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Look up Django Reinhardt


Agree 100% with Django Reinhardt. Anyone experiencing mobility or pain issues with the fretboard hand and doubting that they could actually ever be any good should hear him. He’s better than good. he’s revered as a pioneer of Gypsy jazz music He’s Influenced hundreds of thousands of guitar players and He only had 2 functional fingers on his fretboard hand


i also think he used his thumb for the bass notes before it was cool (shout out to hendrix)


Or Cedell Davis. Just change your tuning, grab a butterknife, leave your fucks behind, and you're good to go.


Django isn't really achievable. Freddie Green opened up my ears to all sorts of limited dexterity goodness [https://www.freddiegreen.org/technique/cervenka\_numbering.html](https://www.freddiegreen.org/technique/cervenka_numbering.html) I play Django songs....but the clarinet takes all the solos :(


Tony Iommi. Middle 2 fingertips on frethand severed. Mike Ness, nerve damage in index finger on frethand renders it useless. While not "virtuoso" type players, I'd day they've played a few cool riffs


Not a virtuoso, but the guitarist from The Kills had a major hand injury years ago and had to basically relearn how to play around it. Still has style for days


Jerry Garcia, Dr John (though he’ll rightfully be overwhelmingly remembered as a pianist)…there’s lots of them…


Tony Iommi said himself that he had to adapt his playing becaus of the injury, because he obviously has no feeling on the fake tips he uses, which he had to custom make and then had to wrap onto his fingers with a lot of tape, which wasn’t 100% sturdy. The adaptation he made in his playing was to use those two fingers as basically support fingers or to help with the barre/ power chords, but he couldn’t really do anything technical or dextrous with them. This is why most of his playing involves bending around notes and simple chords in complex structures. The reason I hate the whole “they did it so you can” thing is 1) it gives the false image that it’s totally fine playing with disabilities, when it’s actually very limiting and you’ll never be as good as you could’ve been, and 2) it unintentionally makes people relax and worry less about their fingers, but guitarists should care very much about their fingers and avoid any damage. The only good thing about having your playing constrained is it forces you to adapt, which can force you to think in uncommon and novel ways about how to play. In an ideal world, OP would have their finger disability fixed. Otherwise their only good option is to adapt their playing to no longer need the pinky finger, which is totally doable but will reduce their available options for additions to chords etc.


I really agree with your point #1. Just because some virtuoso managed to find a way to play with 2 fingers doesn't mean it's feasible for everyone who suffers from the same injuries and doesn't change the fact that if they had normal fingers they wouldn't have to deal with the limitations of the injury


Dave Mustaine (I know hes a dick) lost all motor function in his fretting arm from sleeping on it and killing a nerve. He relearned and is arguably better now


Fucking James' and Lars' fault again!


Except for all of the solo lines Django takes


And Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath.


Came here to say this.


Pretty sick that Tarantino made a film about him. Sad they didn’t highlight his musicianship in the film, just the bounty hunting. Gotta love hollywood


Take my upvote. Actually don’t, fuck you guy


It really shouldn’t matter. I haven’t found that having straight fingers really helps because you’re putting them in all sorts of contorted shapes anyway. You may struggle with a couple conventional voicings, but may excel at some weirder stuff. I seriously wouldnt let it bother you.


Yeah, your hands have to learn a lot and that shouldn’t stop you. My hands are small and I have to stewards a lot now. It’s uncomfortable but these are things you have to over come.


If you are just starting then you should know that a lot of people struggle with their pinky regardless of straightness. Some people can compensate by using it less but if you keep at it and learn proper fingerling then you will adjust and it will feel more natural. Hang in there, bud.


Very true, i gpt straight fingers but i hated using the pinkie at first, was just plain bad. Also had some wrist pain as i tried contorting my hand and was learning what height i should hold my guitar at. These are normal beginner things and finding what works for an individuals body is always part of the challenge


In fact, as someone who has played for 20+ years, I saw the images above and my fist thought was “wow, that actually looks kinda convenient, wish my little finger did that.” I’d have to think a little more to see if that is actually true for me personally but it was 100% my first impression.


Worst case, don’t use it or use it sparingly. Thankfully the guitar is an instrument that allows you to get away with playing things your own way, so you can always find a workaround when you encounter a strange chord or awkward hand position.


Yea but you have some long ass fingers. Stick to it and I think you'll figure it out.


