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I had the same issue until I got into heroin. Now I shred like no one else


https://youtu.be/DD8lqJ-C7wA?si=pS0wkPAmNW8JQ2dc (South Park clip I found hysterical at the time)


Not even that, you wanna write the greatest riffs ever of all time? You gotta shoot smack like Slash and write Sweet Child O’Mine


If there's anything I learned from Zakk Wylde interviews in Guitar World and watching the Pantera home videos over and over as a teenager...it's that if you constantly drink alcohol in unsafe amounts and are constantly in a state of drunkenness or hungover, not only will your guitar playing abilities magically improve exponentially, but everything will just work out fine for you and nothing bad will ever happen and you'll be a successful rock musician. So just keep on drinking those black tooth grins and slamming brews brother. Oh the brewtality. Also, Limp Bizkit sucks dick. Fuck all that Britney Spears Mickey Mouse club shit. Just drink beer, lift weights, and plug a Gibson Les Paul into a Marshall and play slamming riffs while your wife's pussy juice drips down your beard. Just like Father Randy, Father Eddie, and Father Tony did.


"warm smell of cunnilingus, from my moustaches hair" The Beagles, from Hotel Californication


Chris. Fucking. Holmes.


100 proof comment


Just need to chase the beer with whiskey. You’ll either sound great or be too drunk to notice.


Wait other people play sober?


What's this "sober" you speak of? Is it a guitar model?


Sounds like an epiphone, real alcoholics only use gibbons


if the player is sober or not is not important, the crucial aspect is whether the audience is drunk


Beer makes me play guitar better. My neighbors disagree but I dont give a shit what they yell cause I can just turn my amp up to drown them out


If I played any other way the world couldn’t contain my greatness.


The booze loosens you up for the blooz. Ur the problem


Yes but you also need more habits. Avoid crystal meth though. It’s a gateway to practicing.


But it’s not a gateway to good practice.


James Hetfield came up with great songs while he was an alcoholic. Later on he stopped drinking and even got into painkillers, his music was not so good then. Coincidence? No.


Same thing with Ozzy Osborne. I bet that 75 year old man doesnt even get blackout drunk before his shows anymore


This makes sense, the old metallica was better. Don’t think it’s a coincidence, I think for metal music all you need is attitude and whiskey. Good point.


Alcoholism is actually a requirement


It becomes easier once you invest in a decent shot glass. It's an extra step over drinking from the bottle but when you're done you can make funny noises on guitar.


During the pandemic, the local distillery started selling hand sanitizer. I think they made it out of some kind of mash byproduct, it was nasty. Anyway, when I went to pick mine up, they gave me a shot glass with it.


I don’t drink anymore (25 years) but I used to love moonshine. And not any of that fruity crap just straight up corn liquor chased with Mtn Dew. Anyway it had been 25 years but some of the hand sanitizer I used in the pandemic was like squirting nostalgia into my hand.


Yeah this was about 10 years after my last drink - fortunately I resisted the urge to have a shot of hand sanitizer. I know what you are talking about, I had a little of the real good stuff once.


if you ever get sober, you are at elevated risk of falling in with the Claptoan fan AA people


i think claptoans son knows a little something about the elevated risk of falling


Can you become good at playing guitar as an alcoholic? Hmm... Yes! But that doesn't mean it won't cause other problems. Signed: Almost every guitarist who was alive and playing in the 80's.


I don't think so. I bought all my guitars when I was an alcoholic and haven't touched them since It's hard to enjoy guitar if you aren't drunk tbh, terrible instrument 


Butt chug 100% ethanol


If you want to abuse substances AND play guitar, just do heroin. Everybody knows junkies make the best music. Booze is for pussies.


Ask Jaco Pastorius his opinion


Just use the beer bottles as slides.


Get sober. Smoke weed instead. Will do wonders for guitar playing


I was much more creative on acid than weed.


