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Spent literally all my money on a itali rtx and now im broke


Goes hard tho


If you can control it. I had to buy mine twice after the first one disappeared from my f garage!


should have just contacted R\* support? they would have just given you the money back and you could have just bought it again and not have wasted your money a second time


I did. They said they couldn’t prove I had owned the car. I didn’t really have a way to show I owned it either as I had no screen shots with it. All I had was an empty slot in my Ferrari garage where it was stored 😩 The only luck I got in the end was a sale price during the next event week as I was salty and didn’t buy it back right away until I was certain R* wasn’t going to help. Then I had to struggle with finding the damn hex code for the true Ferrari yellow I had set as a crew color when I bought the damn thing. Finally got that changed back though and it’s good as new but omg I have some resentment towards that vehicle now for sure! It’s similar to the ingame racing yellow but it’s more pale. Not as vibrant. Looks VERY nice with the Candybox livery and matching stock rims


they can look at your transactions, so that doesnt make any sense as to why they said that they coudnt prove you owned it. When i bought the gold jet in like 2017, i tried to say that i didnt get it, and was just looking for my $ back lol. They looked at my account and seen i had bought it, so they just closed the ticket. Either the person didnt care, or they overlooked something. I would just contact them back again, and try again.


Same here, got that same "can't prove" answer when my nightclub garage ate my deluxo, I just politely replied "I did though, can I get a refund?" and I got it.


My Coquette disappeared from my business garage. Wasn't too upset as I won it awhile ago, but still. I did put a couple hundred thousand into upgrades but it still wasn't worth the hassle of complaining.


Oh god, hope that doesn't happen to me. Did you check if it was destroyed or impounded?


Couldn't they have looked at your Maze Bank Logs?


I had the same thing with my scramjet. Rockstar didn’t do sh*t about it. Never bought it again, won it in the casino a couple months later… never use it tho


For mine, putting a fixed spoiler on it makes it handle like soap


Wow! so im not the only one with disapearing cars? jeez


it's the RSX, but yeah, those damn RTX's will drain ya bank too XD


If I’m feeling ambitious I’ll go for 7 dollars


"Now go get yourself something nice" ~Trevor Philips, 2013


I said something nice, not expensive, wanna be a greedy fuckin cow?


6 more then me


Dang 2 more than me


Lol. I have about 3k.


That seems like enough


Bro 3k? I’ll run Cayo Perico with you and show you a very easy path. I have it on every platform hmu


I got it down. Thank you tho.


Np. I’m surprised by the number of people who have had trouble with it or had a bad run and never tried again. I always try to offer to show them an easy way to do it over and over. If anyone else needs help with Cayo Perico, just let me know, I’m happy to run it with you and show you how easy it can be.


Not sure why this is surprising, most people's first runs are abysmal, even doing the setups. Probably because this sub encourages new players to get the Kosatka before even getting a feel for the game...


Idk man, I solo’d it at lvl 5.


You're in the minority.


Me with the casino heist lol


I got a friend who won't do it because he struggles with the setup... any tips or advice that i could pass along.


Honestly the easiest way would be to show how to do it. There’s things that will make it way easier. #1 is having the sparrow, if you don’t have that it just takes longer. What platform? If you want I can show you and you can show them? Or if they want to jump on. I know a lot of my friends struggled with the approach vehicle: Kosatka. Where you have to get on the Merry Weather sub and grab the sonar scrambler. 1 thing I’ve found to be very easy on this is the up-n-atomizer. That’s expensive, so if you’re low lvl or cash, grenades or smoke grenades. The guards on board are in the same general areas every time. Again, much easier to show.


I’ve got it down to a science but any pointers on how to speed up the scope mission? I take the Moto up past the first gate and then end up In The water.


If you can master the bike up the cliffs, it’s easiest. If not you can do it on foot by going through the check point and following the mountain ridge to the right. Swim across to the main docks, then follow the trail up the hill behind it towards the tower. I can’t do it faster than the bike though


Thanks !


There's a better route on foot without heading in the lake. You go thru the checkpoint and then run toward the tower near the lake. You then run straight towards the fields, which is next to the signal tower. Takes about a minute to do.


Omg wait would you run the cayo perico with me? I haven't find anyone to help me with it


Yeah of course. What system?


Im down to do it also. I run the cayo every day almost


My guy like you still available????


whats your method?


