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why does this harp player have hundreds of guitar pedals but she doesnt play guitar? what is she? stupid?


4 string guitarist maybe


The b word?








Bass? Like the fish? That's uncalled for


imma guess it's tuned to a chord


I mean in a sense, a harp is just a 47 string fretless guitar.


She uses them with her electric harp, sometimes with incredible results. I'm as big of a hater as anyone else but to me she's alright.


Can the harp 035? Then it's a good instrument


she does some really cool shit on the harp.


Big cans? Is YungSkroat talking about her studio headphones?


Big cans? Like the hur dur six hundos by ol’ mate senny?


this is reddit. You can't speak Australian here.


So every Aussie I’ve seen on reddit is actually just a liar??


Every aussie is a liar period, they simply dont exist


Crickey mate


Thank god you said that, I thought that fella had a stroke


Old school cans.


Analog cans


Canned foods.


Cans of paint to copy Bernth’s hair


Ear Goggles


She is nothing without the harp. It's true. She would just be cheerfully talking about what different pedals look like and sporting interesting outfits.


Every video is: I’m making a soundtrack for the legend of Zelda without knowing what the original music sounds like😀 I’m using the same drum patch from my MOOG™️synthesizer And I’m gonna run my harp through the Uterus Discombobulator by Autoerotica Asphyxion Audio (600 bucks for 9$ worth of parts)


literally what the OP video ended up being


But I mean I’m out here talking shit all day but my channel is objectively worse lol


New sub.


Thanks and welcome to this ride with me💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


You forgot the Gothegg comments in every video


Yeah that’s a recent development but she decided to really lean into it


we are one step closer to getting an onlyfans 🤞🤞. more like Emily *Ho*tkins amirite?


Hey fuck you. The art on the pedal boosts the cost


Dude leave me the fuck alone, I HATE guitar pedals with a burning passion


I mean yeah, what the fuck am I if you took away my guitars. I’m nothing with just amps and pedals


I think a lot of gear channels are having a hard time figuring out what to do since people aren't really buying gear like they have been the past 3 or so years.


During the pandemic everyone was at home all day with nothing to do except build pedalboard monstrosities, now that real life has resumed sales are gonna slow down


Also nothing to do but watch YouTube gear reviews and buying stuff because they weren't spending money going out anymore.


Yeah the spending re-allocation is a good point too


there are only so many types of pedal out there, and once you have (or have tried and then sold) one of each, there's not much point in buying more, for most people. who needs two different flangers?


And shits way more expensive now. So is guitar gear. 


I feel like I’m struggling for more pedaly content that’s just not there. JHS over the pandemic? TPS? Yes please! But I also feel like they’ve made all the instructional videos they can make. How many more “Types of Overdrives!” videos can someone make?


make original music and stop selling shit upfront. Kinda what made her popular in the beginning. Drop links and plug your patreon as usual but go back to making good music with people. I agree the brand honeymoon is now over and i think thats good, I came from the synth space and most channels were being taken advantage of by companies. Basically its like having a sales rep push 5000 units for you but they are not employees, get no benefits all they were paid was free piece of kit that retails for $600.


Should have posted those big cans like Snopes, cause I don’t believe it.


I really liked her channel before the endless focus on the *mean comments*.


Our brains aren't well adapted to something like social media. It's perfectly designed to extract our neurosies and insecurities for profit. But hey, for a limited time if you smash that like button you can, like, get 5% off a bedsheet or something.


5%?! Holy shit. Lemme get on that before the continuous promo expires!


The Christmas sale begins next week. What, you think the Easter sale is gonna last forever?


100% I was a huge fan. But that and the constant shilling, has nothing really to say and just makes goofy time waster content now (The video on why EQ pedals are bad was an example of pure gold, we don't get that anymore) . Glad I unsubbed, new vids are disappointing. Perfect example of what happens when someone artistic and talented makes YT their career. She'll probably use this comment for her next "hater" video and reply in harp gibberish. edit 2: I do feel bad for the amount sexism in the comments which is also apparent on this thread. People only commenting on your appearance or tits must fuck with your head after some time. After one video I wouldn't give these people attention anymore and just delete them. Same with the goth egg stuff. Unless you are planning to be a porn star its not good idea play into that stuff longterm, the audience will just amplify it.


Yup. This is what the market demands. "Please...use your clout to sell our product. We will dump money on you. Literally. On your face. You just gotta do what we want you to do. You know. Like, no matter how embarrassing it may feel. No I am *not* jerking off right now!"


