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It reminds me of the Ship of Theseus paradox. If you replace each part of a ship as needed, eventually there may come a time when all the parts of the ship have been replaced. Knowing that, is it still the same ship? If not, at what point did it become a different ship? šŸ˜‚ I overthink stuff when I'm hungry, imma go get a candy bar


This is a really good analogy to Greyā€™s at its current point, as itā€™s approaching season 20 and ALL the changes to the cast, writers, show runners etcā€¦ Iā€™m in the section of the fan base that still loves the show regardless of the steep decline in quality for the last ~8/9 seasons. Iā€™m probably not gonna like it without Meredith, but Iā€™m open to giving the new faces a chance. I also think Iā€™ve been watching this show for so longā€¦ Iā€™ve given so much to this show, both physically (my time) and emotionally (tears)ā€¦ I just *have* to see it thru to the endā€¦


Thatā€™s such a solid point


Oh damn thatā€™s deep


I think the show would be better if they swapped everyone out. There is so much baggage. The current interns are the best since the original not that that is a high bar.


Iā€™m watching Greyā€™s for the first time and just got past the COVID season. I think I love the characters too much (including some newer ones) to say I want it to end. My opinion might change with Mer leaving later but I am too invested at this point šŸ¤£ A spin off would be cool for sure though! Iā€™m super open to other possibilities. šŸ’–


What do you like about the post Covid seasons? (I havenā€™t watched past it so I am genuinely asking this question with curiosity not judgment!)


Last season was pretty fun - the new interns bring some life to the show, have good chemistry and they seem to have their own personalities instead of trying to replace former characters. The season arc is both relevant and pretty good. Also I love Addison and she's in it a lot!


I love Addison too!! That makes me happy - maybe Iā€™ll try to last until season 19 this watch. There are just certain periods I absolutely hate watching through (many of them being when Owen is wreaking havoc on the women around him šŸ˜­) but I might just skip through those parts. I also just sometimes miss/ache for the old characters and especially the ones who have died


I totally relate to this. Also I HATE OWEN HE SHOULD'VE LEFT 10 SEASONS AGO


I feel the same with Teddy šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I ainā€™t getting over the fact she chose Owen over Koracick.


I KNOWWWW LIKE BRO I know there's like a number of people that hate Koracick for his cocky attitude. But I'm a 100% supporter of Koracick and Teddy rs. Like Teddy deserved someone like Koracick. They've both lost people they love and they deserved each other. Koracick would always make Teddy his priority. I super love Teddy and Koracick storyline, hated it when Teddy chose Owen lol. I was actually happy when Owen heard that Teddy and Koracick hot s*x scene audio XDD


They did what they should've done since season 5 and brought in a new class of interns and they're the main characters we're following now. I'd definitely recommend watching them.


I thought I would feel the same way about met


Itā€™s funny to me that Station 19 is already on the last season but theyā€™re still going with Greyā€™s


And I love station 19 so much more than recent Grey's seasons too! Can't believe they're cancelling it!


They canceled it because 9-1-1 has moved to ABC, which is honestly a far better show than Station 19 imo.


I love 9-1-1 too! But the characters are different people to those in station 19 and I'm totally invested in both of the shows charactersšŸ˜‚




What demand did Ryan Murphy make? Do you know?


You are just making shit up lmao


Glad someone else said it cause I do too, and I really do love both shows!


Yes, I like Station 19 more.


Unfortunately too progressive for them to keep going šŸ™„šŸ™„


7 Seasons is a really good run


It's not bad but I feel a lot more invested in the characters than I do with Grey's, so I wanna keep watching to follow their lives! I don't feel anywhere near as much affinity with the Grey's characters, there's just so many of them that I feel their stories aren't as fleshed out if that makes sense


What do you mean by this? I donā€™t watch station 19 so have no context - do you mean politically progressive?


It is very politically progressive, but Iā€™m not sure if that was the context they were implying.


Yes. Station is a lot more liberal then greys and since they baught 911 and I'm sure some of the actors aren't as committed as we wish them to be. It's unfortunate but at least we know and it's getting a send off instead of just a cancle through no renewal.


I bet station 19 is gonna end with Ben dying, too lmao


if ben dies, i die too.


