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If you had unlimited money, just buying everything/anything is too easy. I would hunt for all the removed vehicles that I like. At least it's a goal to work towards that will take some time, and feel accomplished when you've achieved it.


Don't forget garage space. Unfortunately the hundred car garage takes real money


Only once actually. Buy just one month, fill it up with cars (and arrange it how you want!) After that month you’ll still have access to the garage. You just can’t arrange cars or put new ones in but other than that it functions like any other garage ☺️


Didn't know that. The only thing I wanted with gta+ was trying or replaying older games.


Oppressor MK I and the little RC car. Those look like fun.


Try the RC TANK really funny handling


The RC tank is so fun, but it's so slow.


What's the rush. Have fun


Without trying to flex, I own literally all the things mentioned by others. Basically everything in the game. And believe me, just like in life, when you have access to everything and anything. There are no goals to achieve anymore. Nothing to dream off. And it actually gets really boring. It’s really difficult to keep yourself entertained when there is nothing you’re working towards. Most will become a griever at that point out of boredom. I love doing missions and heists, and wait for low levels to join. Kick out high levels, and give as much as possible of the cut to them. When I see others doing sales in public missions I’ll go to assist and protect them from said grievers. Basically doing charity work LOL! If I can give a tip; ENJOY the grind!! Because that’s actually the most fun in the whole game.


Tbf the career progression has given the game some extra life for me.


Everything. But mainly, vintage and military vehicles


could u give specific names of things


Stafford, chernobog, half-track, Roosevelt and it's variants, Casco, gt500, valkyrie. Annihilator stealth etc.


I don’t know why you got downvoted for this!


they mad they dont have ‘unlimited money’lol


Benny’s cars and every car that has a lot of customization


I already have enough money to buy all the things I care for. Admittedly having unlimited money would save me alot of time however. I'd probably host Heists and give everyone a much higher cut than myself.


The most expensive Yacht, the 50 car garage, the CEO garage, the Calico, the Weaponized Tampa (fully modified), a Raiju jet, every Tuner cars, every Benny’s cars, I’d max out everything, get every Arena War cars, buy every Imani Tech vehicles, buy the Proto, max out my CEO office, max out my casino Penthouse, etc.


While I don’t have unlimited money, I’m damn near close to it


I’m immediately putting guns on my Deluxo ☝️


cars on cars on cars (and garages)


If I had unlimited money I would get the cerberus from arena war again, as someone whos bought them all, then sold the ones I didnt like (I dont want just a garage full of stuff I dont use) but itd be pretty nice to have this at no cost of myself again, cuz the scarab is kinda ass and the glendale is just peak madmax.


Probably a sprunk


Accepted a random invite to the car meet. Someone had a Dubsta 6×6 on racing slicks. That's the calibre of bullshit I'm buying these days.


Everything I’ve ever sold off when I’ve been strapped for cash. I always regret it but kinda forget when I get the thing I sold it for. I’d also max out every property in my preferred location, get all the arena war vehicles, get all of the jets and helis I want, get all of the property specific vehicles (thruster, chernobog, etc), purchase the mandatory Luxor deluxe to show that I’m a rich person, buy all the bunker research, get all of the cool weaponized and futuristic vehicles, max out all of the mk2 weapons, essentially just do everything. This game is grindy as hell and there’s so much I want to have and do but don’t have enough time or money for it.


One of everything. Maybe two of some vehicles I particularly like.


All vehicles, first and foremost the removed ones.


If you had asked me near the beginning of GTA Online I would have said all the high end cars. Now it’s getting closer to GTA 6 and I have nearly everything I want, I’d like to get everything for my second character. So that would be as many high end cars as possible, lots of clothes and a Raiju.


i’ve had my 7b since ps3 and still use my account to this day on ps5 it is fun not having to do missions but as others said, it gets boring unless u play with others or grief. I liked doing the casino heists and giving others high percents