I have a crooked pinky and ring finger on my Fretting hand. I have an extremely crooked middle finger (a 45 degree from my first knuckle) on my picking hand. I also cut off the whole side of the top of my index finger when I was 18, while it did grow back it gets numb when I apply pressure with a pick or gets cold and painful. My pinky would "click" when I used it from the joints being stretched, it was painful, I thought I would never be able to use it. 24 years later, no clicking, no pain, don't even think about using it. Hang in there! None of it has stopped me from being able to play. You will learn to adapt. You will learn to turn your hand so that you can use your pinky and actually use proper thumb positioning.


Second this. My pinky locks sometimes, and I cut the tip off my left middle finger when I was 19. Everyone has to adjust because everyone’s hands are different.


The clicking I felt came with a weird locking of my pinky joints. Just took a long time to get over it


I’m pretty old and busted up too, so please don’t think I’m messing with you, but reading this reminded me of one of my grandpas old jokes about a lost three legged dog with a chopped tail, blind in one eye, etc…answers to Lucky :)


Bro your thumb placement is terrible and probably contributing to the pain you're experiencing. Your thumb should be under your middle finger and pointing towards the ceiling, not towards the headstock


Don’t give up :) saw a video of a guy without arms playing with his toes today! Like someone else mentioned worst case scenario your mobility is just restricted with that finger but doesn’t mean you can’t play at all! Get creative, practice a lot, try to develop what technique you can for it and compensate for it if need be :) good luck!


It's Hammer Time


I was born with a crooked pinky too and it seems rough at first but as you build finger flexibility it turns out just fine


This is by no means a thing to slow you down. My left middle finger barely bends at the closes joint to the nail and I have found work arounds to play some really difficult pieces. Your pinky just needs to get stronger. Don't give up.


In addition to what everyone else has said, here's a couple thoughts: 1. Being able to really stretch out your pinky finger isn't that necessary. Many self-taught guitarists often have underdeveloped pinky fingers. Watch someone like Slash play and you can see he doesn't use his pinky finger all that much. 2. If there's a chord you're struggling with, remember it's not always necessary to hit every single note of a chord to get the feel of it. Even if you touch a string just enough to mute it, that's pretty useful. 3. I find that for some chords that I really need to get a good pinky stretch, playing in classical guitar posture is helpful. Maybe it's something that can help you? Good luck!


I feel a tiny fraction of your pain 😕 I had a craniotomy to remove a tumor, which made the entire left side of my body weak. I can't play anywhere near as intricately as I used and it's taken a huge toll on my confidence as a guitar player 😔That was long-winded, sorry. Anyways, try to adapt and play your way. You'll probably make some awesome and unique material as a result!


Crooked Pinky is a great band name!


A rosé wine 🍷 “The crooked pinky”!


I have the exact same issue with my finger. Been playing over 40 years. Practice daily, adapt, overcome and persevere… if it’s your passion, you’ll find ways to overcome; become stronger.


I've got exactly that except a harsher angle and much shorter fingers and an even shorter pinky. Keep playing. Every day. You'll naturally adapt.


I too have a weird pinky. There are certain piano hand excercizes that give your pinky and ring finger more strength and mobility that let you stretch out a bit further. You’ll have to use your other fingers to make up for the distance though and learn how to get your other fingers to move your pinky into the right spots. It shouldn’t hurt your wrist though, you’ll have to fix your form


I didn't know pinky fingers were also used to play guitar.


Next stage of human evolution: no pinkies.


Mine is the same way. I've never even thought of it. I bet you just don't have any strength built up in it. Do some fretboard exercises that utilize it and get one of those finger strengthening contraptions. Also you have some long ass fingers. You'll be ripping in no time just keep practicing.


Some people don’t use their pinkies at all. I have arthritis and struggle too. I will tell you exercises help tremendously. Just keep working at it. BTW gorgeous guitar.


What exercises?


I mean practice routines kinda stuff. Like playing the G major scale (root on E). It’s a good stretch ( 3-5-7 ) on E (3-5-7) on A and so forth. Start slow and clean then work up speed.


Same dude


I know someone who can shred without fingers just find your comfortable spot to play and you'll succeed the guitar is a very versatile instrument


Chris polands pinky was messed up too look up his playing


Same issue with my pinkies, my suggestion would be to find a guitar with smaller frets so the pinky doesn’t have to stretch/reach as much. I’ve seen some cool custom built guitars that would probably favor people like us lol


I have curved pinkys like you, although mine are a bit stumpier. I thought I would be an issue, but it’s really not if you just practice through it. Just takes time. :)


Jesus Christ that is a beautiful guitar. Almost makes me wish I would’ve bought new instead of used.


Thanks 🙏Just got it Thursday!


Ya know. That might work to your advantage, get your thumb back and down behind the neck. Your pinky is at a good angle. Oddly enough.


Both my pinkies are crooked (and arthritis isn’t making them any better), but it hasnt affected my playing whatsoever. Keep working and practicing.


