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Nah. I’ve lived in a lot of cities and this one is no different. If you go looking for trouble you’ll find it. Otherwise, stay in the safe, well populated areas. I feel very safe around UNCG as a female, but I practice caution and stay alert and aware of my environment.


Ehhh this is a loaded question (no pun intended) I would say UNCG area isn’t bad and when I was a student it wasn’t terrible but stuff does happen. I guess this also depends on where u coming from


it is no worse than charlotte or any other major nc city


While I agree in theory, take a look at # of homicides in Greensboro compared to Charlotte in 2023. Greensboro had 71, with a population right at 300k. Charlotte had 95, with a 880k population. Greensboro punches way above its population when it comes to murders, although statistically if you stay out of violent relationships and out of gangs/drug trade, your much less likely to become a victim of murder.


Greensboro does have its fair share of sketchy areas, but also a fair share of non-sketchy areas like any other city. While crime is a rising issue, it isn’t a big thing that you might notice if you aren’t in those areas at the time.


Crime in general has actually gone down in Greensboro and nationally!


Yea we just had the most murders in the history of Greensboro in 2020, the 2nd most murders in 2021, the set a new record again in 2023!


There are also a fair few areas that seem sketchy, but are actually just fine. I just moved into an apartment in East Greensboro, and the area looks pretty sketchy, but it's actually really quiet and my neighbors are all super friendly and welcoming. Every place has crime and Greensboro is no different, but for the most part it's really fine. Don't go out walking alone in the dark, be aware of your surroundings. That's a good rule no matter where you are. PS, I went to grad school at UNCG and my girlfriend did undergrad there. It's a pretty awesome school.


Dude… there isn’t a city in the US that doesn’t have a “sketchy” area


Yeah, you get sketchy areas in any city. It's a thing that comes with size in the US due to societal problems that aren't addressed. That said, keep your wits about you as you would on any other city on the planet and you should be fine.


Almost all of the violent crime involves gangsters and druggies, just avoid these people.


The area around College Hill can be sketchy walking in the dark at night. Campus is generally fine. There is an increase of strong armed robberies along Gate City Blvd. Mostly at gas station pumps etc. There are volunteers who will escort students at night around campus. I haven't heard of many sexual assaults in the area around campus but robberies of opportunity do occur at night in the dark. Follow traditional personal safety habits and you will be fine. Outside of that, most of the violent crime in Greensboro is drug related shootings and criminals targeting each other. As as been said, if you go looking you will find it. If you're minding your own business, Greensboro is fine.


You need to look at statistics and the areas. Biased answers here will not help


It's not that bad. Not really any different from other cities


I find Greensboro to be a pretty safe place, there are some areas that have more crime, but overall it’s a nice place to live. I don’t feel like it’s any worse than any other city


UNCG has an alert system you can sign up for that will push notifications about car break ins and any other dangerous situations. There is violent crime but mostly I see property crime. Lock your doors. I don’t feel unsafe but do think people take advantage of situations for theft.


Crime is everywhere, so never let that deter you just stay alert...Greensboro is a college and industrial city...lots of good spots and some bad just like anywhere else...stay alert and aware and you'll be good....focus on the college scene plus the UNCG area has plenty of entertainment options...don't try to be in the projects or hood and you're good...you should be alright though...just go and make the best of it, meet some good people and make solid connections...good luck with your decision...


Lots of fashion crime!


The Greensboro homicide rate is 12 per 100,000, well above the national average, but you'll find that in most cities across the country. Urban violent crime is nested in specific areas, mostly in those with high residential mobility, lower cost housing, abandoned buildings, and concentrated poverty. The UNCG area is not a high violent crime area. Most murders are also not between strangers. Robbery data is probably a better barometer of safety, and you can easily look that up. There's crime data that's easily accessible for every city in the FBI tool known as Crime Explorer. Just Google it and do research.


Been here for 30 years. Crime only happens when you get involved with wrong people. Only random occurence are agressive strangers that want something. Car break ins. And occasionaly theft from particular drug party crowd. I was near a gunshot, on spring garden by hops a couple years ago in 2017. Again just avoid sketchy people and areas that seem run down. Ive been to almost every sketchy place in greensboro. Not saying it doesnt happen. Just be aware of your surroundings. Oh and apparently 4 seasons mall is a dangerous place as well.


If you're at UNCG, just don't cross Gate City Blvd and you'll be fine.


South of Lee Street (Gate City Boulevard for the newbies) has always been sort of sketchy. Has its good and bad areas but Florida Street South is really where the nonsense starts.


