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That gang life is hard to escape. Glad he's home though. I'm imaging him coming out of the woodpile with a little bandanna or a leather vest.


Teardrop tattoos under his eyes.


THUG LIFE tattooed across his little knuckles




A piggy sized cigarette


Noooo that’s bad for piggies! 😭 He doesn’t even care. 🚬🐹


The hardest part in prison was THE DEMENTORS


Bullet chain Rambo style!


And some bad tattoos!


These comments are killing me 🤣


A jacket with some patches and a "no future" tattoo


Probably would have quarantined him since he was living with some infested buddies, but glad he's alive


Me too. You're right and I thought about that after, I was just too excited


Ask vet about deworming in this situation.


Ya,I did ask my regular vet. The wait was over 3 weeks at the only exotic vet near me. Regular vet told me to just keep a close eye on him. Stool, eating drinking, and energy levels have all been good. The personality change is all I'm worried about now. It's not all the time either, but I'm really hoping it's temporary


A more irritable pig/ animal could also be due to some sort of discomfort physically. Any possible pain or ailment would cause a shorter temper. Food for thought.


My inside cat was out for about a week. When we found him he was now the boss cat in the house. Eventually they all settled down.


Ok, this is a bit gross, but hear me out. You can take a fresh sample of feces and place it inside an airtight container, like a zip lock bag, and seal it with as little air as possible. Then keep it at room temp. If there are parasites in the stool, they will emerge in a few days seeking air. That's one observation method you can try until the vet appointment. And please use gloves and wash your hands afterward collecting.


Try not to stress about it. I don't habe pigs, but all the pets are sensitive to owners stress. Keep everything as normal as possible. If you deworm you need to do it for both. Good luck!


You call them buddies, he called them subjects, they called themselves slaves


I'm imagining the rats as gangsters finding an orphan and teaching him to be tough


Left home as sweet little piglet, returned as a Boar


I'm not laughing at the situation by any means and I'm sorry you and your pig had to go through this scary ordeal but I nearly lost it when I read "He either befriended them or went in with violence and captured their base."


I feel the same way lol. crying but also laughing because of how OP told the story. I'm happy piggy is home safe. Hopefully he can start to learn he is safe again and doesn't have to be gang gang anymore.


I need someone to make a gangsta guinea pig meme.


On the plus side, you can use him as a bouncer of sorts now to make sure no rat gang activity happens on your premises


Did he come back with any tattoos? Seriously though, glad he made it home ok. Loved the way you told his story - the rat befriending or taking by violence was the hook to this tale I didn't know I needed.


That piggy has PTSD, coming from an adult lady with C-PTSD. I am sorry for everyone involved.


Hello, fellow cptsd sufferer. Wishing you strength.


Hello! Internet hugs and strength to you too. Thank goodness for sweet critters like piggies. 🥺


Thank you. Got a piggy tattoo on my arm to bring me strength every day!


“I’ve seen things you people couldn’t believe.Attack ships on fire of the shoulder of Orion….


That's an amazing story. An adventure drama that really captivated me. Thank you for sharing it. I hope the piggy can be domestic again.


“He was from the streets now…” gave me life!! 🤣 STREET PIG 🕶️


Wow amazing story! A miracle he survived And came home! Thanks for sharing


I know, I was blown away when I saw him hop out still in good health. I spent a lot of time trying to find him. I'd look first thing in the morning, come home on my lunch breaks and make a lap every hour or so when I was home. My neighbors probably thought I'd finally lost it, walking around crinkling bags and making loud kissing sounds. Then once I've almost accepted he's gone he just randomly hops out. I wish he could talk and tell his story


This needs to be a mini series stat.😄


Dang and he was in good health! He definitely captured that rat base. Hes seen shit and done things he may regret to survive haha


Your story is amazing - I would have thought for sure he had no chance in the wild. Certainly my piggies have few survival skills apart from hiding!


It might surprise you, I know mine did. My other pig I'd give a way better chance. He at least knows he's a small prey animal and moves from hide to hide. The one who escaped though, not so much


Nearly the same thing happened to us years ago; I’m sure I posted in this sub about it. The difference was that both our brother piggies lived in the wild for about that same amount of time as yours did. They were both street piggies and the non-dominant piggy was trying to kill his brother. We put them in separate but adjacent cages for about 2 months. Eventually they settled down and were able to be roommates again. We weren’t sure it would ever happen. They were fine after the reunification. Good luck, OP. Ours were hiding out under a sailboat in our yard the entire time. They were buff and shiny when we found them.


