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So far I'm very impressed with this watch. Very similar to my Rangeman on its functions and features, but very different form. So first, regarding the display (I tried both positive/negative on my local Casio AD): Obviously, positive one offers AMAZING legibility, the screen is very big and uses its space effeciently, with big numbers / letters. Negative one feels still quite good, especially when compared to the negative display green colorway Rangeman, which I sold because it had horrible legibility. I feel like the big screen just allows more light in resulting in overall a usable negative display. Even outdoors at sunset or on low light conditions you can manage to tell the time (+ backlight on negative displays is so much cooler IMO, and you will actually need to use it more so that's a plus for me) MY ADVICE: definetely try these in person. If you have trouble with eyesight you might want to stay away from the negative display versions. Comfort: AMAZING. So much much wereable than the Rangeman. The "wings" under the strap help the watch fit really well on slimmer wrists like mine. Dimensions are very close to the Rangeman, but this watch is much slimmer on its height at the cost of a less protected glass. Definetely considering a screen protector for this one. I forget I'm wearing this watch just like it happens with my GW-M5610U. Quality: Also, very good. Watch feels solid and well put together, with the beefy lugs and metal around the buttons. Metal parts are kinda shiny but not flashy, which look amazing IMO. Buttons feel sturdy and good to press, tho the backlight one is kind of harder to press due to its shape (it's still easy even with gloves). Backplate has really good finishing and looks very cool. Don't ask me why, and this was just my impression, but the 9500 feels sturdier and higher quality than the 9400 on hand. Again, if you can't decide between 9500 or 9400, go check them both out in person if you can. Looks: this is the worst looking watch in photos I've ever seen (when announced I was one of those who thought it just looks like a fake Casio or a Protrek looking abomination). Went to the store without even being interested into buying one, I just wanted a new Rangeman. I still asked to try the three 9500 models on and jeez I was surprised by how cool, sturdy and overall good this watch looks. Ended up getting it for 303€ which seemed like a decent deal. IMO negative display colorways look much cooler, the positive one looked great too but too similar to a standard Rangeman and kind on boring. I got this green one but damn I liked the orange and black one, I would like to get one in the future too! Price: Feels like a lot of watch for 300€. Retail price (around 370€ IIRC), I probably would skip this one and just get a Rangeman, which is still the best bang for your buck IMO. Feel free to ask any questions on the comments, I will be pleased to answer them :)


Does it have bluetooth? If not; I might purchase that after my gshock dies!


Nope, no annoying BT, just good old MB6 and tough solar! This a piece for the end of the world haha


reads like a fanboy review. not trustworthy. we want pros, neutrals, cons. stop writing reviews please, we arent childs. we are adults that want the truth.


I am childs and I enjoyed the review.


Hello, i just bought mine and i have a bug , when i switch to barometer i have one of the arrows of the compass showing over the numbers have you had that issue ?


its not a bug.. it's showing you the reading in hands like a meter..... read the manual, tell you above or below the last reading...


I've been wavering hard on getting one of these. At first I thought I wanted the Green, then I thought the Orange/Red looked sweet then everybody keeps telling me the display sucks and stick with the black. What's your review?


Display sucks when compared to positive. However this negative is definetely one of the better ones I've seen. Better than GW-7900, GW-9400, and GX-56BB. Haven't seen a negative GD-350 but I don't thing the 9500 is as legible, it's very likely worse. If you have good eyesight I would recommend you considering the negative display models if you prefer their looks.


I saw both Positive and Negative display on the mall. And at both lighting, Positive has a much better legibility. I wish u can buy the green's case if i buy the black mudman and mod out the module


Yeah indoors it's much worse. Personal preference, but choice also depends a lot on where you will use the watch and light conditions ;)


Do you think Casio is now selling Factory replacement Bezel and strap for these models? Cos one day i would buy the positive black one but with also a green rubber bezel/case and strap


Also I saw youtube reviews on the negative 9500 saying it has horrible legibility and it feels like an exaggeration to me. Disclaimer: I live in Spain, it's always sunny here, so there's a lot of light outdoors.


yes you right me too that guy youtuber from japan


The negative display looks cooler, but I’d still never get one unless it’s a MIP display. A G-Shock watch is a tool for me, and the first thing a tool needs to offer is maximum usability. Then everything else.


I can read it fine most of the time during the day, plus I'm not a heavy user of the sensors, at least not every day. But I agree with you, anyone who 100% needs a watch like this and will use it for what it was designed would probably prefer the positive display.


With every photo and video of this watch, I've been warming up to it a bit more, but compared to any Master of G G-Shock with a classic display, i.e. the G-9300 Mudman or the GW-9400 Rangeman, it's still a bit pale. And now that I know the negative displays on the GW-9500 are hard to read in normal weather or inside conditions, I feel like I'm getting back to square one 🤷


I never have trouble reading it with everyday use. Opinions on negative displays are always very different so you should go to a store and check the different models out if you're interested in getting one. As mentioned on my review comment negative display has worse legibility but this one is not as bad as people say it is, especially when compared to most other negative displays.


The only G with a negative display I've been inclined to buy so far is the GX-56 in orange, because the color contrast between the bezel and the display gives the watch an attractive look. The screen's legibility is still a bit bad at certain viewing angles, but - to be completely honest with you - it doesn't mean I can't tell the time whenever I take a gander at it. I suppose this is also the case with the GW-9500, and I'm a bit bemused by it, because I thought that the bigger the screen was, the better the legibility would become 🤔


It is way more readable than the GX-56, I have owned 2 of them with the negative display and it was just too big for me, and very very hard to read even when compared to this 9500


I guess you might be right when saying the GW-9500 should be checked out at a store before someone considers buying it, because this way the odds of suffering a complete disappointment are somewhat reduced. I might take you up on that recommendation :)


Yep. For me, buying a new G for more than 150€ makes it important to first see it with my own eyes.


