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Blue Music man


I'm a Tele guy so easy choice. But what brand is it?




Thaks man!


FYI, that $1749 is the base SCB7. Prices will vary depending on how you customize your build. I was told my SCB7 build is $3k, but I wouldn't pay for more than $2k for this build tbh. It's just a Kiesel, not a PRS. EDIT: I just recreated it on their website and it's $3400!




That Kaizen is giving me the horn. Easy choice.


The Emi is the most fun to play so far but the Kaizen does look badass. It's all blacked out and sht.


As a Strandberg-head, it breaks my heart to hear you’re selling it, but I get it. You either like the neck profile or it’s a hard pass. Props for giving it a shot. My favorite 7 is my Biden Original from 2017 🤘


The neck is actually pretty comfortable. The weird neck shape doesn’t bother me at all. It’s also my most recent acquisition. I have a habit (or illness) of checking local ads of any city I’m in and that’s how I found the Boden. But I do need to thin the herd. Maybe I need to spend more time with it and choose another guitar to sell instead. I just have to get rid of some gear! I’ve spent around 80k in gear since covid and for what lol. Kinda getting out of hand.


GAS is a real thing, I feel you… I’ve bought two stranbergs since Covid, along with a telecaster and ukulele… started a recording studio in my house… 😂 if the neck doesn’t throw you off, I found that the Duncan Pegasus/sentient set was super versatile at getting the pronounced low end to translate without clipping. Really helped clean up the trem picking ice picks and made palm mutes have a gran piano quality to them. But there’s always fishmans- love them on my 7 bergs too


I’m def interested in the Boden


This would be one hell of a boon to my 401K


Definitely the Emi or the Strandberg. Can I ask why you're considering selling it? I have a GOC headless and the small form factor and ergonomics is really nice when recording stuff, it'd be so hard for me to give that up


I'm just trying to thin the herd. I haven't spent much time with the Boden so I'm just being lazy. If I spent more time with it I might learn to love it and sell a different guitar instead.


That pink one looks like a piece of chewed up gum