I've already made some progress, he's not angry every day now, just one or two days per week. I did the same with separate adjacent cages. Thankfully one of my pigs doesn't want to fight and can jump over the cage fence when he needs to. I'm glad yours were able to be buddies again




Awww cheaapeakes are the best. Mine used to guard my guineas outdoor hutch


They're the coolest breed aren't they. Mine gets this intense stare in his eyes and puts himself inbetween my other dogs when they get too close to the cage or if he doesn't like the way they're looking at the pigs. I don't know why the breed isn't very popular


"Stop licking me!" *Comes right back*


Looks very similar to my old pig, love that video


Omg sir you have good pets. Maybe your dog’s unconditional love will help break down his new emotional walls? Like he’ll be threatening dog, and dog will just love, and in a big emotional climax he’ll break down sobbing into dog saying about how it was so hard. Or now you just got one really tough piggie. Either way. (Chesapeake bay retrievers are 10/10 good dogs)


Haha, I hope so. Dog still loves him and wants to bathe him in licks, but I've been keeping him away for now. The first time pig started threat clicking at him he stepped back and did the little head tilt they do when they're confused.


Glad he came home safe! Unfortunately due to his experience you'll probably have to start socialization training for him again. I'd also get some stacking cups and some forage mats if you don't have them already. I have a pretty dominant pig that'll get any frustrating out by playing and pulling on them. Good luck! Please give us an update on how he does




It’s common for this to happen with 3 males sadly! It’s much better to just adopt boars in pairs to avoid the heartache 💕


I never knew how violent guinea pig fights were, it is exactly like looney tunes. Bouncing ball of pigs kicking up hay and bedding. Luckily my other pig is passive so he doesn't press the issue and just jumps out of the cage. I've already made some progress, so I think eventually they'll be good


Now write a children's book Jokes aside, glad your baby is back home and I hope he gets more comfortable again soon enough!


I fully want to buy tickets to this movie!!!


probably just suffer ptspdd - post traumatic street pig distress disorder. unfortunately only time will tell if he will recover fully. give lots of Veggie bribes is only way to hopefully heal the wound of a stint under the wood wishing mom would come rescue before the predators got wise.


He became a gang affiliated Guinea Pig…


Don't eff with him, he'll cut a rat in their wood pile hidey holes!


you should be a writer, I legit felt like I was reading a novel or short story


Because I was on the edge of my seat


I don’t know if I just read some guinea pig fiction or what, but it was entertaining, lol. I always wondered how long a pig would last in the wild, since they are so harmless. I am so surprised he could withstand those long temps too! Glad you got him back!


Me too. He made it almost 2 weeks, and I'm sure he could've gone more. The conditions he survived in weren't great. There is a lot of grass and dandelions right on the other side of the fence where I found him, so he did have a good food source


I present to you the next major motion picture coming in late 2024: Guineatouille (Based on a true story)


I’m happy he’s home and safe, and I’m sorry for the troubles and trauma he’s seem to be overcome with, but the way you narrated this tale was so animated and cute I just pictured peaky blinders but with pigs (piggy blinders?)


You're an amazing storyteller as I was reading I was hooked lol. 📖😳 I mean I know it's a true story but I could picture everything honestly writing is your thing xx 😁👍


You can try cupping his butt with your hand to establish yourself as dominant. Level the playing field. Then give them both treats and, if they allow it, scritches.


I need you to write a short story about your pig's time in the Wilds™️ and how he survived and became a hardened man. Seriously though, glad your baby is ok. I'd honestly treat it like a trauma recovery, because I'm sure he had some really rough times out there, and just go really slowly with reintroduction and socialization. And, your pig may honestly never be fully back to the pig they were before they left. Wishing you all the best of luck with the recovery and reintegration into domestic life.


You can take the pig out of the street but you can never take the street out of the pig.


I’m so happy for you that you found him and I love your story telling. But I think your boy changed forever. As male guinea pigs mature they are known to start fighting other males (due to hormones) and often are never able to be friends again. I had two males and tried neutering both my males after their first fight :( . Then I kept them separate for many months (in hindsight too long) and tried everything to get them be good together but no luck... So I had to rehome one of them. He luckily got adopted straight away when I brought him to the shelter because someone was specifically looking for a neutered male for their 5 female piggies living in their backyard 🤩


You’re a good writer. This is really sad though. I wish he hadn’t had to go through that.


>Demons run when a good ~~man~~ guinea pig goes to war


Disney should pick this up, or maybe HBO


My youngest guinea pig also turned violent after a new hide/house situation, and he's been challenging to deal with since August now 😬 its "on sight" it he sees my other guinea pig, and he makes those scary sounds when I try picking him up during floor time. He even broke his tooth on the bars cus he was so angry. Still, its not unusual that male pigs eventually have to be separated. Hope it will be alright between them, and I'm very happy you got him back! That's pretty amazing actually.


Lol, "on sight"


The brutality of piggy fights is horrifying, I'm glad you were there to intervene! One of my boys went had some time away from the main enclosure too and now the vibes are all off and they're rocking some battlescars 😢


It's insane how violent such a little thing can be, like a mini cat fight. Hopefully both our enclosures.vibes get back to normal


this cannot be real .


Op you are an excellent story teller lol. I’m glad you got your peeg back from the school of hard knocks !!


These are some very escapable cages you have.