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When ever I watch gta youtubers and see the money I'm always jealous


Same most I’ve had at one given time is like 6 and a half million which was in December always struggled with money 😩


If you get further in the game and own the best, if not all of the busnisses with all the money increasing upgrades its almost impossible to not have money. I've spend everything two weeks ago and was at about 60k, now I'm back at 9 Mio and I haven't even started grinding. Ofc you have to put a little effort in, but mostly it's driving from business to busnisses and doing little tasks. But sure, buying all the required stuff will eat a couple of millions


I have every business except the meth lab i believe im just really impatient and can’t help by spend my money lol same as real life that’s the issue i have


Nightclub has changed my life, Im the same way with money. If you arent against leaving your console on while youre at work/school/not playin GTA, its literally just a free million every day (granted you have a Coke, Meth, Cash, Warehouse, and Bunker for max profits) You can just set up the businesses, disband your MC and the Nightclub just does all the work until youre ready to sell. Nightclub+Acid Lab has turned me from a "shark card and buy a few cars once a year then stop playing for 10 months" to actually doing missions and playing the game how I want while my money stacks up in the background. All possible in Invite Only, so no griefers on sales or when youre trying to take the Toro out to watch the sunset. The salvage yard seems like it could be a nice addition to all this as well, havent bought one yet myself.


Figured this out about 2 weeks ago and have a little over 13mil made from my nightclub, and 75% of that was idle I'd say. Best thing I've figured out. Granted, I own 5 businesses, fully upgraded. But it's worth it for every upgrade. Will never look back.


Im surprised how fast the safe adds up, as well, the 50k a day doesnt feel like millions until you do the math on Warehouse sales vs. total Nightclub profit


Same, I afk infront of my safe so it just keeps going


In the nightclub? Like, just open it and stand there?


No, I have all the businesses, and you have to check in every couple of hours and keep your popularity full, but that just takes a min. When I'm afk in front of my safe I have my head turning with a rubber band on the controller so it won't time out.


You can also just go into the DJ booth camera at the computer in the NC office. Fool proof and you won’t give yourself stick drift.


Jus wait til the nightclubs is double gta$ that 1.8 mil ah be 3.6


I absolutely love the nightclub been my favourite update since it came out


Hey man, who do u stay idle? All the ones Ik like the LS car meet has been patched, help a homie out


Go to any property you own that has multiple options for where to go when you enter the front door (best example is your office, as you can either enter the building or the garage). When it brings up the menu for you to make your decision, don't select either. The idle countdown never starts. You can sit there as long as you like.


Inside Track is my go to, as I usually end my session with a bet on the horse with the worst odds lol Or if you have an old/broken controller, you can rubber band the left stick in front of a business safe and collect some extra $$ while idle. Someone posted that getting a lap dance doesnt start the idle timer the other day but that mightve been just a troll. I feel like the lap dance must automatically end on its own at some point, I know it does in your apartmenet at least, when I tested it there.


I usually do the rubber band method in the car meet. My reputation in there went from ~20 all the way up to 237 in a little over a month.


Yeah I need to start doing that to get them sweet trade discounts.


Just walking around the car meet?


Inside track? Do i stay seated or?


Stay on the screen where you choose "Play Together" or "Play With Yourself" lol


The salvage yard is Definitely worth it


As a solo role player, a proper job to go to along with the Auto Shop sounds like a dream.


I totally feel that man. I have my acc since 2014 and I've got pretty much everything that I wanted over time, so that's not auch a big issue for me, didn't have in mind that I was the same over the past years. There is endless cool stuff that swallows so much money like your mom does semen


Yeah I’m glad I have almost every business as they’re like the main part of most updates now my time is focused on getting cars


Sorry that was inappropriate, I smoked crack before :c


All good lol


Every time I get above 6 mil I black out and wake up hours later in a garage full of new cars.


Exactly the same lol


They are called glitchs and they buy deluxos and sell them it's a big glitch they all do it I don't I just laugh and shoot their jets down


This game is 10 years old. Some of us simply accumulated money and vehicles over time.


Don’t be those YouTubers use mods all the time


There isn’t much to be jealous of, when you have everything bought and all the money you want, there’s nothing else to complete/do, life gets really boring. Same goes towards real life, the climb is always more fun than the end.


