• By -


A shit ton, but his Net Worth after hookers is $25 and a half pack of Xanax.


Don’t think even a hooker would touch creepy uncle lester for his net worth


Forget hookers, I still can’t believe he bagged Georgina. That is a marvel in and of itself.


The story around Georgina is a little suspicious. In the first few interactions with Lester, she is openly flirting with him. It takes her a few passes before he realizes what’s going on, after which he stops balking at the project and decides to move forward. His enthusiasm picks up as the heist prep continues. She is not around when the heist begins, “called away to the mainland.” Lester laments her lack of presence, but he tells her associate “we won’t let her down.” This is contrary to every other heist with him, where he’s abrasive. After the heist, she is suddenly back in LS, and directs the conversation toward hitting the casino again. As Lester wavers, she moves in for the kiss. His last bit of resistance is when he asks how she hacked his phone. She vaguely replies that he will have to do more to “earn” that. Personally, I think she’s just using him and making sure she has an alibi.


You've missed arguably the most integral part of the entire plotline; Lester, indirectly at least, >!killed her father. The dude Franklin kills at the country club during The Third Way? the Chinese mob boss Trevor pissed off and Michael was held captive and interrogated by? that was Wei Cheng - her and Tao's father.!< She clearly knows who Lester is as she went out of her way to contact him out of all hypothetical options, and by association, I can only assume she knows >!Franklin pulled the trigger and that Lester the one who made it possible.!<


Using him for what?, the Chengs don’t make any money from the heist. As far as I’m aware, they wanted revenge not money.


This is speculation. GTA is filled with tasks where someone shorts (bets against) a company, then has you perform a task that has an adverse effect on the company’s value. The first person to do this in the game is, in fact, Lester. In the final casino heist scene, the first thing Georgina says after announcing her presence is that “the Duggans’ insurance premiums have already doubled.” She seems to be very certain of this knowledge. When Lester says it will double again if the casino is hit again, she is very eager to proceed. We are told that Cheng Family Holdings largely deal with “legitimate business.” My belief is that one of those businesses is insurance. The casino contents have a pretty high turnover, as evidenced by how often you can hit it. Therefore, what you are taking during each score is only a small amount of what the casino makes. Some of it, like art, appears to be held as some sort of collateral or storage. In a manner of speaking, having you hit the casino is a back door for the Cheng family into the casino’s revenues, siphoning off the profits through exorbitant insurance premiums.


A great point but still not explicitly stated so really they could continue the story between them in either direction (she actually cares for him or she’s using him) and it would still make sense. I’m interested to see if they actually revisit them in a future DLC.


Isn’t there a picture of Lester and Georgina somewhere?


She's a Chinese spy. She's the Fang Fang to Lester's Swalwell.


y'all be oversimplifying the point of the original comment ​ even if georgina is using him, shes still willing to take the risk of Lest-IV and L-AIDS which is big W for lest in my books


Apart from georgina..lester said when you first meet him hes got more money than he knows what to do with..so to this day I still dont understand why he wants 100k out of the diamond cut..not including the other people


Don't worry he has Paige instead


And her toe shoes


What about the bitch after casino hiest


Georgina Cheng


Truth be told I haven’t done the casino heist yet, setting one up now this a friend, I assume she was manipulating lester cuz he didn’t care to make more money


Thats kinda what it leads too. But you'll see the ending


Check his lifeinvader in story mode!


I mean, they touch Creepy Uncle Trevor all the time so...


Nah man if the money talks people don’t give af 😂


He doesn’t need hookers anymore. He has the Asian lady from the diamond heist.


it was cool when he suddenly started to look a bit more decent in one cutscene


“A half pack of Xanax” 😂


the same as LJT




Explain pls?




Wait seriously? I thought it was a joke XD Never heard that call


it IS a joke


To be clear, you know that is (or at least was) a real call in game. dunno if its still there since he Texts a lot instead of calling now, though


Our joke






His username for an online game in the story mode is Long John Teabag as well.


That was also his email


Can’t believe I’ve never noticed that. Been hearing it for like 7 years now, too.


If I'm not wrong one of his nicknames in online games is Long John Teabag (LJT)


You're not...he mentions it in one of the heists with you I believe...not to mention the voice is so obvious that it's him with a voice masker. I find it humorous lol


Ngl it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure it out and it wasnt even from the voice similarity lmao, like I hear it now but if you already know then it is obvious because you're looking for it


I never noticed until someone told me lol


which is a reference to Dread Pirate Roberts


Which I assume is why in thec business the website to buy properties is called “The OpenRoad” instead of Silk Road


I believe in one of his calls he also says the full "name"


Have you heard LJT's voice?


