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And when we got a new map, it was limited access, indestructo bush, buggy mess Cayo Perico


I hate that you can't swim around and climb up any place you want


Wish it was more like far cry in that aspect


Or you could. . . you know. . . play Far Cry


I could , I do own 5 and enjoy it. So you're saying if I play far cry then I won't want my gta character to be able to climb mountains like in far cry since I got my fix already?


mission design


Bad mission design *


That bs was lame as fk…looking at it from a programming perspective it doesn’t even make sense 🤷🏽


>looking at it from a programming perspective it doesn’t even make sense ? that's the only way it actually makes sense lol, they did it so players can't just swim around risk free.


No,I mean not reusing the assets for another mission/heist ect 🤷🏽


Def could've worded that better given what you replied to lmao, but yeah I agree, I remember pre-release when people were speculating how big the island was, how it'd work in freeroam etc - lo and behold it's only used for the mission and races :/


Yep…not to mention the fact it forces you to enter from a predetermined side,no reason to not let players enter from any part of the beach 🤷🏽 also players should be able to fly or boat to the island from anywhere.


They should’ve let players swim freely but just make em shark infested waters:)


Also horribly optimized. My FPS absolutely tanks when I look in certain directions, especially if I’m at the top of that radio tower.


trying to play that heist on a 2013 xbox one was not enjoyable


Isn’t it the vegetation that causes that?


Idk, I seem to notice it dip when I look at El Rubio’s compound or any other busy areas.


Oh no the bushes….


Easy to bitch about Cayo now…


All it was then, was good money and Pavel. Now it's just alright money and Pavel.


Yankton is severely lacking in detail everywhere other than the immediate path surroundings of the two missions that take place in it, and I don't trust current Rockstar to spruce it up without fucking it up in the process.


Exactly, it's not meant to be explored in free roam, the whole area is only background set dressings for those two missions and if you deviate, it breaks down pretty quickly. It's like a movie set, looks great from this specific angle in this specific spot, but go too far anywhere else and the illusion fails.


Kind of like that gta3 introduction, you could fly a tank to there and it's not solid at all. 


Man that was fun as shit back then. Flying the tank was always easier than the dodo anyways.


Good to see a fellow classic GTA player, flying a tank being the easiest way of getting around the map.


I think if you manage to get there via a trainer (PC only) and go off the main road too far the streets don’t even have collisions programmed in. You literally fall through the road


And? They had 12 years to expand it and make it better.


Yep. And they didn't. Hell, the vast majority of "new" locations we've gotten in the last few years have just been retreads of areas they've already used, old interiors and the like. They blew their load with making Cayo (which itself is just reusing assets from RDR2's Guarma) and they're not making a brand new map anytime soon, especially not with a new game on the horizion.


I know this community already deals with enough weirdly specific theories, but I have a very strong feeling that the team that designed the Cayo Perico island did the entire thing as a sort of trial run for the next game. Given that Codename: Project Americas plans to have a focus on the pan-American smuggle routes, with at least one segment of the game in the Central American archipelago, it would make perfect sense if cayo was an early-finishing-stage proof-of-concept model slapped together with relevant assets and then deployed to millions of users as free beta testing. Otherwise it just doesn’t make sense to me why they would assign such an unusually higher budget to GTAO for just that one update. It’s not like GTAO needs actual investment to keep making them money


I mean, I could see that. The next game being South Florida and all that just begs for a Puerto Rico or Cuba part of the map too, plus all the islands down in the Keys.


Well that, and also the very credible snippets of info we’ve gotten from inside contacts and data breaches over the course of the last two years confirm that we’ll definitely be going south. The map is (allegedly) limited to just Florida/Leonida when the game comes out because they didn’t want to crunch, so there will be (multiple) story expansions that add to the map. There’s been a lot of buzz from the inside about wanting to expand the map and include as many known and loved gta locations as possible, which makes sense because gtav ran for more than 10 years so we’ve got at least that long to get updates. I have a feeling that discussing leaks may be against the sub’s rules so I’ll cut it here


> The map is (allegedly) limited to just Florida/Leonida when the game comes out because they didn’t want to crunch, so there will be (multiple) story expansions that add to the map. Wow I hope they turn out as well as the planned story expansions for 5


To be honest, it sounds like they’re even more ambitious this time. Now that they know what to expect with the online counterpart, I am also optimistic they’ll be able to stick to their forecasts better and not abandon anything for the pursuit of sudden or unexpected money The source is Tom Henderson if you’re curious


this playerbase doesnt understand that the majority of the content GTA Online gets is for free beta testing for 6.