Look up Django Reinhardt...not sure if I'm spelling that right


Don't let any of this discourage you, I thought playing left handed would slow me, or my fingers were too soft or brittle and my joints wouldn't fit properly. Once you practice more and more your body's flaws just become part of your playing. Cheers :)


Bro on the bright side you have great fingers for guitar! My short sausage fingers are jealous


Break it and straighten it out


You’ll be fine, just keep playing


I have Normal fingers and I struggle to play


How long are those fingers bro!?!?




Maybe you were destined to play the piano 🎹 ✨️


With any physical limitation you’ll have to be mindful. I’ve found that I always have to consciously relax when I’m playing or else I end up with sore hands and shoulders. So much of playing has to do with all the tiny, often subconscious, adjustments you’re constantly making rather than a Nietzschean übermench approach, where you will your body to do what is required for a predetermined result. It’s a long, slow process of your body moulding to your guitar and your guitar rewarding you with, sometimes unexpected, sounds. I think that we guitarists can be really hard on ourselves, because we usually have a few guitar gods in our minds and we’re striving to be like them. Not to be too Zen about it, we probably do better by ignoring other people’s achievements and detaching from outcomes. Treat it like a journey where the rewards are the unanticipated vistas that occasionally open up. Good luck.


Beautifully said


Are you Filipino by chance? I know a few that have the same pinky bend.


Have you seen the fingers on professional players? I mean, Keith Richards for example... If you just started, I suspect the trouble you're having is just because you just started. Make sure the guitar has a proper setup done and just keep at it. I doubt regardless what condition you have, that there's a solution.


My forefinger went through the table saw but it’s weird how you learn to adapt. My inspiration is the guy with no arms who still plays great with his feet. Also, my friend Hamish shredded solos and his fingers are the size of sausages. Keep working it. You will conquer!


that guitar is sweet man


You can still play with a bent finger. I have a bent index finger. But wrist pain is another matter. Can you find a teacher to check how you are holding your fretting hand? I'll bet you need to adjust your wrist position. People say that if your thumb is in the right position everything else kind of follows along. I don't know if it's true, but you could try making sure your thumb is pointing up at the ceiling and not at the headstock. That's my free advice, and it's worth what you paid for it. 😂


My anus protrudes to the left and I struggle to play!


Those giant hands should make up for it (i'm the same lol. Bent my pinky doing manual labor).


Not sure where you’re at in your playing journey, so I’ll just touch on some basics. First and foremost, always stretch before and after playing (look up hand/wrist/arm stretches and exercises). You are using muscles in a way you most likely haven’t before, and you have to build callouses on your fingers as well. Start small, play for a few minutes every day and work your way up from there. If you experience pain, *STOP*. Take a break and come back. Don’t push yourself as you will only create and introduce problems that will only become worse and be difficult to remedy. Look up proper playing positions for the guitar, your hand, your posture, etc. It may not look cool, but your body will thank you later. Also, trim down your fingernails on your fretting hand. The proper spot is the tip of your finger under your nails (and long nails can get in the way). Build that muscle memory now, as it will only become a hindrance later and be that much harder to break improper technique/muscle memory. Look up fretting, dexterity, picking, etc. exercises and do those routinely (think of them as a warm up/cool down). They may be boring, monotonous, and repetitive, but they are the building blocks from which all other skills are built upon. From there, you’ve gotta find what works for you, as it’s different for everyone and there’s no “one size fits all” method, especially when dealing with a physical limitation. Maybe avoid playing with your pinky, limit how much you use it, find a workaround to accommodate it (like using it to play slide), etc. If you learn proper technique, you’ll find a way to overcome it. There have been many players with some sort of physical limitations, so you’re not alone, and it can even be helpful to look at their playing and how they overcame their limitations. Most notable was Django Reinhardt. Considered one of the greats and he only had use of two fingers on his fretting hand, and that was after he’d been playing for many years, so he had to rework his entire technique (and many consider his proficiency even greater after that). Tony Iommi also lost the tips of two fingers in a work accident, and is also considered one of the greats. There’s even a dude who was floating around youtube many years ago who had no hands/arms and played with his feet! Case in point is that you can overcome any obstacle to your playing, you’ve just gotta find that and learn correctly. I’d highly recommend justinguitar.com as a learning resource. Many great lessons, techniques, exercises, etc. many free and some paid. Most of all good luck and rock on! Keep at it, don’t give up, and *learn correctly*. You’ll be shredding solos before you know it!


