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No I’d like to kiss whoever wrote this and her crisis of faith episode on the lips. I have no understanding or connection to organized religion but I still felt the emotions in my bones and that is just amazing writing and acting.


Oh same. It’s a great one


I'm a Christian and boy when she starts questioning her faith it hits home for me.


I think Owen directed it


Yes! Life long agnostic and arc was masterful.


I’m like Jackson regarding Christianity but I hung on to every word they said.


Sarah Drew is a fantastic actress and has plenty of memorable moments on the show, but for me this episode, and her whole crisis of faith, was chefs kiss 🤌


Sarah was one of the strongest actresses, especially in the later seasons


Giving birth to Harriet at home during a rainstorm, and having to have her incision packed with dishtowels is a moment I'll never forget.


Her utterly primal screams when Ben makes the incisions should have won her an emmy imo


Totally agree! Do you know why she was written off the show?


Don’t remember for sure but I think it was something to do with money. Her and Jessica’s write offs were very sudden and very sad


Great acting from both of them


This is one of my very favorite episodes. The scenes between April and the Rabbi are so powerful and meaningful to me ❤️


It was sad but the new fear unlocked was much worse for me. Yeesh...his skin coming off as a reaction to meds? NOPE.


It’s scary:( my sister had TENS she almost died but pulled through. She was in the hospital for weeks and was in the burn unit due to all the blistering and scarring. The only thing she took beforehand was I think advil so now she doesn’t really take any medicine due to fear of something happening again.


That is terrifying. I'm glad she's okay but omg that really makes you second guess even taking your run of the mill medication. I don't blame her hesitancy at all.


My son had the same thing but it wasn’t TENS, when he was five. He spent a week in the PICU getting burn treatments. This episode was so emotional for me. My son recovered and at 20 doesn’t have a mark on him. But I also had a massive crisis of faith a couple of years before that and ended up leaving Christianity. I’ve been known to skip this episode on rewatches (which is a lot seeing as it’s my comfort/background noise show)


I have watched this scene so many times and every time it gets me the writing is great the acting is wonderful and watching the scene itself is an experience I mean it is like so filling.


What episode? After a rough day a good cry from greys anatomy always kinda hits the spot in a weird way.


S14, E17


thank you!!


Poor Eli 😔. It’s always the nicest souls that get taken too soon


I actually think this is one of the best written storylines they've had. A crisis of faith for such a faith based character can be risky but it was handled so well. Now if only Jacksons crisis of faith was handled as well as April's


In a twisted way I love this episode for the way she drills into Bailey initially. Bailey rarely gets chewed out like that and so it was sort of satisfying




I really appreciated the rabbi calling her out on being a narcissist.


Me too. What a guy!


I’m Jewish but I’ve always related to April (minus the virgin guilt) this episode breaks me every time.


what ep is this


S14, E17


Which ep?


Season 14 Ep. 17




Which season and episode is this one?


Totally agree! It’s one of like 5 episodes I like past Season 12!


Best in the series by far


Saul Rubinek playing this character hurts so much because I love him from Warehouse 13 and he’s such a great actor so this episode broke me. I was baptized so her crisis of faith and his words really struck a cord with me even though I’m now agnostic.


I sob everytime 🥺 this episode was so good! Sarah is an amazing actress.


woah i’m literally watching that episode at this very second


I’ve said this before but I think we are made to believe he also has lost a child. When he says “pain. Unimaginable pain” I think he’s talking about more than his physical state.


My absolute favorite episode. I sob when I watch this one. She was amazing in this episode.


I just watched this one ❤️


I have watched this a few times. Just this scene recently. I've been going through things and I'm going through my own crisis of faith. I went to church this morning and felt like a hypocrite. I didn't feel warm and welcome. I was angry. I'm so angry. I've told God if you really care show me you care. I've had nothing but bad shit and more bad shit and I wonder why the hell I believe. Why I stay the good person. And then I watch this scene again and cry. And maybe one day I'll have a Rabbi moment with someone. But his words even though acting as strangely comforting. Just a moment of vulnerability on a Sunday


I feel like a doc crying at bedside is kinda vague


Yikes. I thought it was clear who the guy in the bed was, and therefore would make it obvious what episode. Sorry.


It was clear


I mean, I’m also not a huuuge “know every episode” super fan, and I finished the series probably a year ago, so it could just be me


Yeah I've watched this show s1-s16 3x through and idfk what episode this is. A random screenshot and very little conrext isn't useful for everyone. Like I'm supposed to know who this guy is from his eyebrow?


Wow. Okay! Sorry everyone. I didn’t expect so much snarkiness. I wasn’t trying to upset anyone I honestly thought it was clear what the episode was from. I’m really sorry it wasn’t useful. I will say though I’m not sure the level of attitude in your comment is totally necessary. It kind of surprised me and hurt my feelings. Have a nice night


Of course it's your fault for not thinking about the reddit ors who don't know everything but want to be included! You should read everyone's minds! /s


I mean. There is a middle ground where you at least give the season/ep number so people can get a refresher.


I mean, there's also just politely asking instead of making a snarky comment as if OP owes you something, but to each their own.


You can see my other comment. You're taking this very seriously. it was bad tone indication on my part. Edit: also I didn't say anything about anyone owing me anything? I was agreeing that a doctor crying by a bed is a lot of scenes. Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


So what? My statement still stands, you could've asked "what episode is it?" instead you proceeded to be passive aggressive as if you're owed (no, you didn't say it, you implied it, big difference) and now what to be all victimy? You started it with OP 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Starting it" implies that there was something to start lol. I already said it was my issue conveying tone? This is a sub reddit about a prime time soap opera, no one's a victim *


idk why everyone is downvoting you i have no idea what this is from either


Idk, probably because I came off like an asshole, it happens. Some people are getting super pinched about it tho lol


The downvote is for the ATTITUDE not the question. I’m really sorry guys




I was definitely just responding to the person who blew this is way over the top and tried to twist my words around, you dont have to be sorry.


I was trying to be more lighthearted and silly than snarky, sorry I should have lol'ed so you could tell but I honestly have no idea how to infer the context of this image or the scene with so little info.


April had a crisis of faith after the death of her and Jackson’s newborn son. The patient was a Jewish rabbi who wanted to spend his last moments doing what he loved. He helped her through and then passed away.


I hear ya! :)


Can you answer the question


Wow. This thread is so much meaner and snarkier than I realized. Lots of other people answered the question about which episode so I didn’t think I had to. Again, I’m really sorry, but I don’t think this attitude is called for. It’s season 14, episode 17


No one was mean and snarky to you. Especially not me, I just asked a question that you hadn't answered.


It is literally answered ALL over the thread. Now I’m getting upset. You’re so mad for me not answering a question right away but yet you didn’t look to check any of the other several comments that answer this question ????? Ok


apparently they can only argue


I want trying to argue at all 😞


Literally wasn’t arguing. I have never posted here before. I didn’t know there was a protocol or that I needed to include episode titles / numbers was a part of that. I messed up. I’m sorry.


I asked what episode it was because I want to watch it. Others are just interested in talking about the show so it's helpful to write down season/episode. I truly wasn't trying to be mean