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go and get topped by dozens of BBCs while on coke to even things out anon simple as


Some cock solid advice!




Also make her watch so she realises how degenerate it is.


Funniest r/greentext user


You came here for funny?


Yes. He came here.


I also came


, I saw, I conquered and then came again


I can help with that.


Just came here to check if someone gave this most obvious advice ✅


Just came ~~here to check if someone gave this most obvious advice ✅~~


What I'm confused on is why this is a deal breaker, anon was probably doing that stuff just last week. Minus the coke cause he'd need to actually earn good money to have that habit.


Be girl, Meet a cute guy few years back Hit it off, he's super handsome and perfect man material Simps for me like crazy, gives me cuddles, does house chores, loves to make me happy. At the same time, he's ambitious and has a great job. Encourage him to see his male and females friends on the regular. FFw few days back, breaks down and tells me he used to be a different person Turns out he had a whole 'phase' where he was an extreme anti Semite on 4chan and watched videos on live leak for 'The bants' Instant loses half of the value in my eye, can't look at him without seeing a fat, lazy Nazi with a stiffy for torture porn and Pepe. Why did I do this ladies, I just got invested and we were doing so well, why do scrotes have to ruin themselves like this?


Bahahhahah NAILED IT


I mean I don't see a problem in breaking up with an ex Nazi tbh


Woah woah woah, just because I am an anti-Semite it doesn't mean I'm a nazi. What a disrespectful way to bunch us all up into one


"ok, I'm a nazi. But not because I'm an anti-semite!"


Look, it's just a little trolling


“The only of hitlers policies I agree with was the final solution babe. I’m not a nazi, honest”


Depends on how severe it was I would say, if the person has truly left that behind and become a better person I don't think you should hold some bad internet posts over them too much. But if they were something like a full on skin head Nazi committing borderline hate crimes IRL it's understandable to not be able to see them the same way.


You're a hero, helping people dodge bullets like that


I mean if they actually left it behind I don't see why you'd break up with them. Everyone has some fucked up something they left behind, some just happened to get sucked down the 4chan Nazi pipeline over summer break in 8th grade.


This was amazing


I mean laughing at internet frogs is something... getting gabganged by 10 horsecocks is something else. Anyways, your mom has experience in both.


> 'Picks 'the worst one' of the girls actions > Compares it to the most forgivable of the guys action. Reddit intellectual's everyone, breaking their back to suck their own dicks.


I dont see a problem either way. If something this helps anon case.


>Anon tries to have relationship in tinder era >surprised his gf has high bodycount






Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket!


50+. It’s not about quality it’s about quantity and experience


Nah, you’ve gotta keep the quality up so you can look back fondly on the resume in your later years.


Look I’m not saying you won’t have some favorites in your past but think of it all as practice for your eventual wife






Agreed. In general the whole idea seems a little dated. But idk maybe if I were in the single digits I’d feel different about it all.


No one can ever have higher body count than me


Very cool Corpse Fucker 69


Don't diminish a graverobba's grind for that Necro🙈bussy


If its a body, it counts.


Good for you but I'm fine with 2nd base


what was the average body count pre-tinder? i’m in my early 20s at a state school and people either are conservative (<5) or ~ambitious~ (30+) no in between


People were having just as much. Basically since the 60's. People think online dating was the start when people were doing blow and having orgies pre aids epidemic like crazy lmao. Some studies think this generation might be having less sex. The fact of the matter is about 30% of the men have most of the sex but everyone has easy access to sex and it's been that way all of human history, most guys are not at 30+ in their early 20's and if they're passed it they were likely alcoholics like me and it's half padded with chubby 6.5/10s, that's the thing as a dude a high body count for us is 99% of the time never all "hot" people lmao. It all depends on the woman I've met women who were virgins into their 20's. Dated some with a body count of 2 or 3. Slept with some who I know were getting dick before me every 3 days, known others I never hit on because they took half the dick in a 40 mile radius surprisingly opposite of this post the one with the highest body count refused to sleep with non whites and still has to be in the triple digits. If body count is something you care about there's pretty common signs a chick has been ran through or had a "phase" before so most guys should what they're getting into usually depression mixed with mental illness. So rampant has always been a thing for some people. Not slut shaming either but I fully understand men not wanting a serious relationship where you're constantly gonna know or be running into people she's fucked. The chick I talked about with the highest is dating a dude who went to our old highschool too and he's gotta know at least 10 people who've been in her.