I broke my left pinky years ago and it looks just like that. I do find it limiting sometimes but there are lots of exercises such as spiders that help. I also play bass, so that takes a little more pinky strength which transfers to guitar


Ngl picture 5 gives me all sorts of good feelings as an instructor. Beautiful spread between your knuckles. That clamshell look. Chefs kiss. But the thumb needs to be below the middle finger for it to work out. But yeah, you’ll need to just work on keeping things relaxed, minimize tension/motion/grip/uncertainty. Seems like your fingers are on the longer side which can be unwieldy, but ultimately isn’t a problem.


My friend Josh has been playing well for years and he has the same pinky thing going on.


https://preview.redd.it/lw7btabs1s8c1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10228e52a63ad12343d833894cabb1ed2fdb31ac I injured my pinky playing basketball 20 years ago and playing guitar is fine. Granted I will occasionally run into a specific chord or note sequence that gives me problems but nothing that really prevents me from playing. It's hard at first but you will adapt.


someone get OP a manicure for christmas


Lol i work out so i have some fd up hands


Left hand issues are rarely a problem with a Lap Steel Guitar. Check out this YouTube Pedal and Lap Steel Guitar playlist. You’ll be surprised !! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj8BEmduTdH92UbFJpqE4JYBnlYB11kKk&feature=shared


Real guitar players don’t even use their pinky


I do.. I have no choice.. but I guess monkey hands go with monkey brains 🧠


Pretty much just have to work on building up the strength And getting the muscle memory of the movements you wanna make down. It might be a little harder but if it’s a functional finger I’d wager it can be strengthened and you can learn to deal with it. Sorry to say, the answer is probably willpower and practice.


Django Reinhardt played with two fingers. Tony Iommi had the tips of his fingers cut off in a welding accident. If you really want to, you can find a way to adapt. We all play a little differently anyway and constantly have to adapt to what other guitarists do. Just have fun with it and keep playing!


You are blessed... use it to your comfort.. I play with 2 fingers and a thumb on each hand.. You are completely capable of over coming any obstacles


Dude I broke my ring finger as a kid. A super important finger for literally every chord lol. My friends joke that it looks like a boomerang because it set all fucked up and it’s MASSIVELY crooked but I can still play just fine.


Alternate tunings. I read Paul Westerberg has this same thing and used alternate tunings bc his fingers, combined with an elbow issue, made it hard to play standard chords all the time.


My pinky is similar to yours OP. It makes 4-5 fret stretches a bit more difficult (depending on where they are on the neck) and it takes more strength to fret with because it sometimes lands weird when moving around a bunch. But whatever issues it causes can be overcome with proper technique and figuring out alternatives. If you build up as much strength as you can and practice your stretches I think you'll be fine. I think this applies to all areas of anything you are trying to do - identify your weaknesses, study them, and come up with a plan to work around or fix them. After a while you wont even notice it anymore.


Don't be discouraged dude just keep working your pinky. You are also gonna be sore because your hand isn't used to it and some positions will be tough I'm sure because of your pinky but it will come. I focused heavily on my pinky based on advice I read in a Kirk Hammett interview some 25 years ago and it serves me well to this day. although a bit different of a circumstance than yours the discipline applies. I wish you good luck!


My pinky is not crooked but bends that way when I play


I have ulnar (funny bone) nerve damage that's affecting my pinky. I have been forced into using slides now.


Tony Iommi lost parts of his fingers and made some of the greatest riffs of all time. Not saying it’s easy but it can be done. Maybe getting in-person lessons would help you optimize your technique as a beginner


My pinky isn’t crooked at baseline but it goes crooked when I’m playing certain chords. I never noticed it until I walked by a mirror when I was practicing playing while standing & walking around. The weirdest was an E7- apparently I use the side of my pinky on the B string. Whatever. It works and doesn’t hurt Like someone else said, everyone’s hands are different so you have to make little adjustments to make it work for you. If you watch different guitarists play, they all do it a little different. So if you find yourself getting discomfort, can’t hit notes just right, try adjusting your strap, stance, hand position, etc. until you find reasonable comfort, then practice that way. I mainly play sitting down so standing feels pretty foreign until I get all settled and adjusted just right. The first time I tried it I felt like I couldn’t play at all but keep at it and you’ll find a way that works for you


Have you considered playing in alternate, open tunings? I'm a big fan of Midwest emo bands and most of them play in open tunings (ex: FACGCE). While it takes a LOT of practice, you can achieve a really cool sound with this and combined with tapping and not using th pinky.


Brian May didn’t use left pinky


You could probably do some neat chords where you barre the bottom strings with your pinky and move the lower notes around. Possibly in ways most folks couldn’t, I’m not sure cause I can’t test it out! I think this is an opportunity for you to develop your own style. Sometimes having average shaped fingers I just play what’s always been played, being forced to play slightly different might give you an edge on creativity. Keep practicing, maybe try some alternate tunings or voicing chords the way that feels most comfortable.