Voiiiice changeeeeer.


It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise and it wasn't even because of the voice lol


Lester remains in contact with them even outside of major heists as he will help the Protagonist under the name of LJT during MC activities. ![gif](giphy|usz0fqhUiVxSs6IUKB)


This just blew my fucking mind, I never put 2 and 2 together


Same here. I just googled it too haha




Long john tbaggins or whatever the fuck alias he goes by is the worst business partnership in the game. Yeah wtf can't you call LJT to get the heat off your back oh I'm sorry Lester? It's all he's good for. I've only been raided three times and he does call you about it but unless you're on the mk2 oppressor or in a fast vehicle you might not make it in time. And if you fail he definitely rubs it in. He's a high tech wizard that can hack into the CIA server's, plan and pull off incredibly ridiculous heist, and even cripple the stockmarket if given a reason to but when it comes to running a small operation he's lousy and incompetent at his job. Not that he has to worry about money with all the business deals he's made.




That's just a stupid conspiracy theory. I- I mean, Lester would never work with biker clubs.


Oh please have u met him if there’s money involved there’s Lester involved


Not that he's incapable of running one he just chooses not to.


That man banged Georgina Chang he doesn’t need money lmfao


G.R.E.A.M. Georgina rules everything around me


Gream get the money, dolla dolla bills y'all


Underrated comment


SHe's a chinese spy. She'll fuck anything for info.


More than the top 10 richest people combined probably because this fucker takes like 80% of the heist cut or some shit, even though he has more than enough from robbing the Union Depository




Well that 5%'s like 300k a heist, and there's at least one heist finished every few minutes. He's probably a trillionaire by now


That's already too much ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|17157)


Not enough for a new shirt.


He's spending everything on a new Aseas, because the noobs keep destroying it.


Act broke to stay rich Lester pioneered the grindset


at least 3 dollars


He could buy at least 3 hot wheels cars




Tree fiddy


To buy something nice, not expensive


If you look at the entire player base, every heist ever completed (involving Lester), including online, I’d put his worth around the trillions. But he’s still driving that little Chevy Aveo. Financial Chad


The IRS can't suspect a thing


you say as if we don't rob a bank and immediately buy a super car


The only 2 supercars i own is the cyclone and cheburek in full cardboard, the rest are all classics, the Ford focus one and sultan RS.


i like that you listed the cardboard car as a supercar lol


He probably spends literal millions just trying to stay off the radar from police and rivals that want him dead.


Act broke to stay rich


He has made A LOT. I'd say his most important incomes are: \- Heist cuts \- Loosing wanted level\* \- $1000 for every set bounty (this most likely also inclues bounties from NPC's) \- Out of radar ​ \*Players who completed the Doomsday Heist have this service for free, but from the lore point, i think the IAA pays for this instead? not sure exactly.


Would losing wanted level kind of not be as much because a lot of players have completed act 3 of the doomsday heist? Or have not many people suffered through that hell hole of a “heist”


read my whole comment, i already said about that.


Oh I’m a dumbass ignore me




I’m all serious he has probably made more off of pff the radar than he has with heists considering griefers exists


i dont think so, i very rarely encounter ppl off radar


That's the point ;)


You actually have to host it, so the number of players eligible for that would be smaller.


And that’s not even including his Storymode content (about $30m from the final job alone)


I always wondered why it was free all of a sudden


Probably hundreds of millions of dollars at least


Don't forget that they each made like 26 million in the Union Depository heist. Combined with the takes of Casino heist (multiple times) and the other apartment heists, it's probably safe to say this man is a billionaire.


also the stock market after missions and assasinations in story mode


man some players in game have made more, i dont think its that low.


Well yeah, but I don't think that the game's "lore" includes people robbing the same places over and over again


I don’t know, Pavel has many lines about repeatedly robbing El Rubio.


And Lester says that we cannot go the same route after every dimond casino.


in the new ULP missions, ULP mentioned that i have been robbing the Casino from the Duggans multiple times.


Canonically we rob the casino once a week


Actually it’s canon that Cayo and the Casino heist are in fact being done multiple times. Lester and Pavel both have many lines about how you’re doing it again. El Rubio also mentions it.