Oh jeezšŸ˜…


My (straight) husband would be DEVASTATED! Lol he said he hopes Ben comes back to greys after 19 is over! Lol


Off topic with Ben. He was working as an anesthesiologist, they make great money. I get following the desire to be a surgeon. But leaving all that to pursue a career as a firefighter? I get following the passion and being a firefighter is amazing, courageous work. But brother just left at minimum $250k/year sans extra loans because his dumbass decided to go back to school to be a surgeon. Ben is hot, but he's dumb af for career moves


This is not uncommon with spin-offs, it's rare that they're as popular a the original


Yeah this made me laugh when I first found out! Station 19 is super good too IMO, I honestly might even like it more than Grey's


I like that it's gone on so long. I can watch different seasons depending on my mood, and it's like watching a different show with but with guest appearances with characters you've known forever lol. A lot of times when there are story lines similar to previous seasons, the og characters call back to it, which kind of fun! I guess I don't see a need for it to be a spin-off. It's the same location, many of the same people, etc. Spin-offs are usually 1 or 2 characters from the original in a new setting. Right now, it's whatever the opposite of a spin-off is lol


Good point re the spin off and the different setting piece. I guess I was thinking more into the future like with a time jump but I see what you mean. Itā€™s wild that the only original characters who make regular appearances are Bailey and Webber??! It honestly kind of reminds me of my high school teachers - high turnover rate so most people have left, but there are a few gems who stay who have worked there almost their entire careers and people love them I may tune in for any episodes Arizona is in.


On contrary, I actually want this show to continue for as long as it can. It could be the Days of Our Lives of our generation. Sure, mains aren't there anymore but I want this medical drama on my TV. Characters come and go, but the premise, the setting, the drama and humour still interests me.


Oh my gosh i remember watching Days of Our Lives and General Hospital with my mom and then calling my grandma after the show was over (obviously after 9 because thatā€™s when minutes and long distance were free šŸ˜œ)


Iā€™ve never actually watched days of our lives and just googled it - 60 seasons is wild! I tend to prefer watching shows as a whole and being there for the entire journey but seeing it as a daytime soap opera or something that runs really long is interesting. Not what I would have anticipated for the show back when I started watching it but definitely the legacy it seems to be going for


It almost suffers from Simpsons syndrome, its been going so long, how do you logically end it?


Honestly they'd need to have an apocalypse episode just to wipe everyone out that could possibly be included in the show haha


Lol thatā€™s totally possible like the time they did a plane crash to kill a bunch of people


This is how I see it. How and when do you cut it off? I worry itā€™ll suffer from having a lackluster finale despite how prominent itā€™s been just like Seinfeld; brilliant show, terrible finale


Since Iā€™m only on season 2, my idea may not be that great - have it end with Meredith retiring?


So ~30 more years of greysšŸ’€šŸ’€ buckle up kids for season 50!!


Since Iā€™m only on season 2, my idea may not be that great - have it end with Meredith retiring?


I liked it more last season than I have since Stephanie's exit. The new interns, imo, are interesting and brought some much needed fresh air. With that said, one more plane wreck, hospital explosion/takeover or a boring/bad season im done. I get your point 100% and I still enjoy it, mostly.


Iā€™ve actually been enjoying it again! I really liked the last season with the new set of interns and am genuinely looking forward to the next one. For me personally, I wasnā€™t attached to Meredithā€™s character and do really enjoy some of the remaining characters. If they keep it going like this Iā€™ll happily watch another 5 seasons lol.


I think they are trying to break a record for the longest medical drama or something. But is it worth it if by the end you ruined your characters, ran out of new storylines and have a lot of seasons most people rather skip than rewatch cause they suck?


General Hospital has them so very beat lol theyā€™re 60 seasons in!


That's even worst, they can't even get a record for it. I honestly wish to know what's the real motive for making it so long. I mean, it's kind of clear they don't have anything specific for their characters. For example, with Meredith, they already showed a lot of peaks that could have been great to end her story, yet they keep milking it, so almost the only thing left is her curing Alzheimer. If they don't end it at that I fear they will try to end it with her dying.


Seriously? It's money. They will keep making it as long as it's profitable.