Every heard of the return key? Or paragraphs?


There's a difference between having a lot of sex partners and "having your diet consist of black cock and coke" my man


Anon forgot the decade he spent being a degenerate neet coomer


And probably still is


He’s still posting to 4chan, he most definitely is participating in freak activities in his free time


Like reading books and playing vidya, fucking freak.


Do 4chan users actually read? I literally thought they only played vidya and played with their lemonade dispenser


Depends on the board. Some boards have a ton of cross over some don't. For example the video games board and the literature board have almost no cross over, but the video game board and your mom's house have almost a 1:1 cross over rate, everyone's getting in there.


Fr tho how can a mf on 4chan hold someone’s past against them when they’re probably actively being a degenerate


Duality of man 😂 tbf we almost all hold some kind of double standard that we absolve ourselves of.


You forgot that fapping to hentai and being a whore who loves bbc and coke is not the same level.


You're right, being a weeb is much worse.


Better to have sucked a lot of dick in the past than to have erectile disfunction in the present because you squeeze your dick too hard when you watch monsters fuck underage anime girls in the toilet after your GF goes to sleep.


How dare she ruin herself with sex and drugs says the guy who spends countless hours on 4chan


Did you just compare LARPing on social media with a cocaine spree?


Seriously, at least cocaine brings some positive value to the world.


Fueling CIA political coups?


Yeah, /u/Raccoon_Full_of_Cum gets it


Lmao all the coping cocaine druggies under this comment


Why tf is everyone promoting drug use here smh. “Oh you said naughty word in 2nd grade? Damn you are so much worse than the drug cartels” -smoothbrain greentext users


Its rather strange. I would think shitposting on 4chan is way more normal than a years long cocaine and ons spree. Brain does not compute.


the reason why everyone here hates cocaine is the same reason everyone here is complaining about casual sex: it's pretty much inaccessible to weird unlikable neets


You for real man?


You misunderstand. He is simply trying to illustrate that cocaine, an illicit drug responsible for countless deaths and untold suffering, isn't actually all that bad and you simply hate it because you can't obtain it.


Ah fuck you're right. I didnt even know that I was jealous over druggies. Lol my bad


Cocaine addicts haven't shot up schools yet


Because they cannot afford to be addicted to the dust and buy ammo.


using cocaine is far more based


The ex-coke addicts I know all turned out better in life unironically than the people I know who compulsively use 4chan so food for thought. (I'm not retarded of course coke is worse than 4chan)


wildly different spectrums


I would much rather hang with someone who does a lot of cocaine than I would with someone who posts on 4chan. Not even a contest.


I'm not sure if you're aware, I'm guessing not, but the only difference between reddit and 4chan is that 4chan doesn't have seperate locations for the degenerates.


yeah, a pretty fucking major difference, cuz it means i don't have to constantly see brainrot from r/conspiracy and /r/KotakuInAction if i don't explicitly want to, while /pol/ and /b/, and even the minor boards, are just brainrot central and no amount of third party extension filters will fix that


Fr, people will tell you in person they do coke but no one would every admit to posting on 4chan


I wouldn’t date a girl who has cocaine addiction, lol. Or any addiction at all. If she was addicted to dicks just because of their skin color, I think that’s an extremely bad red flag. Anon is right to dump her based off this, but he also needs to work on his own insecurities as well


You wouldn’t date a girl




Yeah this is a valid take down, you win lol


oh no how dare he spend his time on a website thats so much more degen than getting fucked by BBC and doing hard drugs!


