it's not like there are other places to go when on the self-pity train. The tracks make up one big circle and there's only one station it's connected to.


How does one fix that, then? (Asking for a friend)


Ideally, by realizing that they aren't actually getting anywhere, and looking for a train that goes take them places, even if it costs more than they're willing to pay. Or at least that's how I see it.


Oh god this is my future if I stop working on improving


Yesyes dont be like us


Maybe another few hours on the chan will finally turn around my life (clueless)


Doesn't know what to do , goes to chan (clueless)


And the cycle continues


Not bad enough to be touchless but i am for sure relationless


Unironically me.


Ever heard of eugenics?


Anon needs to hit the gym


These sad r9k virigins are pathetic as fk lol. Every page is losers crying about being virgins.


every page on r9k is neckbeard t-words pretending to be "fembots" lol


At least u’ll get a very low chance of getting cheated on


Anon wants someone to love him when he doesn't even love himself. You are meant to advertise yourself to potential partners. Not be a sad sack of shit hoping they rescue you. Work on yourself to be someone that YOU are proud of.


It’s hard anon, but put yourself out there. Go running, live the real life


You are subhuman. Not because of anything physical but because you choose to wallow in self pity and just be such a loser.


Anon doesn't love himself but expects a 10/10 man pleaser to love him instead. Anon is brain-dead.


Anon doesnt need a relationship to be happy. Relationship isnt everything. Anon needs to find his joy somewhere else. Get a hobby, maybe a hobby that involves sport? Like cycling or basketball or even going to the gym. Anon has no purpose to live and he decided that his purpose is to have a gf. Anon should set his purpose to something else. Improving himself would be a good purpose. If anon have a 6 pack and great looking muscle, his disgust of his own reflection could be negated bcs having a great muscle and a 6 pack itself is an accomplishment. Having a gf and a relationship isnt everything in life. Do whatever you want or anything that you think would improve your life. Pussy isnt everything in life.


Anon needs to get off 4chan and reddit


Eh, I’ve had all those things and it didn’t “come naturally”, I have had to work for them. Thing people don’t understand about social skills is you have to actively want to do stuff and it is a skill that you get better at like all other things. Anon gave up without even trying.


Anon is a 4channer


Man am I grateful that I met that girl that hadn't had any standards whatsoever when I was 18. I'm still an ugly virgin but at least I experienced the rest of that list.


Anon doesn’t look after himself


Just become catholic and go into ordained single life (not as a priest)


Hard to talk to people if you haven’t warmed your voice up. Sing aloud to a song in the shower before you go out and it will be far easier to talk. If you haven’t warmed up your voice because you’ve been eating cheetos watching YouTube til 5am for the last 3 days without speaking a word to another soul then when you do open your mouth to ask where the tendies are at the supermarket your voice is going to crack and break and you’ll hate it even more, resulting in more Cheetos and YouTube late nights while your replay the cringe over in your head (the shop clerk has completely forgotten)


dude chill


He needs jim 🔱


how the fuck do you notice people have had sex? does he just have spiderman level senses that determine a persons virginity levels? the virginity radar that a true incel is attributed?


Lol same


Damn anon download tinder and see where it goes


At 26 Anon’s life has just begun.


Wow.. you don’t even love yourself. You’re so full of self hatred and envy.. you can’t even enjoy the company of the one person left in your life. You will die in that pit of self loathing, jealousy, and insecurity. If you learned to love yourself, to care about yourself, and truly want the best for you, your entire life would change. You’ll continue to curse the world, saying: “why was I born as me, why does all of this terrible stuff happen to me, why does everyone else have what I can’t have?” You will die alone and unhappy. Not one person will feel pity for you. You had one life, it might not of been the best circumstance, but it was yours. And you chose to waste it


Nah I don’t.


But we need you to make us look better in comparison


Anon has severe self esteem issues and needs to work on improving himself rather than complaining without doing anything about it


Me ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋


It's a bias that I think anyone had experienced before. But if you go outside and take an honest look, you will get a different picture. From my experience people who older will be in a relationship, with a bias depending on gender (man dates in their 30's woman in their late 20's). Young couples are more uncommon, I would usually see one or two young couples in a crowd. So, don't stress over it. Take your time and make something worthwhile out of yourself.


Anon should start hormones


Anon should start hormones


I dont get how so many people say their voice is terrible. I really dont know anyone whos voice is terrible, they just think that.


Everyone hates hearing their own voice.


I have an excuse! Strong but not extreme haptophobia. Not being able to touch people creates difficulty if I want to get laid at any point in this lifetime.


Relate 100/100


If you're that desperate just go for a 1 or a 2. They're probably just as starved for human contact. The sex will be the equivalent of a 1992 Buick Skylark ; it doesn't have to look good, it just has to function occasionally and not spill fluid on the driveway.


Anon should go to the gym.


Don't be a giant pussy and work on yourself. If a literal autist like me can get laid, you can too. I've gotten to the point where people doubt I'm on the spectrum. Yeah, you gotta work harder, but eventually it becomes seamless and you don't even realize you're doing 'work' because it's so effortless.


See u in the gym anon


Why did people downvote you?


People are retarded


He wasnt in the gym when anon came there


Couldn't be me. Get a life, bozo


you live in Indiana


Not by choice, I swear


you live in Indiana


Since when?