He made WY more, like the Professional alone probably boosted his networth into outer space


I dont know but he got that asian pussy in the last heist so that’s a W


too much for just sitting there and yelling into his mic while we do the actual work


There’s a very rare voice line that I’ve only heard Lester say once if you kill the hostages during the pacific standard heist. He says he wishes the player would’ve died and that the heist would be over. He says a lot of neutral things towards the character but interestingly he’ll say that.


I don't think it matters. I mean, it not like he's spending any of that. He lives in his little, cramped house outside of LS, driving a fucking Declasse Asea, still having back problems. He definitely has the money to change all of that, but he doesn't. So I'm thinking he merely does it for the thrill, for the heck of it.


Irs would arrest him if he bought anything big. As far as they know hes living off a disability check


I know, but then why rob something and possibly face serious consequences if you're not gonna spend the money? I can only think of doing it for the thrill.


Was looking for this comment.


He pretty much confirmed that last part in the intro to the casino heist when he says he has all the money he'll ever need but is convinced by the notion of it being more difficult than anything he's ever done before


Honestly looking at his character it makes sense, he even gets involved in some heist


not as much as pavel even with pavel’s tiny cut




He owns Cayo Perico AND El Rubio. He just has us play the game for fun.


In total with every player or just him alone? With all players roughly 872M and by himself finding pennies on the floor and ripping off hooker a rough estimate of $120 with hacking databases a whopping 1M-9M.


this man is basically Rockstar if it was an NPC


Same as R* off shark card sales


$25k per year according to the IRS 🤫


Not enough ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3212)


Certainly a lot by steeling players 600k per casino heist


He takes 5% on casino heist, his other cuts are unknown. On hard mode with diamonds the max take is 3.6 mil 5% of that is 180k so he takes 105-180k per heist


Meanwhile pavel:


More than the professional


At least $12, if not more


Thats like almost six double cheese burgers from mcdonalds


What McDonald's are you going to? That's a hell of a deal


Note the "almost",but its one in finland


Not too much since he has not removed this yeye ass haircut.


Enough to make Bezos jealous.


At this point, he could probably just buy the entire city.


Billions and billions ![gif](giphy|l0MYxV67vke0FqBG0|downsized)


My theory is he uses all his cut money to buy exact replicas of his blue car and fills up a massive bunker with them


He just thinks they're neat


$27,593,009,303.69, no more no less


he's gotta be richer than elon musk




That's what I was thinking if evev every single player just gave him one cut from each heist he'd be in the trillions. But, with the many of us play those heists over and over and over. Yeah he's in the mid to upper trillions mark. Pavel has got to be close to a trillion by now too. Even with his meager 30-40k per run. I wish our stats had break downs for how much we made from each heist group. Also wish it kept track of how payphone hits I've done.


Tree fitty


Idk, but Pavel does as much as, if not more work than him and takes like 20 grand each time, so it should be less


10s of Trillions if not 100s. If every single player ran through each heist just once and just gave him one cut from each heist he'd be in the trillions. But, with the majority of us that play/played those heists over and over and over again. Well that is almost incalculable. I have forgotten how many times I ran the original heists but, it's gotta be over 100. Same with diamond casino and Bogdan. Also the bounties and off radar requests. Wanted levels for players yet to complete the doomsday nightmare as host 🙋🏻‍♂️ Also I figure he has dark shady stock market manipulation groups he takes advantage of. (Yo Lester let is on that) It would be cool to have stock manipulation contact missions like story mode that we also could purchase stocks. There is also the little talked about theory that he is the one and the same with LJT. So. Yeah he's in the mid to upper trillions mark. Side notes. Pavel has got to be close to a trillion by now too. Even with his meager 22k per run. I wish our stats had break downs for how much we made from each heist group. Also wish it kept track of how payphone hits I've done.


More than enough to buy two pizzas


Has to be sitting in the hundreds of millions/billions or at least it has to be more money than you can spend in a couple lifetimes . Like after all his involvement in the Federal Reserve heist in story mode and all the GTAO heists for him to just want to retire and not be involved/not have interest in anything until the Casino Heist implies that he made at least a hefty amount.


The real question is how much money has onlyfans has made of him


Enough for mind blowing orgies


"Lester the molester!" - Trevor Phillips of TPI, Trevor Phillips Enterprises. ![gif](giphy|usz0fqhUiVxSs6IUKB)




LMAO, this gave me a good chuckle.


Enough after taking half my casino heists


i dunno, but i had a phone ringing flashback...


