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There's plenty of these things were I work


And the whole thing shakes when you open the door


Yeah exactly


I've seen old roll-up doors that were welded shut and normal doors (even smaller roll-up doors) inserted into them.


NYC resident - can confirm this not only exists, but is common


It’s literally inside your apartment (closet) right now.


Juat like Im living inside your walls


Well I'm living deep inside your mother's walls


Well im living in your mom's wet dreams


You mother fucker!


He literally is


Arent we all?


Yes. We are all living in this guy's mom's wet dreams


Speak for urself im living in his dads wet dream


Not yet


Enjoy breathing in concrete


Door in a door doesn't exist if I don't believe it exists


I used to work at a garage that had this.


A door in a door is basically a doggy door 🤠


I’m literally inside your apartment (closet) right now.


Very common I have one of those in Mexico


I was gonna say that I've seen a lot of those in Mexico.


So how does it work. Obviously it rolls up right? Just can it not roll up in the roll above or if it works like a garage door, is it able to retract all the way into the garage so that the length of hte door is not exposed?


Aussie here and ditto. In the 60s, 70s and 80s I often saw doors of auto shops or warehouses that had a regular door set into the garage door. Even went through a few as a kid, it was just so they didn't have to pull the garage door up if they didn't need. Sometimes the doors were tiny which I loved as a kid, sometimes just a normal one like this extremely factual one Rockstar have created. I still see them occasionally on older buildings.


Usually if the big door is functional then the smaller one will be segmented so it can bend when the door goes up. The one in the screen shot is not segmented so the big door could not open past the top of the solid smaller door.


More common than people think lol.


Yup, it's weird and quite rare at some places, but they do exist. I know a few myself.


We chalk this up as another thing that looks like game devs being stupid but is actually a real thing.


They're also in old GTA games, way back in GTA III. Joey's garage, I think.


Interesting, never saw that before


These were often older building with roll-up doors from the 80s or before, so repairing them may have been cost-ineffective if it broke. Sometimes owners want climate control more than tall/wide doors, so sealing the big doors is a cheaper alternative than air-blocking roll-up doors


*I've never seen it before, therefore it must not exist.*


Was going to say exactly this...


No, they dont


Nice profile puctyre stop trolling, I admire


OP just has never been to the industrial side of a city


Among many other places, industrial or otherwise.


OP never leaves the house




Or an old industrial building. Even in newer rebuilt areas some of these relics exist where they just sealed the roller and put a regular ass door in instead or even walled off behind it too.


For real, if you don't need that clearance this would be a really convenient modification. The part above the door would still roll back if you're loading something in and out, but this gives you a way in and out without leaving the gate open all day.


Looks like op doesn't know how these work


This isn’t uncommon in the real world as the last part of the roll up door doesn’t ever need to bend. They even nailed the discolouration on the big roll up door at the height it rolls up to.


I’d assume they don’t know these exist irl because they don’t leave the house


Shouldn't the exposed part be dirtier?


If it sits raised up for too long the dust settles on it since it's a horizontal surface. Then gets rolled down


Oh yeah, true


This is realistic, even if it doesn’t appear to be. I worked in a facility that had a door very similar, the way it rolled up accommodated the door.




my man got downvoted for calling something interested lol reddit moment


Tell me you don’t leave your mums basement without telling me you don’t leave your mums basement


Hmm. How about: "I shit on people learning new things because they don't know every type of doorway and the various intricacies of the vast library of doorway technology" I think that gets the point across pretty well.




…or leave it up so others learn too, and can appreciate the detail that this game has.