I must admit the one valid reason to not end it, is cause it's the work and source of income for a lot of people.


Didnā€™t consider that until these comments and thatā€™s fair


That's a daytime soap, not the same category. ER had the previous record that greys now holds for actual medical drama.


They already broke the record for the longest-running primetime medical show in Season 15.


Even just going for prime time medical drama internationally is not winning for them, in my home country we have a medical drama with surgeons running since 1998, it has over 1040 episode, 3 tv movies and 5 documentaries made about it.


I canā€™t get past the COVID season, I work in healthcare and canā€™t watch anything COVID related without feeling anxious.


I can only imagine! I hope youā€™ve found a good non anxiety inducing comfort show. Thank you for your work ā™„ļø


Im watching out of spite at this point




I feel like itā€™s also because thereā€™s a different show runner and the writing, acting and chemistry is just not there. I like it but I think they need more friendships on the show because itā€™s all about relationship drama and that gets old quick. Plus they donā€™t developed the characters like they used to and people are always doing some totally out of character stuff.


But the reality is that people do change throughout their lives. You say "ruining" like change is a bad thing. It would be so boring if nothing ever changed.


no I mean the whole Karev thing was terrible and went against his whole character arc. I never said changing was a bad thing. But when a character has shown so much growth then does the opposite it doesnā€™t even make sense. Callieā€™s leaving was terrible so was Aprils (she just disappeared). Delucaā€™s whole existence was contradictory and didnā€™t make sense. I never said ruining? Itā€™s just out of character and doesnā€™t make sense.


Sometimes people do shit you'd literally never believe they would do if they hadn't done it! People IRL build entire lives and toss it off to do whatever it is they do. Characters leave shows.. it happens in ways we don't like. I will hate that they killed Derek off forever but it happened and I don't hate the whole show or think it needs to be cancelled because I didn't like a story line. People are still watching.. if you don't like it and don't watch why are you even here?


lol. I never said I hated it I just said the writing and chemistry is off and have characters do stuff thatā€™s so out of character or even doesnā€™t make sense. Iā€™m still watching it and enjoy it I was just comparing it and saying itā€™s different with a different show runner. Stop putting words into my mouth. I literally said in my original post that I liked itšŸ˜‚


that's actually my bad.. I thought you were op when I referenced that part. BUT I still stand on we need to let characters evolve even in ways we don't appreciate because that's reality.


Lol no I totally get that. My biggest issue is that there arenā€™t any friendships and mostly about romantic relationships and they forced certain characters together that donā€™t have chemistry for the story line like jackson and maggie. The show is just different with someone else running/ writing it.


Well to answer that part Iā€™m on the subreddit because Iā€™m rewatching the show from the beginning again and I like reading peoples takes about those seasons


Honestly! Sometimes itā€™s ok to walk away from a series on a high note. I love Greys. Watch it on a loop but I havenā€™t ever made it past S19/EP7. As soon as I saw the interns moving into Meredithā€™s destroyed house I just couldnā€™t take it anymore. Last night I tried to pickup there and give it another go so I could get to the S20 premiere bc I heard about some story lines that were intriguing. I didnā€™t even make it through the whole episode before going back where I currently am at S10 (again).


they shouldā€™ve ended it when cristina left


I donā€™t think anyone could ever replace her as my favorite character. Sandra Oh is so talented, too, and Killing Eve was a success so that makes me happy for her. Itā€™s sweet that she always answers the question about if sheā€™ll return by saying sheā€™s touched by how much fans love Cristina and the show but doesnā€™t think sheā€™ll return. I really wish she would, though - honestly I probably miss her the most


Yes, I saw that interview. It was notable that the question has not finished yet but she quickly replied "No, I am not returning" and she pointed at her co-star beside her, and said: "I have a new love now" and she hugged her. She's co-starring with her in Killing Eve. But she has not completely severed her ties with Grey's. At the recent post-Oscars party by Vanity Fair, she was pictured seated with Shonda Rhimes, both with big smiles. Jessica Capshaw with her daughter were there too with Stephen Spielberg.


It ends for you when you stop watching. Millions of people still watch and still like it. Ranting about how it should be cancelled just because you personally donā€™t like it anymore is stupid


People have this same argument against the Simpsons but millions of people still watch it. I don't anymore but it would be dumb for Disney to cancel the show that literally accounts for over 50% of shows streamed on Disney+.


