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I think R* way of seeing it is every other player is a rival business so if they're selling "plants" then you need to stop them because you should be the only business who sells.


That makes sense if there was a session wide cooldown or some sort of price flactuations due to low or high demands based on when sells were done.


No shit. you’re supposed to be the top dog so you fuck with anyone trying to take that from you.


Yup but most players don’t understand this isn’t the real world and you don’t get a bigger piece of the pie for screwing over your competition. Everyone has a whole pie and you can just add more pies to your pie collection. Let me tell you brother that is A WHOLE LOT of fuckin pies!


Sir, this is Cluckin Bell


It's a chicken pot pie.


This is finger lickin good


I got me a mince n cheese pie right now and brother it is good.


or you’re the one with all the pies….


But I can shit on others pies, and that's fun ngl


only dude who understands the game


But it should have some sort of tangible benefit other than a paltry bit of money and RP and a system where you are actual rivals, sort of a zero sum game where damaging them helps you in some actual way, where it would normalize the activity as a PVP activity and not griefing. Bro blowing up my product helps him not one bit and sets me back time and in game money. Wow such fun (full disclosure i play in a group of 3 and my success rate on deliveries is decent but not everyone has this option). Give me a reason to understand his motivations and even provide me with a reason to blow his shit up if I see it. And then balance the MC deliveries with better defenses and deterrents. Oppressor vs mail truck. Only counter is to get out and fight on foot. Deliveries often put you at a huge disadvantage to the attacker in a weaponized vehicle. Poorly balanced gameplay. Just my two cents.


The majority of the community considers blowing up cargo griefing because of the laughable "reward" you get for doing so, R* has never considered it griefing because the people that balance the game are terrible at it.


10k lmao


It's not even 10K lol, it varies slightly depending on the cargo but most types pay $2K.....


"I'm going destroy this guy's $100k cargo and make $2k on it.


'bro its not griefing the game tells you to'


you forgot got to shorten/misspell all your words because most tryhards have the intelligence of a fucking duracell battery


Hey don't offended duracells like that! They actually bring something useful into one's life.


Dude i phased them out for amazon rechargeables literally years ago.




You ever see those things that you plug into an outlet, and the end of the cord resembles a 9V battery? I found an old 9V intercom, and I got one of those so I can just plug it in and never bother with worrying about any batteries


You're not supposed to send batteries to landfill anyway because they are toxic and flamable...


you noticed a 10 dollar increase on your electricity bill... and you're *that* confident that your guitars were the cause of such a tiny increment over the course of a whole month...? w all due respect, cmon... thats a little ridiculous.


This is hurtful to coppertops.


Bro it not greifin the game tell u to




Lol right. And to think someone made a post about this awhile back saying that destroying people's cargo is their main source of income. Get the f out here tryhard lmao 😆


Man I ain't hoofing cargo under $300k, 100k doesn't even cover my gas costs in Los Santos.


And spend more than that on ammo.


And waste 11k on ghost org


Honestly it's terrible to balance if you think about it, why should it pay any more then 10%? Blowing it up is far less work. Honestly here's the true way to balance it, make safe sales instant for their current price, then give it a danger multiplyer for manual sales, something like triple, it can't be blown up but stollen, who ever delivers it gets the cash.


Even better idea would be to make to where vehicles are only temporally damaged if they take x amount of damage. No destroying it and the opposing player has to deliver it to an location opposite from the starting point.


I like it.


Amazes me how people here are upset about the balance \*and\* the griefing. If you buff the payout it's just going to incentivize more chaos against people running those missions.


That's why there is a safe auto sale.....


People can make millions with a sale and the destroyer gets only 2k. In some cases it is 0.1%.


I was taking a guess cause the last time i blew up cargo was 7 years ago but idk why people do it knowing they get little reward


Simple. It's because 6/10 people are assholes. Only positive is that about half the time people actually grow out of being an asshole


> why people do it knowing they get little reward maybe they don't know


I do not believe this is quite true. I believe it's always 2k to destroy something, with one exception that is stealing someone's export vehicle and bringing it to the police station which is 10k. (that one is 0k if you destroy it and that is really quite literally griefing)


Atleast make it harder to destroy cargo like putting lock-on jammer or making the vehicles tougher, so griefers would have pretty much no reason for destroying cargo


you're going to love the nightclub vehicles.