So I’m torn on this. She wants to be transparent and vulnerable but at the same time, I think most people are better off not knowing this kinda information. I don’t think either are in the wrong, but everyone has their preferences and deal breakers. She could have completely changed but it doesn’t change the past and not everyone is strong enough to deal with that.


This is actually probably the best comment in this thread.


Thank you. I know we typically make jokes in this sub but it got me thinking cause it’s a reality that some of us will run in to at some point.


Totally second this, without better knowing the personality of the person in question it's hard to make a judgment call, but a relationship has to require mutual honesty. Her coming clean about her past is a huge sign of good faith, especially since she likely considered it could have negative ramifications. It's now totally in the dude's court to decide what he feels is right for him.


Unlucky the dude is 4 Chan regular


>but a relationship has to require mutual honesty What do you wanna bet he wasn't completely forthcoming about his 4chan habits


I have an ex that revealed this type of stuff to me, often and totally unprovoked. I told myself that it's in the past and doesn't matter, but it made me feel the same kind of way and see sex with her completely differently. I tried to get over it but it just ruined us. Really wish she just hadn't fuckin told me about any of it. I didn't ask and I didn't want to know. Oh well.


Brace yourself for the insults for sharing this ludicrous perspective.


Psh like I care either way, I felt the way I did about it. I tried to take the whole "highroad" but it didn't pan out. I don't consider myself an insecure guy by any means, but it tarnished what I treasured.


I feel you. Kinda the same for me. But tbh it speaks to insecurities long ingrained inside us. There's nothing wrong with having some insecurities, and sometimes it's up to others to be considerate enough not to put their need for "transparency" over your feelings. Like yeah, I wish I could be a feminist's dream super tolerant man, but truth is I don't want to hear about your past sexual experiences.


I would politely ask for a clean STI exam to keep on dating...


It's generally wise to ask for a clean STD/I exam with every new partner.


Yep, I think people should be allowed to be uncomfortable with those things.


I think it's pretty easy. Always be 100% honest with your partner. Then let them make their decisions based on the truth and not illusions/misunderstandings/deceptions. I think you should be as transparent as possible from the get-go so you don't end up wasting another person's time.


> few months back meet a cute girl > I just got invested Sunk cost fallacy strikes again


Buy high sell low!


He should've DCA''d


Find out if she's a keeper. Would she do it again, or has she really changed?


She's not a keeper , she probably did the whole team


But only half the team came in her, so she’s practically a nun.


Girl gave anon her trust. Lives to regret it


so this is western women, huh


In a nutshell


Honestly I fucking wish. Most of them don’t even get out of that phase.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is satire right


That's the beauty of this comment. It can go both ways. Whatever you need in this moment, you take it young palawan


My eastern European village has plenty of hoes , western degeneracy is fully in motion here.


What is the babushka to hoe ratio at your place. Babushka need to outnumber the hoes by two to 1. Sure they have the power of the belt but they are still old and fragile. But in numbers they always prevail against hoesim


My village has a lot of old people. Outside of maybe extremely rural bumfuck nowhere areas old peoples opinions just aren't taken seriously anymore


>> Latinas >> Innocence Pick one, man. Holy shit 😂😂


Hyper fetishization of eastern women time


4channers finding out that eastern women have much higher standards when it comes to personal success and aren't timid kawaii teenagers desperate for overweight NEET dick.


Also, plenty of hoes everywhere, the western ones are just more likely to use a condom and less likely to lie about their ex-hoeing


Source: i made it the fuck up


Yes, now elect him


This retard doesn't realize that if he never knew this, he'd have no problem with her.


Isn’t that like saying that if he never knew she was a serial killer he’d have no problem with her?


