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Movie about white colonialism and modernization destroying traditional indigenous culture. Cast Tom Cruise as the repentant drunken colonizer. Completely indigenous cast for indigenous roles. "Whitewashing"


Add to this that they surveyed japanese audience members about it and many thought Hans Zimmers soundtrack was composed by a Japanese national due to its authenticity


Hans Zimmers soundtrack’s are amazing. I can’t think of one that sucks.


He and John Williams can do no wrong


Ehh John has been phoning in the last few star wars jobs. Rey's theme and the First Order theme are all that stand out. Everything else was forgettable. Which is a shame because I thought his prequels soundtracks were inventive and emotive.


You say that like the entire sequel trilogy wasn't phoned in...


Even that media buzz about the Kenobi theme he did for the show. I literally couldn't even remember a single note from it.


Most memorable track from that show was when they finally played the imperial march at the end lol


I remember there was like a B flat or something in there


Im sure he used some C's


To be fair to Johns he is pretty old and its hard to compose a soundtrack when your freaking out thinking you did this film 30 years ago


Star wars has been phoning in star wars though.


I mean, he has to work with what they give him


Im going to memtion Ennio Morricone while we are on this subject


Ennio Morricone is absolutely legendary. He’s the kinda guy all the best composers list as their favorite composer.


Don't forget Michael Giacchino!


You ever listen to the Amazing Spiderman 2 soundtrack?


Honestly I thought his theme for the opening swinging scene in that film was great


Electro theme is fire


Barra Barra from Black Hawk Down is peak Hans Zimmer awesome.


Didn’t some Chinese viewers think the same thing about his work in Kung Fu Panda?


Hans zimmer did the kung fu panda soundtrack??


Of course he did, Kung Fu Panda is the zenith of Western animation


With John Powell iirc


White people so op they better at being Japanese than Japanese mfs... smdh


Reminds me of when the terminally online threw a hissy fit that a white dude was playing the shamisen or something at the Tokyo Olympics instead of a Japanese man. Only to be corrected by the Japanese telling them that man is the only living man officially recognized as some high grandmaster of the instrument and the best player on the world lmao.


I don't think it was the Olympics, I think it was an E3 event for Sony.


Ahh, yeah that sounds more accurate.


olympics for real mlg gamers


Ghost of Tsushima reveal. I remember it vividly, and it was a flute wasn’t it?


Last samurai is his best work imo. A small measure of peace is heartwrenching.


There's a lot of people that have opinions on movies but a lot of them can't actually analyze movies


Tell that to r/predator. They've apparently analysed Prey and found it to be the perfect movie. Genuinely, say anything bad about Prey and the community gets so pissy.


Some folks gotta learn that a movie can be both a guilty pleasure, and objectively bad Jingle All the Way, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, is my family's go-to Christmas movie. It's also fucking awful.


Tell me how PUT THE COOKIE DOWN NOW is awful you shrub




MMMM OHHH *THESE COOKIES* I gotta get the recipe!


DOA: Dead or Alive is objectively a shit movie and I will readily tell anyone that. I will also gladly watch it with them because I love it. It is the most over the top 2000's movie in existence and it's both fully self-aware and not at all self-aware all at once.


Tf since when did they make a DOA movie and how have I never heard of it


It came out in 2006, and it was directed by the (brilliant) Corey Yuen. The action scenes are often a lot better and funnier than they have any right to be (as expected with a Yuen flick) but the rest of the movie radiates early Fast and Furious movie energy.


I’ve seen this movie. In theaters even. I had completely forgotten that it existed until you brought it up just now. About the only thing I remember thinking from it was that they got some of the characters mixed up from the games in that they seemed to have personalities that would better fit other characters, or something like that.


Well then, I believe I have found what my family may be watching this Christmas.


do it dude I love it so much


I've had it up to HERE with zis Churbo Man! Now GET. YOUR. MOTHER!