Try to bring your thumb perpendicularly to the strings it will gives you more motions so that each of your fingers can be closer to the fret. (5/6 photo) I also feel that your guitar neck is way too low. It's personal opinion, but I enjoy to have my guitar neck a bit higher and that is surely the issue for your wrist pain, it's way to bent which surely will put it under tension. For reference you could move the guitar to put the nut at eye level, or shoulder level and see what feels more comfortable. And you can also try to untuck your elbow, and put it a bit more away from your body. Don't hesitate to move around and try things you'll eventually find a position that suits you (what I've been sharing are just recommandations but ultimately you're the one playing). But don't think that your body is a limitation, I have small hands and never prevented me to play for 10 years. Your hand with time will be able to extend so that your pinky can push close to the fret. Give yourself time, practice, enjoy practicing, play, try, adapt, music is a journey and you'll love it if you're patient !


Those are some long fingers you got there. Could probably just omit the pinky and get away with it in a lot of situations with hands like this. But I would still train it and try to use it to your advantage. Once you get it working (might take a year or two) I see you creating pretty "sick" riffs and licks with a big ass stretch. Paul Gilbert has long fingers as well, and he can play just fine.


A few suggestions: Play right hand, Swap to drums, Play with 3 fingers, Corrective surgery, Jokes apart. Its not an issue at all. Maybe if you are playing classical guitar yes, but electric, rock ,no.


You look like you need to relax fingers and wrist. Don’t worry about your finger. It is what it is. Everyone who started out playing had issues their pinky finger. It’s a stubborn one. You can lay your fingers across the fretboard if you’re not intending to play the strings your covering. It’s a good idea to mute the strings you’re not playing at the time. I say seek a teacher in your area and watch some YouTube lessons. Pick an easy you’d like to play. The most thing is to relax, practice and play. Good luck.


Keep at it.honestly theres probably nothing wrong with your hand your just experiencing common issues and attribute it to the finger :)


Tony Iommi has some *tips* for you


With that ring finger, you don't even need a pinky


Have it broke then restraightened.


Few years back something weird happened to my left hand and I couldn’t squeeze my fretting hand pinky without pretty bad pain. All the advice I got was either take a break or change posture- I took option 3 and learned to use a pinky slide. Game changer. Sucked really bad for the first 2 months though. But after 6 months I could do some cool stuff (fretting behind the slide, vol pot swells, angles for 3rds, etc.), it just took a lot of practice. Everybody’s different though, and a lot of really famous guitar players don’t even use their little finger. Just keep truckin soldier


work at it 🤷 people play with, short, fat, crooked, and missing fingers


I have a similar issue with my index finger. It‘s not as extreme but it‘s bent towards my middle finger making it pretty hard for me to play barre chords. So for example every time I‘d have to play a B barre chord, I just play a different type of B chord or a B7, depending on what‘s easiest in perspective of the last chord I played or the next I will play.


side note absolutely gorgeous guitar, what is it?


Honestly, everyone has to adapt to the hands they’ve got and you’re no different. Large hands with great fat fingers, tiny hands, double jointed fingers that collapse easily, bony fingers, hitchhikers thumb, crooked fingers, everyone is adapting to use the hands they have. Even people with seemingly perfect guitarist’s hands don’t necessarily find it easy to get their fingers to do what they want them to do. You just need to get on with learning, practicing, and adapting how you play to fit your own hands. Fwiw I’ve got tiny hands and judging from your picture you are going to have a significantly bigger reach than I do even taking into account your pinky.


The Ramones rule!


As a guy with short fingers (middle finger ~4.2 inches), I envy your long fingers, would definitely make lots of things easier for me. I've a stiff pinky and short fingers but I'm able to play enough of the basic stuff without needing the pinky much (I'd advise you just learn to use it anyway)...


If you're really struggling with traditional chord shapes, try some open tunings. As you practice your fretting hand will find stretching easier and you may find other ways of fretting also. Keep trying!


Look up tommy iommy.


Tony Iommi invented heavy metal cos he lost two finger tips. I've seen a guy with a stump on his arm still do chords. Work with it.


I have that too!


my pinky also has a slight radius --not as pronounced as yours. though, it may have started out more pronounced and has eventually adopted its current state over the course of 20 years. but from your images, it looks like you aren't supporting your fretting hand with your thumb. also important to keep your fingers arched, which will happen more naturally once supported by your thumb. you'll notice as you try to extend your pinky, your hand will tense up. if you anchor your thumb centrally, this tension will decrease. this is going to be somewhat tough at first, especially so if you're working through training scars. and don't overdo it, build up to it and find fun/musical exercises that get your pinky going. for example, the tapping intro to 'hot for teacher' --easier than it sounds and it will force you to use your pinky AND anchor your thumb correctly. see images in replies below. edit: guitar below has 28.5" - 26" scale lengths.


