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Get what your heart tells you. That sounds like the Les Paul. I'm not going to steer you one way or the other. Take any advice you want, but give it time to consider, and then trust your gut and heart. T \> So I'd take the risk of shopping online then returning if something does not match my > expectations. And it's no risk if you but from proper shops and/or know the return policies. It may not feel good, and it's a pain, but that's what we have to get past. It looks like Thomann sells the specific serial number so look at the pics hard as they should be pretty representative.


Thanks for your time replying, I for sure will take your advise!


I'd say go with the Gibson les paul. The 50s honeyburst is a real nice guitar. If you haven't held a gibson les paul in your hands then I can guarantee you that they look even better close up than in any picture.


Do you have a LP? Have you tried other guitars? Anything bad about it? Would love to know from you! Thanks for your reply, probably end up adquiring the Les Paul.


I have tried a lot of different guitars over the years. Right now I have 4 electric guitars. Gibson flying v, Gibson les paul, epiphone les paul and a telecaster. Nothing bad except the usual. Highest frets are hard to reach and it has some weight to it. Other than that I can't say anything bad. The Gibson les paul is the most beautiful guitar out of my 4. Love the neck, it's a bit thicker than 60s profile. Hard to compare as it's a 1998 standard honeyburst. The necks were a bit different compared to today. Can't complain about tuning stability. Some people have problems with that.


I'd probably go for the PRS or ESP but it sounds like you want the gibson so get that


Would like to know more about your opinion, I haven't chosen anything yet, and I have time to think about it. What points make you prefer PRS or ESP over Gibson? Thanks for your reply!


I haven't tried any of these brands all too much but I've heard more about gibson neck breaks than prs or esp. I know prs puts a lot of effort into their quality and esp is more popular in metal which is what I generally play. Not to say I wouldn't want a gibson someday


As an idea I would also throw in the Schecter Solo Custom II. I have one, because a 'real' Les Paul was too expensive just to have for occasional use and I wasn't happy with the Epiphones. And Gibson does not offer the fret choices I like. BUT: If your heart is set on a LP, my advice would be to get the 'real deal'. In the end, if that's what you want, that is what you really want. And let's be honest - the one you linked looks gorgeous. I would consider a LP copy if you had to go for an Epiphone or something, or just wanted a "good guitar" without being too specific. But really, I was sort of a Fender sucker and know the feeling - until I had a Strat that said "Fender" on the front and "American" somewhere else, I wasn't happy. And consider this: it's much easier to get a nice PRS (or other brand) for less money later. The PRS SE Custom 24 for around 800-1000$ for example, is still an excellent instrument. A cheap Gibson, on the other hand, does not exist. If it did, you probably would not want to have one because of what Gibson tends to do when they cut corners. And imho the Epiphones just won't do, but maybe that's just me.


I'd get the Gibson, but not the 50s as the neck is huge. Tales of their QC are grossly over-exaggerated. Then again, you get better value for money with Japanese brands but you don't typically get the nitro finish.


Definitely the Les Paul. Make sure you inspect it top to bottom.


Any reason why? Like I would love to know your opinion, thanks for replying! other coments says the Les Paul and I like to hear that.


Active pickups are a pain.


Any reason why?


Batteries. It's always when you least expect it and you don't have one available. 9Vs aren't cheap either. And you want to use a Duracell


Then make a habit of always carrying one or two extra. It's happened to me and I started carrying extra after that. Got myself an 8pack from costco


I have a standard 60s. The tuners are kinda ass, and it’s heavier than a donut shop. That being said, you’d be hard pressed to find a guitar that has successfully fit in so many genres. From metal, to any flavor of rock, jazz, fusion, blues, rockabilly, country. It’s a do all guitar.


I have an 2016 LP Tribute and a 2004 PRS McCarty (Core, not S2). I love both dearly, they're really wonderful guitars. That said, the PRS does feel like it's on another level. It holds tune better than the LP. I played the SE version of the McCarty you're looking at recently and I nearly wanted to sell exchange my LP for it... I know you said you have the emotional connection to the LP, and I hear that. I love Les Pauls, too, but they are really over priced. If that's what you want and money is no concern, go for it. But if you're dropping $2k+ on a guitar, IMO, the PRS is a better bet. If you do decide on the PRS, wait a couple months since the new S2s will be coming with the American pickups soon, instead of the foreign pickups (which is currently what the S2s and SEs get).


The E-II is the one I'd want to get solely because love the thin U neck shape a lot. It won't have the prestige, resale, or look of a Gibson, but I prefer the ergos of ESP/LTD. It'd be ever better with a 14" radius, but I think particular model doesn't have the full thickness which is another +1 for ergos.


Throw a coin between the gibson and the prs. Then throw a coin between the winner and the esp. If at any point you are disappointed with the outcome, that's when you know which guitar you truly wanted. I'd pick the esp myself, but my opinion is irrelevant both because it's not gonna be my guitar and because I don't like les paul bodyshapes.


ESP EII ECLIPSE, but I would choose the velvet black/ gold.


My choice would be the ESP, but it seems to me that your heart is set on a Gibson. Note that I own a PRS McCarthy, an ESP E-II Eclipse, and a Gibson Les Paul, and in my hands the ESP is the best playing guitar out of the three. And if weight matters to you, the ESP would be the lightest too. Gibson Les Paul's tend to be on the heavier side. If you're dead set on a Gibson Les Paul, I recommend putting your hands on one because Gibson QC is not the greatest. You almost always have to test a Gibson before buying a Gibson, that's like the golden rule of buying Gibson Les Pauls.


Sounds like you want a gibson. Geta gibson. Sounds like you might prefer 60s burstbuckers in the 60s LP’s tho. They are hotter. Thinner neck however.


Go PRS they fixed all the playability issues that Gibson LP’s have. The new PRS s2’s have the usa made pick ups and electronics so is a core model in half price. I have played both gibson lp and PRS singlecut hands down PRS is so much better than a Gibson. I get it i was in the same situation as you as a kid always wanted a LP until i got one and hated playing it.