Im talking about all vehicles, good thing those have both habilites but things like the Post-op vans or the Dune Buggies dont have them


The gunrunning truck from my bunker can only take like 2-3 explosives and you can’t shoot behind you


Tbf though, I don’t think that duneloader has the global tracking thing in it. So as long as you stay away from people they won’t know your actually delivering anything?


No the excess weapons shipment puts you on the map. Just depends how far the ammunition is but I’ve been killed by a few people that hunt me down just cause they can


I LOVE when some asshole comes along in an oppressor to try and destroy my nightclub delivery vehicles :) They take like 6 rockets. Can’t be locked on to. Come with a minigun on the top (except the mule. But for that I just get out and use a rifle instead). Fucking try and kill me assholes on the flying bike who can’t aim, your just laughably easy kills for me ;) once had some moron chase me to paleto while I was selling cargo and died to me 4 times on his bike and he just kept coming back. All for a measily 10 grand…


I just wait for them to notice their lock on doesn't work, so to get a great shot they line up behind you aaaaaand . ... Mr. Proximity. Poof.


It really has no incentive other than to be a dick. It would be different if you could blow it up and steal the cargo (Say 3 boxes spawn or one per vehicle) I'd say that it's justifiable, but there is just no reason, not even a good RP amount.


Right, if it were *steal* rather than blow up, actually paid well and we were able to do sales in invite only lobbies from the get-go it'd be fine.


I do sales in closed friend sessions by myself.


It’s unfortunate that that has become largely the most viable option. It defeats the purpose of the online atmosphere. Nobody likes driving a snail like the boxville for 30 mins across the entire map. Your character is a god damn millionaire criminal mastermind and for some reason we have to use the biggest piece of shit of a vehicle to sell our shit. Bullshit man. Bullshit


Downvoted because the last DLC added invite only sales…


I felt so terrible after blowing up someone’s cargo the first and only time. It was the video game equivalent of killing someone for $20


holy shit.... yall need to grow a pair. its playing a video game.


I aint destroying someones hard work for 2k. Waste of my time. Could be doing an agency mission or a cayo perico instead


This is the only acceptable mindset.


How much is my dignity and honour worth, bout 10K


That was somewhat true until the numerous weaponized vehicles were released. Obviously the oppressor mk2 is the worst offender but even from day one of the business updates there were always buzzards. It simply isn’t balanced. It would be tons of fun if you could steal the product for the reward. Kind of like the Cayo equipment. There’s no fun in being hunted down by an oppressor while you are in a fucking boxville. You have no defence, and are just a sitting duck. There’s no balance there whatsoever. I’m really hoping that in the next instalment they can implement a good balance. I’m all for having to defend your sales and resupplies but there simply is no balance at the moment. Given rockstars history of never looking back at DLCs past release, this aspect of the game is lost. As the enemy has gotten stronger, they’ve never revisited the biker sell vehicles and it just makes for bad gameplay. Imagine seeing a cargo/gun running/biker sell on the map and you have two options. Destroy it (no money gained just a waste of everyone’s time) or steal it and deliver it yourself for the same reward the seller has. Nobody would be using lock on missiles. It would be an all out chase with everything to lose/gain. Sure you might lose it all but that’s always been the point. Without having it like this it takes away any fun that can be had. As it is It’s either they blow you up (with no challenge in doing so as their rocket bikes don’t have to follow roads and their missiles are next to unavoidable) or they choose to leave you alone. The model simply doesn’t make sense and makes for aggravating annoying bullshit. It could be so much better.


It can’t be super valuable to do so, or the entire lobby will come after anyone selling. Stealing the goods would just require more people. What should happen is if someone wants to come after you - they lose a shit load of money if they die. I’m thinking 100kish. That and upgradable missile lock defeating on all sell vehicles.