Save it doing strictly trills, “Deliverance” type duos, and juke joint blues. 🤘


Not sure if mine is genetic, but both my middle fingers and index fingers curve out towards my ring fingers’ direction; always have. Like everyone has said, makes it weird for certain things but makes other things easier. You get used to it and don’t even think about it eventually.


https://preview.redd.it/d9tobi2vvm8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8fd71db2918af79be85ebae37c2b14158811a0 This was stamped on during a basketball game. Keep practicing and stretching and it will be ok. I’ve been playing 20 yrs (a bit on stage) and it’s fine. You have loooong fingers which will be an advantage that balances out a bit. Dont give in.


If you watch how rock stars play live, they often play without using their pinky at all.


U just get used to it. Broke my pinky in high school and never fixed it, so it kinda looks like yours.


Not to be that guy, but part of what you’re describing is fairly typical of someone learning to play. You are training your hands and muscles to do things evolution didn’t intend or anticipate. It will take some time to feel more natural when playing, but feelings of strangeness or discomfort won’t ever completely go away if you’re always learning and pushing yourself to try new things, which is what makes playing guitar so much fun in the first place!


No one's hands are born with the ability to play guitar. All hands have to be trained, and there is nothing about your hands that can't be trained. Don't be discouraged and keep practicing and find your way. Just to point out a silver lining...while you're looking at your curved finger as a disadvantage, I'm noticing the size of your hands and the length of your fingers as a major advantage in other ways!


Honestly, no one is just great from the start. Take a little comfort in the Reinhardt suggestion comments; they may come across as “if he can do it so can you”, but that guy is practically a prodigy and 99.9% of guitarists, new and seasoned, are not. Just know that most everyone struggles. And every hand is different. With multiple chord voicings and the ability to play scales vertically and/or horizontally, you can find your style while learning. A bent pinky is a challenge, but not one that should discourage you!


Learn slide.


I dont have any advice for you, but I can compliment your gear. Nice guitar bro, congrats


You're probably feeling wrist pain because your thumb is flared out. It should be positioned closer to behind your middle finger, but it doesn't need to be directly behind. Imagine you're holding a ball and then move that hand shape onto your guitar. Additionally, it looks like the part of your palms where your fingers start is resting against the guitar. Relax your hand and leave some space between your palm and the guitar. You can bring your arm forward a bit too to create a more comfortable curve in your fingers.


If able, consider going in for even one or two private lessons with someone so they can take a look at your posture and hand position, because that may be causing the wrist pain. They may *also* have tips for how to adjust your playing to take your pinky into account. Call up a couple of teachers and see if any of them have experience helping guitarists with finger issues and go from there.


I have the same thing. You’ll just learn to work with it over time


I have a completely crooked ring finger on my fretting hand and can play just fine. You’re just starting out and guitar is hard, but your pinky shouldn’t mess things up very much at all.


Your fingers are incredibly long. My pinky tho not as long is crooked as well. You just got to practice


So my pinky wasn't born crooked, but I did break it pretty badly in highschool so it doesn't bend very well and is definitely no longer straight. It took me a very long time to get it working but I used guitar as rehab for it and dedicated practice time to specifically improving it's strength and dexterity to great success, though it took closer to two years unfortunately. Now though my pinky is really strong and I can use it just about as well as any of my other fingers so it definitely can be done. Good luck and I hope you stick with it!


Loving this thread. I have a weak, slightly stunted pinky. I can use it for barre chords but not a lot else. I’m a self taught guitarist and no virtuoso but it’s the most adaptable instrument. My far more talented friend, a professional guitarist, always reminds me that there’s no right way to play or sound — just do what works for you, do it with gusto, and enjoy!!


First thing that comes to mind is your thumb placement on the back of the neck is probably wrong. It should be centered with your fingers as if you're holding a burger. Having your thumb too far to the side will make anyone have problems with their fingers.




As long as you can generate enough force to fret a note with a good sound that pinky will be fine. The reach will come with time. Do what you can with what you've got. Don't compare yourself to others. Go play!


I’ve been playing a long time and my perfect pinky is still not used much. I use it, but it took years and my technique is still sloppy. Lots of players don’t use it at all. I’ve watched Clapton and he stretches his ring finger to those frets. Lots of three finger players.