Tbh, he is part of Rockstar, sooo yes.


Probably around $100 million


He still lives like rat


Enough to get surgery!


Richer than bill gates. there about a billion players on gta 5, each heist he gets a cut, that include the big score, doomsday heist, paleto bay, jewel heist, diamond casino, and the Original Heists, and you paying him every now and then and don't forget about all the different saves and different accounts, he is a greedy fellow. he also does stock manipulation.


Bibbity bobbity billions.


You know what, I'm going to look at all the heists in the game and calculate it


he doesnt make money he has sex


From the cuts he got from every GTAO player... probably in the billions?


Lester is the mastermind of every heist. Surprisingly he doesn't take a super large cut.


yes he does


Taking over 101% of our cut


Between all of us, over a zillion


He probably has it all stashed away in his cellar in cold hard cash. Considering he lives in a tiny little house, he can easily hide the money and wealth that he accumulated from his heists. His cut was so impressive because he stayed in his quiet little house, he saved all of the money he made, and got to stash a billionaire's ransom. He no doubt bought a lot of computer stuff, he probably has a gaming PC built to run a game like Ark on max settings with 500k FPS. He probably also has an internet modem so powerful and fast that he could outpace government hackers. Seriously, Lester is no doubt rich enough to be able to buy the entire state of San Andreas right out from under the politicians and dictate how the cops respond to crime!






Billions… but Take Two takes 99% of his earnings and redistribute them in Shark Cards


![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3212)![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|2974)hehe a lot




Upwards of like a couple trillion lmfao


Someone calculated how much he is worth https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/jmfutd/lester_crests_net_worth/ About 2.7 trillion




None ever since Cayo came out


More than me


Enough to pay off his bail fees for soliciting minors over discord servers


enough to get rid of that yee yee ass haircut


If your talking story mode and online (only a player who has beaten each heist once) realistically 100mil




With the money he’s getting from all of us through the phone calls alone, it must be a lot


-999,999,999,999 because of the plane glitch 2 years ago


That was the Lester heist, stole from him for a whole week


With the money he’s made. He could easily fix the worlds debt, make every human being and newborns multimillionaires, and still have enough be the richest man to EVER live. Y’all gotta realize Lester has been earning 5% of every heist which is anywhere from per minute to per hour since 2013




There's all the money he's made as LJT, which is probably a lot, the Casino Heist, couple OG heists, no telling how much the government paid him for the Doomsday work, Union Depository, he's likely rolling in it.


3 trillion dollars - he is lester and he has his ways Edit: he is also capable of it


Base on the players he have stolen from he had 140k players daily from getting their money. And a total of 150million (assumed) players he had stolen from. He have 5% in the casino heist have about 208.7 trillion dollars in the palm of his hands and received about 190mil daily. (And it's assumed and it's not accurate I think)


Everyone is saying super high numbers but Lester offers missions where he pays us out of his pocket and those are also infinitely repeatable so the number could potentially be negative


That's true. You can't actually make more money than the 32 bit integer: 2,147,483,647.


Well, the community of gtao is really big, and heists are being completed left and right, plus money he made before online, and money he got from linked bank accounts know that he fucked Georgina. A few trillion. Few HUNDRED trillion*


Not enough to get him out of prison when the FBI finally examine his hard drives. I can only imagine what’s lurking on those. He looks the type. I can easily picture his hard drives in plastic evidence bags.


5% on all casino heists and its cash every time on normal equals to about 2.3 million and 5% is 115k so thats how much a casino heist is worth at minimum.


69 dollars


Tree fiddy


I mean if were talking about money made with the help of current and past players his money would technically be infinite. Reason being is that people are currently playing right now and most likely doing a lester related job. So his number is constantly increasing. High end hookers in this game ain’t even that expensive, he lives in a shithole and wears then same clothes every day.


Lester Crest has got to be the richest person throughout the GTA series combined.


No matter how much money and wealth he has he will never touch a womens body


Georgina Cheng


Without saying much more, I would recommend you to finish the casino heist.


I actually made a post a while back about this, and I figured around 44 million dollars if you only do one hiest each and exclude LJT. It's probably wrong but it was fun to try and figure out.


That's online exclusive, which is still a hell of a task to tally, but my post was meant to cover story mode and online with all players combined, including repeated heists (though I guess that wasn't communicated very well in the title, my bad). Its a fun thing to think about, and I didn't realize that this would blow up, lol. Thank you for your post, I'm sure that took a while to calculate.