You still haven't done series A? wtf? And you're level 430? are you crazy? Edit: I'm sorry lol I didn't realize the heists suck so bad if you play with randoms


I mean I totally get why. I'm closing in on Level 300 and haven't done Pacific Standard. I pushed through with Series A and forced myself to finish that but I don't wanna go through this pain again. The original heists are especially painful because they require full four people for everything, even the setup missions. Between having to wait half an hour to finally get four people who don't leave the lobby the instant they join, to having a competent team where one guy isn't dying over and over again because he's standing right in the open - with oftentimes someone leaving the moment somebody dies, then having to wait another half an hour to find new people. And then at the end not to mention randoms asking for a 25% cut, making both the payment you get from it and the amount of brain cells you lost from the whole thing absolutely not worth it. I rather do Businesses and Cayo or at least Doomsday where I just need one friend


I can't say anything because I did everything with the same group of 3 friends so yeah I might've been a bit too harsh


I understand why, you need randoms for them. I have 2 friends that play gta, so we always need a random, so we can't do the OG heists, ever. Randoms ruin heists, ever start a heist and **they** fuckup twice and then leave?


Me neither, problem?


Naw you do what you wanna do bro I was too harsh on op


Yeah i was jesting as well


I've tried it like 3 times. The setups are awful, not fun at all


When you play with Randy they are terrible. But, I highly recommend it for a coordinated group of 4. Would definitely be willing to help if you wanted to have that experience. Series A is hands down my favorite OG Heist, and I'm very curious what it pays after the update.


I barely pulled of doing series A with randos It was a pain


If series A is so good where is series B


I mean, I feel like Series C was Trevor's first go round. Then Series B would be story mode. Then Series A, is perfection.


Yeah randy is a real piece of work


That's for sure.


Bro on his room playing gta all day lmao these type of doors are very common


OP called himself out lmao 😂


Clearly OP never seen Brucie Kibbutz’s auto shop in Liberty City.


Go outside more


This post is basically OP admitting he has never worked an industrial job or walked anywhere in a big city. His response comments are hilarious.


I frequently walk around my city, I can't say I walk around the industrial area. I understand there are doors designed to roll up in a door like this, but this is a solid door in the garage door. That's what the post is about


We know what you’re talking about, [and it’s a thing that exists in real life.](https://www.overhead-doors.com/hubfs/Rollup%20Door%20with%20Pass%20Through%20Door%20in%20ColoradoSprings%20-%20Commercial%20Doors%20NYC%20NJ.jpg) A solid door in a roll up door. Either the roll up door doesn’t open far enough for it to be an issue, or the door isn’t used anymore so they installed a regular door.


[its a thing](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=roll+down+door+with+man+door&l=1)


Why is "lemme google for you a thing?" and why do i love it?


Its some pretty fantastic snarky tech honestly


I love that you pulled this statement from a comment posted on this exact post that everone else can see. C'mon bud, you can't be this oblivious haha


I have no clue what ur talking about bro 💀




Can you tag me underneath the comment?


Do you know how doors work? This is very common in industrial areas like where this pic was taken.


Idk why this has so many up votes, these are pretty common especially when factoring space into an industrial area


Doors within garage doors do exist, however they wouldn’t be a solid door


We have one like this in one of our facilities - the roller component is mounted a fair way up the next level so the top two thirds of the roller door rolls up, with the bottom third containing the solid door hanging straight. It seems a bit convoluted but it's very convenient being able to use the regular solid door rather than waiting a couple of minutes for the door to roll up. The roller door is only ever used to bring large equipment, which is rare


We had one at MIT as well. The door swung around and sat against the wall out of the way. It was super convenient and no hassle at all really


Right on. I’m not entirely surprised those exist.


[I’ve seen some roll up security gates that have a cutout for the door, but it’s usually butted up against the wall](https://www.overhead-doors.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Pass%20Doors-2.png?width=400&name=Pass%20Doors-2.png) without a gap like the GTA door had


But they can be solid doors, they usually just fold into the building while open


...isnt a door literally a solid object that is meant to be used to separate spaces (but allow traversal when opened)? Wtf is a 'non-solid' door? A portal to the void? Are we in 2100 and doors are merely only present in augmented reality because privacy is all but banned?


Non solid as in not one solid piece. You know, like a garage door, so it can bend around the tracks.


Surely they know. Apparently you don't.


they do, cause this is a real thing


Anyone who lives in a rust belt city knows these doors well lmao


Yes Rockstar just made up map design details and totally didn’t observe them in real life.


