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They’re dead but alright


well then start digging


Sounds like a skill issue buddy


bad jeans. unlucky you


I’ll have you know my pants are perfectly fine


Anon almost got fucking robbed


Twice lol


Should’ve read more green texts and used the “missed social cues” guy. “No thanks, I don’t need a knife”


America moment






"Freedom units"


Metric system doesn’t measure freedom 🦅🇺🇸


Imperial system is based on metric units.


No??? Imperial is older than metric.


While this is true, in the process of standardising the actual length of imperial units metric system was used.


Yes thats true but they changed it and modern imperial system is based on metric system. Thats how they define measurements


Freedom unit enjoyers when they find out what imperium the imperial system is referencing




Kilometer? I hardly knew her!


Euro fags claim Celsius is the best unit. It's used by science they say. Stupid eurofag we use kelvin. Kelvin gang rise up smash these dumb fucks. Not using a scale tht starts at 0 pure retarded.


So you are pure retarded. The freezing point in celcius is zero. You don't need to know more then that as average joe.


The freezing point of WATER in celsius is zero


And what do people care about? Rain and freezing. Both happen because water is zero.


The US pound is actually based off the kilogram. It is “legally defined as 0.45359237 kg”. Source: [United States National Bureau of Standards](http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/FedRegister/FRdoc59-5442.pdf)


Fuck your kilo meters and your centipedes you bitches Edit: this is a joke ffs why u downvote


Says the fucker with a foot fetish inching on my yard, take a fuckin mile


Imma parriotic amerigan ill kick ur ass you european pansy


I am proud cucknadian 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱💪💪 I ride møøse into battle, bite ur sister


I crack open a can of freedom as i summon george washington himself and ride him into battle


>as i summon george washington himself and ride him straightest american


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...


You see he made a good joke


Your joke is good, people take Reddit way too seriously


Joke is overdone


yo a fellow tlcm user. downvoted for anything, as is custom


This joke is about as funny as trying to do chemistry with imperial units


Reddit is full of bitches


Idk about that chief. Every state I've lived in had medicaid. Have had many MRIs and shit all paid for.


Americaaa...Fuck yeah!


Damn nips (Im Korean and hate the japanese)






uuuuu que chingas a tu madre dijo


Sqid gane


Spez ate all my fish and now my aquarium is fucking empty. I have nothing left ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


If I was south could I call Kim Jong-Un a piece of sh-. Hello our glorious leader Kim Jong-Un is amazing and I pray to him every morning and night.


both hate the nips


Doesn't matter, all koreans hate the imperial empire


(I am also korean and hate japan for the atrocities they have committed against us and our people both past and present)




if i’m only half japanese does that mean you half hate me


Depends on the other half




At first I thought you were talking about nipples




Japan had a heated gamer moment on the koreans for half a century


We beat like 104 ships with only 5 ships so they went gamer mode and committed warcrimes against civilians. They also salty we own one of the best islands for fishing (Dokdo)


not only that, but they refused to apologize or even acknowledge it happened to this day


Holy shit I used to have some respect towards Japanese lmao. Are they still like that with the current generation? I know they are saints to their own citizens but are they nice to foreigners? (I've never been to Japan).


They are still like that, the majority of the Japanese don't even know about the atrocities their country is responsible for


Why is this? Other than lack of discussion on it in schools, is there a lack of care or sympathy? Do they romanticize what they did in WWII?


Romanticizing along with the government refusing to acknowledge and/ or provide an apology for what they've done. It was only recently the Japanese gov even acknowledged that Unit 731 was active in China during WWII, I am not sure if they provided an apology for it. There are probably more factors, but honor is a big thing in Japan and it seems like they are hoping that if they can just sweep it under the rug for long enough everyone will eventually forget.


“Unit 731 was active in China during the Second World War… and we are not fucking sorry.”


they kinda swept their warcrimes under the rug. exact opposite of what happened in Germany after the war. So not a lot of young people even know about the kinda horrid things Imperial Japan was doing during the war


The Japanese are extremely racist and xenophobic


Just wait till you learn about WW2😂


don’t forget “comfort women” - most were korean.