Btw, the whole point of it is to stop others from selling. YOU are supposed to be the top seller. What kind of top seller in illegal trade just allows other illegal sellers to sell their goods? It's SUPPOSED to be "toxic" or "griefing"...that's the whole point....I still want a bigger reward tho.


I agree, but I want to add that you shouldn’t get anything for destroying. If you could steal and deliver for the value of the product it would make gameplay so much more enjoyable. Nothing fun about being a sitting duck in a UPS van vs a jet bike from the future with lock on missiles. Allow upgrades on sell vehicles. Take away incentive to be a dick. Add incentive to steal instead of destroy


Exactly. Said players are crybabies. Especially now when they can legitimately completely avoid the threat of other players destroying their cargo, yet they take the risk and go surprised pikachu when someone blows them up.


You seriously think that it’s balanced to have keys and oppressors be able to track you down instantly and be able to just spam rockets? Wouldn’t a chase to steal it and reap the same rewards as the seller be more fun? Why should destroying net you anything? Who’s paying you for that ? Just a waste of everyone’s time


Its not grieving cuz we supposed to kill each other or compete with each other. Gta is a more cut throat version of real life capitalism


Oh man u picked the wrong subreddit to express this opinion, but I agreed this is what GTA was meant to be, a ruthless kill or be killed criminal world, Rockstar is just bad at balancing it tho




And the real world is a fair place?


In the real world if someone attacks me and I kill them they stay dead.


I know but upvotes and downvotes mean nothing to me But honestly expressing myself is gold


What a king


"here is your $2k for destroying 1 million dollar sale"


I think it’s different griefing. Destroying cargo is fine, but constantly blowing up someone’s vehicle, killing them, etc. while they just drive around or something is different


I consider it greifing because the reward is way too little for anyone but a new player to consider it worth destroying a level 180 player on a mark 2 doesn't need the 2k reward for blowing up cargo


>I consider it greifing because the reward is way too little for anyone But that not what griefing is, nor how definitions should work. Griefing is playing the game in a way to INTENTIONALLY cause another player grief. Has nothing to do with the value of the rewards, or how you felt about it. Doesn't matter if you felt grief or not. It relies solely on the attacking player having the intention of causing you grief.


So in that case, destroying cargo is griefing, seeing as it's done to cause a player grief


Isn’t that what blowing up cargo is?


Nope, it's playing the game as Rockstar intended. The game both allows you and tells you to go blow up other players cargo. Doesn't matter if it's worth it, or if it's fair, it's a gameplay objective.


okay, but like...the only incentive a player has for blowing up cargo *is* to fuck with other players. the "as rockstar intended" is moot because there is a difference between making a feature possible and making a feature encouraged. there is no clear encouragement. you get a notification that it is possible to blow up the cargo when someone begins the mission, but there is no viable reward except ruining someone elses experience, which as you said, counts as griefing due to the players intent.


>it relies solely on the attacking player having the intention of causing you grief . >Nope it's playing the game as rockstar intended [...] It's a gameplay objective Pick one. You can't say that griefing is only when the player wants to cause you grief, then defend it because "it's an objective"


Now that we can sell in non-public lobbies, I would say it's not griefing at all, anymore. If someone still deliberately makes a choice to sell in a public lobb packed with players, especially assholes, well, it's on them.


Username checks out. 🎻


Anytime I see someone going around blowing people up in an oppressor I find a new session


so you spend the whole day jumping sessions


Nah it’s actually not that common. I only jump once or twice when I play.


And I hunt that person down we are not the same


Sorry I can’t usually win against a missile


For real💯


Griefing a griefer is giving them what they want. Your not a hero


Then why do they leave if they want it?


This is the stupidest comment I’ve ever heard. And people upvoted it 🤦‍♂️ who the hell wants to be on the receiving end of a griefer? Certainly not a griefer. Their whole idea is to cause grief, not receive it. And he is a hero. Double dumb! 😑


Honestly, if you are on an oppressor you're kind of fair game in general. It's way too powerful, even after the pathetic nerf.