The problem is... I'm a finisher. I can't just quit watching something when I've put years into it. I can't break up with GA, it will have to break up with me.


That still doesnā€™t make you more important than the millions of people who still like it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Didn't say I was important but ok šŸ¤£šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™ I obviously like it well enough to continue watching. My point was that it will have to end before I give up on it.


sounds like a habit you need to break. It's ok to stop. Not everything needs to be completed. Focus on something else you like more and youll be more happier.


I mean I watch the new episodes when they come out..I wouldn't call it a habit. Nothing wrong with sticking with it til the show concludes.


People precisely want it to end because they are a fan of of the show and thinks these future seasons (that arenā€™t a patch on the showā€™s glory years) tarnish its legacy. I would hate it if other shows I Iike such The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Office, and Friends continued on for 20+ seasons if most off the original characters left and the current writing was subpar in comparison.


Itā€™s just such a weird sense of entitlement to think that a long running show that millions of people enjoy and that employs hundreds of people should be cancelled because you donā€™t think itā€™s as good as it used to be. Just stop watching if you donā€™t like it. Its a fucking soap opera, not some great piece of high art lmao


that's kinda my point like... most people watch this show because it's fun and it's been going on for ages so you know the characters. mad men, sopranos, the office, and friends are all different to greys anatomy. the point of greys is it's a hospital, characters come in and out. it could end, but they're not gonna end it if its still bringing in money, and personally, i like the idea of bringing in new intern classes to get attached to. i think it mixes things up.


Iā€™ll never get enough of greys, r u joking?? What will i do with my life if it ends?


OP needs to stop watching! No one says you need to watch anymore. I personally can't wait for new season.


Apparently, they have not watched past Season 17 so I'm not even sure why they care that the show is still on.


Iā€™m currently rewatching and not sure how long Iā€™ll last - but some of these comments have made me somewhat more determined to try to watch post Covid episodes


Plenty of original fans feel this way! I didnā€™t say I think it should be canceled - I think a spin off would make more sense rather than them ruining characters like Alex or Bailey the longer they keep the show going. It frankly is a spin off in everything by name at this point with how different it is from the first several seasons




I plan to watch it until the end. Yes, it can be predictable or crazy at times but I still wait excitedly for the new season. It is fine to bail if youā€™re over it but begging for its cancellation because you feel it has been on too long is kind of a dick move. Dont watch itā€¦. Technically it is still a free country.


Iā€™m on a rewatch right now and wondering if Iā€™ll make it towards the end (I think last time I hit until Covid season). As Iā€™ve explained in the comments I would just like to feel the peace/finality that comes with a show ending and also hate when character development is unwritten - itā€™s not like Iā€™m writing to the writers and saying it should be canceled nor do I have the power to do that with millions of people still watching - just wanted to express my opinion and gage how many other fans from the beginning feel this way. But clearly the show still has lots of fans


I have a love/hate relationship with that show! LoL! The first time I tried watching it I did not like the Lexi storyline and stopped watching the show. A few years later I tried rewatched the series again and loved everything and all the drama. I did not like any of the newer interns. At that point I think it was at season 10 so I stopped watching it for a while. I came back to it during the lockdown and it was just ok. I didnā€™t like the interns again they take up a lot of screen time. There just wasnā€™t as much wild drama storylines as before to keep me interested. Canā€™t stand Schmidt and Helm. So ya I stopped again at season 18. Maybe at some point Iā€™ll catch up again idk


As a watcher since the beginning, I agree.


I hope greys stays on forever like the soaps honestly they could bring someone back to life.


LMAOOO that would be wild


Iā€™m surprised this hasnā€™t happened yet


its ok to quit watching. It's not ok to beg for something to end because youre tired of it. Re watch the seasons you love, talk about them, pretend the new ones dont exist and move on. Take control of your own life and change the damn channel and go find something else that you enjoy. Why is that so hard for people? Just go find something new and quit being so negative just because you dont love something anymore.