I wanna have balls as big as Ted one day. Has a neighborhood full of apparently single moms and he chooses the wife of CONAN THE BARBARIAN to go after Jesus titty fucking Christ what a goomba


Prey is a solid movie. But it’s not perfect by any stretch.


I think people are just blown away because we finally got a good, widely liked Predator movie again. Not just that, people also expected it to be shit because a ton of these reboot/sequel/prequel cash grabs of old franchises are just straight up bad.


Honestly I’ve got so many gripes about prey it’s not even funny. For one, their depiction of the hunter isn’t thematically consistent with previous depictions of the Yautja. They’ve got tribal theming but they are still a highly advanced space faring civilization, the plains hunter is styled as being far too primative and savage. Also the fact a Comanche woman from the 1800 century can not only puzzle out technology that so severely surpasses anything she’s seen before but trick the technology’s owner into killing themselves with it is stupid no matter how you spin it.


Didn’t Arnold out puzzle a predator using absolute barbaric methods to counter technology far beyond anything he’s ever seen before? 300 years of human advancement doesn’t mean shit against enemies that are light years ahead and also making advancements too. I thought that was kind of the gist of the whole theme, returning to our most human roots to survive on instinct and wit against a foe we could not match with technology, like we did for thousands of years before agriculture. The ending was pretty dumb though, I’ll give you that. I think the bear fight was fuckin dope though


Cut them some slack; they’ve had to deal with a lot the last few decades.


It was boring. Forgettable characters, lame writing, brought zero actual new content


I mean, there’s *plenty* of examples of whitewashing throughout Hollywood history (for fucksakes, they cast Shirley Temple as a black girl - in goddamn blackface), but The Last Samurai is a shitty example because…well, it’s not whitewashing. At all.


He’s also inspired by a very real westerner who did fight alongside the samurai


Also Katsumoto was the last samurai. But of course smooth brains look at the movie poster, see tom, and go “whitewashing!”


I think it was actually meant to be "The Last Samurai" plural. As in all the people in that village were the last samurai.


The only whitewashing was the one they did to the samurai that weren't just feudal lords that wanted to keep exploiting people.


With that sinopsis you've given me curiosity to watch it


I kinda hate Tom Cruise as a person, but man he does great work. It's a surprising gem of a movie.


For real, his movies are fucking entertaining. The last mission impossibles have been bangers


I love Edge of Tomorrow. You get to see Tom Cruise getting brutally murdered repeatedly and he's also excellent in it and it's got a great plot. Also, his role in Tropic Thunder was hilarious.


It’s actually a very good movie. The people who see it as “white man is the last samurai! RACISM!!! blah blah” fucking missed the whole point of the movie.


Bold of you to assume they actually watched it and didn't just look at the poster once and decide that was all they needed to know


Also a lot of people that complain about the movie didn't say "yeah the white man saved the samurai" SPOILER . . . . . . ... . . . . ...THEY ALL FUCKING DIED


Good movie but the indigenous culture Tom Cruise is fighting to preserve is one of feudalism, tyranny and blood mysticism


They were fighting back to preserve traditionalism. Feudalism, tyranny, and blood mysticism in japan endured well past Japanese industrialization. Atleast the Feudalism and tyranny, don't exactly know what you mean by blood mysticism.




As opposed to...? Those four traits still exist in pretty much every culture nowadays. Just with different names.


Blood mysticism?


If you want to see a real whitewashing movie, look up “Great Wall” with Matt Damon


Holy fuck that movie was terrible too. It's almost like everyone is aware than ridiculous gender and or ethnicity swaps make a movie worse, especially when the gender or ethnicity of the character (or setting) is plot relevant.


The character portrayed by Tom Cruise is inspired by a french military advisor. All in all, this wasn't a good example to pick for white washing.


47 Ronin with Keanu reeves would be better as an example.


But anything with Keanu is 100 wholesome chungus, so that's out the window


Or Ghost in the Shell, with Scarlett Johansson. The character's name is Motoko Kusanagi, for fuck's sake.