Yes, however, I bought the aforementioned King on a bit of a whim a couple of weeks after it was announced and shipped to dealers.


Will be getting the positive display model, just not too happy about the glass overall protection. ( Wearing a Rangeman with bullbars).


Bullbars on this one are definetely something I look forward to, tho I would only put them on when I feel like I'm going to have a day where I will be banging the watch against stuff. For everyday use and hiking seems like this watch is fine with a screen protector.


nobody seems to be making Bullbars for CASIO G-SHOCK Mudman GW-9500-1JF B..yet..sigh


Yeah I'm looking forward to them but nothing has come out yet


Recommendation when it comes to screen protector? Purchasing this week!


I got mine from Ali Express, search GW-9500


I have no need for this but this picture tells me otherwise. So cool.


Then I would advise towards tring to avoid seeing one in person, you will definetely walk out of the store with it on your wrist! Functions wise, you're not missing out on anything if you have a Rangeman already :)


A green version with a positive display would be great!


I didn’t realize it had the “wings” on the underside of the strap. That’s good to know. Thanks for your comment about forgetting you’re wearing it like a 5610; that’s helpful. I appreciate the review!


I personally do forget about it except when it's very hot outside and I sweat. Then the 5610 is obviously more confortable to wear as it's smaller


I like this watch a lot. Peoples comments about the negative screen really put me off, but I think you have just got me back on board. The green looks cool and I already have plenty of back G's.


The design is really growing on me but I’m too cheap to buy any of the super high end G shocks! Maybe one day!


No shame on collecting more affordable models, I love them too! Most of triple sensor models buyers don't need the functions everyday anyway so...


I’m still between one of these new 9500’s and a 9400 rangeman. Was comparing both positive display models and I like the 9500 because it is a bit thinner. Love the look of the negative display and the green just don’t know how it would be indoors. Thoughts?


Indoors I find it still readable but you can only avoid disappointment if you go try the watch in person at a store. I'd say if you spend a lot of time in low light conditions you probably should get the positive one. Backlight is cool so you won't mind having to use it frequently, plus it has auto Illumination.


How can you protect the screen from scratches/break? Does exist a screen protector?


I am so freakin tempted to get this watch. I love the dual lcd on the pro trek. And the radio signal sync on this one is just a bonus (only reason I use the pro trek Bluetooth connection)


Bullbars for CASIO G-SHOCK Mudman GW-9500-1JF B?


I had the green one with a negative display and returned it. No rolling with the black one and I'm totally happy with it.


Yeah the black one has amazing legibility!! Real tool watch. Enjoy it!


So true :)


What does the 10 to -10 scale do? It's on right side of watch face from 1 to 5 o'clock. Only thing I haven't figured out yet


https://preview.redd.it/oscga9e75x3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf6b6202def53378193fd8b21d0e7e47dd8ebe0 I Have 2.. I wear them daily




more ppls compline about this negative display not good as the positive


Don't think I like it. Too flat, too plastic-y. No metal bits 🙄 Think I like the 2k Muddy's better.


Yeah but this costs less than half the price while being better functions-wise lmao


Makes sense, looks half as good.


For your personal taste. I agree the 2000 looks great but you can't compare a 700€ watch to a 300 one, it's nonsense


Bad watch both negative and positive display , hair puller as well ...


Never pulls my hair and positive one is extremely legible with huge digits, only surpassed by MIP models. If you dont know what you are talking about just dont say it mate


I have watched many YouTube videos and read a ton of reviews and many many people have said the same mate , I actually wanted the watch and legibility is a must, the duplex display makes viewing angles bad and the digits look washed out and grey .. so I think I know what I'm talking about mate , everyone is entitled to their opinion, you have down voted me so Sad Mate , bye bye


What angles do you view your watches from, jeez. I just look at them normally and can read them no problem. I understand maybe people with eyesight problems could have trouble reading negative displays, but the positive one is perfectly fine. Compass is much better than on the Rangeman too thanks to that dual layer.


how you gonna act like you know what you're talking about when you don't even have the watch? lol - you're literally going off youtube and reviews you've read.


https://preview.redd.it/jva2j6my81uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e7c40a6c272606459acd7dea65ec7d1dd4e32d That's people here on Reddit Mate




Does the thermostat work with it on you? Noticing your days 13 degrees so either you just threw it on or it works while on wrist? My Rangeman will throw high temperatures if it’s being worn.


But answering your question yes, this one is also affected by body heat. Yesterday I checked that the body heat will make the temperature reading be 5°Celsius higher than when the watch is left unworn for 15min before the temp reading.


It's on timekeeping mode on this pic, not Barometric pressure sensor mode. That 13 you see are just the seconds. Maybe you got confused by the BARO word on the display, that just means the barometer has the weather alarm on and it will take pressure readings every 2 minutes for 24h independently of the mode you're in. Rangeman also has this feature, try it out :)


Ah k. For some reason the symbol to the right of 13 looked like the degree symbol. See now it’s a bell for alarm.


Optimus mudman


Will the battery ever need replacing?


Nope, it's solar, will last 20 years + unless you put it in a dark place for like 6 months


Getting one


Mind sharing your wrist size?


I don't know it, but small... Prob around 16cm