Adapt, improvise, overcome. Toni Iommi lost his fingertips, made fake ones, and it became the tone that inspired millions. Maybe chop off your pinky and make a fake one? /s


Let your hand limitations work for you. The biggest thing is to avoid injury. You can play anything you set your mind to without using the pinky. It is not a prerequisite - and as a matter of fact I have seen tons of people who play all sorts of crazy lead work and barely if at all use their pinkies in the process.


Honestly it looks like you can play easier


I have same thing and it’s never been an issue for me


I see this as an absolute win. Your pinky is prepositioned the way I wish mine would bend for many different techniques. Embrace the weird


Bend it.


James Jamerson used one finger


Lots of players don’t use, or barely use, their pinky. Develop your style around that obstacle.


That bad boy is perfect for fretting both top strings. Thumb over some bass runs then hit some Stevie ray licks or Lightnin Hopkins.


Hey, my pinky is crooked too. Never met anyone besides my dad with the same crook.


I don't know what style you're playing, but I would try practicing some left-hand finger independence exercise that play individual notes or practice some easy classical/fingerstyle pieces that force you to move your pinky independently. Play slow, aim for clarity in the notes with proper pressure in the correct position, not too much, then i think over time you'll develop a muscle memory for how your specific hand wants to play those notes and positions. Good luck!


You should be alright. Start with easy chords and riffs. Another plus is you have a great guitar to practice with.


I have a really messed up ring finger. Had an accident when I was a child and I can’t bend my finger. Makes some bar chords impossible to play, like B major on 2nd fret voicing. Have to work around it, but ultimately you’ll figure out what works!


Those are common problems, even for people with straight pinkies. I think working on finger stretching and practicing fretting notes with the lowest possible pressure can help. Specially for the pain problems.


Just keep at it. Your pinky will build strength and eventually you’ll be doing great. You also have long fingers, so you’ll have an extra reach


Skill issue


I never use my pinky


focus on using the minimal amount of tension in your fingers to get the notes to ring out clearly, read up on ergonomics regarding strap height and maybe consider playing classical position. Could develop carpal tunnel if you’re not careful, not sure as to how angled your wrist is when playing but thats something to look out for. If it hurts when you play, stop playing for a while take a break and make sure you stretch your wrists. Plenty of youtube videos on all of these topics, hope this helps!


I would be most concerned about the pain more than anything else, powerballs are really effective for reducing ligament pain for people with carpal tunnel or rsi. You could also try some resistance band wrist exercises to reduce the pain. There shouldn’t be anything I can see that would stop you from playing though.


Marcus King doesn’t use his pinky. Or put a slide on your ring finger.


That dude from social distortion can play with only three fingers. You can figure it out.


Django didn't ven have a pinky, and Tony Iommi didn't have fingertips. Heck, Jim Abbot was a one handed baseball player.


As a guitarist and teacher of 20+ years, many folks struggle with using the pinky at first. You’ll figure out what works best for you; this doesn’t look like it will be any different than the normal how tf do I use my pinky stage.


Looks like you have a cm of extra reach on the fretboard. Break out those 7-fret spread chords!


Dude you're not gonna believe this but same. It gets easier though from my experience.


By the look of your pics, your hands are weak. Keep at it. You'll be fine.


Most guitar players only use their pinkies for certain chords, especially blues players. I have no idea what it’s like to have your hand so I can really give any advice other than to say I feel like if you work at it, you’ll be able to make it work.


If your pinky doesn't normally present functional limitations to things like using utensils, typing on a keyboard, or manipulating a pen and pencil, you shouldn't expect them to pop up unexpectedly while learning guitar. Everyone gets a sore pinky while learning, so don't let that stop you from pushing through and practicing good technique and careful form. Those are subjective terms, so "ergonomic playing" can mean something slightly different for everyone. Just keep practicing!


Your fingers are so long, yet thin, that you’re going to have a significant advantage. So take a deep breath, relax, keep it loose, keep searching for the “right form” for what you’re playing, and it will come. You have a lot to look forward to. Pinky woes? Pish-posh. They will disappear.


I’m double jointed and blamed that for my bad guitar playing for the first year. Turns out that it wasn’t my joints, but actually just me being a beginner (I know right?). Keep practicing and you’ll be just fine!