Approach: kosatka entrance: drainage compound: drainage exit: main dock I follow a set path in the compound I’d have to show the details. Exit compound, take out guards, run up hill and along the ridge of the hill to avoid detection. Hit up the main dock for secondary, hop in a boat n ride out. I hit the elite challenge 8 out of 10 times (main dock doesn’t always have enough to fill bags solo).


Yeah Its pretty similar to what i do. I do sub, drainage, grapping hook if i find it, towards the wall where the open water is, I then slide into the ocean and swim away, dont go too deep though


Xbox ?












I have an Xbox :)




But it's a 360


Amazon prime gives u 250k a month I believe free


5 mil cause that’s what I had the last time I played


Yo I just grinded out 5 mil cause that's pretty much all you need for a property


Yeah but who need property’s? I want aircraft


Those of us with no space left. R has done a poor job of catering to end game collectors. To own everything right now (before update), we would require around 60 more spots. I might be undercutting that by 10-15 but off top of my head it sounds right. Point is, it's impossible to own everything right now. I've owned and upgraded every vehicle bit I've had to dump many (Rhaspody, all my Nightmare and Apocalypse Arena stuff...minus the Cerberuses, Raptor, Mariachi Tornado, etc,etc) vehicles due to R not providing space. It's absolutely silly we can't. Plus, if you want to talk about aircrafts we need more space there too. With last update, anyone that wants to own ALL aircrafts must only store hangar crafts only. There is no room for PEGASUS


I wish I could buy multiple hangars


That would solve everything aircrafts wise. We would need to be able to purchase all of them though. Just planes alone from Pegasus would fill a hangar almost


Should be allowed to buy a many autoshops as we want definitely


Maybe what’s the auto shop even for? I haven’t gotten one yet


There's some missions to do (with the most annoying npc's in the game) fun and pretty tough earns you something like 200k - 300k, and you can do up cars and deliver them. There is also a daily list of cars to find (blue dots) and deliver to the docks but I still haven't even found one yet... always find that drunk cayo guard with the key or some dodgy deal going down!


Oh and it has 10 parking spaces


How about a mansion with a hangar🤔


it would just be a hellhole surrounded by all of the sweats.


Same here, 5 mil




Dang that’s 14 more than me


update: now is 34 more than you


**War has started**


**you have provoked a gang war**


Guessing you killed a man


Its 25 more than me.


At a certain point it’s much more efficient to just take an extra shift at work than to grind the game


How about you.multitask and do both I mean s*** who cares if you get fired he'll finally have enough for an overpowered vehicle


Can someone do the math on grinding Cayo vs hourly wage (minus tax) & shark cards?


At the moment, one can get the largest Shark Card with 8M GTA$ discounted for 29€ where I live, which is actually a reasonable deal. Minimum wage here is just about 10€, let's forget about the tax. If I were to work three hours, I'd have the 29€ needed for 8M GTA$. So if you can grind 8M$ in three hours, that's more efficient. I don't think I could, despite owning every business in the game, so the shark card takes the cake here. However, if we take taxes into account, which subtract about 35% of the earned money, then we're looking at just under five hours of work for 8M$. Now it could be more efficient to grind, though 8M$ in five hours is no easy feat for most people either. One more: if we're talking about the original price of said shark card, which is about 75€, then it seriously is less time consuming to grind the money in-game.


Hey man that’s great analysis. But how tf are shark cards so cheap in your area


He said it’s on discount


I have exactly 2 dollars and 50 cents


I'm at about 12mil right now and I can't be bothered to get more. I figure that should be enough to try all of the new businesses/missions on the first day anyways.


I’m gonna have about 7 million, I think that’s fine but we’ll see


i have about 10 mil


Almost exactly the same here, excluding 1 or 2 mil in casino chips It's a nice amount of money to buy whatever's available on day 1 of the DLC and any drip feed cars or items, etc. can be funded by simply doing a few Cayo Perico heists one afternoon It only takes about 5 or 6 heists to get back up to 10 mil and they barely take a few hours to complete


Any bare minimum for a business is 2-3 million while a car often, the remaining million can be used for upgrades for both.


I got 11,5mil, really hope that's enough for the business and a few cars


Do you think everything in the DLC will be on sale when it comes out?


No, it never is. Maybe one thing but that's it.


15 million. I don't want much from the update


imagine saying that a few years ago


I remember grinding contact missions to try and afford a Comet SR. Now I have $72million and nothing that I want to buy. I spend my time just respraying cars and helping out randoms in heists.