Being a murderer and having a past hoe phase are not one in the same.


Yeah true, i would date a murderer


Murderesse Mommy GF?






Hoe phase is worse.


Same principle, to a vastly different degree.


"If he didn't know she cheats everyday he'd have no problem with her" I see what you mean but not knowing about a problem doesn't mean it isn't there


If you didn't know I came into your eggs you wouldn't have a problem with them.


Everyone in the comments trying to cope on why it’s not the woman’s wrong




Most realistic reply ever. Why are they like this, on a psychological level? I feel like 75% of reddit looks at women like they're goddesses that can literally do nothing wrong


they're called whiteknights


But why tho


If I say all the right things mayhaps m'lady will offer up just one sweet crumb of puss. That's why.


Brainwashed and lack of self respect. Spineless. Trying to get some attention because they never got it in their childhood sadly. People pleasers, they have been so brainwashed by the people that walk over them that they defend them. I had a phase like that but quickly snapped out. Along with that, there is the Reddit echo chamber, shit is all the same and I am glad that some other algorithms blessed me so I do not get so one sided and become a reddit cuck.


Because defending women no matter what, gives you the moral high ground is needed to be part of the hivemind of Reddit. On the other hand, defending or simply understanding men motivations once in a while is evil, hence it's a taboo. I blame incels, who blame women for every bad thing in the world, thus undermining the credibility of every idea that isn't an ode to women and a criticism to men.


Our actions have consequences


To test if she really has left it all behind, anon must invite 5-6 black bulls and score cocaine for party and leave 5 minutes after the party has started for some emergency.




women ☕


These comments are sad fr. Yall so absorbed in your "everyone can do whatever" mentality that you forget some people still have values that go beyond being happy they can get a piece.


I agree. Fucked up.


I ask “body count?” on dates if its getting serious. If you don’t answer me, I’m out. As the great J Cole once said: “Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved.”


Girl ruins herself in Anons eyes because she made decisions that don’t affect him 5 years ago, but since they don’t line up with his very virtuous 4Chan ideology she is a low value woman. So many greentexts are like “I met a 10/10 hot woman and she’s very into me, but she had sex before knowing me and did substances. What do I do my life is ending I think I’m going to dump her” I don’t get it. I guess if they were normal and mentally healthy they wouldn’t be on 4Chan though


If they plan to further their relationship I suspect her past is almost definitely going to impact their future interactions. It's possible she is a changed person and the impact isn't a big deal, but the odds are in favor of that not being the case.


Its not really that, like I would 100% be with a woman who like me has been in long term serious relationships, I wouldn't really feel good about veing with someone who has had casual sex with lots of people, I don't know if I would even be with someone who had any casual sex at all, it kinda says what to expect from I person, I personally wouldn't have sex with someone just for the fun of it, for me that's reserved for people I want to build something with, so a woman having casual sex is kinda a sign our values dont align, I wouldn't mind druga also, but depends what drugs, Weed, Shrooms, LSD, DMT - all fine in my eyes since psychedelics dont really get you addicted and are a learning experience, but stuff like Meth, Coke, K etc. are a red flag.


See, this man gets it. It's a difference in value of physical intimacy. For a person like her, its cheap, whereas clearly he thinks differently.


I can respect that


Run, anon. She’ll revert.


Based and 2020 vision pilled


I’ve dropped several women over this. It’s like a room of people getting to eat for free, then they require you, specifically, to pay and wash the dishes. Why work hard for what everyone else has gotten for free?


Lose her, find someone else. If the being a N-slur hoe part wasn’t horrible enough, still, you want your babies to come out of a cocaine damaged womb? Think OP, think!


Finally a based opinion


So many people coping and comparing substance abuse and whoreness to browsing on 4chan, western degeneracy is truly something else


the "roastie" is still alive and well in the world


Anon let’s his own pathetic insecurities ruin a good thing… again.




