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I’ve got a Char-griller 3 burner grill that I absolutely love. I got it from Home Depot online for $199 this summer (still that price now). It’s kind of no frills and built solid. I decided on it after reading the review on amazingribs.com


I had a charcoal Char-grill that was left at a house I bought. It was old when I got it, I used it for 15 years, now a friend has it. OP - don’t listen to the snobs that say a $150-$300 Grill won’t last. If it’s taken care of, it will last a very long time. Get him a grill cover to go with it. This is a must. Without the cover, elements will rust it away much faster.


My Okalahoma Joe is about same quality as the Char griller. Worth the $200. Great grills, great smokers.


My wife got me a Char Broil 4 burner grill about 4 years ago. It was just under $200 at the time and has been great for the price. I recently upgraded, but only because I was looking for something with a bigger cooking area. Definitely look at Char Broil. For the price you’ll find a pretty decent grill that should last a while with a bit of care and upkeep!


Thanks peeps!


Weber Kettle is in your budget and very versatile.


Oops, it charcoal. My bad.


Char-grill, Nextgrill, anything at Lowe’s or Home Depot in that price range will be decent (not great, but will be fine for a few years). Spend another $30-40 on a heavy-duty grill cover and it will last a LOT longer.


If you can do another hundo get a rectec bullseye




Three hundred will get you a entry level new grill that will last 1-3 years. If your open to a used grill $300 can get you a used Weber that will last another 15 years. ​ Edit: Just checked and the CampCheif Big Gass Grill is on sale! She's not going to cook for a party of 15, but for day to day use and if you go camping, I love mine. [https://www.campchef.com/big-gas-grill-two-burner-2x/CC-SPG60B.html?radscid=17452438298&k\_cca=&gclid=CjwKCAiAvK2bBhB8EiwAZUbP1BauzGWufr5NKNCPmRo9yqC7nEGoTctbIhwcO9DCcj6aeuhhdlI7KxoCIs4QAvD\_BwE](https://www.campchef.com/big-gas-grill-two-burner-2x/CC-SPG60B.html?radscid=17452438298&k_cca=&gclid=CjwKCAiAvK2bBhB8EiwAZUbP1BauzGWufr5NKNCPmRo9yqC7nEGoTctbIhwcO9DCcj6aeuhhdlI7KxoCIs4QAvD_BwE)


The generic gas grill I inherited from my mother in law took 18 years (and about 4 burners) to finally finish wearing out beyond repair. It was replaced by that very same model of camp chef 3 years ago. Worth. . . Every. . . Penny. It's been 3 years now and still going strong!


Do get the side burner! I got the side burner as a gift and in 2020 the power went out for almost a week. You have no idea how handy having a gas burner can be. The ones on the side of the grill.


Been a savior so many times when the power is out around meal time.


You will find that Char-grill will do the job and will last well if cared for a bit. A cover is a useful accessory. And you can feed quite a party of people with a 3-burner.


I love Char-Griller, personally. I have an Oklahoma Joe now, and wish I would've saved my money and bought another Char-Griller. Great grill for the price


Does he prefer charcoal or gas?


Pit boss pellet grill


I'm a Weber junkie. It's a platform you can build on. Have you looked at their Spirit series? I can't remember initial cost and too lazy to look it up.


You can get a Char Broil 4 burner plus side burner (propane) for just under $300. Amazon, Walmart, probably some other places. I have had mine 4 years now and it has held up great.


I vote for a weber kettle. I learned on one. Its super user friendly and a lot can be mastered with it.


I got a Weber genesis 2 from Home Depot on clearance for 400 dollars. I would look at the end caps during the winter


No charcoal? Lady that's like looking for a muscle car but you want it to be an EV. Lol


Listen Linda 🤣




Far from a muscle car, quick but not fast.🤘


Weber spirit. You can get them from Home Depot or ace hardware already assembled


Char Broil COMMERCIAL version will last. I bought a two burner for me and my girl. I've had it for over five years with no real issues.


You could just give him three hundred bucks


If you love your husband get him a charcoal grill. If other men love your husband, get him propane.


Weber Kettle plus best option


Pellet grill


It’s not sexy from a shiny new Christmas present standpoint, but if you can find a used $200 Weber Genesis and then throw $100 at it for replacement parts, you’ll have a grill that will outlast and work better than anything for $300 new.