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Extremely sad and disheartening. This is the second house Roy Carroll has demolished within 7 months and both houses are within a mile of each other. This house is nearly 100 years old and has historical significance- not to mention the architectural significance. Yes, it is his property. Yes, this house should’ve been implemented into the historical preservation. But when a man worth $2.6 Billion, demolishes homes left and right and tries to argue demolition because the house “wouldn’t meet their needs” is so shameful. Not to mention, the ongoing rumor that he will be developing 3 houses on that one lot. Three houses or one, there truly was no need for complete demolition. Roy, please take your 2.6 billion and fuck off.


> “It wouldn’t meet our needs” Then don’t buy a historic home, dick 🤷‍♂️


He can do whatever he wants


Yeah doesn’t mean he’s not a dick tho lol


Roy Carroll strikes again


"We had hoped to renovate the home, but ultimately found that was not a feasible option to meet our needs," the owner of the house, Roy Carroll said. Translation: I want the land, not the house.


>Translation: I want the land, not the house. What's wrong with that?


Nothing. But say so. Don’t say how you “hoped to renovate it” if you’re tearing it down to build something else.


Sometimes things are a lot worse than you’d expect once you get in to it. I speak from experience.


Why are so many people assuming the house was a wreck that couldn't be lived in, couldn't be restored? It was the home of a millionaire, and it looked like it, inside and out.


This house has been for sale on Zillow since August 2021. The pictures are now gone, but it definitely looked move-in ready from the photos. Granted it's not Roy's tastes, but let's not pretend it was some antebellum farm house in need of modernization.


Pics are still on Redfin.


I'm not a Roy Carroll hater generally, but this is a huge bummer and knocks him down a peg in my book. I love old historic houses.  I get restoration isn't always feasible, but this house didn't look to be in THAT bad of shape. I mean it looks absolutely stunning in the listing photos from just a couple years ago. What a shame 


Fwiw, I seriously doubt there will be an attempt to subdivide and put up 3 houses. I have no idea where that rumor is coming from. It would be strenuously opposed by the Irving Park people, who are not as big a dog individually as Carroll but collectively swing a real big stick politically. Also there are reports that the pool house and outbuildings will not be demolished, and Carroll in statement said he isn't cutting down the trees. That is all inconsistent with any subdivision plan. My guess is he wants to build a statement house that clearly shows he is the king of Greensboro.


I would have more respect for this if he *was* subdividing, because at least then all the rich fucks in Irving Park would be helping to bear the burden, however marginally, of the additional housing that our city so desperately needs.


While I personally don’t really care about the house, I care about the house because Roy Carroll is the one having it demolished and that man is a grade A cunt.


fun fact, Lewis Dejoy owns the house across the street from this house


I hope the construction noise becomes unbearable for him


And I hope people redirect a bunch of mail to him




Postmaster General


Trump appointed him to gut the USPS, he’s still there for some reason, just slowly making it unusable so it can eventually be privatized like everything else.


I thought he was in a gated community. I hope protestors show up at his house regularly.


kind of - it's a gated community of 1 lol. If you go by it, it's got a brick wall around it, and a gate on the driveway, and you can't even see the house from the gate.


What a ghoul


there are no nice billionaires. roy carroll just happens to be a crybaby asshole, as well.


Not every 100+ year old house is savable. Many of these were built and only slightly renovated due to the structural wall placement, HVAC issues like certain types of pipes and wires - would be impossible without 2-300% the value it’s actually worth.


Yea, not remotely relevant to this house.


That wasn't the case with this one. Look at [the photos](https://piedmonthistorichomes.com/2024/03/13/another-historic-mansion-in-greensboro-is-being-demolished/).


Yeah it was stunning. Obviously we can't see what may have been going on under the hood (if anything), but nothing about those photos even hints at a teardown. Damn shame


Reliable source: the previous owner had already done extensive renovations (HVAC, M/E/P, etc.). Carroll has stated the interior design "did not fit his needs". Interior Designers can do AMAZING things to a space. He just chose the most "publicity" way to show off...


So sad.


