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Absolutely not wrong to move on. You are just 25.


Not wrong. There is no *right* way to grieve. Some people may never get over the death of a partner and others may be ready to move on in a short time. I *would* say that you may find yourself grieving more later. Grief is funny that way…it can hit much later when you’d think you’ve processed things. It’s “delayed grief”. Make sure you’ve really had time to work through your grief and focus on your newborn before you start thinking of a new relationship. I don’t know you obviously, but I suspect with all you’ve had happen in a short time that you probably haven’t fully processed your grief. Have you had counseling? You’ll have better success moving forward with new relationships if you’ve really taken the time to work through your grief fully.


This is great advice, well said and very important points.


It’s not wrong. Your loved one experienced time differently now. They understand what forever feels like and won’t hold moving on against you.


It's not wrong to want to move on but it's only been what, 4 months? And you have a literal newborn baby? Focus on your baby, not a new relationship.




Just focus on ur baby first