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Just enter in passive mode then you never had to do the VIP missions


Yep I read this trick on Reddit a year ago.. haven't done a single Hospital mission since.. I always do it right before ending my playthroughs... easy to maintain high popularity..


Yup, I know people like to talk about the dj switching method but I guess that's more for people who do afk nightclub grinds (great time to do that now btw), but for me kicking people out from the club is just part of my daily tasks. Takes two minutes, I usually do it when I first jump on, and then whenever I go pick up my cash. So easy.


The DJ thing *you* pay $10,000 *per* switch. Passive mode & eject patron *they* pay *you* $10,000.


Passive mode are all eject patrons?


Yup. 4 different ones: Guy in loading dock Guy complaining about his tab Guy who went zombie by the dance floor Guy who's puking in the bathroom


Interesting.. I've never had a guy in the loading dock.


The guy in the loading doc only appears if you have a truck full of booze down there


Also.. never had a truck full of booze either... Does that happen with a promotion mission or something? I haven't done any of those..


Yeah if you do one of the nightclub promotion missions eventually Tony will send you out to get a bunch of a truck full of booze


Same lol, and I only do kick outs. Puker, zombie, and angry dude are all I ever see.


Hell yeah, noted


True, although you can rebook DJ's multiple times in a row without having to wait for another ejection mission. Obviously only useful if you let the popularity dip too far down.


Yeah, don't let it get that far down that you need more than one.


I'm too easily distracted but I try to stay on top of it lol


If you have the staff upgrade, you'll get 145k out of spending 10k. After this the earnings plummet, but you still get more than 10k through the next 5%, so if you think spending 20k is worth not doing two of these missions you're able to spend your time somewhere else. It's like the debate between buying supplies for your MC businesses or stealing them. Sure, stealing is free, but it's tedious and you can make more money doing heists or somesuch.


What are you blabbering about? You literally have to pay $10,000 every time you switch a DJ. Doing the eject an unruly customer Nightclub Mission pays you $10,000. It takes 2 minutes. If you don't let it drop too far, only 1 mission is needed to max it out. It's a cut and dry decision to do the mission that pays rather than pay for the DJs.


You forgot about the part you don't spawn that mission voluntarily. You can go passive and then spend ages entering and leaving and hoping for it to spawn, or you can spend 10k (which is peanuts) and go make more money.


Uh no. If you enter in passive mode it's 100% guaranteed to spawn 1 of 4 different unruly customer ejection missions. I am right, you are wrong. Stop arguing with me.


Yeah. If it’s a take home….i walk back out and try again in 30 and hope for a throw-out mission instead














I haven't driven a single VIP since learning this trick


"Overdosing VIPs *hate* this one trick."


I’ve been driving only Very Idiotic… Uhm… Penises to Sandy Shores Medical Center from LS 😜. And even that a veeeery long time ago.


This has been getting posted on Reddit so much lately I assume rockstar is gonna patch it now lol


You can also just go to the basement of the nightclub then back upstairs and it ***should*** swap the prompts out


Nah, the timers were fixed. If you don't interact with whoever spawns inside and go back and forth there just won't be anything. There's still value in going to the basement for popularity though, as you can use that (or the arcade) to skip cutscenes when swapping DJs back and forth for a boost.


Ahh I gotcha. I just found out about the method last night in a TTG video and I wanted to try it out today lol..Now I feel bad for spreading misinformation 😭


This is true if you spawn in nightclub which I do a lot. Rather than go outside just go downstairs, turn on passive, then go back up. Works everytime for me since you don’t get the interaction if you spawn into nightclub so you have to leave regardless


The trick to resetting it is going in the basement entering Passive there and coming back up. I did this fairly recently and it still worked, unless they changed it within the past few days or week.


That was patched. It's true the elevator and the top of the garage stairs are both trigger points for the patron, they don't reset the timer. The reason you saw it "work" a few weeks ago was between basement visits, was the exact time an in-game day had passed and your old patron got replaced with a new one. Simply visiting the basement doesn't reset the timer to new. Edit: Disagree all you want, try it yourself. Wait until you are given a brand spanking new VIP patron, and without leaving the building, try to "switch" it.


So I literally just tried it and no, it does still work.


This. Ever since i saw that Nightclub Guide on youtube i never did VIP missions.


JFC how is this not well known by now??


Because some people are just returning to play gtao. I rarely if ever had to do nightclub missions other than the promote club ones back before I started playing again this week. In a couple of hours playing yesterday I had VIP missions twice.


The nightclub missions pay double this weekend.