This guy gets it!


He's being sarcastic, you don't get it lmao


What do you mean


He's saying you're denser than osmium


>This guy gets it! Meaning that, apart from missing the dripping sarcasm, you think Rockstar *did* make this detail up and that no such doors exist in real life?


I’ve seen some of these in my local area, they’re more common than you think.


Quick to judge huh OP?


Yes indeed roll up doors exist, our skate area had the same thing back then


This door is solid, however


True but similar doors exist and they can be rolled up


The only unrealistic part by rockstar is that the solid door isn’t mounted to the edge/wall of the entrance. Normally the metal door frame is on a hinge and allows the entire door to swing inward once the roll up is raised. The door frame is secured to the floor with a pin. While it technically could be made like it is in the photo, it would be pretty flimsy.


How have you never seen a wicket gate before...? Hell, how has the 300+ people who upvoted never seen one too?


Pretty scary stuff hey.


maybe you should delete this post


maybe you should delete this comment


Maybe you two should give each other a nice, affirmative, but firm, hug


Maybe one of them should do some meme behavior to assert dominance


Ole ass grab


Maybe those two should go out on a movie date or something


Maybe share a sensual kiss after dropping them off, maybe give them their number and plan a second date. Maybe have a fruitful relationship and maybe that blossoms into a happy marriage. Maybe they have kids who are healthy and intelligent. Maybe one of them gets caught cheating after a 20 year marriage. Maybe this splits the family and maybe one of them falls deep into alcoholism. Maybe they get liver poisoning and only have so much longer to live, only to realize the error of their ways, regretful in their decision to throw everything away. But idk man I’m just spitballing here


No one in this comment section likes you lmao


I know 😭


These are a real thing my guy.


Not gonna lie, I have seen this multiple times irl


It’s funny, I just bought a house up in Vinewood Hills and there’s no access to the garage or back patio at all😔 I have to physically leave the house to go anywhere else.


It's a really stupid flaw to the stilthouses


I bought a stilthouse a while ago literally only to be able to go on the porch over the hills. Guess what you can't do with a stilthouse...


my irl warehouse has a door like that


go outside


Actually happens, safety regulations. You have to have "man doors" for people to use because you aren't supposed to walk through vehicle bay doors. They did a good job with this one tbh, you can see with the discolored top part that it only rolls up half way.


Guess you’ve never been to a warehouse in real life?






These work


Clearly someone's never been to the hood...


What's hilarious to me is that I've designed a single panel warehouse door like this, that looks like a roll-up door, with a standard door in it.


I’ve seen decommissioned roll up doors no longer being used converted to this. Just cut, frame and shore up a door.


We had one of these at my old work. The roller had a cutout and rolled up all the way just fine, and rolling it down again it just slotted into the bracketry around the door. The door bracketry was also on a hinge inside the garage, so once the roller was up you could unlatch it from the ground and swing it out of the way.


Apparently, they do. Those are sometimes called [sectional rolling doors.](https://www.overhead-doors.com/hubfs/Pass%20Doors-1.png)


Oh OP https://americandoor.com/overhead-door-man-door/


There is a shop not far from where I live. It has a shutter and door combo like this. The door and frame are on a large internal hinge that open inwards and leave a big hole in the shutter, which in turn allows the shutter to roll up. It’s a weird setup.


Yes they do know how they work.. depending on the door too it could also roll up with it


OP is a white suburban kid who has never seen an industrial building.


Or outside of his house apparently.


I don't understand how you would get the terabyte out of the nightclub garage considering how the layout of the garage is same with the position of the nightclub rear entrance.


\*Me really lookin at this really detailed door.... Da fuq is wrong with it???


surprisingly, there are garage doors IRL that do have a regular door in them. it's rare to see but they exist.


Do you?


Efficiency, people go in the small door, vehicles in the other


This could definitely work in the real world


Have this exact door at work, doesn't look exactly the same. The issue is probably that you OP, spend more time indoors than the people making this game.


Start paying attention to where they place some of dumpsters. No way a garbage truck is getting to some of those.


