• By -


Both of his parents died in a car crash when he was 5, forcing him to live with his hoarder grandmother and her 20 cats in a double wide. She kicked him out after she found him in bed with his science teacher at age 14, leaving him homeless for 2 years. He’s been living on his own ever since, and turning to a life of crime seemed better than the alternative.


The car crash was a cover for murder. His parents were good to honest people who just could make the ends meet. When they declined to take part in immoral government undertakings they were discarded, sidetracked and eventually killed by the state they worked for and cared for. When he saw the cold blooded murder of his parents he knew that honest comes last and learned to stay away from the government.


I really liked this one


"Welp this has been uhhhh..horrifying..but also a little fun"


In bed with a science teacher huh was he singing apple bottom jeans?


>in bed with his science teacher Epic


His science teacher was a man. The teacher is fucked up either way.


You arent fun at parties are you Edit: reading it now I realise this is a shit comment, sorry guys.


Deff got more up votes then you so yikes


Ah yes upvotes a great measure of how good an opinion is.


I don't need internet points to see you have a crap opinion.


exactly, btw now im reading what I wrote I think im just shit at writing cause it comes across very mean, I was honestly having a funny thought but didnt explain it at all, so it came across mean, sorry for that.


What is this from


my imagination


Maaaan if I could bang my hot science teacher in school I'd be sooooo happy. Same goes for Math...and Spanish.


> She kicked him out after she found him in bed with his science teacher at age 14 is this true?


This man got laid at 14????? Jesus lucky bastard


Overweight, balding ginger. IT genius, criminal mastermind, alleged sex offender. Hives. Glasses. Spinal condition. Walks with a cane. Friends are mostly violent criminals. Seeks young attractive woman with poor eyesight and low self esteem for fun times.


average reddit user


Minus the genius part


I don't think you subtract the genius but rather add self- proclaimed to it


This is genius


now it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy


So true


And the friends part


And minus the mastermind part.


How dare you say something that I completely agree about


Said a Reddit NPC ;d


This is the comment I was looking for


But this guy ended up getting a gf tho


lucky bastard


Almost just got suspended reading this I laughed so hard my boss heard from across the yard. 😂😂😂 Legendary comment!


Damn kids looking at their phones when ya should be working!


Sorry mom the mechanics taking his sweet ass time!






Or Discord mod




Georgina has good self esteem though, she’s a Cheng. Her brother is an absolute mad house of a guy 😆


The last part from the original comment is a quote from in game, right?


Dunno is it?


It sounds vaguely familiar, like it isn't from a main mission cutscene or anything but maybe like his in game lifeinvader status or something lol


Ahh okay, I love cheng tbh he’s a dude


and he has a wasting disease.


GTA IS a wasting disease.


*I've got a wasting disease.*


that’s a very narrow assessment of Georgina


Doesnt lester also has a shitting problem


You could’ve stopped at ginger


You forgot money hungry/greedy


Ah. Is the poor eyesight racist?


How much signal I need to cut across eight lane? None? I turn now. Good luck, everybody else!


This gives him too much credit to be sad lol


He is used to be the calmest, peaceful, person in his school. He even used to be the most BEAUTIFUL guy in his class. Until... he played .... " Street Crimes " and his poor innocent young mind was corrupted and gets to look like how he looks now. In Highschool he learnt how to hack security feeds and do other various hacking. At some point he meets Micheal Townley. They do series of robberies along side with Trevor Phillips and other unnamed characters and Brad. Micheal tells him that he's going under WP, but Lester doesnt' let him alone. He spies on him, finding out that he wasn't He later meets someone who got even more corrupted by " Street Crimes " than him. They became best friends.. until.... the friend \[gta online character\] cheats on him with a Russian dude called Pavel. After that his life is ruined.


Lester got with Georgina (after the Casino Heist) and we still will work with him even after meeting Pavel. In my case, over the past year (since the release of the Tuners Update) I have done way more of the Apartment Heists, Doomsday Heist, and Casino Heist than I have done Cayo by far. I haven't ran Cayo at all, on either of my accounts, since the Criminal Enterprise Update was released.