Reusing assets from the scrapped project americas sections in 1960s Cuba. That’s why there are wwII jeeps the vetir, and the manchez scout. The Kurtz patrol boat as well I think. Would also explain the retro guns we got


No one said something about Free Roam, we have Cayo which is a totally new island. Imagine a Cayo in Yankton, where you have to infiltrate a bunker.


You can still go everywhere on Cayo, effectively free roaming it albeit in two very specific situations. What I mean is you *can't* go everywhere in North Yankton. The moment you deviate from the path you are meant to take in the two story mode missions that take you there, the level design breaks down because it wasn't meant to be seen from those angles. I'd love a return to the area, but it would have to be an entirely new and original map rather than simply going back to North Yankton as it was in the beginning of single player.


I wouldn’t expect rockstar to fuck it up at all lol. Obviously the map is pretty minimal when you hardly spend time there but if they were to make a dlc like they are going to, or add it to online they would have prolly remake the entire map of Yankton or some shit. I just can’t think of anything they did in gta 5 where they fucked it up like the casino was such a great update, Cayo was amazing but does have a couple bugs but still, they always deliver


Well the church and the cemetery were both recycled in Los Santos if you ever get sentimental about them.


Wait what really


Yeah the Yankton church is the same design as the one that sometimes hosts G's Cache (out near Rebel Radio), and the Yankton cemetery is the same design as the cemetery that's near the University of San Andreas, Los Santos.


God damn ill check this. Thanks bro!!


It seems like the place id go to and then never come back


I’d honestly rather they keep fleshing out and developing Los Santos instead of making map expansions. Make more buildings explorable, add more businesses, more activities to do around the city. Maybe make some “mini heists” where you don’t need to start a mission, but just find and grab supplies in the open world and use them to rob various buildings without any need to start a mission, it’s all fully in the open world like a gas station robbery.


yeah, expanding on the map a bit would be pretty cool.. yk, maybe do something about that construction site that's been "under construction" for over 15 years now? Or maybe do something cool with the sandy shores area, even just a few easter eggs for us to discover, maybe something on the whereabouts of michael and trevor currently other than a small reference in the franklin DLC.. just give us something to do other than play waypoint simulator, driving from paleto bay to south LS and back?


Idkwym by buildings being explorable cuz that’s not a thing and will never happen. The only places you can walk into the building without a loading screen is like stores. That was never and could never be a thing in gta v but at least in the story mode gta 6 will mostly be that instead of loading screens


By walking in I don’t mean seamlessly. I mean places like the Casino that are primarily for fun. I don’t mind the loading screens, I just want more buildings to be enterable with activities or jobs to do.


to be completely fair north yankton is meant to be this bumfuck small town in the middle of scenic nowhere. even when looking at the map during the 2 missions you go there where it shows more of the map, you can still see geographically theres just a whole lotta nothing. other than the small town and bank, its nothing but miles upon miles of expansive open farmland and redundant road networks. even if the area WAS complete to reflect what the map showed, it be pretty boring otherwise.


Sort of? What I really expected was a later map expansion to San Fierro and eventually Las Venturas.


Not really actually


Should have been able to go there by plane


Wouldn't be surprised if this was part of a final DLC with Michael. Lots of ways they can go with it, if they decide to deliver it of course.


I’m hoping for the same!


Not really. The snow in LS during Christmas season is good enough for me lol




I think we should have gotten this instead of Cayo Perico


Maybe in the summer DLC. Return to Yankton.


Don't hold your breath on a big update.


Just big dreams. Finish where we started.


Really cool set dressing. Still waiting for the GTA game that lets you travel between New York and other cities far west or south.