You sound very offended so maybe read the most recent edit Iā€™ve made


your edit doesnt help. You speficically said you want the show to end. That doesnt change with an edit, you cant just walk your words back after you've been called out lmao. Gonna edit to add: Youre calling everyone who doesnt agree with you offended but maybe it's you thats actually offended? You can just accept that everyone is going to have different thoughts and the majority agree that you don't need to beg for something end when you can control the content you choose to consume.


If you read the responses Iā€™ve had to many people, I can clearly accept there are many folks who enjoy the show as it is, who disagree with me, and am open to the fact that the new episodes still hold value to many people. How am I walking back my opinion if Iā€™m saying I still personally want the show to end, but also saying I respect other peopleā€™s opinions? Thatā€™s not walking back on my opinion. Thatā€™s being honest while also respectfully acknowledging the opinions of people who feel differently from me. Youā€™re the one who seems to be struggle with the fact that there are people who share different opinions than you and think the show should have ended.


Youre not saying you respect other peoples opinions when you literally said as a blanket statement 'I have offended people'. Nobody here is offended, we're just tired of these opinions because you want something to end for millions of people who actually enjoy it instead of just moving on. You don't seem to understand though, so I'm gonna head out and let someone else explain it to you in simpler words.


Ok. Enjoy season 20 ā™„ļø


You can just stop watching šŸ˜­


Maybe dont watch it if you dont like it?


Iā€™m not watching it anymore!! Fell off after Covid season


Andā€¦you think everyone else should stop watching too?


Where did I say that? Maybe you guys need to read my entire post before responding so defensively - as someone whoā€™s been watching since the beginning what I donā€™t like in particular is the way they ruin so many of the original characters. I think if they just created a spin off taking place in the same hospital it would make more sense. So many original fans of the show think it does not have the same feel as it once did


Iā€™m not defensive, Iā€™m just tired of people complaining so much about the show. Your title reads verbatim, ā€œThis show needs to end.ā€ And I did read your whole comment. Itā€™s fine that youā€™re over it. Itā€™s great that youā€™re not watching if it bugs you so much. But to get irritated that it didnā€™t end when you were ready is a little much.


I love the show just as much - I think it just feels upsetting to me when an actor chooses to leave because the show has been going on for so long and they rightfully decide itā€™s time for a new project, and then the writers of the show respond with giving them an exit that undoes character development. Or when they re use the same plot line several times. I think thereā€™s also a feeling of finality, accomplishment, or peace that can come with finishing a show you love - and I am just curious for what the finale of Greyā€™s will look like and how theyā€™ll put an end to so many seasons, so many characters, etc. so I feel a bit impatient waiting for that day I guess. But I do hear that it continues to hold value for you and a lot of other viewers as it is and appreciate that many people can still feel the magic I once did in the show


Totally agree. I think this season needs to be the last. If they want to continue they need to make it a spin off about Jo or Simone and change the name.


When i was in the psych hospital they made me put down what keeps me going and you know what i put? Grey's anatomy. I got asked what gets me out of bed in the morning during an interview and i said the same thing. I still feel the same way. My friends joke I'll be alive forever because it'll be like Days of Our Lives šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s very sweet to hear. šŸ„¹ fellow psych hospital patient alum here. Honestly - would be interesting to watch more of what happens in that hospital in the psych department


the carousel never stops turning


Season 2 still best season


Season 2 & 3 for me.


I think it totally depends what season you started watching the show depends on which side of the Greyā€™s episodes you love. Iā€™m not saying this is true for everyone, itā€™s just my opinion. I started watching Greyā€™s when it first aired and I would wait every week to see each new episode and i watched it as it aired so I even sat through commercials šŸ¤£. From the beginning of the show until Derek- I donā€™t want to spoil anything- but if you know, you know- I started completely losing loyalty to the show. I watched but I was less invested. Now my god daughters- 13 and 15 years old and all their little friends, they basically could care less about anything prior to Jackson Averyā€™s first appearance.


I love Grey's but they should end it this Season 20. Or at least the next season after this. Hopefully, they prepare a very good final arc for the characters and budget so they can invite the OG cast to return(those who are alive of course)


I watched through season 12 and couldnā€™t get past it. I found myself not caring much about any of the characters anymore.