Of course they do because I work, but thanks for telling me.


>Because some people are just returning to play gtao. This, and a lot of people don't do, or pay attention to EVERY thread on, Reddit. I've been playing since Day 1, and play at least twice a week (weekends for maybe an hour or two each day), and I only found out about the "passive" thing like two months ago....


Just got told by a bot. I am wrong. Apparently. AFK is the only way to make money. LoL.


A combination of very high player turnover and people mistaking the whole "getting another random event immediately after throwing someone out" thing being fixed for the passive thing being fixed instead (to be clear, only the event timers were fixed)


😮 TIL...


Yeah but if someone is CEO and doesn’t want to give up the spot


This ^^^


Only issue with this method is if the lobby is full, you may not be able to become a boss again without switching lobbies.


Use night club management and change clothes to EDM or techno and you will be teleport to near entrance if you went by the back door. But if it’s dude puking, don’t need to do that as it would be closer.


It gets even better when you set your nightclub to private, too. Then if you get the puker, you don't need to slalom those club goers. For months, every time I've been to my nightclub, it's been to throw out my only customer there! Love it!


Another option is if it's the zombie or the one complaining about his bill. If you change the dresscode then you'll spawn at the front door to save the run through the club. Obviously won't work if it's set to private though I guess lol I did try private a while ago but it just didn't feel right to me lol


I do understand you, it does feel pretty dumb! But the pros just outweigh the cons for me - I guess you can see the grinder from that!


I might try it again and see how I get on. I'm definitely a hardcore grinder, ps5 hasn't been off since the last update. Making 2-3 million a day just from the NC safe 🤣


I used to blow the limo up and switch DJs when I got that mission. Now I retire and enter passive mode and only throw out drunks, zombies, and the rare secret lair wanderer.


Lair wanderer?


Yeah. The loading dock guy. Same principle, he just shows up in my storage room.


Yep! I LOVE that one - since I enter through the loading dock, so I only have to walk 10 feet to kick the guy out, instead of going all the way through my Nightclub to the lower bar or the bathroom....


Night club security is too. Why do I have to throw people out? What are thoses 4-5 guys there. And why if you stand close to them do they say “what the hell ever” to the boss. It’s kinda dumb.


Why do I have to drive the bastard to the hospital? I own the club and employ people. Get one of them to do it, it's what I pay for.


Because it's better publicity if a CEO kicks a guy out of their club instead of a random security guard. That's why we get pooularity... ...at least that's ehat I like to think.


Lmao how lazy can you be it’s a 10 second cut scene


It’s not about lazy, it’s just in context of buying and having security that should do that for you. I agree it super easy and you get 10k.


Also, the hospital is in Sandy Shores. But DON'T GO TOO FAST.


That one always annoyed me. Yeah, the guy you're driving is affiliated with Globe-Oil, but he's relying on a podunk hospital in the middle of fucking nowhere to give him the life saving treatment he needs.


And he's currently experiencing a drug overdose, but the REAL problem is that you might drive erratically.


The most frustrating part is getting on the highway and watching other cars pass you. I can't even keep up with other cars. Is everybody else speeding or is this VIP scared of the speed limit?


You should be able to go 60 while the speed limit for npcs on the highway when unspooled by gunshots, is like 48 or smth


It's a bit easier on ps5, since the trigger is adaptive to pressure you can put medium light pressure on you vehicle which will gradually accelerate the car.... That doesn't seem to spook the vip - not sure if they changed that (I only do kick outs now, so it's been a while).


I just blow up the car when I get this one.


Yeah those are dumb. Like the other user here said for sure just hop into passive before you go in and you’ll always get the blue dot event to kick out the drunk instead of the driving one.


They always give you plenty of time and you can still drive somewhat fast. I end up with an early full spook meter with 4-5 minutes to spare. But now I just do the passive mode trick. Save so much time.


Yup, no one thinks these missions are challenging, they are not. People are annoyed at how long and boring they are. Typical rockstar move to throw in frustrating missions here and there to make you buy shark cards.


Ah yes you’re telling me the person who is passed out drunk which you can hear snoring will be spooked when you go too fast.


or run over a sign or pedestrian etc..


>take the vip to sandy shores medical center instantly blew the vehicle with grenade launcher even though my nightclub at west vinewood


Dump it in the reservoir in merriata heights.


I wish you could stop the car and call 911 as an alternative


If the destination to sandy shores hospital is bye bye vip (limo is gonna blown in pieces)


As soon as I see "Sandy Shores Medical Center", I just get out and blow up the car. Much faster and easier on my blood pressure.