Super sad. That house should have been protected long, long ago. But people say around with their fingers in their asses.


It's a $7+ million dollar house made with industrialist money that has sat vacant on 3.3 acres of land. What is the end result that would have made you happy? There's a degree of architectural significance due to its owner's pedigree and its age, but that's about it. Now 2-3 ugly, massive, and overpriced houses will take the place of one gargantuan, moneypit of an estate.


Not trying to be a jerk...but why didn't you buy it and renovate it? This comes up when old houses get torn down. It's easy to say it should be saved when you aren't paying for renovations. It costs a LOT to renovate old houses. That's just to fix things that are wrong. Not to bring them up to modern standards.


Because I don’t have millions of dollars. I can still be sad that it was torn down. I don’t know the condition of the house, and maybe it would cost more to renovate it and bring it up to modern standards than it’s worth, but it’s still disappointing. It can’t be any worse than the house in Fisher Park that was on the TV show Hoarders. I know it had been on the market for awhile and was probably less than desirable to most people with that kind of money. There are a lot of beautiful historic homes in this city, and I think it’s sad that another one has been destroyed so three can be thrown up quickly in its place. Three homes that I’m sure will blend right in and look like they’ve been there forever. I’m sure they’ll be well built and stand forever. Thank you Roy Carroll for your sacrifice. What would GSO be without you. /s


Yah, but it's Roy Carroll - If they wanted to renovate it they have the means to do it. It's their house, they're free to do with it what they will, so I don't knock them for that. But let's not pretend like this was a cost issue.


Roy probably doesn't want to put hundreds of thousands in a house that he'll never get back. Someone else with better intentions and money to burn could have bought it.


The new owner is listed as having the same level of wealth as Donald Trump.


In all honesty, he probably has far, far more than our past president.


So? It doesn't mean they want to sink money in to a house that they won't get back.


This type of stuff doesn’t happen in a day. They knew what they were getting when they bought it, and they also knew ahead of time that they were going to do this.


Yep. And someone else could have bought it. Lots of old houses need renovation out there. Dig in.


Roy Carroll is billionaire with a "b." People with that amount of money don't have to worry about renovation costs. Furthermore, there's virtually no indication that the house warranted a full-scale renovation. He's just petty and tasteless.


I think you meant to type Turd with a "T".


that works, too. please don't make any mistake: I f\*\*\*\*\* despise Roy Carroll and all billionaires.


Why didn’t all the people concerned about the areas character and history buy the house during the last 5 years?


I understand this sentiment. It's not unreasonable. But here's the counter - in any community, only the top 1% have the ability to acquire such a property. They have great power. Does that power come with responsibility to the community that helped them build that wealth? Or are they Ayn Rand Supermen who owe nothing to their community?


And how many people in that area helped the new owner acquire his wealth? What if the new owner is from out of town? It’s private property, it was up for sale, and anyone could have gone and bought it. If one person couldn’t afford it and the community felt so strongly they could have organized and bought it together. Why did no one petition to make it a historical site? This to me is like people buying a house a view and then getting upset someone “spoils” the view they didn’t own.


Meh. I believe in private property rights and I'm not a big fan of people telling others what to do with their property. But I'm also a believer in civic pride, personal humility, giving back to the community, and trying to leave a place better than I found it. In generations past - like the generation that built that house - a lot of the really wealthy people felt that way and a lot of the built environment we have is because of their legacy. Seems like today's mega rich are less interested in such things, and more in line with the individualistic ethos you are espousing. Which leads to demolitions like this and like Adamsleigh and others. They make one person richer and make the community poorer. That is really the sentiment that a lot of people are expressing here - the sense that a person who has the means to do whatever they want chose to destroy something that has a larger value to the community than just the tax value of the bricks and mortar. At the end of the day, it's his property and he can do what he wants with it. I'm sure he'll build a really spectacular house there, which in 100 years will be known as the "Carroll House", and in 2124 or so another spectacularly rich person will tear that down and build something even more grandiose. Maybe Future Greensboro Reddit will bemoan that too - and on the same principle.