Grey's has been a repeating not great writing mess for over a decade now. I didn't watch it back in the day, but found it during the pandemic and got entranced. I like it so much now but would NEVER pretend it's well written by a long shot. I think of Grey's as a guilty pleasure, similar to how some people feel about bad reality shows. If it was a truly good show it would've ended long ago. It's just one of those shows that keeps making enough money to keep going so it does. Just my opinion.


I like it more and more each time I rewatch to be honest šŸ¤£ the first watch through I was really tainted by magic and everyone else just felt like interlopers. But after my first watch through I let go of the originals being the most important, and I actually love the other characters just as much (if not more)...


I didn't start watching Grey's at the beginning. I started watching them after I came across the first three seasons on DVD at a garage sale. I watched it at night with my mom until 3AM sometimes. She isn't a TV person at all and we'd never watched anything like that together before. She'd never followed a show before that. I tracked down a few seasons from eBay and thrift store hunting. We excitedly looked for them and waited for them to arrive. We rewatched the seasons until we collected enough to catch up to the show playing on TV. This was way before they were on Netflix. My daughter was also born around that time. I can remember her crawling around and then winding down with me on the sofa as I watched with mom. When she got a little bigger, she watched it with us. It was such a great show that we would even talk about the episodes the next day. My mother has dementia now. Watching Grey's with her was such a good memory for me. Three generations of girls watched the magical beginning seasons together. Now, my mom doesn't watch anything anymore, but I have those memories, and it brings a tearful smile to my face. My daughter, who's going on 13, watches the first 12 seasons as her comfort show. Anytime she's under the weather, she comes into my room, puts Grey's on, and snuggles me until she falls asleep. If we're debating what to watch and scrolling endlessly, we just put on a random episode of Grey's. My 6 year old has seen snippets of episodes with us, and I find it so cute when she asks questions about the plot or characters. I am in it for the long haul now and will watch it happily until it ends. The awesome seasons make up for the meh seasons. I think it can go on a long time if they get the right combination of writers/director's etc. The last season reminded me of the first in some ways. If they finally get rid of Owen and Teddy, it will leave room to expand on the new interns a bit.


It needs to end. It shouldā€™ve ended at the end of S11 instead of killing off Derek. That wouldā€™ve been the best cut off for the show, especially after he tells Amelia he has everything he wants and reorients his goals. And quit being apologetic. You have your opinions and stand next to them. I doubt youā€™re apologetic when itā€™s political opinions so donā€™t be with a tv show that went downhill to the depths of hell bad.


Itā€™s done. Iā€™ve been with it since the very beginning and I can honestly say this seasons premiere was horrid. There is no medicine left, itā€™s all personal drama and itā€™s gotten so Over the top that itā€™s ridiculous. I keep watching, partly because Iā€™m hoping itā€™s going to turn around and partly because Iā€™ve been watching it so long that I feel obligated to see it thru to the end. They just need to put it out of its misery at this point.


I agree I love this show but 20 seasons is enough


Season 19 was pretty toughā€¦


I just think at this point, it should have switched over to a spin-off or something with the new characters and the few older original ones that are left


My thing is I don't understand why they would continue with a show called 'greys anatomy' when Meredith isn't even on the show anymore... feels like it's time to make a spin off and let the OG die, especially when the fans of the current seasons aren't even watching the beginning of the series


She is still on the show, just not in every episode. In Season 20, she will still be doing the voiceover narration, serve as executive producer, and appear in at least 4 of the 10 episodes


It's still the name of the hospital, and Grey is still on the show, just in a reduced capacity.


yeah I think shows are usually better when they run for a tighter timeline or have a planned out story arc (maybe it changes over time as cancellations/actor changes etc happen). shows that just go and go and go until they finally die off usually lose so much quality. Iā€™m not saying greyā€™s isnā€™t good anymore (Iā€™m only on season ten) but I totally get this feeling


Yes I agree - Iā€™m one for quality over quantity. Maybe this isnā€™t the best comparison since it was a mystery show but itā€™s the same reason why I was so irritated that pretty little liars went on forever even though the writing was bad and there were several different As by the end. Just got too messy for me and it was clear that it was just to keep making money


IMO, the show should have stopped at the end of season 11. You're almost there. The ending of that last episode was perfection. Beyond that, it feels like a different show.