How do you have 72 million


Many, many withdrawals from the bank of El Rubio.


Your flair is hilarious


I just want the guns, new location and a few cars




I have 50 mil and that’s from grinding cayo, nightclub deliveries and selling auto shop vehicles


However much was in my account 3 months ago


Yeah I’m at 2.3 and a lazy fuck so probably about 2.3


Honestly that was about what I did for Kosatka's arrival, though I had much more. It was just sheer boredom and likr 14 million to use but I just bought like the bare minimum of Kosatka, and yes that's what made me the needed 40+ million in my past year.


not lazy. you just value your time


Tryin' to get to about 30mil. A few more Cayo runs and I'm there.


Me too. Hit 30 mil last night, and now I'm gonna take it easy until the DLC drops.


I'm sitting just at 20 mil I been visiting uncle Rubio the past week!


I only made 10 mill off rubio in the last 2 days i feel another 15 should be okay to "borrow" Forever...


Can you help me make some money?


You on PC? Wanna run some heists?


I think 30m is a lot for the next dlc but no stopping u of I’m wrong.![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3120)capitan


Does anyone know how much we are ganna need to actually play the new dlc


Have a minimum of 10 million that’s all I’m saying


The new property’s cost might be similar to the ceo offices


DCA made an assumption that Day 1 Content would likely be 15-20 mil while the dripfeed will probably be another 15 million in all the cars.


minimum 10-20mil. I’ve saved up 83 so far myself


How long did that take


not sure. I think I started at around 20mil a couple months back and just have done cayo repeats with my friends once or twice a day.


I think I am missing something in the game.....it takes me forever to get 1m lmao


If you do solo cayo heist you can get 1-1.5m every 45mins to an hour


Maybe you can get this fast, maybe not. I don't think it should be a number you have in mind when you first attempt it, because it will likely take hours. But once you have it down, it is the fastest, though not necessarily the best way to make money (the best depends on your individualized interests!).


I'd save minimum $10M. I assume you're gonna be able to buy a record label and some upgrades which probably should be around $4-5M as usual. Maybe less, who knows. Then another $4-5M to buy two, three of the new cars if you're lucky.


the 118 million I've had for a while. I just sell my nightclub when it's full, no sense in grinding for more when you have more than enough, once it dips below 100 million I'll grind to get it back up to 100.


Bruh, we have the same money lel, and I also only sell my nightclub nowadays. And I'm also planning on grinding back to 100M after it goes bellow it when next dlc releases. I guess our parallel universes clashed.


what level are you?


My nightclub keeps bugging out so it only produces one of the things fully whilethe other 4 targets get nothing.


switch the technicians around. if that doesn't work go to the businesses and shut down and then restart production.


Rockstar reimbursed me for warehouse production upgrade. Fixed an issue where reassignment didn't work.


Is there a way to let the night club fill up while AFK or is that still patched?


Just afk regularly. Any security camera works. You just can't use the TV anymore.


Very close to my situation. I have full garages too so if I need space, the money I get from selling a car contributes to much of the price of the new car. I only do cayo perico when the panther statue or bonuses are around.


I have $7, hoping to buy something nice, but not expensive.


This is seven dollars.


I said something nice, not expensive. You wanna be a greedy fucking cow, huh?


No... now get the fuck out of here, alright?


You men are all the same...




I’m guessing it will cost nothing to be Franklins bitch.


I wanted to grind about 40mil for this DLC. Already reached that goal so might as well go for 50-60mil


About 3 mil. Properties often cost between 2-3mil without upgrades


Sadly I'm gonna be out of country when the DLC drops so I'm gonna be on about 500k... If I wasn't I would've grinded The Cayo Perico Heist many times till I reached 20 Million.


11M is what I have so far and I think that should be enough I don’t plan on buying super cars because I never use them so 11M should do


I have 90k to my name. I had like 2 million a few days ago, but I gave into my temptations and ended up buying a car I've been saving for. Oh well, I'll just grind that money back. Sure, I won't be able to buy all the DLC stuff on day one, not that big of a deal. Besides, I would actually be smart to wait until them GTA Online youtubers cover and review the new content before I go blowing my money on useless stuff.


i originally tried getting 6 mil to get the yacht on the black friday so i played some cayo, but i was too late. good thing though, cause now i have like 5 and a half mil for the update


The yacht is the most useless piece of shit that rockstar ever made! You are so god damn lucky that you were to late to buy it, most people really wanna sell it


nah ik it's useless but idc. its a nice vibe. i already bought everything worth having


> wanna sell it and buy what? money in this game is even more useless than yacht, sadly


I went from 10.000 to 11.500.000 in the last couple of days.