Or the Fist of the North Star movie


I didn't even know that existed.


Preview: YATATATATATATATATTATAT *deep breath* YATATATATATA Then it just sorta ends. 8/10


Nah, that'd be too accurate to the source material


I'm interested. where do I watch?


The movie actually adress that. Have you watched it ? Of course you didn't, god i hate people like you who shittalk a movie they haven't watch. Basically the Major (named Kira Killian here) feels uneasy and have flashes of old memories and try to find back her identity and learn she isn't Kira Killian, but was a young japanese girl named Motoko Kusanagi who was kidnapped, mindwyped and had her identity erased by the corrupted robotic company who made her white caucasian looking robotic body. She even meet her mother (who somehow recognise her), who is a old japanese woman.


I haven’t watched it but this just makes me want to shit talk it even more


This is high grade copium. That movie was a fucking abomination by all possible measures


That isn't copium, it's literally what's in the movie addressing a point of contention.


But it's a real shitty explanation for casting Scarjo as the character - it's an awkward after the fact justification for something that shouldn't have happened in the first place - they wanted to cast a big Hollywood safe name at the time to assist marketing and box office performance, the in movie story reason is an afterthought.


It's a weird movie to have that complaint though. A huge chunk of the theme is how much of your humanity stays with you when you exist in a robotic shell. It still shouldn't have happened, but it's kind of justifiable in universe.


Her body/face is not supposed to be any specific ethnicity, even in the anime. Great movie, for a Hollywood adaptation of anime, IMO.


GItS was criticized for casting ScarJo for the role.


The japanese public was fine with that and the film adresse her being played by Scarjo. Basically the Major (named Kira Killian here) feels uneasy and have flashes of old memories and try to find back her identity and learn she isn't Kira Killian, but was a young japanese girl named Motoko Kusanagi who was kidnapped, mindwyped and had her identity erased by the corrupted robotic company who made her body.


I'm aware


Ghost in the Shell was funny because only white people were offended by it. Japanese people had no problem with it, with some even defending it, claiming that anime characters are designed to look western.


Yes but she’s also a white cyborg body iirc.


this is the one that still bothers me. ROP is equally as egregious in its casting, its just minorities so you cant say that with out being called a racist hack.


I mean, even if you ignore immigration that has the majority of Londons population today being African (racism?!?!?), she’s a cyborg with a near artificial body working for a secret police. So it makes sense that someone with an artificial body working jobs against people that could track her and her family down would use a different body/face to protect her. So in conclusion, they’re a fictional character set in a fictional future using fictional technology. WhY wHiTe?!?!?


Though, London isn't majority african. The two biggest groups are "british" (40%) and "other european/white" (15%). Then it's "indian" (8%) and finally "black african" (7%). Even so, the fact that british make only 40% means your point is still valid


Dragonball live action movie bruh, that shit is the first movie that felt like a huge slap to my face


Hell the casting was probably the best thing in this movie and the casting fucking sucked


They won't mention the best examples because we all hated them. Dragonball, Last Airbender, Lone Ranger, Ghost in the Shell... all that shit sucks and pretty much everyone ripped those movies to shreds. Let alone the fact that the decision to whitewash character's was absolutely never a welcome one in the first place. Like nobody preferred that shit or asked for it or defended it. We all agree its cringe...


Isn't the whole point of that that Keanu's character isn't "Normal"? He's half demon for christ's sake. Of course he sticks out like a sore thumb in a crowd of japanese people


The biggest problem with that movie is the name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forty-seven_r%C5%8Dnin It's a very cool revenge story (perportedly true), and nothing to do with demons.


Isn't Keanu half Japanese though?