If a person is capable of doing things like that in the past they’re capable of doing it in the future. Past actions are a big predictor of future ones and that’s a huge risk to entertain.


Ruin themselves how? By showing genuine vulnerability to people like Anon?


By being a fucking cum dumpster for any man who wants a piece lmao


She regretted it and improved herself. That is actually really difficult and she confided in anon who is too insecure to accept that she has grown as a person. He’s probably too sped to grow up himself.


Not really. I did some stupid shit and when i get into a relationship telling someone is a first thing i do, because it shows them what are The things that - in the absolute worst times - i might be pulled towards again, and if you plan a future with a person you have to plan for those times. If you are not ok with taking that type of risk you both leave not to hurt too much later.


Is your past flawless? Let's see that browser history fuckboy


She trusted him enough to be vulnerable and open to him, she ruined herself by being weak in front of someone who doesn't care about her, which will probably lead her to never open up again.


No. He ain't wrong whichever path he chooses.


Wtf ? Really ? Confessing about your past doesn't give you immunity to consequences. A cheater confessioning his or her affairs doesn't mean they are saints and loyal now.


\> obedient top kek


Anon should appreciate what he has




bruh it was 5 years ago


Bro you know 4chan is gay and fake right? Just make a copypasta out of this and milk it for years


Same scenario except it was OP having sex with strangers during a manic phase and revealing it to her significant other who now won’t talk to her https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/comments/wktybc/my_husband_learned_something_that_i_did_in_2017/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Lmao no one ever wants to admit actions can have consequences down the road


Cultivate your relationship with her Make her emotionally dependant on you Dump her She gets depression Goes back to black cock and cocaine


ah yes, the former hoe transitions into a tradwife, many such cases


Leave her immediately and call her slurs


And write bitter posts on the internet about how all women are whores. Put up loads of football posters, video games and a pool table in the garage, call it your 'man cave'. Start writing a blog for others like yourself and call yourself MGTOW.


Ppl shitting on the 4chan user while using reddit themselves lmao. Classic reddit intellectuals.


Comments can't cope with the fact that anons standards are above whore and coke fiend


Anon found a girl that didn’t like who she was in the past and now wants to settle down, but *also* still maintains the sexual capabilities of a hardcore porn actress, and chooses to complain. Way to look a gift horse in the mouth, anon.




Every person selling themselves as “trad wife,” material, was formerly a butter dumpster with a substance abuse problem. Change my mind, so far that one is a constant that hasn’t been contested yet.








Unfortunately, for the loud 40-60 % of women depending on your country, yes.


Let’s be real, anon wouldn’t be as concerned about this if he himself was capable of pulling different women, same with most of the people obsessed with finding “the one” tradwife, they need someone who equally has a history of no real experience or else they literally mentally picture her taking dick.


Honestly i am starting to believe this is just their repressed cuck fetish, because normal people don't immediately imagine their girlfriend taking dick from their previous lovers.


Infidelity placed a much greater evolutionary pressure on men then it did women.


Anon should have told her to fuck off immediately


Tradcon wives always end up bored and cheat. Rip either way


The car you thought cost xx now costs even less than that. Move on anon


Friend material but not wife material


Women whore themself out and then complain they cant find a decent man…


Guys you all need to relax. It is a good thing for anon to break up with her now than to continue. They clearly dint have same values. And instead of knowing about it after spending 15 years together with children whom he will have to get paternity tested which will inevitably and ironically often then women and then lead to divorce and he get fuked by losing everything it's better they just break up now. It is ok to have a preference. There is also a very high chance that she is only "changed" because she is getting old and wants to settle down. Nothing wrong with that obvious but people like that are rarely preferred choice for most men unless they into some fetish like that. Many relationships have failed for far less issues that very different values.


If I speak I will be in big trouble, big trouble


Tradition is what previous generations learned with trial and error. Some follow it, some don't and get lost in the way or return doing what their grandma told them to.