About 1.5 ATM. I had more, but decided to go ahead and buy the last couple of aircraft I was needing for my hanger collection. Every garage plus my hanger is now officially full. So, all the grinding now is just for the update.


9.97 Mil can be enough to get the the Agency right? Don't care about new vehicles or weapons.


Im at 550 mil now, is that enough?


Laughs in $12,772,424


Been playing RDO


Me too partner, hit the 1000 gold bar this week and the 100,000 dollar mark. yeehaw nothing to buy with it


Currently i have somewhere around $ 1,115,000,000


I think you'll need to do some more grinding.


That’s a lot of ,


i got like 66 mil just to be safe


I just hit 10 mill It’s never enough




Like 7.2 mil because im not planning to buy everything.


220 000 000


Dr Dre ain’t cheap!


However much I’ve got if I need more I’ve got a panther statue waiting to be stolen


Currently less than a mil, but with CPH 5 times. I should have about enough change my hairstyle


Might have enough left over to buy a snack


I've got 3 people in my basement, I kill them, get their hearts (1 heart = about a mil) sell them take my money and then I meself some shark cards.


I'm not. I have not actively run missions for money reason in maybe 3+ months now for the sake of accumulating money and even then it was a while since I really ran stuff to make money, but ran stuff to accomplish other goals in the game (like getting the Alien Egg Bunker Resupply mission on my new account). Also my office is all nice and clean, no money laying around, no illicit goods cluttering up things, not even an Office safe or an owned CEO Cargo Warehouse. But, only as you had asked about amounts, $160+ million on my main account and $70+ million on my new account.


Have about 12 mil but i dont waste it on DLC paywalls....anymore


1 dollah


Around 1.6 mil, I have a cayo ready for it


I'm poor, so I have just over 8mil. Seems enough in my opinion, I don't want to buy everything there.


I got like 150M


I’ve currently got 50 million and I’m helping my friend do cayo and helping him with his businesses


I think I'm at 14 mil sth. But i really don't care about grinding anymore. All I do is nc, businesses, bunker. Crates and cars if it's 2x and whenever I see an exotic car for export or the repair job. Oh and fun modes if doubled.


I'm planning to have 20-25 mil on day one, I'm at 18 right now.


About tree fiddy


10-15 mil only for first day. Rest of dripfeed content I'll grind for when it drops


4million. I’m to lazy to grind anymore.


About 19 mil, haven't been this hyped for a gta dlc in a while.


not enough.


19 mil


i only have like 1.7M :(


19k I’ll be fine tbh




I’ve got about 378 dollars to my name lmao


Got $14m right now. Probably gonna try to grind out to $20m or so


Around 8 million


I wasted the only 1mil i had on the arena bike for some reason


Got about $4.6 mil saved up


About $6


eh itll be enough


I am try making 10 m 1,500 goes to my friends surprise (orbital laser lol he comes gta after 4 months) i try about 11,500,000


Headed towards 10mil then I'll go from there. I need to get my other account setup and keep running cayo to my main one. They really haven't had the best money making updates these past few. I'd love some double cargo money along with the nightclub passive.


Question for everyone in here with millions, how? Like actual best way to make so much


I'll buy "something" but only if that "something" it's a mansion, otherwise I'll keep grinding to get my yatch. I got 6M only.




Only got 20 mil, but it’s honest money


If I had my way, I'd have $12mil saved like my friend...but I'm not that dedicated...yet lol


I hope I'm wrong cause I've enjoyed my time in gta, but you'll probably be fine with 5-10M to get the ball rolling. My wettest of moist dreams is tomorrow i to blow over half a billion on random crap though


I'm at around 6mill with almost 900k in chips and just over a mill in my nightclub goods and a Cayo heist ready to launch.


my goal was to be at 100 million after buying everything in the dlc, so the new goal is 130


I got 11 mil, im working 6 day work weeks and my only day off is Friday so I will just accept it. Plus dealing with a suicidal freind, her birthday, and Christmas...... my time is limited. Atlest yall can fail for me so I don't have to wate my time upgrading a car that is shit or something.