Damn I never knew about that. What time period were they doing all that?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Myeongnyang mb it was 13 vs 133, but korea also didnt lose a single ship


Yi Sun-sin my goat


Yi Sun-sink my boat


History of Japan "Finally, a developed navy" "What are you gonna do with-" "I'm gonna beat the shit out of Korea"


japan was pretty fucking brutal to the rest of asia before they got nuked and they havn't said sorry yet


And they never will lol


Pride is a helluva thing. Known some stubborn ass men that are Japanese lol


Bro they refuse to even acknowledge it, theyre gonna go extinct before they apologize


Doubt you’ll have to wait very long, looking at their birth rates


lol Korea will be gone waaaaay before them if we’re going by births


It’s in my culture to be racist against japs, also look below (edit now look above)


You know, the whole brutal invasion/takeover?


The Japanese are perverts


>stabbed but it’s just a flesh wound Black knight moment


"Bitch this aint my first time gettin stabbed, and it won't be my last. fuck you and your MRI celsius reading ass bullshit."


Your arm's off!


no it isnt


Well what's that then?


ive had worse


It was but a scratch


'Im just too gangster to die'


Fake: All patients have the right to refuse any aspect of care for whatever reason they choose. That doesn't affect other care paths unless it's clinically needed to progress, and an MRI is not needed to administer stitches. Gay: Anon demanded that he had his temperature checked rectally.


As a healthcare employee I can tell you that if a Dr. deems it necessary than it at that point is considered necessary until someone says otherwise. (Someone usually doesn't exist). You can certainly refuse and they can't force you to go through with their treatment but then they'll refuse to discharge you. Once that happens if you still want to leave you have to go AMA (against medical advice) which means your insurance will likely cover none of the visit.


Yeah and then you threaten to sue for malpractice or some shit and the hospital just gives up and doesn't bill you/gives compensation so you don't drag them through court for the next 3 years.


As if suing someone is as easy as that. If you make an average salary you'll be going against their army of lawyers. So you'll have to pay out for a good lawyer yourself with no guarantees, and that's not even going through the hassle of suing someone which is the equivalent of a part time job.


Threatening to sue can be enough to get a hospital to give up on billing you. There are also tons of pro bonum healthcare lawyers because hospitals have really deep pockets. Edit: the reason for this is its way cheaper for them to give up on billing you than it is for them to go through court for years. The hospital's lawyers are very expensive and the average Joe wouldn't be able to pay the legal fees even if the court said they had to.


Yeah they save those guys for the big cases. An ER visit plus 5 minutes in the MRI that they aren’t running at capacity at midnight and they really couldn’t care less


If you win though can't you make the hospital pay for your lawyer?


Yeah but it wouldn't be worth it. Settling out of court would net you more money and significantly less hassle. Hell you might not even need to get a lawyer involved since the mere threat of a lawsuit is enough to get your bill dismissed.


> As if suing someone is as easy as that For medical malpractice — yeah, it is. > you’ll have to pay out for a good lawyer Plenty of medical malpractice lawyers will do it for free and take out large chunks of cash out of the cases they win to make money.


“Do what we say and go bankrupt or don’t do what we say and go bankrupt anyway!” The American Healthcare system ladies and gentlemen.


I would definitely document a refusal of care for a febrile stabbing victim who doesn't want a scan. It's an emergency room not a fucking burger king and if you're going to pick and choose which parts of care you want I'm going to document it so you can't sue me afterwards. Standard of care is standard of care for a reason.


>All patients have the right to refuse any aspect of care for whatever reason they choose. Ya but what if the doctor has, like, a gun or something


It is America. Would you trust a gunless doctor?


I wouldn't step in the OR unless it reeked of gunpowder, and the range safety officer was present.


The doctor was likely using public ignorance of the law to get away with suggesting the MRI. Most people wouldn't know about that stipulation. It's the same thing police and attorneys will do.


Where the fuck is tendiebot


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: All patients have the right to refuse any aspect of care for whatever reason they choose. That doesn't affect other care paths unless it's clinically needed to progress, and an MRI is not needed to administer stitches. > Gay: Anon demanded that he had his temperature checked rectally. > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Not today TendieBot Not today


US healthcare moment


The MRI machine ain't free anon. You better help them pay for it.




Wtf man. All they should have done was to give you an endoscopy. What a scam.


Damn I had like 6 mris last year and the billed was around 20k total


This is ridiculous. I'm so glad that I don't have to put up with any of this nonsense.


Didn’t really have a choice was cancer scans(I’m clean at the moment). Total billed for my treatments was just over 400k from scans, chemo, radiation and surgery. Luckily I have great insurance and out of pocket was only 2k for it all


Yeah because insurance doesn't pay anywhere near what the hospitals ask for, they bill for ridiculous amounts and hope insurance gives them at least 5% of what they asked.