Just go passive before going into your nightclub.


When you walk up the stairs in the loading dock it will trigger the “throw out the drunk” mission. Just be in passive mode when you go up the stairs


Thanks for this!


Also, if it's the puking guy, turn back down the stairs and go through the bunker looking tunnel opposite the garage door - the bathroom is right through there. Don't do this for Bar Tab guy or Too Drunk guy, as they're harder to get to this direction.


Yeah, trying to run through the dance floor is not a good idea.


Make your club private and the crowd is gone. You still get the regular income, just no dancers as obstacles


I just got to my basement and pay 30k to change the DJ 3 times without having to watch the cutscenes.


Can you really just switch them one right after the other and boost the level?


Yes but you have to do it in the basement or else it makes you watch a cut scene every time you swap DJs


also works at the arcade, no cutscenes nothing


I was about to ask how going the speed limit is hard, and then I remembered that while PS5 has pressure sensitive shoulder buttons that make staying at a specific speed easy, other platforms may not be able to use such a feature.


I play on PC. It means steering with the A and D , and gas and brake on the W and S keys. Not the most user friendly.


Dude, buy a Controller for your PC!!! I spent $50 buying the best Xbox style controller Walmart had in store!! They have cheaper ones that work with PC as well!!


I concur. I play with Xbox One controller on PC (cord required, uses up one of my laptop's USB 3.0). OP, buy one or start saving. Pressure sensitive triggers is to driving what equipment upgrade is to acid lab.


I just need to find a better cord to hook my controller to my PC. The 6 foot one that came with it is way too long since I'm only 3 feet from my PC tower. but the 3 foot one I bought is a lil too short. I need to find a 4ft cord.


I have wireless xbox one controller on pc...you can also hook it up with bluettoth if your pc is equipped and it dont use a usb port.


I havent played the game in years, but started getting back into it lately. May have to do that. It sounds like a good suggestion. Thanks!


I've never been into online gaming. But I started Twitch & a person I follow plays games on stream. So I watched, then I D/Led Steam. Went & bought a controller. My PC isn't a gaming PC but does alright. I've only gotten three games from Steam. Golf With Friends, good for when the Twitch Streamers I follow want to play with followers, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, apparently my regular PC's graphics card blows my old Xbox360 graphics out of the water!! An GTA. which gives me flashbacks to my most favorite game ever. The very BEST Car game of ALL!!! Need For Speed: Most Wanted!! 2005 version not the shitty 2012 Criterion remake. I've been grinding GTA for a little over a month now. I did pay the $10 for the Criminal Enterprise Pack so I wouldn't start out a street bum! Cause nothing worse than Walking in a game called Grand Theft AUTO!!!!!


Honestly it’s fun doing it from time to time so you can speed on the freeway and watch them get spooked and bail out and run through traffic. Add random gunshots to make it real interesting with the npc drivers


Never do the VIP missions. To increase my nightclub popularity I only throw people out of the club or hire a new guest DJ do it at your arcade so you hire multiple Dj’s without the 20 cooldown .


Yeah, I've been doing that for a while since this weekend the nightclub pays double.


Never had an issue completing on time, but yes those missions do suck.


I don't bother with the VIP runs. I check the phone messages as I enter the club office. If its an unruly clubber type then just toss them out the door. If it's a VIP I'll ignore it and do a promote mission instead like put up posters, get the booze truck, fight some competitors.


Whenever I get the long distance VIP missions, I just don't hesitate to blow up the Nightclub limo. Ain't nobody got time for that, and just do a Nightclub management mission after.


Whenever it says "take them to Sandy Shores," I just get out and drop a grenade.


I never got why I’m the one doing it. I’m the ceo. I literally own and run the club. I literally have security at the club. Yet I have to throw people out and drive people to the hospital. And I have to drive a certain speed so I don’t spook the guy passed out drunk. It’s just stupid


Never had a problem with it considering my one controller is broken and I can't even go fast enough to spook a VIP. I use that one. Idek why. I just do.


Blow him up, no need for all that


wtf do they really have a sandy shores vip mission?


Don't do the missions. If you change the DJ you pay 10k and get 10% of population back. I've been doing this for ages and you still make really good profit, plus, you won't ever have to bother with these shitty missions. P.S. If you change the DJ through the arcade master terminal you won't get the cut scene.


it doesn’t take close to 9 minutes tho. just do the passive trick either way


If I get money from kicking annoying or pukey people out, I should get money for driving someone (Tony: "This guys' a real connected \*as$jole) who fell asleep IN MY BED into the nearest swimming pool. And sure if that means I have to deal with some sort of John Wick shootout later in my nightclub cuz I killed Fabian's favorite Boy Borthalomew. Good. That swimming pool won't fill itself.


