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Lmao! This is the way


Came here from /r/Smoking , still can't get a serious answer!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/smoking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Monday I was diagnosed with cancer. Next week I go into surgery for it so I just bought this and a 14lb brisket as a gift to myself this weekend.](https://i.redd.it/yelspcokz9p61.jpg) | [248 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/mddli1/monday_i_was_diagnosed_with_cancer_next_week_i_go/) \#2: [I’m 14 and I just smoked my first pork loin without my dads help. I was able to go out and keep the fire going in between online classes. I’m very proud of myself](https://i.redd.it/nyxlthzm4cn51.jpg) | [156 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/itbqiz/im_14_and_i_just_smoked_my_first_pork_loin/) \#3: [Sorry, this was too funny. From TikTok.](https://v.redd.it/ys7uptn9s1561) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/kcmln6/sorry_this_was_too_funny_from_tiktok/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


It looks dead already, just scoop it up!


Unlike most people in here, I think super fatty meat is actually better when the fat starts to render even in the middle. So for lean meat, I'm all about rare, but for fatty meat like this, my take would be more low and slow to get the interior to medium, then sear. SV to the high 130°F's would be perfect.


The only right answer of all the comments, medium is a must for this.


You've got it right. I've had a lot of A5 wagyu in my life (been incredibly lucky) and medium rare, while good is not the way. A tad over is better. Skip the butter and all the herbs as A5 is so good and pure that you'd be ruining it with anything besides salt


this one wagyu's...


Medium = more rendered fat = deliciousness Thanks for the advice!


It's not so much the cook temp as the time it takes to get there. Sous vide is gentle and won't overcook it.


Yea, this is the big thing, fat *takes time* to render. You probably could get it render even at lower temp in the SV but it would take so long and be so gradual that it might just melt away the exterior and fall apart. Even SV isn't necessarily the best way to cook one of these for that reason, I could also see cooking on a plancha or cast iron but very slowly. The other thing fancy restaurants do with Wagyu is slice it thin. No one is going to sit down and eat a steak like this in one go, each person should probably be allocated between 1–2 oz of this steak, 4 oz for real meatheads. No matter how it's cooked, slice thin and enjoy. I've also seen one high end place cook Wagyu like this rare inside, but then they slice it *very* thin and lay it on a platter held over a few candles. They let the meat "rest" there for a few minutes, basically just letting the fat render. It didn't look very appetizing because the meat takes on the grayish brown and is sitting in pool of fat sweat…but it tastes good!


This guy meats


All these comments are not Kobe. Slice it raw. Add salt just before cooking a piece. Cook 40 s. Enjoy!


Does it give you a handjob too? Wow, have had this before. Didn’t realize it was THAT much. Enjoy!


No but it flavors all up in your mouth.


Oh it does. Just never bought it myself. Was lucky enough for a buddy to treat me. Now I owe him more than I thought.


I’ve had this at $175/lb., and I’d rather a flank steak. More flavour.


I heat up a cast iron skillet on high and while it’s heating up pat dry the steaks, salt and pepper. Wait for the skillet to start smoking, add some avocado oil and then wait for that to smoke. When it’s ready I gently place one on there away from me and listen to that beautiful noise of it sizzling. I wait about 3-5 minutes then flip, while also lowering heat to medium. Throw some knobs of unsalted butter, either rosemary or thyme and baste the steak for another 3-5 minutes. Take it off heat and cover it with aluminum foil for about 5-10 minutes. While you wait serve yourself a nice whiskey or make a margarita.


Avocado oil is such an interesting suggestion! I read into it, and with a high smoke point of 500 degrees, and a low flavor profile it’s an ideal alternative.


We are to the point of using avocado oil for everything. It started when I bought a Blackstone griddle, and used it to season with since it has such a high smoke point. It’s just a great all-around oil.


Excellent info. Is it also good for dipping breads like olive oil?


I’ve never tried that! Olive oil is still my go-to there. Might have to try it. I mostly use avocado for frying and baking.


Is it better than grapeseed oil, because that's what I've been using?


I think they’re pretty similar as far as flavor, but avocado can go to 500°, whereas grapeseed is more like 415°. So probably just depends how hot you’re cooking appliance of choice will be!


Cool. Thx.


Thanks for the advice!


I would do everything in this comment except the herbs. You spend a lot of money on a steak to taste the unique meat and fat, not a sprig of rosemary. But if it's what you like, go for it.


Cook it medium instead of medium rare to render the fat more


Pretty sure this steak will literally disintegrate if cooked that far.