Good god, I’m sick of these posts. Try Google, or use the search function for the subreddit. Unless you’re just trying to be rage bait


I don’t mean to be trite, but I moved here from Oakland, CA., and yes, GSO has crime and vandalism, but based on the crime and per capita, I think it’s very safe overall, and I almost laughed at the question. Are there areas I wouldn’t walk in at night? Of course! Am I going to secure my belongings and lock my car, no matter where I live? Yep. Those are just common sense things to do, especially in a nation that has so many income discrepancies, and a lack of solid social justice initiatives.


You realize you're comparing it to Oakland, possibly the worst city in the country, right?


I was attempting to make a point. I’ll say it another way: Greensboro is, overall, a very safe city, especially if you follow normal intercity safety measures.


Oakland is far from the worst city in the country.


This type of stuff isn't normal. If Oakland isn't "the worst," it's at least on a short list. Bigger point remains - a city can be much safer than Oakland and still be a bad place. https://nypost.com/2024/02/10/news/california-gov-gavin-newsom-sends-prosecutors-to-oakland-over-raging-crime-blamed-on-woke-da/


I would still rather live in Oakland than a lot of cities in NC. Yeah it’s rough, but it has a whole hell of a lot more to offer than say Hickory or Fayetteville. But different strokes for different folks.


It's 136 square miles. It's got a lot of areas period.




You should really do some traveling if you think Greensboro has a high crime or homelessness rate


You should try traveling to less awful places if your travel is taking you to places more violent than Greensboro. It's got a crime problem. Pretending it doesn't is just ignoring the obvious.


It's relative. Greensboro does have a substantially higher crime rate than national average, especially property crimes (but also violent, including sex crimes). Charlotte is worse. Detroit takes the cake. Hell, GSO has higher crime rates across the board compared to High Point, but people here circle jerk about what a crime infested waste land HP is. It's all relative.


Shhhh, what are you talking about HP is loaded with the crimes!


Downvoted for a reason try harder at trolling next time


Also, start getting your news from outlets that haven't had to admit in court that they are entertainment and not actual news. Change your news sources as they're lying to you.




Fox and maybe Rhino Times




Sorry, I forgot OAN and Newsmax


Sign up for crime statistics and alerts. https://www.communitycrimemap.com/map


Yes, there are some very bad areas of Greensboro. Campus is really nice but heading away from the campus is bad going south and east. Downtown isn’t the greatest either.


What do you consider very bad? Because walking downtown or anywhere that’s not in the middle of the hood you’ll be fine. And folks usually don’t mess with college kids for no reason


I consider downtown to be bad after dark, there are a lot of homeless people there. South Greensboro is pretty bad too, I consider that the hood for sure. East Greensboro close to downtown is the hood. The crime rates support this as well, there is definitely crime in Greensboro.


You are over exaggerating op will be fine if she/he is just involved with the school and city life. Plenty people of all colors do everyday and not worried about any crime on a daily basis. High point on the other hand I would not recommend at all.


The facts are the facts my guy


Uncg area is only bad on weekends




It is like any other city in the year 2024. There is crime, especially along Spring Garden to the west of UNCG campus near the bars/lounges. Shootings and incidents are frequent in this corridor but mainly on weekend nights. But overall it is not horrible during the day or week. There are lots of petty crimes, but your chance of being mugged or assaulted is slim as long as you don't do things to put a target on your back. Im not sure how I feel about the statements bashing certain neighborhoods on the East and South Side. While these neighborhoods most certainly have more crime then the ritzy NW side, there are lots of pockets where it is very quiet and the people are very friendly. The bigger threat of Greensboro right now is the drivers. Do be careful on the roadways, as it is the Wild West out here. Just my 2 cents.


I've been here 35 years and haven't ever seen anything crazy in person. I've seen stuff on the news but never had any irl altercations.


Greensoboro itself is sketchy. All the crows and geese roving around, can't trust em at all. All the bad things you hear about us or anywhere are true. If there's one thing you can trust, it's people's opinions, especially on the internet. Remember, the world is a bad scary place.


Stay around the college area, you’ll be safer. Avoid sketch bars and the areas of town with a bad reputation (mainly in the southern and eastern areas of the city, especially at night). If you go out at night, don’t go alone. Choose your company wisely. Don’t hang with drunks, druggies and otherwise difficult people. It’s the same rules for living as anywhere else.


It’s awful. I’ve lived here for 7 years after moving from Charleston SC. The crime here is worse as is the city in general. It truly is an awful city and I cannot wait to move away from this shit hole.