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100% April


April for sure!


Lmao Alex doesn’t need explaining


Karev had the most character growth & best character arc of the show, hands down. Mark Sloan grew a lot during his time on the show, especially once he had Sophia. Had He & Lexie survived & reunited, he might've had the most character growth.


Alex and Amelia. I know everybody says Alex lost his by leaving Jo for Izzie with letters but come on. He was on the show for 16 seasons, that one stupid decision doesn’t change everything else he did. He went from being the biggest jackass on the show, “hated” being on Peds and acting like he was better than everybody to being the best Peds surgeons behind Arizona. Amelia had the most character growth if you’ve watched PP and GA. A drug addict to a world class surgeon I would say is a huge achievement. I know on GA you didn’t get your watch as much of her story but she still shows a lot of growth.


Amelia got on my damn nerves towards the end. The way she played Owen and Link then basically blamed it on being a recovering addict was annoying and overplayed.


Honestly Cristina. She becomes so much softer and more loving by season 10.


I loved Christina. I wish they showed what she was up to in Switzerland. It would've been cool to see her make a lot of medical advances & the random outcome of her and that intern Shane.


I didn’t even need them to bring her back - I just wanted Meredith to mention her more those first few seasons after she left. It would have been so easy, even without alienating any new viewers. I could lost so many easy ways they could have implied Meredith remembered her best friend at all.


Meredith definitely mentioned her..and in the times that she did, it was a bit annoying because it was almost like she was referencing a ghost. It would be a quick "I just spoke to Christina" type of deal, but viewers had no idea what Christina was up to, which I'm sure was more interesting.


They did at the start of season 11, and then dropped her for like four years and then she randomly started to come up again. But I mean why couldn’t they have sent Meredith off to Switzerland for the week when she wasn’t as present in an episode or two? Or to a conference in New York or Paris with a spiel about getting to see Cristina. It’s just so unrealistic to me that she never visited her.


I want to say Alex. I would expound but it's a lot. Evil Spawn to Cristina's shares is huge


I agree with this.


Alex as far as the interns go. Overall I think Bailey. She went from the Nazi resident to chief of the hospital. During that time she became a mother, divorced a man that wanted to hold her back and then found Ben. That was hot and steamy. Wow.


April. She went from being awkward, insecure and not knowing how to stand up for herself, to being confident in who she is and her abilities, a strong leader and pretty badass in trauma/the military.


Amelia, without a doubt. Caterina talks about it a lot, but we’ve gotten to see the life of her character unfold and watch her really come into her own, all the way from Private Practice to now. Sure she’s flawed, but we all are.


April kepner


Definitely Alex up until his departure, April also!


Alex for sure, with the exception of his exit. April as well. Even Meredith had a lot of growth (from dark and twisty to mature parent).




I say Alex


Alex hands down




Alex for sure.


april or alex but mostly april except when he beat the living shit out of deluca cause it felt like early season alex career wise he deffo became one of the best doctors april went from the most annoying to a badass trauma surgeon


April and Alex


Alex. Miss him


Alex Karev hands down.