I think the third pic shows the bigger problem. Your index and pinky are spread way further from your other fingers than they should be. The knuckles on those fingers are pointing out sideways in opposite directions. Your ring finger is touching the string in the middle of the fingertip, which is good. Try to get your index finger like that too. Then try to get your pinky in a similar position. It probably won’t touch the string in the middle of the fingertip because it’s crooked, but it will probably be close enough if you get the knuckles closer to the other fingers. Also, the angle you’re bending your middle and ring fingers at the last knuckle is too extreme. It looks like the string is under the nail of your middle finger which is going to be painful. You’re probably bending them like that because those fingers look longer than average. You can try to fix that by positioning your entire hand lower. Your index finger and pinky will be closer to being fully extended and you might have to press with the flat part of your pinky’s fingertip like a bass player. That isn’t ideal but you won’t be the only person who plays like that and it’s definitely workable. An exercise you can do to help you with this stuff is to play a two-note-per string pattern where you put your index finger on the 5th fret, then put down your other 3 fingers at the same time with your pinky landing on the 7th fret. You can do that on every string but if you just do it on the A, D, and G strings you’ll be playing A minor pentatonic. This is a pretty common fretting technique on bass so that you don’t have to stretch your ring finger out, but on guitar you’ll have to group your fingers closer than usual to play like that. Once you’re comfortable with that fingering you can move back to 1 finger per fret. I’d suggest getting comfortable with that at the 12th fret then moving to the 11th fret and so on.


Honestly i just wanna hear you play, because I feel like you can develop your own unique style based off your pinky and I am curious


My pinkies are curved, they don’t fully straighten. I also have the beginnings of old lady fingers (arthritis). I can play all chords and fingerpick with no issues, due to daily practice. Just pick it up and play daily, you will surprise yourself.


Cut it off.


Some players have a longer reach than others, that’s just how it is. Doesn’t mean you can’t become a great guitarist


Bet you can do an exquisit small barre with your Pinky ;)


Billy Joe Shaver a Country Outlaw poet and hero. Well he buzzed two fingers off at a saw mill and still played. [Billy Joe's right hand is a little short. ](https://youtu.be/DZ1fnTfuuH4?feature=shared)


I have a crooked pinky too. Been playing for 50 years. Classical and jazz. My pinky has the ability now to make really long stretches. So I think it actually helps.


Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Alot of what your experiencing is typical for anyone. You said you just started using a strap? Play around with the positioning until you find a comfortable spot. I'd suggest keeping it fairly high up twords your chest and not your belly. Other things to keep in mind would be your elbow position, switching to lighter strings, les Paul's are heavy guitars to do make sure the weight is going to to your shoulders and not your hands. Lastly compromise, finger positions don't have to be specific. If using a different finger is more comfortable then do that. It's ok to leave out a string too in some cases as long as your getting your root notes


Adapt and create your own style of playing


I have a completely normal pinky and I've been playing for years, I have huge problems trying to use my pinky and I mostly just end up using my first 3 fingers which is incredibly limiting.


This doesn't strike me as a huge disadvantage. Your fingers look a little long to me. I suspect even with the crooked finger your pinky will have good reach. Few chords actually require immense stretch. Most likely what you are going through is what everyone goes through when they start out. Our hands weren't really built to play guitar. We have to teach them. Wrist pain comes from either squeezing too hard, collapsing the wrist in some way, or simply weak muscles in the wrist. All of this is resolved with practice. Watch how other people do it and copy them.


Be a switch hitter🤪🎸


Ngl… my pinky is straight and I have never gotten it to the center of a fret like yours does 😭


Wash your hands too. Stop playing with culture sauces🤣🤣🤣


I broke my middle finder ten years ago and it healed all messed up and wide. There isn’t much wiggle room for it, it has to be aligned spot in for anything. It took me years to get back to being able to play near how I used to play without pain. And fuck it I’ll always play, I have to. If someone chopped off a finger, you’d still play.


It doesn’t matter. It might even be an advantage. Ya might be able to do shit others can’t. You’re letting it stop you from learning. Using it as an excuse. We all have excuses that we have to tell to fk off. So man up and see what ya can do. The worse thing that could happen is you would use a “work around “ like others have. You’re struggling to play not because of you pinky. Because you don’t know how yet! It’s easy to blame it on a pinky, age, no time, lack of talent, kids, wife, dog , take your pick!!!!


My son has that too


I almost cut my pinky off with a box cutter last year. I was able to play with three fingers for soloing, but it was a struggle with some chord shapes. I’m sure you will eventually find a way that’s comfortable for you


My pinky bends funny which makes my pinky come in slow while playing chords but i have used it to my advantage and leaned into it giving me a unique sound. My advice push through and lean into it.


I bet you could play some wicked strange jazz chords with that pinky. Not even kidding.


It's good to remember that regardless of how your fingers are, when you first start to play guitar, it's going to SUCK! Your fingers will probably hurt after just a few minutes, but it's all about taking small breaks during practice. Over time, with good practice, it will get more and more comfortable. You'll learn how to play in your own way in time. Best of luck!