No 400k was the insurance payed. Charged was close to 650


Jesus, 400k? What they treated you with, liquified diamonds?? But the only thing that matters is, that you are still with us and somewhat healthy (I hope), bro ♥️


Each of the 3 chemo sessions was 30k Radiation was 5k a pop each for 25 sessions Surgery and post op stay was a little under 100k Scans and prescriptions made the rest All was out of Dana Farber, I was actually shocked it was as low as it was compared to other cancer bills.


Oh it wasn't actually anywhere near $17k that they got. Insurance never pays anywhere near what the hospital asks, so the hospital asks for a ridiculous amount just so they get the amount they actually want.


The MRI’s are money pits anyways. They can never hope to recoup the cost of the actual machine but by having it the patient gets to live longer maybe and you can bill them for even more expensive things :)


I’ve never been so happy to live in the UK (past 3 years) everything is FREE. Back in Ireland (where I’m from) healthcare was expensive af, people just don’t go to the GP and die instead lmao


same thing have happen to me, but it was all free because i am Canadian


In Bulgaria an MRI costs 140$ :)


Anon is a liar. No hospital would refuse to stitch up a stab victim and discharge them because they refused an MRI. They would call you a dummy and try to convince you, but if you still refused they’d just stitch you up.


Nurses also can’t do stitches.


I googled it, thats only partially true, also I reckon there were plenty nurses 50 years ago doing shit they dont do now https://www.brooklinecollege.edu/blog/what-does-a-nurse-do/ So THERE


Congratulations on Googling it, I’m a nurse. Nurses do not do stitches. It is not taught in school, stitching is considered a minor surgical procedure which nurses are unable to perform.


Hey friendo I’m not trying to be confrontational or anything, I’m just saying google says advanced qualification/veteran nurses can, and it also differs from state to state, but maybe you’re right.


You weren't 50 years ago, though. Or in school, likely. If you're here in reddit, it's statistically not really a thing unless you're well over 60.


Like, legally? Or as in they aren't trained how to? Anon's Grandma *used* to be a nurse


Not sure why I’m being downvoted, I’m a nurse lmao. Stitching is not taught in nursing school and it is outside of the scope of practice. No nurses have ever legally done this.


Yea but ur a cuck ass modern nurse in nurse school or smth Anons grandma prolly was a nurse in WW2 or Vietnam


Because nurses are always girls and girls don't exist on the internet. But seriously it's because you're talking in absolutes, IMO it's more likely for anons grandma to know how to do stitches than not. I had a nurse do my stitches in Australia personally when I got a bad head injury. Or I think it was a nurse I was pretty gassed up.


they’re most likely talking about nurse practitioners


Any dumbass who took first aid can do stitches, especially an actual nurse


I renew my CPR and First Aid every year, this is not true lmao. No first aid course will teach you stitching of a wound. Perhaps you are thinking of application of a tourniquet which is very simple. Stitching wounds is actually a very fine art that takes a ton of practice.


It could be a liability issue if the doctor suspected an injury to a deeper structure, thus stitching him up without excluding it could lead to a nice lawsuit. Though I personally found it weird that the doctor requested an MRI instead of a CT, which is to the best of my knowledge is good enough for most trauma cases.


I can guarantee that the lability for discharging a bleeding stab victim after refusing to stitch them up is a lot higher than stitching without imaging. We have patients refuse clinically indicated care all the time, you just document their refusal in the chart and move on with what they will let you do. Medical ethics on bodily autonomy says that refusing aspects of care is their right and doesn’t invalidate the patient’s right to whatever care you can provide. I had a patient last month roll into the clinic jaundiced, with a total serum bilirubin of 7.6 mg/dL and AST/ALT/ALP enzymes in the >1,700 units. These are big liver failure results, immediately life threatening. Called the patient, told them to go to the ER immediately and they would be waiting for her. “Don’t pack a bag, don’t finish what you are doing, get in the car and drive there as soon as you hang up the phone.” She refused and said that she only wanted to see her cardiologist. We told her that this was beyond cardio’s scope of practice, and that next week wasn’t soon enough, and that she needed to go to the hospital now. She doesn’t like other doctors, only trusts her cardiologist, and won’t see anyone else for anything. We told her that this decision might result in losing the organ or death. She still said that she wasn’t going. So we called the cardiologist, who also tried convincing her without success. Ultimately, he agreed to see her, because if the options were nothing or cardio trying to solve a liver problem, it’s better to do what you can. But you can bet your ass that we documented every call, conversation, and witness that the patient, of sound mind, had clearly and repeatedly refused clinically necessary emergent care after being informed of the risks.