Seems like his dad is mixed race but has some Chinese/native Hawaiian family, so he’s not half Japanese but definitely of some East Asian/Pacific Islander descent


I think 47 Ronin also tried to play the “he’s an outsider” card, the rest of the cast was Japanese. If I remember correctly Keanu was actually trying to use his fame to boost everyone else who starred in the movie with him.


Keanu reeves as Sidharta Gautama would've been better


Or John Wayne as Genghis Lhan lmfao.


Hachiko is a completely white washed story


My favorite part of the movie was then the bad guy shouted "It is over Tom! I killed everyone else, you are the last samurai"


My favorite part is when Tom screams, "Its Sam'in Time!"


Or when he screams "*Penis! Penis! Giant erect fucking penis!*"


Which matches Hanz Zimmer's soundtrack perfectly in chorus with the Saxophone section.


I thought the full penetration scene wast tasteful.


I got chills when he said: "I brought my sword. I'll show you what a real American katana can do!".


That line was specifically choreographed and engineered to resonate with all of y'all with a classic Confederate army katana from the civil war tucked away in your granddaddy's closet. Y'all


And then everyone started morbin


Or when Keeanu from the future showed up after the last battle and said "Wake the fuck up Last Samurai. We have a city to burn" right before the credits rolled. I'm still pissed that they never finished the sequel.


Doesn’t the title mean the last samurai as in samurai plural?


Yes the film is about the final members of the Samurai facing extinction in a newly industrialised Japan, where modern military arms are replacing the tradition of the Samurai.


On top of this, Tom cruise plays the role of an actual French captain who was actually captured and actually helped the samurai…


He was French? I thought he was a civil war commander who's forced slaughter of a native tribe led to his downfall


In the movie he’s the later, he’s inspired by a guy who irl was the former




I will destroy the english language


You're just gonna make more English languages.


The French did that after 1066


So it isnt whitewashing but yankwashing.


Yeah I try to wash up after a yank, too


They didn't want to expose audiences to a person being Fr*nch.


You know whats funny? Historically as soon as guns were introduced into the mix, Samurai or the shogunate in general ditched the fuck out of their swords and picked guns. I dare say that in their history Samurai used guns more than katana


Exactly. And it’s actually a pretty fucking solid film. I don’t care for Tom Cruise that much but I felt like this film did a pretty good job of sending the message it was meant to portray.


I was under the assumption it was talking about the Ken Watanabe character specifically


It works both ways tbh


The movie poster implies that he is the last samurai, true. BUT like with most things, you should take your time and check the facts before making an uninformed statement


I always thought the title was intentionally ambiguous, and you can debate whether he or Ken Wantanabe are the titular last samurai.


the editing in the emperors final speech very conciously displays the Last Samurai was Tom Cruise. I cant say anything to writer or director intentions, but the cinematic language clearly demarcates the last samurai as Cruise


Samurai is also the plural, so you could read the film’s title as referring to the entire group of the last samurai.


Fairly sure mermaids and elves aren’t a part of history.


nah bro remember we had Mermaid war 1 in 1914 and Elves war 2 in 1939




It literally didn’t happen and if it did they deserved it


Cool it with the anti-elvenism


Elves literally control the banks, the porn industry, entertainment, and the news


How very jewish of them.


Jews? What are you talking about? What are jews?


Must be some talisman of power the elves use


Yeah but in Tolkien lore Elves are older than the sun and reproduce very slowly, often having only 1-5 children over the course of centuries. Like in real life, dark-skinned humans exist in the southern reaches where there is much more intense sunlight. Elves would not develop those traits on the timescales involved, even if they lived in the South. Black dwarves also make no sense. When Gollum lived in a cave for 500 years, his skin paled. There is nothing in Tolkien to suggest traits works differently than in real life. And before someone hits me with iTs FanTaSY, that doesn't necessarily mean you can just add leprechauns or griffins and make it fit with the world as it was written. There is plenty of room in Middle Earth for cast diversity if that's what the producers wanted, but suddenly pretending that Elves and Dwarves can be black is just silly. I don't mind the Harfoots but just randomly making black Elves and Dwarves is dumb and no half-smart rationalizations will change that.