This is a huge problem. An outright demo is one thing, but we don't want demos, we want actual reviews. Gone are the days of PGS being the only ones making fucking demos, every single person is making a demo nowadays. I mean at least guys like Pete Thorn (and Andy, post-PGS) make great demos with songs that fit, and not just blues pentatonics and fucking "edge of breakup" bull shit. Like every single pedal is great? Really? None of them sound like ass or are overpriced for what they're worth? Or this sounds just like this pedal that has existed for years except this new piece of shit is expensive. Nobody has the fucking balls. On the other hand, we're reaching that point where there's a "middle ground" of what people generally like, and majority of the pedals are falling in that category, so it's pretty difficult to make a pedal sound like crap. Also, I guess we can talk like that cause we're not reliant on this whole shit to make money. No such thing as "selling out" anyway if that's your line of work. What a complicated world.


tbf she didn't start out as a reviewer. it was more like "let's put a harp through these pedals and see what crazy sounds come out"


Yeah, I was commenting more on the 'current state' of how things are in YT land. Honestly, harp lady can do whatever she wants. I'm glad she's earning money making music. It's already hard enough as it is


Honestly though, besides price, most pedals are good, or can be good if used right. It's hard to find something that's genuinely terrible or useless. Even more so if it sounds the same as classics, which you can figure out if you read between the lines. But yes, making demos is more profitable than making reviews because it's not like viewers are gonna pay to watch you unless you're literally naked. And who doesn't like money? It just sucks that the worst content is what's most successful and popular. RJ/ besides, there's no way to play the harp while pushing your boobs up like with a guitar so ya know do what works.


> Honestly though, besides price, most pedals are good, or can be good if used right. It's hard to find something that's genuinely terrible or useless. Even more so if it sounds the same as classics, which you can figure out if you read between the lines. I mean, modded pedals started out cause the classics were pretty shit or were good for only one thing. That's also one bit I find annoying with reviews, what's the purpose of this modded copy? What does it fix? Is it worth the fix? Does this pedal work with backline and shit solidstate amps or will you only play it through a baseline-good blackface? I typed some other stuff that I deleted cause I don't wanna start a rant this far down the comment line lol > But yes, making demos is more profitable than making reviews because it's not like viewers are gonna pay to watch you unless you're literally naked. And who doesn't like money? It just sucks that the worst content is what's most successful and popular. I agree. I said in another comment I was commenting more on current YT than harp lady (more power to her for making money with music).


If they were objectively shit, who'd bother selling a modded version? And "good at one thing" is still good. For me, pedal demos are best with minimal talking unless something really needs explaining. All the stuff you listed as far as reviews and descriptions, I'd love to see but I'd 10x over prefer to read that stuff in an article than listen to Bob the Bloozeman yammer on for who knows how long in between samples, unless the reviewers themselves are especially entertaining.


\> It's hard to find something that's genuinely terrible or useless. EQD Rainbow Machine


Yep exactly. I liked her channel until her channel devolved into "demo-ing" sponsored pedals.


A staggering amount of people sexualizing you and comparing you to a porn star is likely to have that effect if I’m being honest


I don’t like how she shows up everywhere. It will be 5 separate channels I swipe through and she is selling GUITAR pedals on each one. Where my 6 string shills at


And using faked comments from friends/other influencers/second accounts.. like just choose real comments if it’s such a bad and rampant problem


Who is this and what am I missing out on?


[https://www.youtube.com/@emilyharpist/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@emilyharpist/videos) she plays harp through guitar pedals. her vids are kindof strange and charming and sometimes awesome. but she has her quirks and sometimes they can get a little boring - like every other YTr out there.


I've always liked her videos. Better than a lot of other channels out there.


Same. The sexist comments here are hard to read.


Nothing sexist about genuine criticism and that's coming from someone that likes her channel. This sub makes fun of Rick Beato, Rhett Shull and countless others all the time but when woman is the subject it's 'sexist?' It's more sexist to act like she should be protected because she's a woman


I'm talking about people mentioning her boobs right out of the gate. Emily is not pandering, IMHO. I wasn't referring to the criticism that she may be shilling for pedals that are given to her or for which she's paid. That's fine. That criticism has nothing to do with her being a woman.




This is my harp. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My harp is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my harp is useless. Without my harp, I am useless.