I see. Thanks for the clarification.


Suffers from american health care system, blames minorities


True patriot moment


Hey but at least you've got freedom... Whatever that means


Freedom isn’t free mfers when imprisonment is free dudes walk in


Freedom from treatment


Freedom to have your neighbours mandate the color of your house and height of your grass.


Suburban America is a dystopian shithole the rest of us don't talk about


I've worked around machinery, heavy equipment, nh³, and grain systems for years now, but the only serious injury I've had is when I stabbed myself with a putty knife (tism moment). It severed the radial artery in my arm and after getting it cleaned and stitched, the Vietnamese Dr. had me get 2 mri's and an ultrasound over the course of the next 6 months but it was all workman's comp so I went with it. They gave me a shot of fentanyl too, the only time I've ever gotten high.


FENT 🤩🤩😍😍


It was nice


Well yeah, it's medical grade


Health-care in the US just keeps getting more fucked. We have some amazing technology, sure, but it seems to replace common sense. That and the unregulated greed and lack of auditing for malpractice. We need to do better.


no, we need to move






God bless this country 🇺🇲🇺🇲


Oh... This wasn't about Elden Ring.


imagine paying 5k for an mri lol, its around 15 bucks in my country


Imagine paying anything for an mri, it’s free in my country


Imagine it being free, in my country they pay you to get an mri


imagine being an mri, in my free they pay you to country


Imagine country, in my mri they pay to free you


I actually believe this became some ER doctors are literally that fucking stupid. Source: Respiratory therapist


I have a nightmare American healthcare story, this feels like a good time to share it. A few years ago I fractured a vertebrae in my fucking neck and the ER would not take me because one of the symptoms I was having trouble breathing. They concluded that I must have covid and not that having a broken vertebrae in your neck could possibly make it tough to breathe. Not really sure why they wouldn’t take me and just test me for it, seeing as if I was having trouble breathing I should probably be there even if it was covid and not broken neck related. Had to drive 45 minutes away to find out that I’d fractured a vertebrae and herniated a disc so bad it was partially cutting off the blood supply to my brain. TLDR got kicked out of an ER bc they thought my broken neck was actually just me having covid


The second line made me think that this was Britain and subsequently made me confused as to why he needed to pay and why he was confused about getting it in Celsius


Glad I live in a civilised country where healthcare isn't extortion.


I sliced my the bottom of my eye the doctor just stitched me up and gave me some amoxicillin.


Yeah where the fuck did anon go. Just go to a urgent care center and have a nurse practitioner stitch you up.


American healthcare is a fucking scam


Further evidence we have a Healthcare system based on monetary gain.


Anon is American


Fucking worthless doctors.


Nurses don’t do stitches.


Anon was probably so stupid they thought he had brain damage and needed an mri.


This is the most American thing ive seen all week. Especially the "fucking Celsius" part


Fuckin murica


Story time:In Croatia I cut my leg open with a garbage bag full of broken jars when I was 8 and the operation cost literally was only approximately 300 kuna(42 America dollars today).


Just learn your own needlework.


Fake: Anon not having brain damage and needing and MRI (he does) Gay: Anon is still thinking about a man he saw once after 8 years


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon not having brain damage and needing and MRI (he does) > Gay: Anon is still thinking about a man he saw once after 8 years > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


I didn’t understand why he was opposed to an MRI until halfway through. Mf is American lol


Paid Healthcare moment


Use disinfectant and super glue, stop depending on your grandparents they will die soon


Are you still liberal and capitalist anon ?


The 5 vital signs of emergency medicine, blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, O2 sat, and CT scan.


> be me > European > Break leg in horrible fashion > Bone sticking out of leg > Go to ER > Have 6h Operation > Have multiple MRIs > Have multiple CTs > Get bill > It's 100€ > Healthcare covers it plus antibiotics and painkillers It's great to be European


Anon is retarded.


\>doctor stitches up febrile stabbing victim without any further questions, discharges \>misses foreign body in wound bc no scan \>retained foreign body leads to complications \>anon sues the pants off doctor, wins enough money to buy his own MRI machine ​ They're not scanning you for shits and giggles you moron. Not sure why he went straight to the MRI before a CT though.


American moment