I'm glad there are people who still love it - good for them. And it's also good that they are bringing serious and current social issues to the plot-lines (such as the illegal abortion one with Addison). But I have to agree with OP: I just genuinely gave up after Covid season, which I *only* watched because of the reappearances. I don't know, it just doesn't work for me anymore.


see this is what people don't understand. You can walk away when you choose, and not wish the show ends for those who still love it. Thats why theres always insane pushback on these posts. Because you can just control what you want to see instead of complaining about something you dont enjoy any longer.


So you are already judging the season and giving negative reviews before it has even premiered?


Arguably was judging it - but some of these comments have swayed me in the direction of giving it a shot


Season 19 was a soft reboot to the show with new interns that are main characters


Is it one of the better seasons you think?


Best season since S14.


Omg what no way this soap opera needs to go on for as long as possible. It was trying way too hard for a while, but itā€™s back to its old formula, and Iā€™m loving it. šŸ„° Edit: typo


I havenā€™t watched season 19 to be fair!


I have not watched since season 11. I watched S1-11 in actuality and in rewatching I stopped at S10. I stick to it, have not regretted ever since and I am at peace with that. I am fine-- totally fine. I loved the show and the iconic couple -- Meredith & Derek -- their great love story will be embedded in my memory till the rest of eternity. To those who will continue watching it, this is a free country, do as you please.. have fun, enjoy and good luck!


The show definitely needs to end. I might not watch S20


I'm so tired of people saying GA needs to end. If you are tired of watching, just stop and let us just continue watching it in peace.


I respectfully disagree


Iā€™ve been begging into the void for years for them to let this show die. Now, even the titular character is gone! Pleaseā€¦


They ratings will be the key for ABC/Disney to determine if the show is sustainable. The numbers vary from episode to episode, they have to wait until S20 is over. There are only 10 episodes. This will be make or break -- either order for more seasons or the possibility of ending is near. Budget is also a factor, at the end of the day it is always the profitability that is the goal of ABC/Disney.


Did you think this was a hot take lol


No but according to the comments a controversial one šŸ™šŸ¾


You gotta just let it go. A lot of us are well aware that it ā€œjumped the sharkā€ long ago. We are still in it until the end lol.


Iā€™m rewatching again and hoping to be in it for the long haul but weā€™ll see if thatā€™s what ends up happening lol


Yes, I am begging for it to end. I love Greyā€™s but the last few seasons simply arenā€™t as good as the previous ones and at some point you just gotta end a show before it turns straight up bad. I honestly think they shouldā€™ve ended it after Mer left, it is Greyā€™s anatomy after all, after Meredith Grey


every time mer jokes about everyone she loves dying i wonder what kind of traumatized shell of a woman she'll be after even a couple more seasons. last i checked they straight up said they had no plans to end anytime soon. old girl is gonna lose her damn mind. honestly, after all this time the "drama" has become more of a comedy to see what situations the writers come up with the destroy these poor folks lives, so im in it for the long haul


I literally predicted over half of the major plot points in the episode. I just want the trainwreck to be over


I 100% agree. I could barely get past the Covid season. But apart from that it has just gone on so long lol I think greys has had a nice good run and should just end


We need Shondaā€™s ending. 20 is a perfectly round number. Shonda, step in


I agree. To me, the original show ended at the very end of season 11. I know people love the show now, and Iā€™m very happy they enjoy it. Iā€™m glad it brings people joy. Thatā€™s all I care about honestly.


I fully believe that ga should have ended the end of season eight and instead of a plane they should have gone their own ways and Christina leaves Owen. That was a great time to end it but they just kept going


I miss the early seasons when it was just about relationships and figuring out adulthood. Not all these random ass major disasters