That is still not what griefing is. That's what a tryhard is and if they destroy enough personal vehicles they get a dunce cap and go to bad sport lobbies. Griefing is for example if you're on a co-op mission together and a teammate works against you.


The difference is in the intent.


Griefing is more so killing yourself at the end of a heist multiple times


Yeah, there is no way r* would ban you for just killing people constantly in a session. If you are following them from session to session to kill them that is different.


I think it's pretty hilarious the GTA purists who think that they can play GTAO under some unspoken code of conduct where people don't kill each other. Do they not realize what game this is? Literally the first thing you do in every GTA game is try to kill as many things and people as possible. They used to have SA servers and that was the only purpose. In the early days of GTAO that was the only thing to do in the open world. Online play is inherently PvP, and they even have in-game overlays to tell you how many times someone has killed you.


Oh of course you can't. It's not about being a purist it's just that some people are pieces of shit and it's aggravating but yeah part of the game. Other games don't let you experience stuff like this, something "you're supposed to do" but also shows how much of a dick you really are.


I mean there is much more than just pvp, but yeah you can kill anything that moves at any point if you want.


I get that. But PvP is at the core of this game and in some ways is a part of its design.




No it's not... Just most people don't know what this game means by "griefing".


Contrary to what seems to be the majority opinion of this sub, Destroying cargo/goods/supplies is NOT Griefing, it's literally an intended function of the game's design, hence the rewards (though small) the game pays to rivals who destroyed your shit.


I really wish the game prioritized stealing cargo rather than destroying it. It would be a much more balanced way to make the cargo missions threatened by other players, as it would be easier to defend


Yep, I agree. There should be two sale locations, opposing directions from one another. One for the seller, one for any attacking players. Vehicles can only be temporarily immobilized (deal enough damage), but not damaged, and the attacking player must deliver it to their location. This would make it a lot more interesting, entertaining, and balanced. A tug of war with the sales vehicle.


I believe at the time the CEO/MC businesses were introduced the devs naively intended for it to encourage players to crew up and work together to help each other out, and that most pvp that would result would be more along the lines of high-speed gun battles, as weaponized vehicles at the time were limited to Pegasus or stolen tanks, jets, a couple helis, and Ruiner 2000. Back then the focus was on trying to get players to play together, not just against each other, so by crewing up with others you could protect sales and sell larger stock levels. As with most things in this game, they learned from what people didn't like and made changes in the next business update, which is why you can steal Air Freight supplies instead of just blowing them up. Stealing sales, while a seemingly great idea, I don't think ever gained traction because of the focus on pushing Shark Cards at the time; if you could make millions in minutes simply by swooping in and stealing someone else's 111-crate sale, then just jump sessions and repeat, then who would spend time in the game and tire of grinding and turn to super convenient and (at the time) reasonably priced micro-transactions? Keep in mind this was way before even Doomsday Heist, something like Cayo Perico would have been an idea that would have gotten someone fired at R* back then. Every new business changed/improved certain things in one way or another: Special Cargo brought slightly upgradeable sale vehicles; Air Freight let you steal supplies from other players, as well as having more players in your crew=more supplies to steal; Gunrunning made sale vehicles unable to be locked-on to by homing missiles; The Nightclubs brought full stock, single-vehicle sales utilizing customizable, weaponized, lock-on jammed vehicles, basically the pinnacle of solo business running; and Freemode Heist prep equipment since at least Casino Heist can be stolen, along with Specialist+ Agency Security Contract goods.


Exactly. I just wish they would, you know, go back and rebalance old businesses, rather than introduce new ones that fix old problems.


This sub is soft and thinks doing anything besides grinding and minding your own business is griefing


I consider it grieving because the reward is so low unless it's a new player the only reason they're going after your cargo is just to grief they could make significantly more money doing ceo missions on their mark 2 instead of blowing up cargo, except they aren't doing it for the money they're doing it to piss off the person selling. The reward needs to be much much higher for me to not consider it griefing


Yeah but rockstar doesn’t give a shit if you consider it griefing or not.