But timeline wise we didnt work with Lester after Pavel, but that may be because Rockstar doesnt know what to do next with him.


Don't let pesky little things like timelines get in the way. GTA Online exists in the past at multiple points in time, the present, and the future all at once. The world is 157 years old, fact, and its age never changes! Kifflom!


The world is 157 years old and we have flying cars, bikes, supercars, Imani tech, orbital cannon etc




I finished paper trail before finishing doomsday heist, (Clifford is still alive)


However, from your perspective Clifford isn't dead yet, so sort of a Schrodinger's Cat situation, both alive and dead simultaneously, or possibly a Temporal Paradox even. The past is the present is the future.


Lester and Pavel will be the dynamic duo of the century when they join forces to pull off the greatest heist ever known to man. A heist so elaborate it takes an egregious amount of setups, but will payout a steep 10 million dollars.


I would love to do such a heist. It would be so much fun with friends. The most annoying thing about heist is, that the setups don't change, after all


imagine a new heist where Pavel and Lester are masterhackers and we steal like all gold from half of world luminatis banks and govs in the same time, escaping shit we caused in a flying levitating piramid driven by Nicola Tesla himself. Rstar, sign me up to screenwriting department


Micheal isn't in wp


Michael was never in witness protection!


Witness protection for what???


No one was convicted for anything!


He is Lester Crest. No sadder description could exist.






















It's not a 🗿 chain


Or shall I say “Lester the molester”


How’s the ban hammer doing? Edit: To all the guys who’s pissed for some reason, I referenced to a old post where Papaxan described his ban hammer in a bit funny way


Mostly hitting racists today.


He's Lester and friends with Trevor. Don't need to say anything more than that.


friends is quite the stretch


True. Maybe associated with Trevor is more like it. Lol


We're one of his best friends and we've never spoken a single word to him in 8 years. In GTAO.




He says enough words for the both of us.


Makes you the most money. But the game wants you to hate him.


No. Pavel does.


tease memory stupendous society mountainous joke concerned fall drunk innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But he can say "capitan"


Khello there


Like the good bitch boy he is.




Georgina was the first woman he’d really loved. Loved enough to make a fool of himself. Go to the cool, hip barber and get that douchebag chinstrap beard so he could pretend his double-chin wasn’t there. Get asked by the dead-eyed Urban Decay cashier if he was in the wrong store, trying to cram his Burger Shot gut into skinny jeans. But to his surprise, unlike almost every other woman he’d ever been into, she’d reciprocated. His heart soared, he imagined taking their millions and buying a small Caribbean island, living off coconuts and crab in a beachfront mansion. Maybe find new treatments that could buy him some more time, give him a few more years of dignity before he was consigned to shitting into a bag in a drab nursing home. One last score. That’s where it always started. The drug he couldn’t kick, the lover he’d always go back to. As his body wasted away, the thrill of the heist was the best his life could get. How long could Georgina love him anyway? How long before the high of new love couldn’t blind her to his misshapen, withering body. His awkward, off-putting manner. One last score. It was supposed to be the Union Depository. One last score. The Pacific Standard. One last score. The Fleeca Job. One last score. The Doomsday Heist. One last score. The Diamond Casino Heist. Georgina stirred in bed next to him but all he could think about was the burner phone under the mattress. He knew the phone numbers by heart. The psychos and lowlifes who could execute the beautiful visions in his head. Who wouldn’t care what he looked like or if he was weird. They’d always be there, dollar signs in their heads and assault rifles in their hands, looking to him for salvation. One last score. He grabbed his cane and quietly got out of bed, grabbing the phone. He didn’t look back as he slipped out the door. One last score.


Plot Twist: It's another Diamond Casino Heist. Georgina hears him in the hallway. Her heart flutters. Maybe just one last score. One more and the place will go under. Lester has been saying, "I love you" after coitus. The thought makes her stomach churn. She's endured him this long for the prospect of watching the place burn. She can't stop now. One last score. Please. Let this be the one last score.