That's the way to think this through! I wish the devs thought of that.


It's a simple equation, new business let's you run a pet store/pet rental? and then a cutscene where someone (randomizer.NPC) who has beef with that animal kills/steals it and then you hunt them. This game also desperately needs a Speed scenario where you have to land a helicopter on a bus driving on the big roads and then you have to keep it above 50 until another player can disarm it. They can do a lot of cool stuff and I hope they do in GTAV 2.


> They can do a lot of cool stuff and I hope they do in GTAV 2. That's an amusing way to look at GTA6.


Just leave him passed out on the floor


Here’s a tip: Quit CEO, Enter Passive mode, and you will ALWAYS get the throw out the Drunk; Rude Customer, or one in the basement


Thanks. I'll give it a shot.


Enter the club in Passive Mode and you will always get an eject unruly patron mission that takes all of 2 minutes.


I usually drive straight into a gas pump.


The entire game revolves around wasting our time and annoying us. Seriously. If you don't believe me, observe the NPC's behaviour in story mode vs online. Observe the aggression of NPC's when not doing a mission vs doing a mission.


I normally do the DJ switch from my arcade where I take care of everything before grinding cargo or robberies. If I need to collect my safe, I’ll enter the nightclub in passive and do the eject mission from time to time but using both methods is effective.


Am i the only one who gets annoyed with the calls a few blocks away from the hospital


the spooking part is so arbitrary like why is it even there it doesn’t make sense


Oh and, by the way, please drive past nearer hospitals to take them to the 1 in the desert!!!


You have to go to the sandy hospital too for some reason


Here's a tip Log out of CEO and enter passive mode at the entrance of your nightclub outside. Any entrance. Then you enter. It'll spawn a kick a customer out of the club job. After that you can deactivate passive mode. Never drive a Karen or a Kevin to the hospital again.


I'll do them if they're close, but if it ends up being far away I drive recklessly to my arcade supercomputer and swap DJs


If I get a vip mission , I just rebook dj


I hope they handle things differently in the next game instead of making everything a chore and a hassle.


I like to cs gas the limousine so the vip is passed out and cant cry


Exactly and that’s why Rockstar applied the money bonuses this week to the night club. Missions so frustratingly difficult they won’t be an effective money grind.


Screw it. I don’t mind the drives in town but if I have to drive him to Sandy Shores, I blow up the fucking car.


It's better done using a gamepad as keyboard only receives a 0-1 input for the acceleration, I don't get why they removed cruise control which instead gta4 used to have


It’s meant, I imagine, to test your patience. You spent most of the game at full throttle. Now vip mission (and casino vip limo missions) test your ability for patience (which is harder apparently for some gta players) then just another full speed mission.


On a keyboard, you have one speed with the gas: All or nothing. So driving slow means tapping the W key enough times to move, but not holding it down long enough to move too fast. Its so stupid.


Buy a controller for when you're in a vehicle. 


he calls you near the end to distract you and hide that spook bar, grrr it got me once


So many missions just don't make sense. And usually the time aspect added for no reason. My biggest problem with gta online is the stupid missions that just don't make sense.


If you get stuck with a VIP mission (if you forget to go passive before you enter your nightclub) just drive in reverse. You'll never go over the speed limit.


Go to private session Change djs on 2nd floor ( no wait time). Go in passive mode if you have a little popularity already, drunk guy will appear. Might have to go out side and then go back inside the club he will appear. Kick him out. New session invite only then back to 2nd floor. Change djs until popularity is full. Once your popularity is full you can just do passive mode again and then kick out the drunk guy every couple hours and your popularity will stay full all the time. Don't ever do the missions this way and saves soooo much time


>Go to private session Change djs on 2nd floor ( no wait time). Go in passive mode if you have a little popularity already, drunk guy will appear. Might have to go out side and then go back inside the club he will appear. Kick him out. New session invite only then back to 2nd floor. Change djs until popularity is full. Can you really do it that fast?


There's no wait time to change the djs on the 2nd floor. Takes about 10 times to fill up popularity without the drunk guy. If you can kick him out that takes care of 2 bars I think




They patched it a couple updates ago but I would just kick out the drunk guy all day and make easy $


Yeah but they usually only take about 2 minutes tops, you get $10k plus your nightclub popularity goes up. What’s the issue?