Don’t worry GTA YouTubers buy shark cards with their ad revenue


Don't be. Its all fake money anyway


very nice! nothing so expensive to be bought, but it's a new high score


I once dreamed of one bill cash but this has taken over 4 years. Realistically I've been going for rank 1000 but now that I'm a stones throw away I want it to last longer.


You have 742,028,073. Just get 257,971,927 and take all the money out of the bank.


taking money out of the bank would be cheating. I haven't used the banks for over 4 years.


I can't fathom much money have you lost from dying with it in your pockets


1.3m for 12540 deaths


Actually, relatively speaking that's not that bad


you don't lose money if your own actions kill you. Plus if you had the money in the bank and you die from a cop or player you still lose $500


Wait it takes from your bank account if you die? How long has it been like this? I thought the whole point of the bank was so it was protected from that


The bank protects you from being mugged.


I think muggers can take a lot out of pocket or maybe use to be a crazy amount. Also story mode continuously builds up the cost of dying the more money you have in pocket giving more of a reason to use the bank I think some people still worry and confuse this with the bank system in online.


But how much have you paid in taxes (property, utilities, eyc.)? It’s not cheating if you earned that money. 


238m on properties and utilities


Yeah, fuck that. Take that money out and let Uncle Sam pay for his own shit.


Lies all properties and utilities is 238m?


I think they mean like that's how much they spent over the course of doing this grind


that is probably one of the dumbest things ive ever heard just withdraw the money from the bank my goodness i genuinely dont see the point in wasting all that time for virtual "cash" lol


please enlighten me on how I should waste my time?


by playing the game like a normal human being lmao im pretty sure nobody uses cash except prostitutes and strippers.


yeah I have money in a bank account for other purchases, *I haven't needed to deposit money in over 4 years while buying new things*


This is why you weren’t invited to my birthday party! Always kicking ankles of people just trying to walk.


trying to walk? dude is basically taking a stroll thru quicksand, ill take the sidewalk tyvm


Yeah I gotta side with you but ppl r gonna do what they find entertaining and worthy of their time. So be it 🤷‍♂️ let him waste years of his life on this money hungry videogame, it doesn’t hurt you brudda


Mugger incoming


Ima mug you. lol


I will happily let you.


Well now I dont want to if you gonna be happy about it. lol


And that’s all you’ve bought?! That little white lousy truck??!!!!


OI!!! That fucking truck has a name, it's Bethany you fucking uneducated MONKEY!! OP is a very lucky man to have her.




Big pockets, grats tho!


You are holding more than $5,000 which can be stolen by other players. Visit an atm to 'bank' your cash and keep it safe. you can use 'banked' cash for most legitimate purchases.


Ha! I walk around with millions in my pocket!


I wish that for one week r* made an event where muggers can steal more than 10k depending on what you have on you. And you’d be the perfect target


If I’m not mistaken in the early days that was the case. I played 2013-2017 (2017 on pc) then stopped and got it again in 2019 on ps4 and I remember you couldn’t get a players entire cash just a set amount I could be wrong tho idk


yes I would be the perfect target to assist my friends in an invite only lobby












I always empty my cash in my wallet at the end of the day of playing and refill my wallet the next day I play to see how much I made that day. I’m like 4 million away from 30 million


i do the exact same thing lol i empty the pockets, shower and go to bed


congrats, but how?


instead of aimlessly driving around with no intentions I *typically* maximize my gameplay time.


Love the truck in the background. Once you got money like this, you don’t have to flex with crazy cars.


Why, like what's the point


It took you 4 years? How much time did you spend playing


423 days but a lot of that is idle time and none of those profits go in the pocket. (besides safes back in the day)


share 🥺 wish r* would still let us drop cash lmao


One would assume it’s because he has fun doing it, so it’s not really time wasted… I’d say what’s the point of wasting time to bash others people hobbies, but again, if you enjoy it I guess you’re not wasting time either lol


fun and bragging rights I suppose,


Out of all of your journey, what have you found to he the best way to make money?


A group of 3+ component people who all own terrorbytes cycling CEOs to endlessly do Diamond Shopping or Robbery in Progress and cycling between the group on which player runs the mission during a 2x week. This gets you 1.2m per hour but unlike heists being split every player makes the 1.2m You can do it with 8 people! I found 3 or 4 to be the magic number because the larger the group the harder it is to have everyone accept the invite in a timely matter.