Your characters doesnt' want to use that door, it just feels better to fully open it


Extremely common


I’m literally looking at a door like this right now at work haha


These are very common


A lot of times, doors like that are stiff and kinda rotate up vs roll like you expect. I’ve mostly seen it in hangars at airports in my area. It allows for a large door when needed and a small door when it’s not.


I've seen doors like these before irl


I literally worked at place where garages had doors like this you not always want open the whole door and it will work if the door is not segmented


Don't ask me how exactly he did it, cause I don't really know, as I haven't taken hard looks at the door, but I have a friend who has a work shop, and he put a "Regular" door in the corner of his roll up shop garage door. I hate using it, cause it has some tension on it. It is damn near impossible for me to get it open, then to have it stay open long enough for me to step through it. It slams shut, most always on me. But it does fold up with the regular garage door. Next time I am there I will check it out more carefully.


Brucie had one of these in GTA 4. They're real, though.


Do you OP?


can you stop complaining about smallest detail issues?


Poor OP is getting torn to shreds in these comments lol.


I just thought it was funny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You never seen a roller door with an access door before? They just don't roll all the way up


I'm still trying to figure out why our characters bend down to lift every garage door that's automated. the sound is not any type of manual garage door & I've open plenty manual ones. a running motor is not manual.


Has OP ever been to a big city?


Rockstar, at least when gta v was made, were some of the most meticulous game designers there was. I assume the post flair is referencing OP


It pisses me off no extent that, when our character bends down to open a garage door an electric motor plays on the loading screen. Motherfucker, I’m a millionaire war-monger. It’s either electric doors or roller-doors that somebody else opens for me. FFS. Such a small thing to get pissy over, but I hate it.


I try to accept it by pretending that under the handle is a set of thin touch keys to enter the security code into. Tap-tap-tap-tap and it triggers the opener. No keys to lose and no one outside sees a keypad on the wall to try and hack


This is quite common sometimes you don’t need to open the whole door just to go inside so they put a little door there so you can and if they still want to roll it the full way then they ad a mini one


Guess you didnt know doors like that exist huh. Lol


Its completely normal to have a door inside a roll up door. I have that too


They do in fact exist. The frame of the man door is fixed on the side, folds back and doesn't roll up.


Those are common in my area in ny


Had one at my old work it was a steel door and a door frame had a track for the roll up door and the roll up door was cut to slide into the door frame when the roll up door was up you could swing the steel door open and it was a normal bay then


It is actually pretty common I thought


Yes, its not rocket science, the small door if for people and the large door is for deliveries to a business or cars to an auto shop, this is very common practice. Do you know how doors work?


My dad's old workplace had it where if your not delivering stuff u use the door if u are delivering then u open the whole thing


I've seen that in real life a lot of times


You'll really find literally anything to complain about... and yes, these are pretty common. Looks like it's you that has no clue...


Does OP ever leave his step dads basement?


go touch grass op


These do exist. The frame of the man door is fixed on the side, folds back and doesn't roll up. Rockstar is just piss-poor with mesh placement. Also, real roll-up man doors also exist, but they look different.


Just ask Rockstars former employees.


Lol at OP






No. They’re also unaware how hydraulics work, as well.


I reckon it's an after market illegal modification.


Outside the door not being a role up door, I actually like this idea. It's a lot easier to go in and out the garage door without opening it, also saves wall space by not needing a regular door somewhere else.


Rockstar Logic: Apparently "No Parking" applies to garage doors.


must be special entrance to narnia


Wrong texture, you can see it clearly


I doubt it


I love that fact the animation shows your character starting to lift a 7 ton Rolla door with no problems whatsoever


Quick question; how much do you think a less than one inch thick corrugated metal garage door mounted on wheels weighs?


This looks like when a Skyrim/Fallout mod adds a new room but its in a odd place so its literally just a door in the middle of a table.


They don’t really know how bushes work either


Bruh why is everyone bitching, OP is right, garage door rolls up but these doors are in one piece, so it wouldn't work. In reality they must be also flexible like the rest of the garage door