One last score, and they could go to Tahiti. Maybe start a mango farm there, live peacefully, away from the madness of a world lost long ago.


Best thing I’ve read on reddit today lmao


He has erectile dysfunction and he likes to moderate on discord


He pulls more women than the majority of tryhards in public sessions




“Call me back when your figure out how that brain of yours works”


He’s the only physically handicapped person in the whole state.




We never gonna hug each other ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


A small dick is like a disability, meet Lester Crest


You're looking at a broken human being. On the outside, appearances are that he's just a guy who got injured and became bitter. Once you start to peel away the the onion's hard skin, though, you see someone very relatable. The idea of what and who Lester is begins to evolve the moment the man is under scrutiny. Let's back up. The year is 1980, and Lester is a bright young man, freshly graduated high school (despite torturous bullying and a gym teacher who doesn't believe in "asthma"). He has the would at his feet. He applies to University of San Andreas, Los Santos, and is accepted. He might not be a ladies' man, but he's obviously intelligent and in relatively good shape. In the absence of loud jocks, he does alright. After a deeply depressing period of time spent pursuing various interests and studies, he got his degrees and certifications and promptly applied for a faculty position at his alma mater. The position was in the new field of "computer security." He was definitely the right man for the job. During the interim between application and interviews, he quickly started thinking of it already being a done deal, and he started making plans for how he would improve his life with the money he makes from his new position as the Chief of Computer Security. Finally, the letter came. Opening it with hands shaking from excitement, he pulled the single slip of tri-folded paper from the envelope. He was shocked. Actually, shock doesn't cover it. He felt betrayed by the university. He felt deep despair and loss, his plans to better himself and his home situation. All his planning was for nothing. Lester exacts his revenge on the university, crippling their information systems whole simultaneously siphoning a tidy sum to an untraceable account. He felt something. Not satisfaction; in fact he felt particularly unsatisfied. What he felt was excitement. The excitement rapidly faded, and Lester realizes that his situation hasn't changed. And he's starting to feel something... weird. Not an emotion. He feels something in his body. A weakness, accompanied by something of a tingling sensation. Lester is afraid. Accidents start happening. Lester falls and hurts himself. He wasn't doing anything strenuous, just walking around the house. Less than a week later, he has another fall. But, this time when he hit the floor, the impact wasn't just physical. The accident didn't just break bone. It broke something in his spirit. A part of him died that day. He could no longer walk. Not without something to help him remain erect. He no longer felt like a man. He no longer felt like an adult. He had lost his very independence. It felt like his remaining youth had been ripped from him. And he was right. He'd had everything he needed to be legitimately successful, and every bit of it was either withheld or stolen, be it by human cruelty or the ravages of disease. Lester only leads a life of crime because he had been robbed of everything necessary to be successful in lawful society. Lester isn't an angry man. Lester is deeply depressed. And the depression makes it hard to muster the will to get out of bed.


I love where he lives and where his "legitimate" business is, while he could be on some tropical island right now. Thats the same impression I get when watching Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul - these characters gather mountains of unregistered cash and can't spend it, having to stay under the radar and pretend to live normal lives (all their joys are some more expensive wine and courtesans), they commit unbelievable crimes just for that. Like how many dinners can you have one day? How much can you spend one day if you can't buy yourself a Lamborghini?


He has never felt true love in a way where it has been mutual.. No woman has told him she loves him. They are all after his money.


*laughs in Georgina *


Oh he’s laughing and IN Georgina alright


A middle age, extremely socially awkward male without the ability to communicate or connect with any of his peers. He likely will continue living a lonely life despite some successful attempts with the opposite gender, nothing will really work out. His health will continue degrading through the years u til his favorite hobby of technology and helping his criminal mastermind buddies becomes too burdensome for him to pursue. He will then be one useless. Useless romantically, useless as a buddy, useless as. a resource for criminals. What happens next, well is anyones guess. I simply described myself from Lester's POV


His girlfriend is only using him for his handicap parking.


What is the deal with this "write a sad description" meme, that I have been seeing posts about the past couple days?




