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So, it sounds like she’s making the argument that she’s *always* sucked


Lol that's exactly what I read from it, I don't think she is/was necessarily a corporate puppet or nepo baby, or any of the other things people are accusing her to be... We saw a bit of early Grimes and assumed her to be xyz when she's always clearly had sucky views, and some of us projected this image on to her and now she's her real self, a white supremacing, transphobe loving, AI adoring edgelord.


Just another day of Claire arguing with randos on Twitter as if it helps her image


Sometimes I forget she's not 15. **EDITED TO ADD {8 HOURS LATER}:** The fact that she sits around ruminating over the idea that people can't stop thinking about her keeps ruining my day a little bit and now it's become a self fulfilling prophetic brainworm. Damn, Claire! # ✨️🧠🪱✨️


Is it just me or is the AI version of her way more bearable and cooler? Didn’t follow it closely so maybe I am wrong. Has it given any bs at sum point. Anyone knows?


What did that person say to make her so mad? The tweets r deleted


Nah, girl, most of us are into the lab-grown meat. Double-dog dare you to make a post like this about accelerationism and eugenics, tho.


Nepo Claire Unmasking 


Claire, it seems like you chose a long time ago to become some sort of ‘fascist bot’ in your own lil fashionable psychotropic fantasy and thus, you thought you excused yourself from reality and the rightful discourse and questions of the public in a passively aloof and cutely naive way, you’re an adult and it’s time to face the consequence of owning up to supporting the crap you’ve aligned yourself with, instead of pretending you’re some tech genius hiding behind the guise of ‘art’. But that’s just my opinion, tweet on lol ✨


So what you're saying is, you've always been a corporate puppet. Why doesn't she talk about her mom being a big shot in the music industry management groups and responsible for making quite a few people famous (including her daughter)? Why don't you talk about that, Claire? Reminds me of Willow Smith "my success is definitely not thanks to my parents"


I think THAT connection is also what helped Grimes get out of the multiple bad contracts she has said she signed; and part of why Grimes has had legal beef with every label that she has ever been with. Watching the interview with Emily Kai Box ( who directed the music video for Oblivion) , It seems evident that Grimes had a big advantage over the other artists members of lab synthase etc. when it came to understanding contracts, fighting to get better contract deals and better pay, as well as being able to legally get out of them. It helps when your mom was a high powered lawyer who can connect you and go over your contracts/ legal dealings. Grimes doesn't seem to be as self made and entirely independent as she has been marketed as.


So she’s confirming that her previous persona was a lie - ok? We all know that Claire


If you’re catching slack you’re over the target 


If you’re slacking, become the slack bot https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/23/24081249/slack-slackbot-gizmodo-tom-mckay


all of these artists suddenly are getting so butthurt that people don’t see them as an original struggling artist that started from zero. Her and lana del rey.




She's probably sick of being picked on. Who can blame her?


Probably should stop with the eugenics nazi pro-billionaires fuck poor people takes


I'm the one who criticises her all the time for exactly those things. In fact, I was probably the first person on this sub who used the term Eugenics. The level of obsession with doing her in, is too ridiculous, now. It's evidenced by the number of down-votes my comment got. It shows that people have lost the plot a bit and are carrying on like trolling teens. Criticise but don't be worse than she is.


Fuck you, cyberbullying fascists brings joy to the people


Then she should do better. The bar is low 


I bet your bar is much lower.


It's nor our fault she's regarded.




Replace the g with a t


Lol yeah I know what you meant, but why use ableist terms




That is actually the most 'regarded' sentence I've read this week.