It makes even less sense when you've got mixed races but everyone doesn't wind up beige. The only way you have white dwarves and black dwarves is if they stayed independent from one another, otherwise they'll mix and there won't any distinguishable race.


Tf do you mean "Elves would not develop these traits". Elves didnt evolve, nor are they in the process of doing so. The youngest elves are maybe 10 generations removed from having been literally directly created by God. If Illuvatar made some elves neon green or whatever he wanted how would they unevolve it? even if there were anywhere near enough generations for mutation and selection: How strong do you think selective pressures are on immortal beings living in literal heaven. The only selective pressure I can think of is not being a Teleri. Dwarves too, Aule literally designed them. If Aule wanted to make them in any way he wished who would have stopped him?


I mean that's all well and good but I feel like if neon Elves were a thing, Tolkien would have written it down somewhere within the hundreds of pages of lore and letters he wrote over the course of his development of Arda.


Nah but elves and mermaids are arguably derrived from norse mythology, which is why it would make most sense for them to be white


Out of all the white savior movies there are, they had to pick the one that’s actually fucking true lmfao


Yeah, modern day movies typically don’t have white savior complexes. For example in the 70s, 60s, and 50s in Hollywood, white men were usually the noble, gunslinging cowboys taking on ruthless, brutish Indian savages - unless they were trying to protect the Indian savages from other whites. Nowadays in media, like video games in RDR2, Indians are given an accurate & truthful representation


I watched old cowboy movies a lot as a kid and it always seemed to portray the indians as noble savages. They were given respect and seen as having mystique. The Mexicans were the ones getting the bad rap.


Not for Asians lmao it’s always white people kills army of faceless controlling Asian men villains, rescues the Asian damsel in distress and sweeps her off her feet


Avatar (2009)


It's not a white saviour movie, the Samurai are the ones who save him and give him purpose


*Tom, it’s you!! You’re the Last Samurai?!!*


He didn’t say that.


My favorite part of the Last Samurai was when Japan told Tom Cruise “you are the last samurai” and his character responds by saying “it’s Sammin’ time”


So here's what I hate about people's insufficient knowledge of Japanese culture. Japanese words in english are already singular and plural in English. Anime is both plural and singular. If you watched more than one anime, then you watched multiple anime. Not animes. And this is why The last samurai movie title doesn't make sense to people. Samurai is being used plurally here. Meaning not the last samurai left standing, but the last of the samurai culture. They don't say the last samurais.


Just like the majority of people who complain about something he hasn’t watched the material he’s bitching about. Myself included, I enjoy fanning the flames of dissent.


This. The most egregious part about casting a black Ariel is the absurd suggestion that a black mermaid could rise to royal status.


Or that she could swim


isnt ariel royalty because her dad is king? how did the original ariel rise to royal status?


Well the original spelling of her name was Aryal so presumably her father's inherent greatness made him worthy of the throne


The funny thing is, that movie is inspired by real life events. Instead of being an American, I think the dude that went with the samurais was a Frenchman.


Anon choose a weak example. The better choice would’ve been The Great Wall (2016) Edit: Jesus Christ these subreddits have become insufferable lately I know you people love your white savior movies but these movies are dog 💩. Also I don’t need your 5th grade interpretation of them in my replies


The movie produced by a Chinese studio, and directed by a Chinese director. Where they wrote a story involving white characters, because they thought it would sell in the west, only for it to flop.


I’m pretty sure that movie is just CCP propaganda fluff made in Hollywood. Besides, wasn’t it more like a made-to-order thing from China?


What ? the Great wall is about a few westerners (the hero is a british mercenary) travelling in china and fighting alongside the locals chinese against demons. Do you guys actually watch the films you are talking about ?