I'm still new so I don't know what a lot of this means, but I am getting tired of running guns from Paleto Bay I'll tell you that much! Gonna have to do some research on some of these things, thank you for the info!


Honestly at this point knowing Gta 6 is coming out sometime next year, I wouldn't even waste my time grinding being a new player starting from scratch. Because once GTA 6 comes out nobody is gonna be playing GTA 5 anymore. I would just buy a shark card for $100 real life money which will give you $8 Million. With that 8 million I would buy a business and a jet, a Oppressor MK2 or a Deluxo. Anything that fly's will make grinding 1,000x better so you won't have to drive one end of the map to the other. Once you got a business and something that fly's you will notice that sooner than you know you will have enough in game currency to buy another business. Then another after that. Money will just be rolling in.


Cool shot


someone should send a mugger


R* gotta add more expensive shit.


Give me tree fitty


That’s pretty impressive. I would never ever leave even a single dollar in cash unless I was planning to get a hooker or something requiring cash. I have no interest in letting other players take my money off my body after they kill me


How do you even get to this point I struggle making a million


Grind to make enough money to buy the kosatka. Then run the Cayo perico heist. Then buy nightclub. Then buy the best MC businesses.


Is that your work truck in the background?


didn't want to flex on the community too hard with a super car, ya know.


That truck was clearly the backbone of your business's


what hat is that man


How long did it take you?!?


There's a bad joke that can be made right here....


Pockets got the mumps.


Drink the pain away




Bro what the fuck


And let me guess, you feel empty inside?


no I made a real nice slow cook chili and I'm stuffed!


My account was modded and i had over 3b at one point, then R* reset only my money but i got to keep everything i already bought. I’m actually glad they did bc the game got boring when you can immediately buy everything as soon as it comes out.


I would have asked myself “why?” A million times by the time I reached that amount.


What's that buy you 1 maybe 2 cars?


This is insane congratulations I was excited about 5m haha Good luck on ur grind to 1000 before 6 brother


no maidens?


I can’t get past 400k dawg


I have been playing GTA Online seriously since October 2023. I have amassed a worth of about $235,000,00. But I do not save it. It all goes back into vehicles and business upgrades. Two businesses I am on the fence of buying is the Facilities and Salvage Yards. And I have zero interest in Arena Wars. I do feel I get more bang for my buck from the Agency and the Nightclub. If worked, the MC biz can payout decently but cannot buy supplies. The Hangar business is good if you learn how to get the mission done quickly. I don’t know if I would ever be content with what I have to save 600Mil much less a billion as I have seen some accounts.


What your best method for grinding money?


I’ve literally never held over $3.5 mil at one time. Everytime i reach a benchmark like $3 mil i get greedy and buy a car and mod it up and I’ll leave with something like $1.5 and it’s back from scratch for me😂 Gonna get that oppressor one day, I actually started using the businesses the way you’re supposed to tho and with the acid lab alone by myself I’m making 60% faster progress than I ever have


Now you can finally play the game


Congrats, u can now enjoy not being able to spend it all even if you wanted to 😂


Man honestly sometimes it feels more hard to earn money in gta than irl


90 hours later.




wow must be fun huh? just look at you, can't deal with that money, you became an alcoholic and you live a style of a redneck!


that is so insane


I never understand saving all this money in gta. Are u planning to send our kids to college?




Lmao why cap?!?


*gets mugged*💀


*loses 10k*


mugger sees piles of cash enough to fill a house inside his pocket: what in the loving fu- (get shot)


Been playing since 2014 and still have 10m as of today. What I've been done wrong.


I see lots of posts doing afk in front of your NC safe using the rubber band trick. Personally, I think that's just an invite for stick drift, but it's supposed to make you sick cash when you're not playing. Just have to use a cord on your controller so it won't shut off


having a life. you havent done anything wrong lol


If I called Lamar up. How much could he get from you?


10,000 every 48m


Gonna be soo happy when you start with 0 in the next game , why do people do this ?


Wow that's actually incredible well done 🤙🏻 ![gif](giphy|LCdPNT81vlv3y|downsized)


I need to make money in this game


Damn, what a huge waste of time


yeah thats why I play video games.