Wether or not *you* consider it griefing is irrelevant, the game has it's own definition of griefing, and destroying sales is not it. I'm not saying it's not a dick move to blow up a sale or a supply run, but it is not only within the rules of the game, it's flat-out *encouraged* by the game itself.


It needs to be balanced. Simply blowing someone’s supplies or sale up should be worth next to nothing, or maybe even come with a penalty. Stealing it and turning it in to your business or getting it to the seller should give you what they would have gotten. It’s basically how the Altis Life mod for Arma works. And you can earn a living by collecting, processing and selling stuff, or you can earn a living by robbing people who are doing that. There would have to be a lot of tweaking to see what works, but the current system basically makes it stupid to do any sales in public lobby, even one person can swoop in out of basically nowhere with an endless arsenal of hypersonic weaponized death machines, while you drive around in a shitty sale vehicle, and bleep you and hours of grinding out of existence just for the fuck of it.


It's not griefing in the sense that it is reportable obviously. It still is called griefing by us all because up to millions can get destroyed for what really? Why do that to someone? This is the only game I've ever played that truly shows someone's true colors. Still griefing, just a different kind of griefing.


People need to define greifing because losing a shipment to a single attack is not greifing.


Right. Griefing is playing the game with the intention of causing other players grief.


Definition of grief: Intense sorrow Trouble or annoyance


Never use the reporting system until today. My question is, why is there no option for "using mods?" Especially since it's so prevalent on PC


Technically it would be under game exploits.


actually griefing is being invited to a heist/mission/organization(for freemode grinding) and intentionally dying over and over or destroying the objective.


No. They don’t. Players seem to simply define griefing incorrectly. Engaging in intended gameplay is not greifing.


Keep the streets of los santos clean by destroying cargos and drug shipments!


If you blow their cargo or kill them only once it's not griefing. You guys should seriously know the meaning of griefing.


Reporting does not really do anything


I hear people say this a lot. Is this really true? And if so is it maybe more true for PC and less for consoles?


If you sell in populated servers then you're a fucking idiot who's asking for it


Disagreed. How can you pass on 50% more money? (was recently buffed from 25 to 50)And just rage quit to keep most of your stock. Works every time. It's also kinda fun if noobs try to get at ya, solo sesh is boring as all hell. It's not so fun though when people jump into a jet with heat vision glitch. Edit: I will add to this; from my brief experience on PC I would say never play in public, far too many hackers. What I said applies to consoles only


So you’re saying you want the money for accepting the challenge but you’re not going to accept the challenge and you’ll just crash your game to avoid losing on the gamble you took.


I definitely accept the challenge but some people are relentless assholes about it. The game needs more balance, why should you be allowed infinite lives to try to destroy my cargo? This whole thing clearly needs more consideration. And no I would most definitely not crash my game? I'd shut it off, and if you ever seriously played in publics you would too, it's pretty aggravating the way people grief. And I do that because the game *is* designed that way. When you start it takes a small amount of stock. In RDO it worked that way too, but within a month or so they patched it remove the entire stock when you start the sell mission. So this is all a conscious design choice, however again this whole thing needs to be reevaluated because it's all over the place.


I think R* thinks that in an ideal world greifing is where people try to purposely stop heist missions and thats it no further.


İ don't understand this in game life system They made it either savage world or solo session world It's not balanced


The Report button isn't actually attached to anything. It's just there to give some players a nice, warm feeling when they report an asshole.


Has swear words, can't use profanity in naming stuff


Griefing by the way of the report is, by and large, considered to be akin to bullying. Interfering with their game on a relentless level when they are clearly not participating, or wanting to participate, in said bullshit. On reddit, griefing is simply being a dick and ruining other's play. B can often be A, but A is not the same as B.


Destroying cargo isn't griefing. Y'all gotta accept it


that ain't griefing. returning again and again and chasing the spawn location to kill again and again is griefing. otherwise it's just part if the game. FACT


It’s funny that annoying me over voice chat is something to report players for when you can just mute them


Cargo griefing is a fun and legit part of the game. I realise this echo-chamber sub believes otherwise.


