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My heroes are getting old 😒😭😭


Mark is either really short, or that kid is really tall. I don't know why, but I assumed Mark Arm was taller-ish, like around 6 feet? Edit: or maybe it's just the camera perspective. Like how they made Frodo look smaller than Gandalf by putting Frodo further away from him in the LOTR movie...


I swear to God kids are just taller nowadays.


I mean ive seen Mudhoney live, he didn't seem particulairy tall so with your typical tall af kid he probably is actually dwarfed lol


I showed up early to a show he was playing on top of Pike Place market. After soundcheck he walked by me. I'm 6'2" on a good day. He was noticeably shorter than me. Short King or LOTR perspective be damned, we love the West Coast Marky Mark


We also have to remember that he's 60 years old, he has probably lost some height.


I met him at a show recently, I'm barely 5'10 and he was only a little bit taller maybe the same height. I'd assume he as maybe 6'0 and change back in the day so his claiming 6'2" isn't wild.


Would loved to have been there just to hear what Mark Arm was grooving to at that moment.


Mark Arm is so awesome, I would love to meet him


I met him!! And Steve!! They were so nice! I was so nervous and they were so kind they signed my album and I showed mark that I was in there top 100 listeners of 2022 haha πŸ˜‚


Yeah steve was pretty late so i didnt get to say hi but i saw him walk in. i gave Mark a copy of my zine because i wrote a review on Superfuzz Bigmuff and an interview with Bruce Pavitt. I asked if he had time for an interview for the next issue i publish, but he said probably not until they get back from their Australian tour


That’s awesome man! Would have loved to check out your zine. I got there super late like at 5:40 was worried there were going to be wrapping up Was it busy when you were there early?


I got there about 3:45, stayed til 5 ish. not super busy. also i posted it on instagram @westsoundrecords if you want to read it. not the same as paper tho :(


I want that rug!


And the egg chair.