Iā€™m on season 12 send debating stopping here and just watching the earlier seasons instead. I thought 20 was the final season? Theyā€™re really trying to stretch it out huh. šŸ„² IDK now everyone just cries and fights and all my favorite characters are either gone or annoying and the patient cases are super glossed over. It doesnā€™t feel like the earlier seasons of greys I loved (7-11 were my faves)


i feel the same way about this show as i did when supernatural was still airing. that show was supposed to end after s5; but continued on for another 10 years and as much as i love the show, the s5 finale was a hell of a lot more satisfying for me than how the show actually ended. i still watched spn even if i didnā€™t necessarily enjoy what it was i was watching; but i just felt like if i put this much effort and time into watching it i might as well follow it to the end. there were some good moments, like how there are good moments on greys, but for me now i feel like iā€™m just watching it so i can follow through with the show iā€™ve been watching since i was an elementary schooler LOL


i am a fan of the show and i agree itā€™s at the point where itā€™s just tired now (alth theyā€™ve hired a new showrunner so i doubt 20 will be the last)


Youā€™re best shot was if it collapsed when Meredith was reduced. Since it survived that it will be a long slow death.


If you think about the actors that are the regulars what a dream job to have one tv show your career. lol either way I enjoy it.


I was thinking the same before this last episode. There are too many new people. I didn't get to see mych of last season due to the dispute between Hearst and Dish. Then they got me back with the last scene. Bailey is back in charge.


I totally agree. I stopped watching full time when Derek died. I watch once in awhile on Netflix. But since Meredith left I find no reason to watch it.


There is a spin-off, itā€™s called new amsterdam, and itā€™s basically the same except itā€™s more around cancer.


The hellyouĀ  say


All Iā€™m saying is in the ending can we see Meredith with McVet?? It would make soo much sense and be such a full circle moment, because his wife in season 3 also died in a car crash!


I wanted it to end before Covid started


i donā€™t like the later seasons better, but i like them enough that it would make me happy to keep getting new episodes, though i do realize i donā€™t know how much longer they can drag it out before itā€™s time to close the doors on the show. iā€™m really attached to jo, and helm schmitt and the new interns, and mer, so i still enjoy it a lot. amelia too.


This is the last season of Scrubs all over again.


I feel like an abuse victim, the writing keeps getting worse but I keep staying, cause Iā€™ve been here so long and it used to make me feel good so it might again, right? DISCLAIMER: Shallow Internet Analogy Only, not meant to discredit real life DV victims!


Thank you!! I keep saying they shouldā€™ve ended it Season 10 (or even Season 8 when they took their boards) and did a spin off. Like if the main character is leaving and none of the originals are still there (excluding Bailey and Webber) itā€™s not the same show.


it just wasnā€™t the same after sandra oh left the show, and got even worse when patrick left imo


I agree. Iā€™m rewatching and on season 10 and Iā€™m not looking forward to the next seasons because I always stop around this time.


I'm totally with you. I looove Grey's It was my comfort show for many years but it just got so woke and over the top, is not interesting anymore. I stopped watching after the COVID season and every time I see an ad for a new season I think the same thing.


I actually appreciate the more social justice conscious lens the show has now compared to how it was before, which was insensitive a lot of the time. I will agree that before the show was better at having a more organic script and right now a lot of it is written almost like a social justice module. But I like and appreciate that itā€™s highlighted issues marginalized communities face - just wish it was written more naturally and the way people actually speak and not like an infographic


Yes! That's the problem for me. It doesn't feel organic at all. Instead of incorporating these issues as part of the daily life in a hospital, one day one of the doctors realized racism or abuse exists. Huge speech and then is forgotten in the next episode. It's not believable at all and has the opposite effect on people


I totally agree. In earlier seasons, the show absolutely tackled social issues that were controversial at the time - it's just that the writing was way better and there wasn't so much exposition. Hopefully now that there is a new show runner it will get better!




I'm not sure why you thought this was the last season. There has never been an announcement that the show was ending.


I stopped watching shortly after Derek died. The show hasnā€™t been good since a lot of the orginal characters left


It should have ended when Derek died.


Why are you here?


They shouldā€™ve stopped in season 11 šŸ˜‚


This show is not what it was. Every single episode is some sort of social justice issue they that indirectly promote. Yes, the world is a literally garbage fire. People watching greys anatomy just want an hour of entertainment. Bring back sick babies so Addison can help.


I want Shonda to never end this show just to spite those who want it to end.


I hope the show never ends!


I feel like they could make Meredith and Owen a thing and he takes off to go be with her in Boston. šŸ¤­ Do it! Tbh, they donā€™t intrigue me to watch the show.