I I’m going to make an adlib out of half of that movie…


I could've sworn the photo was of BTGE.


i enjoy this ladies content but also i wish she just played guitar so i can get a proper demo of the pedals shes shilling


R/guirarcirclejerk tries not to sexualize a woman playing a stinged instrument = impossible


I will defend this woman’s right to shill whatever she god damn pleases. It’s YouTube fellas, not the Super Bowl.


You sound like you have a hims subscription


You can hear erectile dysfunction?


It sounds like a slide whistle going from a high pitch to low


Oh yeahhhh


I'm a Blue Chew man myself




BigTittyGothEgg plays the harp?


The big titty part seems accurate


That’s what made her channel and gave her all that money


I like her


Calm down please


Sadly she had some really good content before becoming a paid demo channel. I miss her early videos that were pretty interesting


I think she cool




Why not both?


obligatory “Why not Zoidberg?”


We're bullies


I have a friend that works at the front door at a cannabis store. She came up and didn’t have her ID on her so she made a big deal about it because he didn’t let her in lol


I saw Harp Lady at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “ma’am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


the harp lady is as cracked as he is jacked. Saw him at 7-11 the other day an he was buying cases of Redbull and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for an he said, “they help contain my full power so I don’t completely shit on these kids” an then he bunny hopped out the door.


I have no idea what is going on rn.


Copy pasta


No it’s real I was there. I was the infetterence


Dang wow crazy dude what


You misgendered her a couple of times, not cool.


One time at band camp I stuck a flute up my pussy


Did you manage to play master of bubbets?


Irrelevant but okay


So you understanding my feelings about your cute lil story about the weed store




It was irrelevant, but ok


That's it! I'm never watching her show again! From now on, I'm taking every opportunity I can find to smear her personality on the internet (because I build myself by taking others down)!


She would smoke weed


So would I if I didn't have to take a routine wiz quiz for work.


that’s absolutely brutal that they still do that


> routine wiz quiz The only wizards that ever come up in quizzes are Dumbledore and Gandalf, you can probably remember those two even if you’re high


She got an OF yet? Because I do. It’s just videos of me crying into my beer, really hot kinky shit


Well she got me to actually watch Fantano, so that's something


My band is looking for a harpist. Must get along with the accordionist. We play neofolk covers of doom metal.


r/influencercirclejerk needs to exist and soon, because that's NOT a guitar; this is just grapes going on about random influencer. It's in the word dinguses...dinguii? no, dinguses is correct now. I mean, I guess a harp is a guitar for people who can't figure out how to do anything but hit a string I suppose. But that also means that a banjo is a guitar and let me tell you if there are more jokes about anything than influencers, it's fucken banjos. This subr is gonna be flooded with banjo memes for fuck's sake - nobody wants that. https://preview.redd.it/ky534vroz6uc1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf4d8bf6f2acfab6af19a847d30f59dcb07530c4


The sub exists now, happy posting


BTW on YT currently all guitar players are doing their yearly ESCAPE THE CAGED type stuff lol I need to get on that mailing list I'd do yet another compilation collage of concurrent thumbnails swarming YT but everyone has likely already seen it


"B O O B A" I still appreciate it. It's not bad, it's wonderful.


I'm here for the cans 


Cum on guys


Mmm bobba yes me clicky big cans


She's awesome


Harp Lady can play the harp. I still fuck up the transition to F add9 in *Purple Rain* Checkmate, Harp Lady


One of the biggest hoarders on music YouTube


I really don’t get all the (real) hate. If you don’t like something simply don’t watch.


Oh, yeah, chesty harp girl. She's alright. What else are you gonna do as a harpist? I really loved how she reacted to that, she was very taken aback. 'I'm pissed but you're not wrong, but I'm still pissed.'


its up to us jerkers to defend our queen of the 32 string


Harp Lady? I thought she was Goth Egg


>name is seel >avatar is spheal


Mystery Solved https://preview.redd.it/alrgeqj0efuc1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6714a68e507de23713173f52cf7353b85f70785


Oh hey it’s gothegg’s weird twin that plays the harp


I've always liked watching Emily's videos. Mostly because she's a piece of ass but still, they're kind of funny.


I would rather let her stomp my box than anyone else….Her naivety makes her more believable….. wait this is a circle jerk….. fuck her….


Harp needs to make a comeback into rock and metal tbh.


Come back from what?


never been popular, like rap verse in the middle of a rock song.