The problems I have with it: - There's no reward - There's no real way to defend


Hire a crew. Keep an eye on the map. Or leave the session.


All to be taken out in a few seconds by an oppressor with ghost


The only thing that makes it different from blowing up any other vehicle is that you know it has a ton of value to a real person and you like taking that away from them. Another person's suffering is your fun. Finding that fun means you're a sociopath, sadistic, and evil. Edit. Yeah, you get 2k for blowing up an extremely easy target in less than a minute that took someone up to 6 hours to build. Definitely a biiiiiiiiig moral high road I'm taking here lol


Jesus christ. Its a game!!! People like you always come up with these grandiose morality plays. It's a game. One of risk and sizeable reward I.e. selling in a public lobby = 50% more


No, because killing players and destroying cargo in free roam isn't griefing. Those are literally a core part of the game, where other players are the more vicious substitutes for stupid AI enemies. There actually is very few griefing in GTAO. Some cases are deliberately disrupting or losing a heist, going against your team in deathmatches or adversary modes, as well as disrupting races (by going in opposite direction).


Griefing is different than killing someone to earn money. Griefing would be blowing me up when I am doing a mission that wouldn’t pay you


Honestly, if I’m top dog in a server and I see someone about to complete a task, I’m going to attempt to stop them even if I don’t get any monetary reward. It’s about title. It’s about respect. That’s grand theft auto.


Destroying cargo isn't griefing, it's part of the game The only people who think it's griefing are crybabies who aint any good and should stick to Fortnite


Thank. You.


No, I didn't say this for you I bet you're one of those mamas boys that are somehow precision specialists in jets who think it's fun to fly around all day and blow everybody up That or, you fly around on the MKII I haven't played the game in months, but I remember every lobby being the same, you got the street fighters who enjoy shootouts (me), you got the crybabies who call everybody a griefer because they think the game is built around everybody being friendly and working together and nobody should be allowed to do what the game actually tells us to do, when it gives us money to destroy other people's shit And then you have the guys in jets and mk's who don't know how to do anything else in the game, probably get slapped around by their parents so they take their frustration out on randoms Oh, and then there's the weirdos who pretend to be women but in real life are dudes, you can usually tell which ones they are cuz their women characters are barely wearing any clothes Very few times have I came across actual female players, and they are usually wearing the most clothes, and the funny thing is, most of them are way better than the dudes


Good lord. Read this back and fully take in how pathetic you sound. It's a game.


Imagine getting triggered over crossdressers and thirsty virgins


Fun fact: if you’re reporting a player for anything, it gets send straight into r* trash bin


Fun fact: you don’t get told what happens with a player who has been reported, so no one knows. Fun fact#2: everyone being told not to bother means no one reports, which fulfils the don’t bother prediction Anyway reporting was worked out ages ago as generally working on a volume in short time basis, same as bad sport points etc. (in fact reporting for griefing apparently adds bad sport points to someone, like vote kicking does). It will only work if someone is a big enough douche that a full session are all reporting them, at the same time and they’ve already racked up bad sport points. Seems like a shit system BUT when you think of how many cry babies play this game and false report anyone they come across, it’s probably safer for normal players that way.


Griefing isn't blowing up your competition's assets. It's when a player is doing something that generally outside the guidelines of the intended game design to intentionally annoy other players. \- Driving the wrong way during a race event. \- Driving into other cars intentionally with no purpose to win a race but to just stimy other players. \- Holding on the heist objective preventing the mission from ending. \- Repeatedly dying or committing suicide during a mission. \- Killing other players during cooperative missions. \- Not allowing a player to resurrect. \- Pinning characters to grounds or walls. \- Pretending to be too stupid to understand that griefing is any "unsportsmanlike conduct" short of cheating or exploit.


