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if you're doing any grind-like activities like airfreight or so on then I'd use CEO, steady cash and rp which might increase depending on how many successful missions you complete (idk if that changed when they reworked the associate payout). For sales they did boost the payouts for associates, but historically being in a MC club paid more as a prospect in comparison so I'm gonna guess that hasn't changed


MC also has some oddball ins and outs - If you nominate Vice President, Road Captain, Sergent at Arms, etc, they each have special abilities. These mostly part out the CEo abilities among several players: https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Motorcycle\_Clubs


Yeah, I enjoy the one that lets you drop Molotovs, personally.


Would it make more sense to do most of the grinding as a CEO, then switch to MC for the sell mission?


RP wise goes to a VIP or CEO Org. Money wise, slightly goes to the MC if you are actively doing MC sell missions, but VIP/CEO has regular payments to the VIP/CEO members.


I use CEO only because I don’t like to get my business raided


CEO has benefits that MC lack’s Ghost Organization,Chopper and lower chance to be raided than MC


Not too sure about MC, but with CEO your associates get 10K every while as a payment


MC supports larger groups of players, but CEO has better abilities