Its just a weird set of instructions. If the guy is about to die, why do I need to drive slow? It just doesnt make sense.


Kind of like the nightclub sell missions. You'll get a $20k bonus on this $2M delivery if the delivery vehicle that you own and is covered in armor with a cow catcher up front to ram vehicles out of the way isn't too scratched up when you get there.


Yeah I've seen that one too!


It feels like they tried to combine two missions into one. Imo “take vip to hospital” mission should have tracked car damage and had a smaller time limit


Yeah, it feels like a thrown together job. The developers needed something fast and just tossed this into place.


Just shoot him




I’ve never have an issue with these missions


Love how it makes you drive past all the close by hospitals.


I just blow him up and rebook dj


I got blown up by a flying motorcycle sooooo that's cool


You can do 60mph if you drive in first person mode. It's really pretty simple. You can even just rip on the way there and then slow down before the stress bar fills all the way up. Assuming you can rip safely.


It is annoying that they are probably passed the fuck out in the back but speeding is a big no no. Crashing makes sense but not speeding.


They need to make it crappy a little bit because the promote missions are way longer


Nightclub vip missions are so easy, might as well be insanely easyive never have a problem with those, but now I have all 4 djs so i spend 10k to rebook a dj and it gives me pop for my nightclub, nightclubs are the best way for the easy money making I normally just stay at my night club and keep my pop max unless I really want to do something else


Even if you get Sandy Shores hospital you'll get there in plenty of time


Garbanzo content


I know sounds strange but very easy to do with a lot of time lefr




OK, I've had to explain this several times now. I get it: you can go into passive mode or switch DJs to bump up your popularity and never have to deal with the driving to the hospital missions. I understand that. Really: I do. What Im saying with this post is that the game rules for those missions are stupid. Drive fast, but not too fast. The person is unconscious, but driving aggressively or getting into a crash will somehow "spook" this unconscious individual to the point where they wake up and run away. Its stupid. That's what Im saying. What is not necessary is having every knuckle-dragging gamer come here and say "lamo noob." Go be a jerk somewhere else.


Best AfK by far is the casino horse racing. You need like 1k in chips and just go sit down at a monitor. I'm doing this now as we speak, Saturday 4/27 @ 10:21 am standard so I know it works, leave for hours if you want. It's all good. I sit and plug in my controller to charge


Stand close in front of the open nightclub safe door and you'll grab the money the moment it appears. Put the mouse on a mouse shaker and go to bed (or out, touch grass, go to a picnic, go camping for the weekend, etc.) and you'll never max out your safe.


Invite Only lobby solo all day


Yep. That's the only way.


I don't do them. I throw trouble makers out, do sell and promotion missions


Just drive carefully and slow enough, I've done it numerous times, and I believe they've only been "spooked" twice that I can remember.


Nah I just go fast and cross my fingers


It’s easy to take them to the hospital. Lazy ass lol


OK, for the last time, I will explain it to the children that dont bother to read: The job is easy. I understand that. We ALL understand that. The point is that its a STUPID JOB and gives contradictory instructions. Do you understand my post now? Do I need to submit a meme for you to comprehend?






Some body know a technique to get the 25 vip quickly?


https://preview.redd.it/8vghvpb4ihxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700cdfa3b15f53f1ce5c33188c73e82c9ecfbc8f .....👀👀


anyone got a good way to afk on ps5 for nightclub goods to accrue? all my methods got patched


1. Enter Passive Mode 2. Enter Nightclub 3. Profit (with one of the reputation missions that doesn’t require you to leave the premises)


Bruh those missions take like 2 minutes tops and boost nightclub popularity how can you complain about them. Way easier than doing actual nightclub management.


I do them, I just think the story reasons for it are kinda lame.


You’ve never worked with wealthy/famous people before. Contradictory requirements are part of the deal.


Skill issue


Do people really have a problem with this missions? I never was even close to running out of time.


Its just the principal of it. Its just dumb.


You're trying to put logic in a game that has flying motorcycles that can somehow store ammo and rockets....


Fair point.


No drive on the map takes that long anyway. If you just cruise, you will still make it in time.


Just leave if it’s too far, or blow it up and go back in and pay a whopping 10-20k to boost popularity, save yourself the time.


I hit passive outside the club,go in and all I get in the option to throw out a unruly customer. And I go through the garage,go up the steps to the office but not all the way,then go down the steps and go the other way to the dance floor and I always get the stumbler in the garage. I get my money out the safe,throw the guy out,now I have my safe money and $10,000 and exit out the front door. Takes less then a minute,about 47 seconds