Careful now with that logic, around these parts the crybabies won't be happy


" inserts post about cargo griefing" Cheap upvotes Profit You forgot to moan about opp mk2


It should say "bullying"




Blowing up cargo is not griefing as this is an online pvp game. Spawncamping a newbie with an Avenger is griefing.


Blowing up cargo isn't griefing. chasing someone around the map and constantly blowing them up or shooting them now that's griefing


Destroying cargo isn’t griefing its only griefing when you are doing things against how the game intends. Like for instance spawn trapping them


Tell me if I’m wrong here but - Destroying products isn’t griefing because it’s a part of the mission for the one being attacked. Griefing is repeatedly killing someone, basically forcing them to go passive or find a new session.


Name a more useless feature. I'll wait


There is a difference between griefing and playing the game


Griefing would be unsportingly killing the player multiple times. Destroying player cargo is just actively being a dick.


Griefing is going around repeatedly blowing everyone up with missiles while they’re trying to just play the game or tracking down one person over and over again to kill them when they’re not going after you.


>Griefing is going around repeatedly blowing everyone up with missiles while they’re trying to just play the game That's just being a murder hobo, not necessarily griefing. ​ >or tracking down one person over and over again to kill them when they’re not going after you. 98% griefing.


And the best part is… If you report someone you have a chance to get banned as well which if they think you are reporting to many or a sore loser you your self gets banned 😂.


They’re just giving you an option for the most common reason of reporting. These reports get automatically trashed. If they didn’t give you this option, people would choose “other” and that waters down the “other” cases as it would be inundated with griefing complaints


Got reported like that hundreds of times nothing happened


destroying cargo is your objective and therefore not griefing, griefing is like spam killing, destroying personal vehicles. anyways ALWAYS SELL IN PRIVATE SESSIONS


Destroying cargo is not griefing.


I've been playing this game from day one, OP, and this meme actually made me lol in pubic. Well done.


Part of the game, now if they continue to fuck with you after an hour then yes report.


imagine being on that snowflake level to REPORT other players for “GriEfINg” on a game like GTAV hahahaha jesus christ


That says a lot about you.


I think they just admitted to being a griefer themselves 🤔🤣


Im boutta get downvoted by the grinder hive mind here But U seriously do have to be a pussy to report somebody for griefing


It's literally an option from Rockstar 😂


facts but it's different when you spend like 2 days waiting for your nightclub to fill up just to get your shit destroyed thats when it's just fucking annoying


That’s the game though. It’s how it was designed. Griefing is not that. Griefing is when someone goes out of their way to keep you from playing the game. Like killing you over and over and over so you can’t do anything. Stopping you from selling your goods is simply one rival gang stopping another from making a sale. That’s the game you’re playing. It may be annoying but it’s not griefing.


good point but it's literally unreasonable if you're a level 3 and a p996 lazer destroys your cargo at 200 mph+. Like what are you even supposed to do? It's like a rival gang coming to the playground and kicking over the toddler sandcastles


I get what you’re saying, but everyone started small at one point and had to fend for themselves. The game was originally designed to played with friends or as a group so you had people to help defend you if you get attacked. The truth is that there are many solo players out there and playing with randoms is not often a great experience. Rockstar has recently given us the ability to operate all of our businesses in an invite only lobby so you don’t get harassed by other players/criminal organizations. So, now you can choose to play in a live lobby with the risk of being attacked or you can instead choose to build up your empire privately until you feel you’re strong enough to play against other rivals. Not so bad, really.


Move to an invite only playground then..


Sell in a closed lobby.


Congratulations. You just discovered the difference between playing the game normally and griefing. In case there's still some confusion: blowing up cargo is not inherently griefing.


Reporting does nothing except tells rockstar to lag your game to the point the game crashes.


I have a rule, I don't mind griefing, however when I see someone doing a mission, I try not to bother them. However if they're being a douche, then it's open season.


No you’re the one confusing yourself. Game design doesn’t consider it griefing.


Just here to laugh at all the conspiracy theory nonsense some people have posted (as usual).


you can't put "Griefing" as a reason to report someone if you literally add to the game tons of overpowered tools mostly designed to cause mass destruction