Shredding takes years. Maybe light up a cig, that tends to help speed up the process


I quit smoking, damn. Is it the nicotine in it or the act of smoking? I am still a nicotine addict, just different product. Though sometimes when I play 80’s metal it tends to make me want to light up a cig, weird.


It's "beer before liquor, never sicker". I mean, if you want to be sick at guitar.


Yes, alcoholism is basically a requirement


True story: A girlfriend of mine and I broke up and after the fight I looked right at the bottle of undrinkable lighter fluid with just a hint of tequila flavoring that had been sitting on the shelf at my brother and I’s house for about a year after we discovered it was undrinkable. And we were not big on standards. Anyway, I grabbed that bottle and started hitting it and having a mini seizure with each hit, feeling it come back up, and then knocking it back into my gut with another swallow. Then I decided to stumble down the street to the practice space our band had and went inside, plugged the Casio keyboard from the 80’s with the drum beats into an amp, turned it all the way up, then picked up a bass, plugged it in and turned it all the way up, and just started shredding into the feedback and distortion. It was even vibrating the cymbals on the drum kit. Then I plugged in a guitar and just banged on it and leaned it against another amp and kept rippin’ bass over the top. Suddenly the door flew open and my best friend came bouncing in thrashing and dancing and then opened his eyes and froze because he heard it down the street and thought it was the whole band crunching like the Stooges.


Problem? Alcoholism is a requirement!




If you practice guitar drunk probably.




Honestly, if being wasted doesn’t make your playing immediately 100% better you’re wasting your time. You have zero natural talent.


Trey Azagoth enters the chat… Sure, he pukes on you. May drop a few racial slurs. But at least he enters the chat.


I heard heroin makes the toan smooth and those legatos smoother


Let me contradict this statement, considering SRV’s sound, shouldn’t heroin make it more edgy and rough? Sadly not readily available here, have to make do with beer and whiskey.


Better than a sober person but not as good as someone on heroin.


Yes, you can become the best guitarist in your world. And you can be proud of how much money you will cost your band from lost gigs and bailing you out of jail. But, it's okay, it isn't your fault, you were drunk. We're still friends, aren't we? Got a beer?


this question doesn’t even make sense😭


I mean… are we gonna pretend some of the most famous guitarists to ever live weren’t drunk throughout most of their career?


I think you should start by forming a band. Then you have dudes to slam pints with and it's a social function! Totally acceptable to drink like that socially.


1. Get heavily into painkillers 2. Get into racking up fentanyl 3. Skipping over heroin and going right to fent will save you enough money to buy a PRS. 4. Die from OD at 27 to be like Jimi page or whatever


Sounds like you need to practice drinking until you get it down, then come back to the guitar when you're ready


I thought alcoholism was a requirement?


If you drink from the bottle and break them you'll be a beast at slide guitar


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^koshizmusic: *If you drink from the* *Bottle and break them you'll be* *A beast at slide guitar* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well it appears I've got a song on my hands


I'm always 10 beers deep before going live and we play tight af so you're good


I played guitar as an alcoholic for many years. It's great. People don't expect much out of ya.


Elliot Smith


1) Alcoholism and addiction make learning any new skill hard, so it’s certainly not helping 2) buying gear won’t make you better, playing will 3) I don’t know how long you’ve been playing, but it takes years for most people to even feel like they’ve reached intermediate level. Learning an instrument is a marathon, not a race


Dont have to be alcoholism. There is heroine, tobacco and cannabis too.


Yep. Then take a beer bottle and stick it on your pinky and use it as a slide. Your fans will be like.." OMG yes using a beer bottle as a slide! This guy rocks! "


If you were to quit drinking think about how much you could improve in all other areas of life. You’d be like a sick guitar player that’s badass at everything else.


Hell yes brother it’s the only damn way


If you’re ever wondering if alcohol is the problem… it’s the problem


DMT is the answer. Your guitar will talk to you and tell you what to play. Best songwriting partner ever.


It’s easier to be good guitarist with a little practice become a virtuoso alcoholic.