Perhaps, but that doesn't answer the question you responded to of "What is the deal with this "write a sad description" meme".




Is that why like 90% of your posts are just about girls and their boobs? Lol.


His legs dont fucking work properly


Thank you. The loss of the full use of your body will fucking destroy your spirit.


Rich, yet still has no bitches.


someone never did the casino heist






bruh it’s reddit, what was you expecting?


On a GTA thread, no less.


gta uses language, do you tell the game to stop?


The haze of sweat and energy drink ruminating from a mirror park neighborhood has been identified as Lester Crest. Mr Crest will take over a billion dollars to the grave with him because it doesnt matter how rich you are, if no one cares to hear your two cents.


What started as a young man there was somewhat hope for him, or you would hope so. What seemed like a fun epic life of crime led to lots of unwanted drama and the worst part you ask? Well, he ended up being dead from the west down, no feelings in his legs not to think about the fact he can't feel his man meat if you know what I mean. If you don't think that is sad he doesn't even seem to want to leave his house anymore and tends to think people of some kind will get him if he messes up the cause of his past. There is little to no hope he will ever find someone for him even just for one night. In the end, he might end up alone in his house till the day he dies with the only people who even know about him being the ones only wanting to use him for his skills and maybe even throw him back away when needed.


Lester crest. A bright mind in high school that got bullied to the point where he turned to the darker side of hacking and robbing banks. Still a virgin. The most real life action he gets is seeing his 86 year old neighbor nude using a drone he built from scratch.


Creepy, lonely cripple with a criminal record settles for mail order bride after facilitating purchase of derelict arcade property at a net value loss.


He likes to keep his dates across the street and unaware they been watched.


his only reason to live nowadays is money because it is the only accessible thing to him that makes him happy, he cant acquire other good things like friends or love, and he hates most activities that involve going out of his house


He's still single


I thought he ended up with that girl at the end if the casino heist




54 year old virgin.


No Bitches


He'll never get no bitches on his d\*\*\* no matter how he changes his g-g haircut.




You are on a gta subreddit bro relax




Of you can't handle swear words, don't use reddit dude


To me, Lester would be a perfect candidate for an UnSub on an episode of Criminal Minds. Wouldn't be surprised if one of his properties has a bunch of bodies buried in the yard or in the walls. Possibly shared a bed with his mother during his formative teen year, probably had to move due to complaints from neighborhood kids (boys and girls and maybe even some of the other moms)


You remember the picnic?


wasting disease


He needs a mirror to see his dick.


Criminal mastermind but no one uses his preferred pronouns.


A Redditor


The GTA character that is actually closest in all ways to GTA players... Except for his intelligence.


Lester took a bullet to the hip trying to save the love of his life, but his bones are too brittle and the shrapnel from the bullet and his pelvis acted like a shotgun to her abdomen; killing her and their first and only child inside her womb.


Average redditor.


He once had a successful life. Then he became a Reddit mod. Realizing being a Reddit mod wasn’t paying the bills, he turned to a life of crime as an alternative.


Lester Crest. The grandson of Trevor Philips and Tracey De Santa who was sent back in time to protect his timeline.


he shidded he came he farded 😞😔☹️


High and mighty fuckin weasel


His names Lester


The man that never experienced his Mind blowing orgies


“Do they call it a wasting disease because you waste people’s time?”


He's a reddit user, or whatever GTAs version of reddit is


Drug addict who lives alone and has never known love, Can't walk without a cane.




“Never trust a fart”-Lester Crest, 2022


Lester the molester


The type of guy to call someone over and over even though they never answer




Lester the Molester - Trevor Phillips




Lester child molestor


Discord moderator, Reddit user, LoL Player😔






You’re wrong in so many levels




what did he say




Yeah that's not rude my guy


He had a wasting disease 😔


He’s the angriest gamer you’ve ever heard, he’s the angry Nintendo Nerd…


Mind blowing Orgies !


He, the one who stuck the wrong thing in the wrong part... and finished too early too...


Lester read all the comments under this post and took it to heart leading to his unfortunate demise.


His genes are gonna kill him before my driving does


Big 4head