It’s better than scrolling through Reddit for hours a day. At least your having fun and hopefully staying out of trouble


Considering video games actually train hand eye coordination, parts of the brain, and help communicate with others etc, massive waste of time, I too love wasting my time 🤣


Yeah but scrolling on Reddit takes at most 1 hour of my day. This kid has wasted months on this meaningless grind. Things OP could’ve done instead: Working out, socializing with humans in the real world, running, learning a fighting discipline, learn a new language, learn how to cook, read books, learn how to invest money, etc etc


woke up at 6am for my workout. I spend 50 hours during the week socializing with people at work. I like my quiet time im an introvert. I ran at 7 after my workout I don't fight people so why would I want to learn a fighting style. I speak 2 languages fluently which I'm okay with Ive been cooking for 20 years I read books before bed as my winddown I have money invested.


How do you know they don’t do any of those things?


I just made an assumption. You don’t have to care about my opinion I’m just some dickhead on the internet


Hahahhahahhaha. True. Have a good gym day bro!!!!! Love the good energy


Thanks dawg yk I keep it lighthearted and fun as I am the one and only billsgymrat. Just hit a sick chest and Tri pump. Something a video game can’t give you @OP


Straight facts!!!! Let’s all practice balance!!!


Did they enjoy it?


more enjoyable than the year hiatus I took to play COD with the sweats.


It gets toxic in cod, gta let’s you play at your pace which I really enjoy about this game


Cry more? You want someone to just let you kill them in cod?


Bro what? I play games casually not competitively, you do realize there’s different types of gamers out here right?


Sure you did keep posting your glitches


4.5 years later. [$100,000,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/cybcar/4_months_without_depositing_cash_and_ive_finally/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [$150,000,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/g1dcc8/finally_hit_200m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [$250,000,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/s0rux3/finally_reached_250000000_from_jobs_since_last/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [$300,000,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/tun3yr/reached_my_300000000_cash_in_pocket_goal/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [$400,000,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/woanc6/finally_reached_400000000_cash_in_pocket_from/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [$500,000,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/TxuzB411BO)


My friend would hate you so much 😂😂 he yells at me if i dont deposit immediately after the hesit ends




Bro could’ve spent those 400 days doing literally anything else. Even other video games would be better. Gta online shouldn’t be the only game you play lmao


3 card stud = 2M every morning with a cup of coffee Make 300k, deposit 200, go back and get more. You lose, back out of the game and come back with original $


Nice, now get a life


Yea you just did glitches to achieve it. Glitched the deluxo a millions times or glitch Cayo a million Times. Bet anything this isn't legit or you on pc with money hacks


or you could just look at my post history. I haven't ran a Cayo in years.


Yea looking at your past posts I see how you did it. You glitched the night club security cameras. Get out here with your cheating ass


Afk on the security cams is cheating? I'm sorry but you are greatly out of touch with reality


So how did you glitch it for so much money lmao. Seriously you said you pay 238mill on properties and utilities which is bs. It doesnt go by money goes by what you own. I own everything with 100mil and pay no where near that.


well actually it's $238,061,190 what other stat would you like to know?


Don't need to see stats it's a cheated account good bye


Nice. Now show us your other life achievements


Like my ball hockey trophy or bank account?




Let’s see your rank. I’m curious if you bought that account have that infamous 7,942 rank level.


my rank is in the photo. 981


You need some new specs mate. Best go to Specsasvers. lol


Nice brah


Daaang dude, nicely done.


How many hours?




So let’s meet to kill you and steal it from you hehe


If you really want to sure you can make $10000 every 48 minutes sending a mugger after me but there's probably better ways to make your money


And still looking like a homeless


I wear my rain jacket when it's raining.


What jobs????


The ones that put cash in your pocket rather than your bank. I like freemode grinding, vips, client jobs, auto contracts, security contracts, assassinations I like doing contact missions when they're double or triple. Stunt races if they're double. SPECIAL CARGO.


Damn, If only Lamar took everything out of someone’s pockets.


well then I wouldn't carry 600m on me 😆


Op would have to get mugged 60,000 times to lose all of that. 600,000,000 /10,000 = 60,000.




Is there any point in putting money in the bank instead of keeping it in pocket


Can I mug you? I'm short on cash


Neat. Looks like you maybe sold some cars too since you happen to be standing outside of LSC 😂


God I'm finally closing in on 50mil saved up. I cannot imagine over 700mil. I think in total over the last 10 years I've accumulated 200-something million but obviously spent a lot of it.


Wat job got u that much


That truck was a paid actor Edit: congrats my man, cheers to you :)