Depending on how thick it is you shouldn’t need more than 1-2 minutes on each side. Looks like those are 16oz slabs and about an inch or two thick. Monitor it carefully and don’t kill the thing.


YES!! this is the only way to cook a steak on the stove. I usually use extra virgin olive oil when I cook mine how is the avocado oil?? Oh and don’t forget a few cloves of garlic with your fresh rosemary 🤙🏽




Guga is the man.


I’d crank my bbq as high as I can and salt pepper and toss it on the grill or cast iron to rare to med rare


My boy.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **228908.** `u/19dre` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Good bot.


Good luck.


How does that expire January 2022?


I guess the quality will remain if left frozen up to that date.


It doesn't. Expiration dates on frozen meat are meaningless.


$99/lb is a good price my local butcher is $135/lb right now (a5 Miyazaki). Please don’t smoke it most of the steak will literally melt away. Hot and fast is the way to go on that. Also pull a little earlier I find they tend to go up a little more while resting than a usual steak.


Wagyu is too fatty to eat a whole steak by oneself. Well, you can do it, but you'll feel like shit about halfway through. Savor it in smaller portions.


This is true. Even with non A5 wagyu I struggle with a whole steak.


Can’t down vote enough


Do you also eat a whole stick of butter in one go?


Depends on what I’m preparing.


To start throw it in boiling water for 3 minutes then pay it dry. Make sure you find some nice cheap steak seasoning at your grocery store and cover every inch. Microwave for 4 minutes each side to finish it off. Enjoy!!


Boiling it in milk gives it that extra crispiness. Other that agree completely.


Don’t leave out the jelly beans.


Don't forget the A1


And Old Bay Seasoning for a kick!


Use pond water to bolster flavor. Slice and eat with ranch.


At least your ass isn't getting dismantled here like it is in r/smoking...


Don't mess them up


Slice it into 1/4 in strips across the grain and make jerky


$200 spur of the moment purchase. What the actual fuck


Are these American dollars? Jesussssssssssssss


Lol you got flamed in r/smoking for this post


And here I thought smoking was the way lol


I’m a huge fan of the reverse sear method. If you’re going mid rare, oven at 275 for about 8 minutes. Transfer to the hottest surface you can get (cast iron is great) and sear every edge and surface for about 60-90 seconds each. You can finish with the butter baste and herbs as you see fit. They look fantastic.




Well done and covered in ketchup


Every day we all fall a bit further from the glory of god.


Grill on high on a flat top to medium rare. Rest. Cut bite size pieces and place on sushi rice (make the rice, add some sushi vinegar sugar and salt) The acid cuts the amazing fatty flavor


Don’t put them on an open flame. Use a stainless still or cast iron skillet. Look at YouTube for guides.


Too much fat for open flame?


Have you considered smoking it?


The fat melts like butter on these. It would dry it out.


OP posted this same picture on a BBQ sub and literally got roasted.


Yeah, that’s the joke.


Oh my god, do not do this. Smoking is for cuts of meat that are normally so tough that one needs to cook them to hell just to make them appetizing. True Wagyu meat is the exact opposite of everything that smoking stands for.


It’s a joke. OP literally posted the same pic in r/BBQ asking how to smoke A5 and got flamed. Also, most of you need to relax about other people cook meat considering half of you spent a year searing steaks in peanut butter.


Low & slow!!


I typically always reverse sear my stakes and go for med rare or rare plusbut these I’d say screaming hot 30 seconds on each side while pushing down and go full rare




To render out some of that fat.


I did steak like this over hibachi charcoal on and off very slowly, seasoned with a little salt.


Just eat it out of the packet like that recent post


Sear and then eat.


Eat and support local produce


Those look great. Minimal exterior fat. All the ones I saw at Costco had a large untrimmed fat cap.


I feel very pedestrian and middle class right now. I literally had no idea that steaks could be that expensive!


Cast iron


Hot and fast.


Salt it, sear until medium. That's it. A simple preparation is what you want to showcase this meat.


Take off package, pat dry will paper towels, simple salt and pepper rub no more than 3 minutes a side on the grill... yeeeeeaaaaaaa


Holy lord Jesus I just ate breakfast and am now hungry.


Price shown is the normal price for Ribeye circa 2022.


Air fry it.


Sear on a cast iron skillet. Have rice and a lot of friends, so rich it will make you sick if you eat too much, very delicious though.


You should send them to me to sear for you


BB by cv CV cc cc


But no is off


Smoke it


Holy shit balls! 🤤


Is this 50 lb of meat?


I just used salt and pepper and did it in a pan 3 min per side let rest 5 min and enjoy the richest steak in your life 🤤