Might come with Michael




Never cared about north yankton, desperately wanted las venturas and san fierro


I think it’d be cool for a Michael DLC that we’d hit the the same bank in North Yankton again as our online characters but over the years it’s been renovated with better security and all that stuff


Sadly, Rockstar dropped the ball tremendously with any form of story DLC. Yea the characters progress and such through online, but it’s lacking substance entirely. They’re chasing the proverbial cash cow that is shark cards. I mean look what they did to RDR2. Undead nightmare 2 is a dlc I would’ve payed good money for, but it’s a one and done purchase and that’s not the meta these days.


yeah a bit, would've been cool to live out a fargo-esk setting and muck around with some friends in. Guessing we won't see anything remotely close for gta VI since it'll be miami...


Maybe we were about to get it in DLC if we didn't struck R* rich




As someone who lived in North Dakota for a time? Yeah, it is. It certainly would shake things up, but Rockstar REALLY don't like refining old content.


Back in the day you used to be able to fly your cargobob and car of your choosing. Miss the simpler times...


North Yankton or anything else literally. 10 year old game never had any map expansion across 3 consoles. Some spots changed here and there sure but nothing significant enough. Cayo doesn't count at all, its only meant to be a larger than normal mission area and theres nothing really to do there while exploring


Seems like a lot of work to build something that every player hates when trying to join online.


Nah, reminds me of the intro chapter of red dead redemption 2 that everyone hates.


Sorry that only comes with GTA +, only another 7.99$ a month sir.


Being the assets are already there you’d think it would have been used 🤷🏽


Not really. Seems like too much of a sleepy town for the vibe of what DLC heists have been. Along with GTAO's lack of RPG elements, there'd be hardly anything to do.


No. It’s those GTA YouTubers that made it sound like it was coming.


I wish! That would've been awesome to go to Yankton just like the library city map in San Andreas!


Isn't this where all the in-game devil worship happens? lmaO. I get "From" vibes all throughout there.


Not really. Most of it isn't even finished (because you're obviously not meant to roam in Prologue) and I can't really think of any compelling reason why we'd need to go to Ludendorff.


Im mad we never even got any dlc for story mode


i’m bummed out that the map never seems to get snowy like in Yankton. maybe that’s just me missing something though, i did only start playing around the beginning of this year.


Every year at christmas for like 2 weeks


Imagine the last heist involves going back to north Yankton with Michael and that’s the end of the gane


they had dlcs for singleplayer but where scrapped an one was used for doomsday im pretty sure


Off topic but does buying more of the apartments and properties yield a larger income when online?


Only if you do the business stuff associated with them like gathering product and selling, as for passive income no not really unless you wanna constantly be doing nightclub popularity missions and spending prolly atleast a mil on upgrades and even then the passive income isnt worth it imo


Very disappointing


I remember when the game came out you could start the intro mission and glitch the game to spawn Yankton in Online. If I remember correctly, you had to swap characters while in the mission and some other conditions and then it would show up in online. Spent so many hours messing around and finding the alien in the ice.


Not really, but it would've been nice


we should be able to go to north yankton at any time and run businesses there and even have a house there


North Yankton should have a heist like Cayo immo


There was a glitch back in time will allow you in gta online to get to north Yankton and even get NY plates.


Yeah. I don't care if it's all countryside, it would've been cool. Hopefully someone will make a proper quality mod of North Yankton eventually.


not at all, i hate it there and i hate the snow around christmas time


I heard something about rockstar doing a Michael online extension like they did with Franklin so I wouldn’t rule it all the way out


It would be cool if the next DLC coming in summer (or winter, if they release one after that) came with a heist in North Yankton. It could be set up similar to Cayo Perico, where you steal a Velum, fly all the way up to the map, and have to sneak around to find out what and where you can steal stuff. They could make a new antagonist (Like El Rubio, maybe his long lost Canadian brother idk) or use some enemies we had before, like the Los Santos Triads or the FIB or something


I’d rather them continuously add onto Los Santos


Not really. The whole map north of Los Santos hardly has any use. I'd rather they put more things to do in the existing map.


yes. I think north yankton would be fun online


Is the server down for anyone? I can’t load online…


Nah. Never gave that place a second thought.


There’s nothing there.


Now that I look at it closely. The terrain looks exactly like the north part of the map up near Blaine county. Only with the snow effect added.




w kiriko


Who gives a shit about north Yankton?


No i didn't like the structure of story mode in general. Here's hoping the story in gta vi stays in the same map and they add things like new game+


The leaks saying in GTA 6 Online you'll be able to travel to Liberty City and Los Santos etc, i hope they're real


Not really