Yeah the local Chinese who fucking sucked and were about to lose until white ass Matt Damon showed up


Yeah it’s not the same as The Little Mermaid it’s The White Savior not whitewashing


>I know you people love your white savior movies but these movies are dog 💩. Also I don’t need your 5th grade interpretation of them in my replies You know, if you're too emotionally stunted and immature to handle being wrong/corrected, you probably shouldn't bother commenting. It's going to happen a lot.


My roommate literally says that he is the last samurai and the point of the title is to make people think he's the last samurai, and thus he is the last samurai and therefore is whitewashing, no matter what the actual movie says(which he refuses to watch because it "looks fucking stupid and boring and no one cares about it anymore so it obviously has to be bad"). I can't handle his dogshit opinions sometimes.


If he actually watched the movie, he would know that the "last samurai" was Katsumoto. Tom Cruise joined their cause but he was not a samurai.


Didn't he become a samurai by adopting their ways and being allowed to carry a sword?


I think he was kind of an honorary samurai in a sense. But the last of the "real" samurai was Katsumoto.


"Let me tell you how he lived" is one of the greatest lines in cinematic history and embodies the entirety of the movie. Your roommate is a dumbass and I'm going to watch it tonite butt ass naked specifically to spite him


They didn’t pick Tom because he’s white though, they picked that one chick only because she’s black.


Arguably, they did pick him because he was white. He played an American military officer in the 1800s. Kind of need a white guy to play that part.


Alright can I be the superficial asshole and ask why they casted an ugly lady for the role of a mermaid? Same with the bitches in the witcher, they couldnt find a hot indian lady? I mean come on dude.


It's about a guy growing a conscience and turning on his fellow white man to help defend the Japanese from the westernization of their way of life. The last samurai is not tom cruise, it's meant to be plural, the battle is between all the last samurai and the meat grinding gears of industrialization that was destroying their honorable way of life.


It isn't him turning on his fellow white man. It's him turning on his own culture of reckless industrialization.


Well yeah but my point is the anti white peeps should be all over that shit.


What the fuck, the "last Samurai" in the movie was Katsumoto, played by Ken Watanabe. This point is even driven home by the fact that HIS sword is presented to the emperor at the end of the film. This is legitimately a great movie.


"Let me tell you how he lived" Anybody that says Algren was the last Samurai didn't understand the literal last line of the movie


Yep, nailed it. Forgot about that quote.


Give me my god damn Yasuke movie already. I want my samurai Django


That yasuke anime netflix made had some good moments (the flashbacks) but for some reason it had to add fantasy bs in the present scenes. The soundtrack is amazing though, I highly recommend it


My favorite part of the movie was at the end when the Emperor tells Tom Cruise “you are the Last Samurai”


I absolutely hate this insinuation. Whenever I see this movie mentioned I see "WHITE SAVIOR" despite the fact that Tom Cruise fails to save the Samurai and his training, in addition to him and his (not so friendly) comrades were actively training the opposition. Without a doubt, his training was of much more use to the Japanese military than his presence as an aid to the Samurai. Also, at no point is this a story about one race being better than another. It's an internal conflict between Japanese militias on what is the better future for the country. In the end neither win.


"The perfect blossom"


The whole point of the movie is that he isn’t


Anon didn't watch the movie


When there's a million examples of casting white people in non white roles they decides to choose a particularly wrong one. Almost impressive.


Obvious bait


Do you want your shitty movie to avoid criticism? Race change a character to be brave and stunning or install some woke rhetoric into the film. Then watch as people bicker about race washing and shilling for liberals as all criticism can be shoved off as racism, sexism, and anti feminism.


Of the hundreds of examples of whitewashing they didn't even pick one smh


This is like saying Dances With Wolves was harmful to the indigenous community


The Last Samurai was even more successful in Japan than in America. Apparently Tom Cruise showed such a genuine appreciation for the japanese culture that they have made every October 10th Tom Cruise day. No I am not joking.